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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. I've tried Cow Chips, they're very nice. I can't say much for the Rump Chips, but the Shoulder Chips were very nice.
  2. Even CNN (guesses Kat's reply is going to be: Especially CNN)?
  3. So that would make you Liberal know wouldn't it, Toto? And since I'm still in a raging fury from your Nazi comment, not only am I going to say Deleted by Horatio...
  4. You really need a new History teacher if you're going to spout out that sort of thing, especially when Hitler set up a new state church in Germany to replace the Catholicism and hmmm.... let me think, I believe it was (suprise, suprise) a Christian church, so he wasn't against Christianity, just other denominations of the Christian Church that challenged him or met him with opposition. So please Toto, don't pretend to know something when you don't. And no you wouldn't Toto, because a) You'd be completely different because you wouldn't have had the same upbringing b)Even if you were still Anglo-Italian or whatever race you are, you wouldn't be in Germany, you'd be in England because it would be likely your parents wouldn't be in Italy because of Mussolini. c) You don't fall into one of Hitler's hate groups, he even addmited he liked the English in one of his speeches. I wouldn't be a Nazi even if I was German for the following reasons: i) I cannot tolerate racists ii) I'd be in one of the groups Hitler prosecuted and processed (Upper Middle Class and onwards) iii) I couldn't be a Neo-Nazi because that has only been recently formed and it was the Nazis in 1940. Also I am offended that you would call me a Nazi, because just because I'm a scientist doesn't mean I'm a Nazi. And anyway, most of the respectable scientists (Einstein) fled Germany in 1933. SO MEH!
  5. Before learning how to become a ninja Hamster you must first learn how to........ Get stuck in an ingenous torture chamber and be subsequently mutilated by the spiky walls! *Horatio gets trapped in an ingenous torture chamber*
  6. Are you refering to mine and Toto's war over the word: "Liberal"
  7. So you would call an arm that has been cut off a severed arm rather than a decapitated arn despite the fact many people do call cut off apendages, decapitated apendages?
  8. Thank you Horatio and good luck in taking back your title.
  9. Of course Horatio, I'd love to be bathed in lava.
  10. For the Glaciers, cheap hot water and volcanic mountains?
  11. You can do that after you post my song into this collection.
  12. No, Horatio. 1) I don't have access to the micicle stores 2) We are not called the Dark Side, we are the Sheena side! 3) I did not influence MW using drugs, she switched under the influence of the power of Sheena!
  13. Hah! I have gone off and read the text book definition of a "Liberal" book and it means that a book is written to leave the reader to come to an open decision about the books context and plot, rather than channeling them down one route of thought. Of course you may be using it as a critical term, which completely astounds me because to be "liberal" means you are open minded, allow all points of view to be heard etc. Which is what a democracy is, so really because of the purges in America lead by Truman and the FBI director of the time, Hoover, you can't really call it a democracy can you? because nothing communist is allowed to be printed, seen or heard anywhere in the US, and it is still that way to day! SO being Liberal is a good thing, whereas being Extreme Democrats or Republicans is a bad thing because it is sealing off any influences from Right or Left Wing partys!
  14. I know what you mean, the 2nd edition of the New New boards.
  15. 1. Good, full marks for the first question. Give them a meaningless job that sounds as if it has power when all they are are puppets. 5/5 2. Good answer, but dropped a mark by not saying how you would prevent the Embassys and those who oppose your rule (there is always one) from telling the UN that the country has been invaded. 4/5 3. Short answer, but clear and effective. Dropped two marks by not saying where these riches would come from. (i.e. Crab Key's Mine in James Bond) 3/5 4. Excllent answer, good tactic and even if news got to the UN by that time it'd take a Nuclear missile to stop your army. (even thought it couldn't because you built a working Star Wars project, duh.) 5/5 5. Excellent answer. 'Nuff said. 5/5 6. Use of ancient tactics, collapse governments from within. 5/5 Total Marks: 27/30 Grade: A*
  16. A compliment? A compliment of complimentary-ness?
  17. There'll be out soon. *tries to cover up a decapitated sanity arm*
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