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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. Thats only become recently, it used to have the highest car per person ratio in the world. They also have Hydrogen buses, which were first developed by CERN to use in Germany and then to Iceland and at the minute they are spreading across Europe, though how soon it will reach Britain I don't know.
  2. I suppose that since the CIA get all their intelligence information from CNN I guess that's a good idea.
  3. I thought the Yakuza just killed and then gouged out the left eye.... or was it the left pinkie?
  4. *watches Everglade trees fall down* STOP Horatio! Save the Everglades, they're in a bad enough state as it is!
  5. *notes Horatio's lure into a false sense of security method and makes sure it doesn't work*
  6. Come on, its only 7:40pm over here, that mean's its only 2:00pm over on the East Coast!
  7. I think I may have misspelt the first bit, but it also means Removal of the head.
  8. Remind me to have the Nashville eliminated then. So why is it in Memphis?
  9. Actually, some of those things don't really make Hitler a sick man, rather someone who knew the Truth and unforunately pushed his other ideas (which were uninfluenced by the Truth) to an extremist limit. Of course you do, thats why you called me a Neo-Nazi.
  10. 10,000 flies can be wrong, especially if they were brainwashed. And anyway Cow Manure is tasty, but only to flies and other creatures with a taste for dung or a dung fixation. Great, one point for ruining one of Horatio's sayings.
  11. Someone may have dropped a cow chip (meat), it rotted and the flies came and feasted.
  12. Well, I was talking about cow meat fashioned into chips.
  13. And why is it in Memphis? And isn't Memphis the music captial of America?
  14. That'll take the lifetime of a star if Toto keeps going on about stupidity and Liberal (btw, STupidly when you called our government Liberal you failed to realise that that could mean it is more a true Democracy system than the American Democratic system, making the joke be on you and make me just be right about your abuse of the word Liberal) and not only it be the lifetime of a star, it'll be the white hot heat of a supernova and the intensity of a Black Hole, oh just wait, I;m not allowed to use the term Black Hole am I, because Toto still thinks the Earth is flat and the sky is Heaven.
  15. You can guess why and Toto, if you'd heard the comment, you would have understood that you deserve it.
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