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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. I'm not, I've already got my plans worked out. Economical collapse is a key feature, oh and leaving Bush to do something so horrific that it makes everyone turn against him.
  2. *anti-air missiles fly out from the Mech Warriors on the ground below* *Fighter Phoenixs fly to take helicopter down* *Monkeys latch onto the helicopter and start melting the metal away*
  3. Of course, but you are aware that dictating a life is worse than ruling a life?
  4. Whats the significance of 9:12 AM? And I need to know which to understand what you are going on about, because if you change the context it can mean something completely different.
  5. And if you want "in the morning/afternoon/evening in French" you don't put: Dans le matin, j'ai vu Horatio tombe! (reminds self to find out the Alt codes for accented letters) You Put: Le matin, j'ai vu Horatio tombe!
  6. *locks away in a padded white cell where she can think about how much of a n00b (!!!!) she is and how a change of course of action may improve her likelyhood of living for more than 2 more seconds*
  7. So why do I get attacked along with the Hentai and Yaoi artists?
  8. So? What about this Neo-Nazi in Minnesotea? Wow. News. This is big News. Must.... post..... credible...... story....... Teenage gunman kills nine in US A US teenager has shot dead nine people - seven of them in a rampage through a school that ended when he apparently killed himself. He earlier shot his grandfather and his grandfather's partner, police said. At least 12 other people were hurt at Red Lake High School on a Native American reservation in the northern state of Minnesota. It was the deadliest school shooting since the Columbine killings in 1999 when two teenage gunmen killed 13. Monday's carnage began when the boy, identified by school officials as 17-year-old Jeff Weise, shot dead grandfather Daryl Lussier - a veteran police officer - and his partner. "I looked him [the gunman] in the eye and ran in the room, and that's when I hid" Sondra Hegstrom Witness They died at their home in the Red Lake reservation, about 240 miles (390km) north of the state capital, St Paul. Armed with at least two weapons, a handgun and a shotgun, the youth then drove his grandfather's police car to the school, reports said. The shooting there is said to have occurred shortly before 1500 (2100 GMT) on Monday. The student shot dead a male security officer at the door and walked down the hallway to a classroom, where he fired at pupils, killing five of them and a female teacher. At least two students remain in critical condition at a local hospital on Tuesday. One survivor, Red Lake pupil Sondra Hegstrom, told the Pioneer of Bemidji newspaper: "You could hear a girl saying, 'No, Jeff. Quit! Quit! Leave me alone. Why are you doing this?' "Boom, boom, boom, and then no more screaming." Other witnesses said the teenage gunman was "grinning and waving" as he fired. Pupils and teachers dived for cover and used mobile phones to call police. When the police arrived, a gunbattle with the boy ensued before he retreated to a classroom where he is believed to have shot himself, FBI spokesman Paul McCabe said. Red Lake tribe chairman Floyd Jourdain said: "This is, without doubt, the darkest hour in the history of our tribe. "It's extremely painful. The community is in utter shock. Our hearts go out to the families." The FBI said it was too early to speculate on a motive for the shootings. Described as a loner, Weise is reported to have expressed admiration for Adolf Hitler on a Nazi website. His fellow pupils said he was sometimes teased because he dressed in black. The school - close to the Canadian border - has about 300 pupils. The reservation is home to Native Americans of the Chippewa tribe.
  9. It is a German-French thing. Black Forest= In Germany. Gateau=French for Yummy Cake.
  10. Except horiffic random babblings.
  11. *since the Anti-Quozial monkeys are anti-matter, they just absorbthe food as they pass over it*
  12. Its not just a claymore! Its a doomsday weapon! *laser beams start firing out of the claymore*
  13. Which one of my seas of posts was that a reply to?
  14. They're all great as usual! My favourite has to be the hawk the best though.
  15. Excellent.... SO have you used Win MX to find some Queen music?
  17. A slight bit of an understatement on my behalf.
  18. Right. *organizes a Yakuza raid on the Hentai and Yaoi lovers*
  19. Wow boss you really have-a-da American government under your thumb. Dats a-mazin'
  20. Yes, but do you allow it to dictate your life?
  21. Actually, I never said you should forget your faith, just don't let it influence... See above blue text within Quote. Definition of Faith: Blindly believing something for which there is no explanation, proof or evidence. So that makes those who worship God as bad as those who go UFO watching or search for the modern version of the Holy Grail, doesn't it? I don't like staying indoors a lot, I prefer to go outside and do things like Orienteer or Rock Climb. Keep my ears blocked? Why would I do that? I couldn't listen to anything or hear someone elses point of view, t'would be a bit stupid. I'll change my ideas when new evidence or proof comes to light, but until then I'll guard the truth that seems most probable with everything I have. But..... Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Who will guard the guards?)
  22. Try the Blue Text in the Quote, oh mightiest Blonde.
  23. *watches mad Kat blur disappear* *sends out the Anti-Quozial Monkeys*
  24. Ok, time for a remark: 2) Excellent answer and tactic, lure the EMbassys into thinking its just a government juggle of positions and power and you came out on top. 5/5 3) Brilliant, enough said. 5/5
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