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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. Rubbish Christian rock song, polluting the entire Music nation.
  2. Oh for the world of free will, stripped from us by governments and religon.
  3. Don't point the forgetting the religon thing at me. That's Tayino. And I'm all for wasting your life on a pointless and time consuming system of unfounded beliefs, which is most likely a load of rubbish thought up on the spot, so long as it doesn't make you decide what to do, what to eat, what to read etc. and Re: the solid proof? It depends on what you mean by the Bible? Are we refering to: The Old Testament (got proof)? The current new testament (got oh so much proof)? or the New Testament (not so much proof here thanks to stupid Constantine)?
  4. Question, oh great and dumb Philosopher. Is it right to create AI? (I need this quick, my robot army needs starting up within the hour)
  5. Not if they are a Christian rock group they don't!
  6. I do love my scythe. *stalks the dark passage ways for an appointment with the Chinese Chairman*
  7. Eventually with this kind of discussion, you end up backing the person who is wrong into a corner so they can't escape.
  8. Lapdog. If he would start pulling away from Bush (which suprisingly he is. Amazing, but he isn't pulling out quick enough.) he would be a much better politican.
  9. Welcome back Kai, Silvia and Erendayu! I'm sure Horatio will be pleased to bombard you with an automated message or a huge huggle which is now standard. I remember you and I did notice your absence and I did remember you fondly (well, certainly from after I apologised to you). Do try and perssuade Kaise to come back or rather Suirue, please? We do miss you and although some may not remember you, many of us do and we remember your brilliant art and your friendship.
  10. True, but maybe those who were affected brought this upon themselves? Certainly those who teased the Goth-Nazi brought it upon themselves.
  11. I know I'm evil. Its sort of my job. I'm whats called an "Evil Genius." *sends Henchwomen, the Agony Aunts Dotsie and Sadie, after milkyway. She knows too much*
  12. *starts the laser from Goldfinger, so it slowly cuts up milkyway2626* Er... Yes. Yes I am usually nice. Very nice. Exceptionally nice. Indeed. MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  13. Huzzah is celebratory. I got you a therapist because you seemed so disturbed by Yaoi.
  14. I'd say getting on my bad side is a particuarly dumb thing, wouldn't you?
  15. Schisms. Roman Catholics start off as the 1 true church, founded by Peter and centred in Rome. The First schism happens during the crusades when the Knight Templars (worlds first bankers, famous for agressive takeovers) are hunted down to teh death by the loving Roman Catholic church. Then some Europeans in 1600s decide that the Roman Catholics are becoming too lax and the the almighty pig Henry VIII has decided that they are too strict. Here we have the Protestants being set up to follow the Bible word for word and the formation of the Anglican church. Then it goes on and on, withe Methodists and Quakers being formed in the 1800s, then at some point Arkcher's Mormons are set up, and then it goes on with more and more schisms. The most notable one and perhaps the biggest is the Anglican church (Archbishop of Cantebury and Archbishop of York) kicking the American church and the Canadian out of a key church conference because of the gay bishop. Which addmitedly, we did do it first, but he had to resign when the angry mob turned up.... *sigh*
  16. *hires an exceptionally good Swiss therapist for Arkcher and places him in Zurich*
  17. *watches as the Piranha suffocate and die in the air*
  18. Load of good it'll do them, you can't bring back the dead to life again. All you can do is back Anti-bullying schemes, try and eliminate the Nazis and all other sub-groups (for example, every day I go out and try and stop a BNP Nazi) and try and get decent pschatrists in schools.
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