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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. *gets Maggie Thatcher to distract TGHL* *wins H$* *snipes Maggie* *Horatio is still 900 M away*
  2. *bets H$ on Horatio mysteriously escaping from the microwave and surviving* Time for a High Noon style showdown between me and Horatio. He can be dressed in black with a hip holstered revolver. I'll be dressed in desert camo with a sniper rifle approx. 1 KM away.
  3. I can never slip anything past you. Of course, that is exactly why Glowurm made that comment. LOL Indeed. He 'subtly' removed the part of my message asking how a link got through Like he's "subtly" going remove both our posts talking about what got edited?
  4. Are you really going to like what happens under Gordon Brown? He is another control freak. Anything is better than ThatcherCameron. I'm just anxious that Labour stay in power so I can take over the party and become Prime Minister without selling my soul myself to the Tory Party. We can't vote Lib Dem because they are incompetent. We can't vote Conservative because they are even more incompetent and that leaves only Labour.
  5. *realises someone had a debate without him* :glare: Curses. So, State Of The Union address. Could it be any more pathetic? He sets unrealistic targets too. Cut 20% of petrol use by 2017? Impossible for him. Give him a chance on Iraq? No you had that, you moron. Made me vomit a couple of times. My personal attention it rather wrapped up getting Blair off the Premiership and preventing David Thatcher Cameron from becoming the next one. Please, please, please electorate, vote New Labour at the next general election rather than Tory. Please, please, please.
  6. [booming voice]IS HORATIO BEING EVIL AGAIN?! INTO THE MICROWAVE WITH YOU, SAH! *throws Horatio into the microwave too* There's only room for one villain in this town.
  7. He made more? Oh and incidentally Cheesemaster, many of the European and Japanese car firms are now looking at offering Hydrogen fuel cells as an option in their cars. Currently BMW offers a very good prototype in the 7-series, Honda (Acura) are designing a very efficient and working fuel cell for their models and Mercedes-Chrysler is looking to bringing hydrogen across all models. It isn't a miracle fuel though, because the process to make Hydrogen still relies on an emissions producing process, but if the rumours I've been hearing from Honda are correct, then they may have cracked it at last. As to Clinton, I appreciate that she has not been overly vocal about her ideals for the Presidency, but her policies on a State level have been some of the best in the US. I personally will be watching what she says in these internet "dialogues" and "conversations" she has soon and whether she makes any committing statements then. And does it matter if that is her motive if it means the policies and country as a whole benefit? A utilitarian approach is in order perhaps to decide.
  8. Thanks Horatio. Although I have no idea why Glowurm is talking about your being sly. Something he said and subtly edited?
  9. I heard that a growing amount of people are wanting to get rid of the United Kingdom and just have the seperate countries...is that true? And could it actually happen? Regrettably true I am afraid. It isn't quite as bad as the media would have you believe though. Basically, Scotland want to completely break away from the UK and form their own country and government, although there are nationalist groups in both England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the problem is much worse in Scotland. The situation currently stands that [according to those dodgy opinion polls, which never turn out true] 55% of Scottish people want to break away from the Union (although I think they only asked 1000, which is hardly indicative) and that Scottish Independence will be decided in the elections in May. If the SNP get a majority of votes and seats, then it is bye-bye Scotland, and even worse, it is quite easy to implement. However, there was this same issue at the last Scottish Elections, however the Nationalists were defeated after the government and their Scottish allies ran a successful campaign highlighting all the problems Scotland would face if it broke away.
  10. As an environmentalist, I must point out that the H2 and H3 are more environmentally friendly than the original. Not that that is saying much. The H2 only gets 3 miles per gallon if you drive it economically. PLUS, they (all hummers) can't go off road properly. No point in having an off road car if it can't go off road. My recommendation is a Land Rover Discovery (you know it as the LR3) or Range Rover. Much more economical and better for climbing mountains. TRUFAX. Horatio. Why would Hillary Clinton as President be worse than George Bush? Please. You won't influence my view or anything, or whatever rule it is that prevents you from posting your thoughts. As to Jesse's point about Gore being paranoid about Global Warming; I can assure you, he isn't. If anything he is somewhat lax on the matter by some European standards. Plus, ignore what certain bosses at Chrysler say about Global Warming. They are wrong. If I had to choose for who to be the next President... it would be... Gore or Clinton. Both choice will make Horatio feel a bit like this; :smileywhichfeelsextremepangsofnausea:
  11. Official photos of where I am going and such for everyone! We go canoeing there in canoes (well, obviously) made by the indigenous population. Guess what I'll be studying out in the wilderness! I have to possibly spend a couple of nights like this. A prospect I do not look forward to. ZOMG! SNAKEZ! An advance photograph of where I am falling off while exploring.
  12. So, one year left of Moronism. Who are we picking out of the candidates for the Republican and Democrats' Presidential line up? Line up (although anyone who didn't already know this should be ashamed); My personal choices would be Al Gore, Obama or Clinton for the Democrats and for the Republican Party to be disbanded, taken to an airport runway, lined up and then run over by a Hummer. PS Will Horatio ever tell me what irritates him so about Hillary Clinton?
  13. I'm off to visit Madagascar this summer as part of the British Schools Exploration Society. I shall post some details of the trip for those of you who are interested; Trump that.
  14. Ha, that sounds like me. Although I don't remember suggesting the idea, it's a good one. I may have borrowed the idea of course from Ofcom or Ofwat or Ofgovernmentalregulatorfoanindustry. So, what is the next step, oh industrious MW?
  15. I prefer United Kingdom of Great Britain, MK. Since that is the State's official title.
  16. Ah, Tayino has won my respect once more. Not that he ever got rid of it. There is a wonderful little phrase for Bush Administration that I like to use as much as I can. I also use it to talk about Conservatives, UKIP, the BNP (British National Party, but it may as well be the British Nazi Party the policies they have) and all things right wing. Toto country, if I wanted to be vindictive, which I don't, so I shall not call it that. No, velvet fascism is a wonderful phrase, aptly describing the Bush administration, and a variety of other right-of-centre governments in the Western World. A government which slowly destroys freedoms, rights and privileges based on ghosts, on phantoms which don't exist and are stirred up these groups and a media which pursues only the most extreme cases. Immigration for example. People whinge, and they moan and they work themselves up into an incandescent right wing fury about "all these illegal immigrants coming into our country and taking our jobs!" Well, it probably would disappoint all these red necks and white trash to find out that the reason they lost their job was due to their own incompetence and immigration is nowhere near as bad as they would have you believe. This is perhaps more relevant to my country, where certain groups claim that this "country will sink under the weight of all these immigrants." Of course, you have the entirely stupid furore over Mexican immigrants, to such an extent that those fascist morons; The Minutemen, or whatever they call themselves, are building a wall across the Mexico-US border and being vigilantes. Our problem is different, but similar. The fascist morons over here would have you believe that "Dirty immigrants" are taking deserving British homes, jobs and such. On all cases, it is a lie, as unemployment is under 1 million, most of which are people who chose to drop out of school, housing is in plentiful supply (just rather too high in terms of price for first time buyers) and those propagating the ideas are often just racists, using "British" to mean "white" and "immigrants" to mean "asian." How I hate the right wing, conservatives or republicans. Whatever you want to call them.
  17. PS; Manga avatar today Horatio? PPS; That reminds me, the American market is about to see the touch down of the new Smart car, also known as the Smart ForTwo. Comment? PPPS; First woman speaker in the house. Congrats, you broke "the marble ceiling." Comment on the Democrats dedication to lifting the ban on stem cell research, abortions and the issues which got Bush the Christian vote?
  18. The draft... and the reasons for your thinking? Saddam should not have been hung... why? Martyrdom? There is no point to it and it brings danger and risk to those who participate. Also, it breaches the Convention of Human Rights as you are forced to do it, it effectively strips you of your free will. What if you don't want to do it? In France and Germany, then you have to do the alternative of community service, but why should you do that? If you want to join the army, or that the US Army needs more troops then there are more effective ways of enticing them to join than forcing in excess of 2 million high school children to spend time in the army. Why don't they call it "Operation Vietnam?" It would be rather fitting. He was tried for crimes against humanity. Is it not a crime against human life to forcibly take it away? There are also better ways to punish someone. A life time in the same cell, with the same grey, concrete walls can be much worse than a short drop and a sudden stop. Also, as you mentioned, it has instigated a huge amount of protests from the Sunni majority who are doing precisely the opposite to what the Shia dominated government wanted them to do. Rather than uniting Sunni and Shia Muslims, it has only served to drive them further apart. PS The programme I talked about called Spooks, if you remember, is being shown in the USA under the name MI-5 on A&E... whatever that is. I highly recommend you watch it if you have opportunity. Do your feelings about the draft just apply to the USA or would you like to include countries such as Israel, as well. LOL Are you against the death penalty in all cases, or just this one? Personally, solitary confinement would be rather brutal punishment, but then again, they might be afraid that the wrong group in power might pardon Saddam and let him free. No chance of that now. The television stations cut the broadcast short just prior to the actual act of hanging, so I cannot imagine why anyone would want to get on the internet to watch the whole thing. I believe I saw an episode of MI-5. LOL I will have to look for it again. But now... it is time for a cup of coffee. All countries who force their citizens to spend 1 day or 1 year or however long in the army or doing community service against their will. I am against the death penalty in all circumstance, from Genocidal maniacs to a murderer. You may not know about her, by the woman we like to call Myra Hindley or the Moors murderess, went partially insane. She is dead now, serving over half her life in gaol. Surely that is a fate worse than death? A&E appear to have stopped showing it, according to my information, but you can still buy the DVDs from them. Series 5 is the one with the eco-terrorists and the Aftermath document, but that isn't out here yet, so I doubt it will be out over there. It seems that when your posts appear, it is always time for a cup of coffee. I must have known you were coming as I started brewing the coffee and came here. LOL *tapes mouth shut* Community service I do believe is a very good thing. What better way to learn about people less fortunate than yourself but to help them. This extends from being a hospital volunteer, special olympics, etc. to helping clean up wildlife refuges. Community service is a valuable tool to help someone grow hopefully with more compassion for other human beings. I think it is coffee time again. You'd be better off with some Earl Grey though. Free Radicals in the tea help put off dementia and senility you know. Something is unsaid about the death penalty here. I shall not press as to what it is. I believe that community service is an excellent thing, but it should be done on a voluntary basis or in association with school, not as a result of being forced to decide between that or time in the armed forces.
  19. The draft... and the reasons for your thinking? Saddam should not have been hung... why? Martyrdom? There is no point to it and it brings danger and risk to those who participate. Also, it breaches the Convention of Human Rights as you are forced to do it, it effectively strips you of your free will. What if you don't want to do it? In France and Germany, then you have to do the alternative of community service, but why should you do that? If you want to join the army, or that the US Army needs more troops then there are more effective ways of enticing them to join than forcing in excess of 2 million high school children to spend time in the army. Why don't they call it "Operation Vietnam?" It would be rather fitting. He was tried for crimes against humanity. Is it not a crime against human life to forcibly take it away? There are also better ways to punish someone. A life time in the same cell, with the same grey, concrete walls can be much worse than a short drop and a sudden stop. Also, as you mentioned, it has instigated a huge amount of protests from the Sunni majority who are doing precisely the opposite to what the Shia dominated government wanted them to do. Rather than uniting Sunni and Shia Muslims, it has only served to drive them further apart. PS The programme I talked about called Spooks, if you remember, is being shown in the USA under the name MI-5 on A&E... whatever that is. I highly recommend you watch it if you have opportunity. Do your feelings about the draft just apply to the USA or would you like to include countries such as Israel, as well. LOL Are you against the death penalty in all cases, or just this one? Personally, solitary confinement would be rather brutal punishment, but then again, they might be afraid that the wrong group in power might pardon Saddam and let him free. No chance of that now. The television stations cut the broadcast short just prior to the actual act of hanging, so I cannot imagine why anyone would want to get on the internet to watch the whole thing. I believe I saw an episode of MI-5. LOL I will have to look for it again. But now... it is time for a cup of coffee. All countries who force their citizens to spend 1 day or 1 year or however long in the army or doing community service against their will. I am against the death penalty in all circumstance, from Genocidal maniacs to a murderer. You may not know about her, by the woman we like to call Myra Hindley or the Moors murderess, went partially insane. She is dead now, serving over half her life in gaol. Surely that is a fate worse than death? A&E appear to have stopped showing it, according to my information, but you can still buy the DVDs from them. Series 5 is the one with the eco-terrorists and the Aftermath document, but that isn't out here yet, so I doubt it will be out over there.
  20. The draft... and the reasons for your thinking? Saddam should not have been hung... why? Martyrdom? There is no point to it and it brings danger and risk to those who participate. Also, it breaches the Convention of Human Rights as you are forced to do it, it effectively strips you of your free will. What if you don't want to do it? In France and Germany, then you have to do the alternative of community service, but why should you do that? If you want to join the army, or that the US Army needs more troops then there are more effective ways of enticing them to join than forcing in excess of 2 million high school children to spend time in the army. Why don't they call it "Operation Vietnam?" It would be rather fitting. He was tried for crimes against humanity. Is it not a crime against human life to forcibly take it away? There are also better ways to punish someone. A life time in the same cell, with the same grey, concrete walls can be much worse than a short drop and a sudden stop. Also, as you mentioned, it has instigated a huge amount of protests from the Sunni majority who are doing precisely the opposite to what the Shia dominated government wanted them to do. Rather than uniting Sunni and Shia Muslims, it has only served to drive them further apart. PS The programme I talked about called Spooks, if you remember, is being shown in the USA under the name MI-5 on A&E... whatever that is. I highly recommend you watch it if you have opportunity.
  21. Incidentally, you should go lynch those who want to put in place conscription (or the "draft"). It does nothing for the armed forces at all, it is better to have a smaller, professional army than a colossal militia with little training hindering the trained troops and causing general chaos. Also, here is a controversial point of view for you; Saddam should not have been hung.
  22. You mean the one which could be summarised in four words; ? (No Animal Farm reference there).I don't quite know what to make of Chavez at times. Sometimes, he seems quite logical. Other times, he seems like a complete nutter who should be taken away and gently talked to. I mean, his comments regarding the US' attitude towards South and Central American countries is spot on, I agree with him to some extent, but then when you analyse what he has been doing to his own country, it is quite atrocious. The working classes may have hugely benefited from his rule, but at the huge disadvantage of the middle classes (upper class shall not be mentioned as they are fools), with no discerning between what is good for Venezula's economy and what isn't, so long as it is socialist, makes fun of those Capatalist pig dogs over in the US and benefits the working class. TGHL's current pet hate is the WTO. World Bank almost, but for now it can be left alone. Why the WTO? The insistance on applying the Free Trade principle to EVERY country in the world, regardless of what economic effects it might have. Free trade does not help anyone except the rich Western countries which already have 80% of the wealth despite having 20% of the population. Fair Trade is a much more interesting initative I am interested in, but what must come first is a huge overhaul of CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) in the EU and the cancelling of subsidies to Western farmers. That means; Beating France over the head with a stick until it gives way Upsetting a lot of farmers But, the huge benefits for 3rd world farmers would much outweigh the downsides for the 1st world. For those not up to date with the current subsidy situation, allow me to elaborate. Western governments give subsidies to farmers to help them grow their crops, stay in business etc. Now, because of the heavily subisidised food crops that these farmers grow, it means that they can afford to sell them at a much reduced price. The upshot of this is that a 3rd world farmer who sells his crop with little profit margin, will be passed over by his own people in favour of the much cheaper 1st world farmer's goods, who, thanks to the subsidies, will be making much more of a profit than Mr.3rd-world-Farmer. Now consider how much of the population of your average 3rd world country is made up by farmers. Easily over 70%. This means that while the 1st world economy is good, farmers are fat and happy, etc etc. The 3rd world economy is dead because nobody is earning anything and people are starving. Policy of subsidies = Rubbish. What other world gripes do I have? The lack of any green initative here in Britain, the European Comission being incompotent and corrupt at the same time, the fact that the US administration just ignored everything said by the Iraq study group, the wonderful if unable to sway the US Kofi Annan is stepping down, Bush can't think of an XMas (note that he can't be bothered to put Christmas) message, so his dog Barney is doing it instead, Fiji has gone from being a likable Commonwealth state to a fascist supressing place (see latest story on Fiji coup on BBC. Bad news for anti-coup peeps) and Thatcher isn't dead yet. I always love reading your posts. Your views are quite informed and very interesting. The Iraq study group did not go far enough, in my opinion, I believe it is far worse than anyone can imagine and the American people need to be aware of what is going on. Remember, there are those people who believe if you ignore it, it will go away. Interesting view on farming in the USA. Sadly, small farms are being turned into housing developments. Small farms cannot make it and the subsidies do not help. Farmers work seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day and they definitely are not rich. The subsidies are not as terrific as you think. Fiji... most people don't know anything about it. There are some people in the USA who think that New Mexico requires a visa to travel there. Seriously!!! I watch the BBC news and read the Economist, great sources of information. As for Fiji, I don't know what to think. This is not good. Pinochet... you have been very quiet on his death. Any thoughts? How about Cuba and old Fidel and his brother? You flatter me Horatio, but what I love is reading your superb responses. The Iraq study group was viewed by the media and public over here as being a step forward, but still far too conservative. I do think I am getting to the root of the problem though. It is... The British Empire. The actions of the 1920's government in the division of post-war Ottoman Empire were ridiculous. The Kurds were given no homeland and split up between 4 countries, but while some of the other countries seem to have worked out quite well, they was a huge failing by the government in the creation of Iraq. Iraq forced together 3 different sectarian groups and it was never going to work without an iron fist to suppress the sectarian violence. Here is an idea; Divide Iraq so that each sect can have their own little country and hopefully that will mean we can finally having the beginnings of the reformation of Kurdistan, which is what I want eventually. The subsidy issue is mostly a European problem in terms of food, although one of the reports I read about the impact of subisdies said that it was the US who were responsible for the failure of cotton industries in the 3rd world and when you consider how versatile a plant cotton is and how lucrative the cotton trade is, it appears that all 1st world countries are responsible for suffocating Africa's (excluding South Africa) growth. Well, the Fiji coup is an issue, but not a clear cut one. The military coup was uncalled for, especially when you consider that there had been no suppressive government and that the economy was growing after the previous coup in 2000. The issue behind it seems to have been the ousted PM offering amnesty to the thwarted coup of 2000 which might have inflamed the growing racial rift in Fiji. What makes the coup worse in my eyes is the statement that "the new government will not tolerate critics of the regime." Totalitarian state = BAD. Thailand ironically after its coup has gotten better by all accounts, something which I didn't expect given the military coup, but actually the general in charge of the coup seems democratically inclined and promises elections in October 2007. He is also regaled as being incorruptible. Certainly given the corruption and ineptitude of the previous Prime Minister it may well be a good event for Thailand. I believe the above cartoon sums up my opinion of Pinochet and Thatcher's support of him. Just in case you missed the theme about Pinochet; I detest the man. As to Mr.Castro; He appears to be on his last legs, death seems to be approaching quick sharp. As to his nice little reign, it is a two sided coin. On one side, you have the complete and utter lack of democracy and the oppressive regime. On the other you have the excellent medical care facilities and 98% literacy rate. And end to the US blockade would be nice... I really am in two minds about Castro. Whatever you do, don't mention to Toto that I have a couple of Che Guevera t-shirts...
  23. You mean the one which could be summarised in four words; ? (No Animal Farm reference there).I don't quite know what to make of Chavez at times. Sometimes, he seems quite logical. Other times, he seems like a complete nutter who should be taken away and gently talked to. I mean, his comments regarding the US' attitude towards South and Central American countries is spot on, I agree with him to some extent, but then when you analyse what he has been doing to his own country, it is quite atrocious. The working classes may have hugely benefited from his rule, but at the huge disadvantage of the middle classes (upper class shall not be mentioned as they are fools), with no discerning between what is good for Venezula's economy and what isn't, so long as it is socialist, makes fun of those Capatalist pig dogs over in the US and benefits the working class. TGHL's current pet hate is the WTO. World Bank almost, but for now it can be left alone. Why the WTO? The insistance on applying the Free Trade principle to EVERY country in the world, regardless of what economic effects it might have. Free trade does not help anyone except the rich Western countries which already have 80% of the wealth despite having 20% of the population. Fair Trade is a much more interesting initative I am interested in, but what must come first is a huge overhaul of CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) in the EU and the cancelling of subsidies to Western farmers. That means; Beating France over the head with a stick until it gives way Upsetting a lot of farmers But, the huge benefits for 3rd world farmers would much outweigh the downsides for the 1st world. For those not up to date with the current subsidy situation, allow me to elaborate. Western governments give subsidies to farmers to help them grow their crops, stay in business etc. Now, because of the heavily subisidised food crops that these farmers grow, it means that they can afford to sell them at a much reduced price. The upshot of this is that a 3rd world farmer who sells his crop with little profit margin, will be passed over by his own people in favour of the much cheaper 1st world farmer's goods, who, thanks to the subsidies, will be making much more of a profit than Mr.3rd-world-Farmer. Now consider how much of the population of your average 3rd world country is made up by farmers. Easily over 70%. This means that while the 1st world economy is good, farmers are fat and happy, etc etc. The 3rd world economy is dead because nobody is earning anything and people are starving. Policy of subsidies = Rubbish. What other world gripes do I have? The lack of any green initative here in Britain, the European Comission being incompotent and corrupt at the same time, the fact that the US administration just ignored everything said by the Iraq study group, the wonderful if unable to sway the US Kofi Annan is stepping down, Bush can't think of an XMas (note that he can't be bothered to put Christmas) message, so his dog Barney is doing it instead, Fiji has gone from being a likable Commonwealth state to a fascist supressing place (see latest story on Fiji coup on BBC. Bad news for anti-coup peeps) and Thatcher isn't dead yet.
  24. Before I comment... where did you find the article? I would very much like to read it. Was there any write-up in the Economist about this? I couldn't find any reference and I am a subscriber so it would allow me to do research. Sorry, I should have made it clearer. This was a BBC drama, not actually fact. Although, I have the sneaking suspicion it may happen and turn out that way. As to Bushisms and Iraq. Well, we're getting out in the Spring of 2007 according to our defence minister, so on the troops side of thing, Iraq is on the way to the aforementioned service station. And the Prime Minister of Iraq and Bush? He says he will stay until "the job is done." What he means is; "We're gonna wait for another Vietnam moment." The scary thing is that sometimes these dramas have a way of coming true. TGHL... if you were able, what would you do, who would you meet with, to stop the sectarian violence in Iraq and the Middle East? How much I fear, that given half a chance, both our countries would join in on the Aftermath program. You ask a difficult question. In a theoretical situation, I would have to be PM for Britain and adjusted British foreign policy considerably. For a start, I would keep Iran and Syria away from the talks. Give them representation at any roundtable, conference or discussion and they will influence the various groups into a position in which they hold all the cards. On the other hand, they have links to the organisations anyway and would most likely be talking to the various leaders even if they weren't at the conference. Iran and Syria's inclusion at any form of talks is a difficult decision to make. Get the leaders, or at least delegates, from the main, organised groups behind some of the violence. Invite the groups like Hezbollah in and get them talking, try and get them to state what they want and what it will take to cease hostilities and talking. Quite whether anything will be achieved by this or not, I cannot say, and I am sceptical as to whether Sunni and Shi'ite extremists would cease trying to kill each other, no matter how much you try and get them to talk. Israel would be beaten with a stick. Metaphorically. No place in the talks, and no interferrance. They would be antagonistic, inflame the situation and metaphorically burn the talks to the ground. They would be dealt seperately, and I'd use Britain as a broker between Palestine and Israel, which we should do anyway given the fact that we created Israel and messed the whole thing up in the first place anyway. What I'd really need is a change in foreign policy from the US Administration, you couldn't quell any small border wars between Israel and its neighbours is Israel has the backing of the US.
  25. Before I comment... where did you find the article? I would very much like to read it. Was there any write-up in the Economist about this? I couldn't find any reference and I am a subscriber so it would allow me to do research. Sorry, I should have made it clearer. This was a BBC drama, not actually fact. Although, I have the sneaking suspicion it may happen and turn out that way. As to Bushisms and Iraq. Well, we're getting out in the Spring of 2007 according to our defence minister, so on the troops side of thing, Iraq is on the way to the aforementioned service station. And the Prime Minister of Iraq and Bush? He says he will stay until "the job is done." What he means is; "We're gonna wait for another Vietnam moment."
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