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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. Its mainly because I have never heard or seen you before on the boards, yet within a day you act as if you know everyone. Unless of course you have an old account and you knew people before....
  2. And about your signature Toto.... (I'm not even going to bother) I have no idea over my faith? That's a multiple meaning phrase Toto, which one are you talking about? I have no idea about Christianty? I have no idea over (that is better) Christianity? Do specify. So you actually know what the Illuminati is? It seems you know more about the opposition that some Toto, many people don't even know it existed or what it was, they just thought it was some sort of New World Order controlling the world, ha. No, our influence may spread into the heart of governments, but it does not control the world. So are you admitting you are not in fact human, Toto? Because if you were an "organisim" like the rest of use, you should have used the term "we" not "you." Ok, Just after the Big Bang, the world was starting to cool down, forming a crust, which we still walk on today. But, because there was so much energy still in the Earth's rapidly cooling, newly formed crust and mantle, it needed to be disperesed (Horatio's hurricanes are a prime example of how energy is moved round the planet to balance the energy levels out). So, it did that via Volcanoes. So these Volcanoes erupted on a constant basis. Now, if you know your geography, Volcanoes tend to send out a lot of dust, rocks in addition to the lava. These dust clouds formed the first version of the Greenhouse effect, which without, we would be as cold and desolate as Mercury. Also, these dust clouds helped form the first cloud clouds. Then, as these clouds had to deposit their moisture, we got the first oceans forming. We now have the ideal conditions for life, the primordial ooze and its various other names, alhtough I think that Nuclear Waste is just as good. However, in order for life to be formed, there needed to be a major chemical reaction. Now, if you were living on prehistoric earth, circa. 3,500,000,000 years ago, the atmosphere would be very smelly. Methane smelly. And that is because the atmosphere is full of Sulphurous gases. So in the ocean, the horrible chemical cocktail starts to react, and it does. To form the basis of all life, deixyribonucleic acid, a.k.a DNA. We nearly have life, well it is life, but not the life you're going to accept Toto. The Earth was still changing though, rapidly and in order for the DNA to survive, it had to change to suit the enviroment (this is called evolution) so one set of DNA evolved to form the first bacteria! Yay, now we have life. And if only took me a whole 22 lines of writing to do it in. Second question. Hah, poor, poor unobservant Toto. It is still going on today! Look in the Amazon, my favourite place. Every day, somewhere in that beautiful forest, a new species is born from an old one. For example, every day 3 species on this planet die out, whos to say how many new ones are being created? And anyway, evoultion is a slow process, it doesn't just suddenly leap from one state to the other, it is a gradual process. From that 3,500,000,000 years ago it took until 1,000,000,000 years ago for that DNA to form the first "real" animal, which was a worm. And then we only popped up 2,000,000 years ago. yes, Toto, I can see how we can just suddenly expect to start growing wings and such within the next second. Don't be so grouchy just because evolution hasn't given you the power to fly yet. Who? What do you mean Who? No who, whom or thing created everything else. They all stemmed from the same primordial ooze and bacteria, they just evolved in different ways. No proof? NO PROOF? Of course there is proof. Go to the Galapagos Islands and you will see the best example of evolution on this planet. Notice how each Turtle or Tortoise on each island has a different shell or characteristic? You'd expect them all to be the same according to your Creationist theory, now wouldn't you? Thats because they all stem from the same Giant Turtle/Tortoise and have adapted to survive each island's invidual climate. Why not ask Horatio to take you there in his plane? Horatio can enjoy the splendid scenery, while you try and find something that can undermind the evolutionary theory. Of course if you don't want to try the Galapgos, why not try the Desert or the Rainforest? Cacti are very good when it comes to showing off evolution. And if you still don't believe me and these examples aren't good enough, ask yourself why the Cacti don't grow in the Artcic or in my back garden?
  3. So, despite the fact many other major bands (all non-Christian rock) who actually get up in the music charts have been heard over here doesn't undermind your belief? If you say so, its your opinion.
  4. Good Places to visit (out of experience): Paris, the rest of France, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Berlin, the Rhineland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Moscow, Russia (Siberia is nice), Japan, Korea (North and South), China, NYC, Florida, California, Canada, the Great lakes, The American National Parks, Brazil, London, Cornwall, Dartmoor (visit LE while you're there), the New Forest, Bristol (see Sheena), Wales, Snowdonia, Peak District, Yorkshire Dales, Lake District (the most uber, spiffiest place in the world), North York Moors (visit Me!), All of Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, the IRA headquaters in Ireland. Places to avoid: The Leeds-Bradford connabation, the Manchester-Liverpool connabation, the whole entire county of Norfolk except for the Norfolk Fens where the river gypsies go, Scarbrough, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Zimbabwe.
  5. If you are diverse, you get everything..... Except what you hate. And what you don't try.
  6. You're not my evil student and if you would, you would have been used for political assasination practice.
  7. *sighs as milkyway is carted off by the nice men in white coats, who are the same nice men in white coats who took Hortaio off* Milkyway has offically gone insane after thinking that a broom is a flamethrower and thinking that anyone could hold off Dotsie and Sadie.
  8. Why is it for no apparent reason? I thought the reason might be that I was being anti-Christian Rock Band-ish.
  9. Did I say it was UK exclusive? No. I was refering to the fact that all countries must have it or suffer Bush's oil grabbing wroth. When was I refering to your country?
  10. Here is my Query: Why aren't we allowed to look at the Top Ten posters section, is it too dark and mysterious-er (I'm not happy with that) place to go into? Does it reveal the admins true identities (HK, HW and someone called Stewart)? Or maybe it is blocked because it reveals that he-who-shall-not-be-named-but-has-something-to-do-with-eating-and-hamsters has been the top poster, but under a secret guise?
  11. His mental status is questionable though. You should see some Flash work he did for NG. "Clown" is disturbing and "Target Practice" basically shows what he wanted to do.
  12. Yes! You get 10 merits at evil masterclass for this Your sanity Horatio, real, non-fake, non-cyborg etc. or the proofreader gets it!
  13. *waves infinite card about* *snatches it away from annoying n00bs who want one*
  14. Da Kat boss rules! *sets up a "persuassion" gang at the polling booth*
  15. Only deluded idiots like UKIP and BNP supporters think like that and usually its focused on Europe, not America. Delusional nazis. Oh and the conservatives, nasty little facists. Now Michael howard is trying to kill gypsies, all the political satirists are going after him making up jokes about him and then there's his new idea for the police, returning us to a more Maggie Thatcher sort of britian with a tyrannical police force.
  16. You'll see when you bother to go to Rome and look through the Vatican library.
  17. *watches as Horatio's wheel has a near-fatal collision with an 18 wheeler* *reveals the screws and screwdriver that released Horatio's wheel from its holdings* *Horatio emerges from wheel in full body armour*
  18. In answer to those points: 1) Wow, you know what it is amazing how many other bands don't curse, but you seem to be implying that it is just the badly named Newsboys and the rest of the Religous Rock genre that doesn't swear, and they probably do off stage. 2) Don't need to answer this, already answered in an above post. 3) Really? So even the Satanist Youth Groups, Hitler Youth, Al Queada YOuth, Young Saddam Husseins of the future group and the "Aliens Take me!" Youth Group ages 5-17 know it? and how come when I asked one of my friends who is woefully in the stupid local youth group doesn't even know of the genre, let alone a specific genre.
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