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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. I don't know whether Toto ACTUALLY knows what they are, because like so many other Science related issues, the Church seems to get an extremely basic idea and take upon it. (i.e. Evolution. "We are the products of over 4,500,000,000 years of evolution. From our humble beginnigs we evolved to a primitive and ape like creature, perhaps the same ancestor as the chimpanzee or mokey, eventually coming to be a homo sapien." This is taken by Toto and the rest of the Closed minded church (including the highly ignorant Newsboys, who's song was in Toto's siggie, although more Liberal and accepting members like Arkcher may not) as meaning we evolved from Monkeys and our Grandmothers/Grandfathers were monkeys, and some of the more well read idiots also take this to mean that our Grandmothers/Grandfathers were either fish or single celled organisims. Both idiotic statements made by creationists are wrong.) However, back to the Illuminati. If anyone ACTUALLY knows what it is, please come forward.
  2. Wider than Camilla's grin she was wearing for the press!
  3. How is Cheesie voting for hiself when he votes for Kat?
  4. Really? And how did you find out that?
  5. No and if you said that, I don't think you got what I was refering to with 42. Horatio does. So does Lexx.
  6. 2) Yes, that probably should crop up in a will and be mandatory, but it isn't so leaves us with people having to make a difficult decision. 4) JF? I don't know who that is, if you added a K on the end I would but otherwise no. I'd still say that no guns is better than loads of guns. I haven't heard of a shooting for about 2 months now, because apart from Army training camps and the rarely used Police Amoury, oh and the air guns for clay pidgeon shooting and the now extinct hunting, there aren't any in the country. (That's probably an over-statement) Although, when there is a shooting, its a big one.
  7. Then again, I don't think the current STYLE of government would exist. No more stupid Clause 42. No more being a republic and calling one's self the TRUE deomcracy. Strange..... Why hasn't Bush made any Blunders yet apart from the comment about the Pope and the Terry Schiavo case?
  8. Censor it, because no matter how many times I answer Toto's questions, she'll just come up with the same excuse: "I'm not even going to bother reading it"
  9. Oh dear, both are wrong answers. How sad. I'm going to go through the rest of post after this one, before Toto criticises me. 1) Jesus DID have lover. Who was, suprise suprise, Mary Magdalene. She was not in fact a whore/prostitute/hooker. And before Toto says "Oh well, that is very much false as the Gospels tell us. The Gospels in fact DO mention that Magdalene was Jesus's lover and had Jesus' child! But, don't scurry over to your Bible and rip it apart looking for this, because you won't find it. It is in the other 296 gospels that were written, but got kicked out by Constantine who wanted to depict Men as being better and superior and Magdalene was a whore. And if you want to know where these gospels are, try the Dead Sea Scrolls and other such scrolls thathave been uncovered, all tell the same thing 2) And as I stated above, Mary Magdalene is much more important than you think. She was the carrier of Jesus' seed, even today the line is still alive, but even if they were to come forward you wouldn't believe them would you? Because you believe that your heavily adapted Bible's are always right. (more Toto than Arkcher, because I don't understand Mormonism or its scriptures. I don't even know what its main stream beliefs are, except that they are different from Christianity's mainstream beliefs) And if you still doubt that Mary Magdalene was important, find the Holy Grail. You'll be suprised.
  10. Force him to get an Aston Martin DB5 or V12. And if after that, why not splash some more cash and get a Mini Copper S on top of it all?
  11. *notes that the sheet has devolped an extra large hump, now emits a hum and appears to have a fog machiene hidden under the sheet*
  12. Really, you have some sort of ancient video tape of God? So where is this mysterious non-scripture/fictional proof? Do show. Sorry, I'm confused. Where does that come in? And what's stupid about the names? Britain, came from Brittania, Latin for... I forget. But then again what is stupid about names derived from Latin and why is Europe so silly in comparison to America? Oh, I'm not judging it JUST by the Bible, I'm judging Christianity from its actions, 0 AD to present day. I'm judging it by the way it accepts new information, in a typically closed-minded attitude. I'm judging it by the structure and also by its supporters. You probably are Arkcher, unless a mysterious Mormon would like to step forward? Good, I am glad you don't mix two bad things to make an awful one. I shall refrain from making a contreversial comment on the peaceful and spiritual comment. 1) I think you mean critical or cynical, not pessimistic. Pessimistic is the opposite of optimistic and is to be defeatist or very depressed. 2) Haven't looked? As I have already explained, 2 a week I am forced at school to look at flaming Christianity and what it means, what it thinks, how Jesus did this, how boring and monotonous it is and how packed full of lies it is. And if you still question my knowledge of the scriptures, I shall do a rebuke and ask you about your knowledge. For example, What key thing did Roman Emporer Constantine do to affect Modern Christianity? Did Jesus have a lover? Was Mary Magdalene more significant in Christianity than the modern Bible plays here as?
  13. Hello again people. If this stint of bad business continues, I'm afraid the WWPS will close down permenantly, not just for a short period.
  14. Why does he need to add avatars? I thought we could upload our own?
  15. Of course, but then if you want to understand the answer, you must know the question!
  16. A hostage tape of the proof reader being run round an Iraqi prison, forced to keep running by a fork lift truck. Btw, did anyone see the attack on Al-Ghraib?
  17. Yes, but then the current government wouldn't be there and there would be a lot less material for potlitical satirists like me.
  18. Such a small ghost indeed. Where is Horatio to explain his supernatural antics?
  19. I have! Can you not face it and why do you alude the fact I have given you your answers and your proof and still you refuse to look at it. You're the one avoiding the truth Toto, not me. Yes I did, If you look, I answered your two pathetic questions. I haven't changed my mind at all! Evolution is correct, and so is the Big Bang. Neither contridict each other, in fact they support each other! And how can my mother be a fish if I am a Phoenix? And Humans didn't evolve from Monkeys btw, Modern Monkeys and Humans evolved from the same primitive lifeform. Get your facts right before citicising, and also, by facts I mean what science ACTUALLY says, not what your local church's propoganda and Christian Rock fest says, what Science says.
  20. I didn't even mention Jesus, Toto. Nor did I say that I actually killed God. *sigh* Now look who is rambling and avoiding the real question! Ha! Caught you! And no, check your own heavily modified Bible sometime. Maybe you will actually see what I was talking about. And, btw, thanks for saying you aren't certain, because that just gives me more ammuniton! So if you aren't certain about Jesus' age, how can you be SO sure that everything in the Bible is fact, how can you be SO sure that God exists, huh? Both of which are much bigger and more fantastic than remembering how old Jesus was at the time of ressurection. I HAVE YOU BLIND AND IGNORANT BIBLE BASHER! HOW DARE YOU IGNORE WHAT I HAVE DONE IN RESPONSE TO YOUR ASKING! EVERY TIME YOU WANT ANSWERS I BLOODY WELL SUPPLY THEM, AND YOU THEN SAY "I'm not even going to bother looking!" JUST PROOVING THAT THERE IS NO REASOINING WITH YOU AT ALL BECAUSE YOU HAVE ALREADY MADE YOUR DECISION. Well, now it is your turn to provide answers Toto, because I'm sick of having to provide them for science. I'm sure Arkcher can give you some help as well, since he seems very well read when it comes to the Bible and of course his own denomination of Christianity, Mormonism. First Question: How can you know that everything in the Bible is true, and not some rubbish made up on the spot? Second Question: If God is all about forgiveness, why did he not forgive Adam and Eve for being tricked by the serpent? Third Question: Why did the Angels rise up against the "Authority" or God and almost overthrow him if he is so great and powerful? Fourth Question, for you Toto: Why are you so closed minded when it comes to everything that contridicts God's existance? Fifth Question, for you again Toto: Why do you rely on ignorance to supply your knowledge about your enemy's ways? (Science and the Illuminati)
  21. Wings made by a radioactive pillow to be precise.
  22. The shootings or the Flash cartoons? MW, if you know NG's address, try searching for "Target Practice" or "Clown" (Don't forget the speach marks). Both are disturbing. I believe the Neo-Nazi called himself...... Let me find it...... *plays annoying elavator music* Ah here we are, on NG the Neo-Nazi went by the name Regret.... Ironic.....
  23. Alright. Now, MW! Let us force Horatio to respond! *springs into action with a hostage tape*
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