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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. Just concentrate on what I said about the Illuminati, this is NOT your stupid Religous debate topic.
  2. I laugh, Toto. One: I am not your "hun" or mongolian horse back rider that sweeps through ancient Russia into Roman Europe. Two: Look closely at the stuff that was cut out of the Bible sometime, it gives you so much more perspective Three: But the Bible is most likely to say that isn't it? It was wrote by the winners, and the winners always write the History books. Basic lesson. Four: Has Horatio said: Just because over 1 billion flies like cow pat chips doesn't mean that the flies are right. As Leonardo Da Vinci said: "Many have made a trade of delusions and false miracles, decieving the stupid multitude." In other words, who cares what percentage of the world is Aethiest or Christian? Much of that is wrong anyway, because you fail to take into account that although many people are baptised Christian, they are either Agnostic or closet Aethiests. MEH!
  3. Much more sense. And wouldn't it make more sense to put people like me in a thrid room where we can't "pollute" God's flock?
  4. So.... Has HK got back to you yet Horatio or is he still doing sterling work in his computer "lab"?
  5. *is amazed Horatio is going in for traditional Russian communist wear* Ok then, I'll charge it to your infinite card. *swipes card* There's your reciept and your card. Have a nice day.
  6. Oops.. Forgot to finish my other post before hitting Add Reply Where was I? Oh yes. Religon: However it seems to always broil down into it? Strip away the courtesies and the subtle media attacks (biggest oxymoron I've ever made) and all you get is personal insults. Politics: Like putting matter with antimatter, this always makes an explosion. A sort of table tennis discussion, but a heated discussion. Sex: But surely since abortion is a bi-product of the product of a sexual relationship, surely it in itself is connected with the issue? You mean the thing the late pontiff supreme, Jean Paul II was firmly against, only furthering the AIDS/HIV epidemic in Africa and starting a new one in Brazil. Shame, if you had a deep baratone like Minister for Education, Ruth Kelly (here's something you might want to research, Ruth Kelly is a member of Opus Dei care to enlighten us as to what this is? I know obviously. They just finished spending $44 million in NYC for their new HQ) you could mimic Henry Kissinger perfeclty. And that is one of the many things in life you excel in isn't it, Horatio? The reasearch and discovery of new topics mentioned on these boards? You could be a brilliant historian of almost anything thanks to the internet and your superb researching skills within minutes. Why I bet by the time you are reading you know all about Ruth Kelly and the Opus Dei. I congratulate you Horatio on being so good, and I apologise for having to inform you that you will never work for the Bush administration, because they rely on misinformation and would not take kindly to you knowing the truth. You have been busy haven't you? Yes, CERN is the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. However, it was originally formed to do research in Nuclear physics, explaining the N (which stands for Nucleaire (probably misspelt) the Swiss French for Nuclear.) and it still does since that falls under particle physics. Did you see the latest discovery, antimatter? Of course you did, because this is the world's foremost researcher I am talking to! Nice to know Dan Brown does his research as well as you.
  7. I believe Skwerl has set up a new religon of worshiping the omnipotent squirrel in his locker and it has already over taken Jedi as the 6th most popular religon. Of course Jesse and MW's calims are perfectly valid, what better way in which to personify the human nature than a wolf? Actually quite true, for wolves are fircely territorial as are we. Unrelentless when aggrivated and always striving for more power and bigger packs. Except our resident wolves seem so much more... friendly.
  8. Probably in Nashville making a recording for the next Mario Party.
  9. so if Kat was whack you with the Claymore , or just before when here eyes glow red, the word pwnage could be used if it was a film.
  10. 1 each for the hammie and 1 for yourself would cost only H$19.99
  11. You've already done that under the Republicans Toto, I think the Democrats might have more sense and take the stickers off. If you have a very lax definition of safe, freedom and great. He could of probably brought you back into the boom years of the 90's.
  12. *has a nice new set of bat ornaments for mantelpiece* *gives them as gift to Horatio* *adds an electric heater that will melt the bat's ice trap when the box is opened* *Horatio gets package from FedEx* *Horatio opens box* *Bats fly out* Bats settle down in Horatio's fur and have a family*
  13. I'm not entriely sure myself, probably a reference to the fact every time Horatio is moderating and sees something funny, he spits whatever was in his mouth at the time of the incident all over the screen
  14. Ok, then. It doesn't matter anyway because I'm leaving this topic for CERN anyway. Yes, but when did Skwerlhugger Will join in this topic? Or it that just another random example? Fine, If I can tolerate the Monster Raving loony party sending political candidates to my door, I can tolerate obscure religous sects. Yes, but aren't wolves very down to Earth and don't really care about the future or the past, more specifically about now and where is the next caribou? Sorry... Sorry... I know example. Religon: Yes, nothing else (except Bushites) has caused more wars and problems on this world than religon. Politics: Sometimes, yes. We all dislike the Tories and UKIP-ians. We all hate BNP supporters. We all loathe Bush. Except those who support them. And then the rows break out. Sex: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GASP! I don't know about Sex, but isn't Abortion the KEY issue at the minute? I haven't noticed any flaming rows about that recently without connection to religon or Abortion and stupid Christian women parading down the streets with fake babies stuck to crosses, despite the fact they haven't been born yet at the time of Abortion and are barely 3 months developed at the time of abortion and are still unrecognisable at time of abortion. Oh yes, Tolerance. Fine, I agree. Thank you for your flawless diplomatic negotiation skills Horatio, as always. Have you considered a job as a Mediator? (Stick on a dull, deep monotone and you can call yourself Henry Kissinger)
  15. I guess I have to don't I? No matter what you say, they won't believe it. In fact, I'm giving up and going to CERN at least I won't have to interact with so many zealots and fanatics (I have only managed to count 3, but there are more.... I'm sure of it....)
  16. Isn't that bad, because Mushroom King is breaching copyright law? Or maybe he isn't because Toto failed to put © Toto industries on it? I don't know if she did or not.
  17. yes, I know that. And have you ever wondered why Satan rebelled? not the smartest bunch? Didn't "God" create the angels himself? And if they were so stupid why did they almost win?
  18. Illuminati: Founded circa. 1600 by Gallileo and various other famous european scientists. Made to give european scientists and the academic underground of the time to meet and trade ideas without the Vatican or the Anglican church breaking in and killing them. Their original headquaters were in Rome, well hidden amongst the religous churches. However, when Gallileo was put under house arrest it became more important than ever to maintain a high level of secrecy, and also to make sure that only the best minds could get access to the Illuminati, they made a "treasure hunt" of sorts that streaked across Rome. There was only one way to find it though, through DIII (it means something more than it looks but like I'm going to tell any of you) Gallileo hid the first step on the Illuminati "path of light" or illumination. Eventually, in the later 1600s someone made a mistake and the Vatican swept down on the Illuminati arresting 4 upper-echelon members. They then branded them with the cross and deposited their bodies across Rome as a warning to all Illuminatus. But most of the members had already fled. Over the years they mixed with many Anti-christ people, those who had been branded, slandered and had their families slaughtered by Christianity. So over time, The Illuminati became more violent in their Anti-Christianity campagin. But they could not act because of many of the happenings of the time, also they could not attack their special friends the Vatican because of the priceless works of art stored there by the Illuminati's past members: Raphael Santi, Michelangelo, Berini and other such famous religous painters. In the mid 1700s the Vatican was starting to become more and more aware of the Illuminati presence growing and attempted to strike out. However, by this time the Illuminati had already submerged themselves amongst the wealthy and generous Bavarian Stonemasons, a group of which many key figures where a part of and have become a part of over the years: George Washignton Ben Franklin Thomas Jefferson Nearly all the gentry Franklin Roosevelt Rooselvelt's vice-president Kings and Queens across Europe Many high ranking members of the British Parliment The reason the Illuminati had submerged themselves amongst the Masons was a new "asset" or interest that had come up. They knew that the American's were starting to rebel and become an independant country. So, seeing that they could probably make this the first Illuminatus Country, they spread their tendrils amonst the revolutionaries for when the time came. If you doubt the Illuminati's presence in early America and the depression why not look on the back of the dollar? See that pyramid and the triangle with all seeing eye attachments? If you think thats a Christian symbol, you are more deluded than residents of an insane asylum. That is the Illuminati's age old symbol. Over the years, the Illuminati have become more and more submersed amongst culture, up until the point we do not know of their existance anymore. We haven't had confirmed Illuminati activity since Winston Churchill made his infamous "Illuminati" address. Still around? Most likely. Over the years the conspiracy buffs have made guesses at various places in America, but most are wrong. Dallas, Texas is one of them. It is now thought they have retreated to their old haven of Europe where the tide of change is already surging strongly. Either they have returned to Rome or somewhere else. Most likely CERN, birth place of Antimatter, the internet and the world's largest particle accelerator. No place on earth is more of a seculded haven for scientists than CERN and it is most likely that even the Grand Master lurks there. If you want some key Illuminati stuff here it is: The Illuminati diamond Elipses Symmatery the number 5, including iambic pentameters, pentagons and 5 lines il Pura Lingua Lucifer torre d'angeli "d'angeli" of Truth Doves
  19. Aethiest, Illuminatus and Evolutionist are all one and the same in some respects. The Illuminati do "worship" Lucifer though Toto, although do you know the correct English for Lucifer, which is a Latin term?
  20. pwnage is like Overkill or uber good. Sometimes it can be really, really getting beaten up.
  21. Yay! Business! Ok, siberian dwarf hamsters cost H$15 each. SO that is H$45 overall... Unless you want traditional Russian communist fur hat?
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