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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. Says a lot doesn't it? SO much for the freedom of speech. *AD's closing in, activate the traps and fall down to feed my pirhanas*
  2. No you're not! You're Anglo-Italian, and you made sure we knew as well. Or are you Chinese? I can never seem to remember which nationality you are because somehow you manage to change it as many times as you want. You can't be Antarctic unless you are a Penguin or seal. ANd you should be proud of your country. You often live in it, it may have its faults or problems, but its still your country.
  3. That's probably the best thing, individual presidents who aren't tied down with inter-party splits and schisms. It may be asking a lot, but why not do it gradually? Take it in steps, if the step to individual presidents is too big, why not take a smaller step?
  4. Yes I did. And you can use Science to back up History and proove it, but only so long as there are relics and artifacts to anylaze, sites to examine or bodies to look at. And you can't proove God exists, because nothing on Earth can proove it except a collection of seperate books, dubious in origin and heavily censored. Thats the first time you haven't shoved religon down my throat. Is the war over now?
  5. Ok, it was wrote by several madmen, sitting in caves. They may or may not have been influenced by drugs, but drugs were popular in the Middle East at that time.
  6. WWI was even worse in the sense that no family in Britain, France or any other European country wasn't affected by a loss of a family member. Don't treat History so lightly. And their main name was "Jerrys" not Huns, Huns wasn't used very much, if at all.
  7. Could we please keep on topic with the Illunminati? This is not a secondary outlet for science and technology.
  8. I just gave you how science can prove things! Don't you read my posts at all? Do you just see what you want to see and take that and ignore anything else?!??! That's just showing off your own insecurity and lack of an ability to defend your own beliefs, your own faith, without ignoring what is put in front of you. Its stupid and pathetic, not justifying and righteous like you frame it as, but just sheer patheticness. This isn't a debate, a debate is with reasoned arguements and taking in what your opponent is saying, taking it into account and then if you aren't satisfied with the answer, producing a counter arguement. This is nothing like that, I produce an arguement, I put it forward and you come up with the same reply, "I'm not even going to bother reading this." I read your posts, and come up with counter arguements but you are far from extending the same courtesy to me. The Bible is not proof, historical PROOF points to it being heavily censored, biased and the old testament though up by a madman, living in a cave in the Middle East who was high on mushrooms. What more do I want? More than a story book.
  9. Actually I believe the German soldier WWII name was Nazi, but obviously since your scriptures inform you so well about it that you are so laxed and laid back when when refering to WWII that you have no understanding or correct information about what happened. No one on this planet should forget what happened then, but you seem to manage to Toto, you seem to just refer to it in an off hand way, dissmissing the horrors with a wave of a hand, despite the fact that very few people who went through it weren't scarred in someway.
  10. Angel/Bringer of Light. Literally it is: Angel of Illumination. No prizes for guessing why it is an Illuminiati obsession.
  11. MW is certainly being distracted by something that is much more important than the boards.... I wonder what taht could be MW Am I going to get in trouble if I whisper the name: Taylor... heehee?
  12. Oops, major typo there missed out a word. I shall ammend it now.
  13. Did you see this, oh mighty researching hamster?
  14. Do you know what Lucifer means? (this explains Illuminati fixation with Lucifer)
  15. Is this another example of the Church being blindly and ridicously stupid? it looks like it. Of course science can prove he existed! Get his body out of the ground, test the DNA against a blood sample from the current Royalty or decedants. Carbon date his body to that period and thus prove that: 1) Henry VIII did exist 2) He was King 3) He lived in the time period he was said to Of course that is just science backing up History, for we have many authentic documents from that time, so duh of course he existed. Come up with a better example. Well, since God exists its a bit hard to proove he exists. Good luck trying to, because all you have as evidence from even a religous point of view is a book and a man's word he existed. Even looking at it from a historical point of view it seems absurd, because there is no authentic or uncensored documentation to proove God existed. How can you be so sure that God existed anyway, even looking at it from a religous viewpoint?
  16. I knew you would. Kat, have you got the 39 minutes of Bliss CD?
  17. Are you starting a communist hammie group? Be careful, Toto will get angry and start spouting rubbish. *gets a look from Horatio* SOrry I asked. Ok, calm down. They are all real, left over stock from the USSR, manufactured in Siberia prison camps and with proper Hammer and sickle logo.
  18. I was talking about the insane asylum.
  19. Do you want to know something? Last year there were more death sentences handed out than ever before (except under Maggie Thatcher. :lol: Although I think even that certain someone topped the pile of dead bodies left in the wake of the Iron Madien)? And can you guess who gave out the most? I'll give you their Initals: GWB (jr) a.k.a OBL!
  20. But of course Toto (if this was the World Hunger topic, might start spreading propoganda) will insult me, then my country and basically start claiming she is of mulitple nationalities. Which one are you today Toto? American? Anglo-Italian? Chinese?
  21. Even if a third party was created, no one would vote for it beause America is traditionally a two party state. And that has its advatages sometimes, for example prevents certain isolationist factions creeping in. Then again thats covered by the two parties isn't it? All the stupid issues are always covered by the big parties, whereas over here we just leave the extremists to talk about that rubbish. Although now the Tories have cottoned onto it. Doesn't matter anyway, polls show Blair up, Howard down and Kennedy muttering rubbish.
  22. *laughs moronically* Republicans?... Not be a facsist who shouldn't be allowed to walk the earth? Hah, I'm sorry but aren't the Republicans the one who made Bush the leader? And these allegations were ever proven on Clinton? More likely its just the muck spreading Republicans... again! Is there a single election they can win without using slander or false inforamtion?
  23. Horatio makes SURE we know he has spat a beverage all over his screen. It is the highest form of compliment.
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