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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. But only if you get the first and last letters right, but then you can mix up the rest however you want.
  2. *hires ELE, Nega-Wolf and Darkness body guards to make Horatio think that TGHL can't choose decent bodyguards* *ELE, Nega-Wolf and Darkness start another Ice Cream fight*
  3. Living somewhere all your life makes you of that continent? I don't think so, your race is where your ancestors are from, not where you live. Good for you Toto, good for you. Be what ever race you want to be in your multi-racial background, I'm sure you can get an easy visa or citizenship there because you're an ex-patriot of there, and I'm sure you can blend in easily. Just find somewhere you feel happiest in and stay there. Anyway who cares what race you are? I don't. Do I care if someone is from France or America? No. They can be from under the sea and I really don't care, because we're all from the same DNA in the sea. And even if you don't take evolution as our cause for existance, we all come from the same man and woman, Adam And Eve.
  4. Look for a familiar turbaned face at the next press release. We have ermm... captured... er.... Saddam. Er... No we haven't. I mean that uh we HAVEN'T caught er... that person... Saddam... Turns out he wasn't the actual.... er... guy...... Er..... He's in umm.... IRAN! and Syria! ANd er... lets throw North Korea in there.... and urmm.... China! Yep...he's in all those places..... Invade all of them if they do not deliver Saddam..... Yes.....
  5. Ok. SO people... I trust you all know what the Illuminati is now and can laugh at your local conspiracy obseessed person when he says that the Masons are Illuminati? Curious pieces of Information for you: My Grandad was a Mason. (Gasp, so vital and need to know) And for Kat, look at the Caesars 39 minutes of Bliss CD. OPen it up. Look on the otherside of the front cover. There is a symbol amongst the rest that should strike you as familiar. Its an Illuminati pyramid with eye and triangle above.
  6. A similar point to what Tayino made awhile back.... Did it get a reply? No, it didn't. And anyway, hasn't modern society disproved all this belief that because these miracles were performed he must be the son of God? Many people have had their cancer cured by "miracle drugs" that turned out to be asprin! This just proves that it is not some divine intervention that cures these people, but the mere belief, hope or knowledege that cures them. Quite literally "Mind over matter".
  7. *is shocked by the WHite McDonalds on the Champs-Elyesee* *is even more shocked in Berlin with a McDonalds near the Old Berlin wall* *finds sanctitude in Vatican City* *realises this is on Christian soil* *chucks self off it*
  8. I'd be worrying about how you mix a toadstool and a cat if I was you. *thinks of some odd images, including of a mix of "The Grudge"'s Toshio (aka Catboy to me, like Batman but more odd O___o) and Toad. *shudders*
  9. As you say sir, the planes will be prepped for take off immediatly. *scans card* *comes up with just enough to buy the MiGs and the 3 7r-71s* Your balance is H£0.01 sir, here's your penny. *hands over penny*
  10. NOOOOOOO! ......... 0____________o Well anyway, we still need your realy sanity Horatio. You have a deadline of 5 days to deliever the sanity or the proofreader gets it.
  11. And you would know this because of the research you did for you your book: "The Mysterious Minds of Hampsterdancers"?
  12. MW likes you Horatio, you are a pillar of help and support in times of need and anguish.
  13. *Hamster MIGs roll out from hanger* How many do you want?
  14. *Hides safe containing proof reader in the Bistro spaceship*
  15. No... I don't think I have. I'll check BBC News 24 on Sky.
  16. Haven't you heard of Agatha Christie?
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