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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. There would, because no one would believe in God and have no doubt that God existed.
  2. Do you mean "You don't say?" Yes, you did brilliantly Horatio. Here is a Researcher award. *lobs award to Horatio*
  3. Oh, just the person who helped make the Muderous APple Mac just got a Wacom A5 Graphics tablet (blue). The pen because it doubles up as a weapon for repelling pesky sanity stealing forces?
  4. You drove me to this... *sends out teh cockroach-cam*
  5. Or that you are an evil Phoenix who has lots of plans for world domination. You e-mail, say MW. MW accepts your invitation to your evil volcanic island. MW arrives. Together you take over the world, and it ends up that Bush is slapped with a wet haddock by every resident of the earth. Sorry, I just felt that I should point out that e-mail is the greatest way for World Domination. Tell me something, does HK run extensive background checks into moderators to make sure they are ok?
  6. *wonders what MW has to swoop down and kidnap* *has an idea* *gets Horatio to stand in position* *plays some more dramatic music*
  7. *fell beasts start swooping down on Horatio* I never told you why I was making them did I?
  8. *sanities carry off to cave* *Is promptly hung up from ceiling and poked with sticks until the sanities decide what joke to play*
  9. Well done, and I wouldn't call it the CAUSE of atheism, especially since Athiests are often more fevrent in their denial of God than most people who actually believe in God. And it isn't the CAUSE of anything, it is the BANE of Christianity. Well done. Congratulations, you got a meaning of a work right for a change.
  10. No.... *fly-spy-cam comes down watching Horatio hide her work*
  11. Question: I am currently in stage 10 of my Fell Beast creation. It involves GM. SHould I go ahead?
  12. Well as soon as your Mac starts working (no refernce to Black Widow movie) I'm sure we'll all look forward to some Horatio productions.
  13. Or maybe he is too busy listening to what the earpiece tells him:
  14. SHould I ruin your fun and tell you that Quoth actually means "said" in Shakesperean? (explains the 3 witches in MacBeth)
  15. MW is waiting for the dramatic organ music *plays dramatic organ music and adds a couple of lightning strikes in for effect*
  16. Probably working out how to say: "Invade Syria!", "Invade Iran!" or "Invade Korea!"
  17. *chuckles as Horatio lures fake sanities with trackers on into SSS* *turns around* *real MW sanities are behind in mob* *mob swarms and carries TGHL off* HELP ME!
  18. About not knowing what Kerry was doing at the meeting or about the President of the US giving weapons to Saddam?
  19. Thats the first time I've used it. And do you know what it means for a change?
  20. Moi? I didn't do anything. ANything at all. Except start the unifacation process in North Korea.
  21. Why is it my Donald Trump had a toothbrush mustache? 232oi309280983_1_.bmp
  22. SO about the same time BUSH Snr. (not Britain, stupid ignorant one who doesn't know anything that REALLY happened in History) gave Saddam those weapons? Stop being hypocritical, you don't know what Kerry was doing at the meeting. He may have been doing what you CLAIM to do, but don't. Which is researching what goes on in these other religons. Maybe Kerry was looking at whether Satanism needed banning?
  23. You're really taking this too far Toto. 1) The photo can be altered, easy enough even if it was the 80's. 2) Kerry gave no evidence of him being friends with Satan boy 3) Maybe Kerry is trying to be something called ACCEPTING of other religons, not closed minded or Obdurate like most Christians? 4) Kerry doesn't worship Satan, or Bush would of used it in his Smear campagin against Kerry, but apparently this article was so UNRELIABLE and IMPROBABLE (see, I'm using Tabloidese.) that even Bush and Rice didn't trust it. 5) Kerry is Liberal. Liberal = Good.
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