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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. I've never heard of that movie? Care to give a brief overview of the plot? It's basically the three musketeers but it's four, and one is a girl trying to help her brother, and basically, the blades go on and defeat this "zombie" like dude. I wasn't really paying attention to the whole plot, just the religious warfare and the small romance bit. Evidence says it exists, however it may not be an actual diamond, it could be diamond shaped or just metaphorically a diamond. Find one of the elite and ask them. I don't know any elite. What evidence? Do tell, so that I might grow smarter. I know ELipses are planetary movements. Who created the "cult"? Gallileo. Who persecuted him for claiming the earth moved in an elipse round the sun? The church. What better shape or movement to use except an Elipse? maybe so, but the elliptical movement of the planets is actually true. The chruch was just looking for power back then. Now, it's actually gone somewhere without seeking earthly power. WHere does Symmetry appear in God's "Work"? I know one thing that appears in Nature. The divine Proportion. Heard of it? I have. God created it, didn't he? Divine proportion... Enlighten me. I forget at the moment. Oh, and notice I use correct capitalization. Again where does 5 come into God's great scheme? 7 does. How many stresses are there in an Iambic Pentameter? 5. See where it comes into the Illuminati's reverence? TGHL, you're losing what I was saying. The five century silence... The 25th of december (which, by the way was the tenth month before julius and augustus caesar. note the latin, DECember.)... Five original gospels (they took out one of them, I can't remember which.) There's plenty there, you just have to know and look. Problem with "il Pura Lingua"? did I stutter? Or did I flub on the translation? If I did, that's why I take Spanish, not that language. Have you ever looked closely at the Bible? There is no mention of #### in the Bible is there? No mention of little devils with pitchforks. No mention of flames. Its a creation of the Constantine "eradication." yes there is. Maybe not the exact word, but they never said the word, trinity either, and that's one of the Christian basics! The word Bible isn't in there either, and yet it exists. There is loads of allusions to flames and torture. There is a parable in there where Jesus tells us about how the rich man ate and did not feed the poor man, even when he begged, dying under the table, but when they died, the rich man went to Tophet, and the poor man went to heaven, and the rich man yearned for drink to cool the hot, burning of the flames, and the poor man said no, because the rich man never gave him anything, so why should he give water to the rich man? i rest my case. not really, but so there. Constantine was an idiot. Mary Magdalene wasn't a "lady of the night" if you know what I mean, and Constantine was the one who said it. How can I be a comedian if I'm just saying what they believe? Torre d'angeli is the tower of Angels though, not Angel of Truth. Or maybe I'm mixing it up again, I'd better check. Again, I take Spanish. It's tower, but Angel of Truth was directly underneath it, so I flubbed. apologies. Curious how the Bible writers recognised a Dove in Jeruselum isn't it? None of them were ornithologists or in all likelihood had ever seen a Dove before. Funny how the Bible works that way, isn't it? It was probably a loss in translation or true Divine Intervention (which it was.) Also, the keyword in there is SYMBOLIZED BY! It's called imagery. You're probably a little older than me, so I know you know about that. I'm pretty naive, too, so I can guarantee you. Any sort of money you want to see? Yen, Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Rupees? you know what I meant. Show me the money=Prove me wrong, why donchya? Most of the idioms here came from England. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> but on a lighter note, I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by walking to work instead of driving! LOL, j/k I finally got my first car! but it's as old as I am... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Let's focus on the Divine Proportion. Very special number. Appears everywhere in nature. This is it: 1.618 The most... beautiful number ever. You may know it as PHI? The number derived from the Fiboccani sequence. Do you know why it is considered beautiful?
  2. I am only 3 and 1/2 so I would never get mad at you for age bias. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And Sheena. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *sobs* WHERE ART THOU SHEENA!?!?!?!??!? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She is on an extended holiday having the time of her life!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You aren't just saying she is on an extended holiday so we don't get upset that Sheena isn't returning? Sort of like when the pet hamster dies and the parents quickly bury it and replace it with a clone they have been cultivating for awhile/a replacment that looks alike.
  3. That's a rhetorical question isn't it? As you are the Dumb Philosopher you're asking yourself so.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I dunno. o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You should ask the Dumb Philosopher.
  4. I am only 3 and 1/2 so I would never get mad at you for age bias. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And Sheena. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *sobs* WHERE ART THOU SHEENA!?!?!?!??!?
  5. Topazia, I am honoured to meet a true theist, not one of these sub-standard thiests that say they believe but don't. Most Priests are a good example.
  6. w00t! =D Now TGHL has no need to blow up Kat or I. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Until one of you passes him. *checks on C-4 stock* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *C-4 is all gone, with a note in its place which reads: "Just borrowing it, don't expect it back"*
  7. I would like to purchase 1000 Phoenix- eating Crocodiles. Can you accomodate this request? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, I don't know about Phoenix eating, since there is nothing that kill a Phoenix. Except in my case, which me being nice would be perfectly fine. I can give 1,000 crocodiles of the same sort I have delievered to you in the past. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I will pick them up. Please get the crocs and my invoice ready. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *prepares The crocs by giving them a dental check up, a check for scale rot and feeding them some nice fresh meat* *loads them up into the swamp simulator*
  8. Now that I know that someone agrees with me, let's turn the subject something more pressing, like... freak dancing? guh-ROSS! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> One last question. What do you get for a Qualification? Apart from College Degrees of course. Freak Dancing? How about Happy Slapping? Ever heard of it before?
  9. That's a rhetorical question isn't it? As you are the Dumb Philosopher you're asking yourself so....
  10. Its too... heavy for my liking, but I can see why some people like it. The only one that I like is the one with "I menched Brent" in the lyrics. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It sounds like you're saying somebody munched on a guy named Brent... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's what it says, it's curious isn't it? If it was "Ich menched Brent" it might make slightly more sense, but its "I menched Brent"
  11. Its too... heavy for my liking, but I can see why some people like it. The only one that I like is the one with "I menched Brent" in the lyrics. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Note that I said Partial spiffiness. I wouldnt consider them a favorite band of mine (for now) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah, you did say Partial. For now? Is that while you explore their music a bit more?
  12. A similar point to what Tayino made awhile back.... Did it get a reply? No, it didn't. And anyway, hasn't modern society disproved all this belief that because these miracles were performed he must be the son of God? Many people have had their cancer cured by "miracle drugs" that turned out to be asprin! This just proves that it is not some divine intervention that cures these people, but the mere belief, hope or knowledege that cures them. Quite literally "Mind over matter". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can answer these. The Virgin Mary (Use proper punctuation.) was, in fact, a virgin. There are written documents outside of scripture saying this. The drunken-angel theory is a sham made up by atheists. I've heard it before. By the way, Joseph's angel came to him in a dream, and it told him to marry the girl. Back then, people actually followed more of the commandments. Jesus wasn't just preaching. He was healing crowds in front of the leaders, and thousands of witnesses Roman and Jew alike. He didn't use a "magic powder" or special drugs, He used His power as God, and only that. Perhaps Toto didn't catch the remark, TGHL. It is possible that Toto is a human as you and me and made a mistake. Am I correct? Modern society can't disprove anything. Any evidence can be manipulated if you get the wording right. Today, it's all about the numbers. People use numbers to scare you into doing somehing all the time, and you know that. Cancer is never cured. You overcome it like a virus or pneumonia. The only reason your aspirin worked is because their families and friends were praying for them. It was just a timing problem. Mind over matter. you are finding excuses again. You are right, the human ability to heal from something is amazing, but it only happens of the person actually believes it will help. Spiritual belief is different. Faith is different. It really works. the mental placebos that work sometines stem fron happy people, not always the ones with a powerful belief. Even if the person is an atheist or a no-doctrine, but their Christian friends belive and are praying, the person will be healed through the power of God. It's not the medicine. It's real. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Topazia, PLEASE. Stop dredgin up the stuff we want buried. This topic caused too much fighting and flaming rows, not arguements because that means to have a reasonable, balanced arguement.
  13. Blue is good. But so is Orange. Depends on what connatation you are going for with the colours.
  14. I've never heard of that movie? Care to give a brief overview of the plot? Evidence says it exists, however it may not be an actual diamond, it could be diamond shaped or just metaphorically a diamond. Find one of the elite and ask them. I know ELipses are planetary movements. Who created the "cult"? Gallileo. Who persecuted him for claiming the earth moved in an elipse round the sun? The church. What better shape or movement to use except an Elipse? WHere does Symmetry appear in God's "Work"? I know one thing that appears in Nature. The divine Proportion. Heard of it? I have. Again where does 5 come into God's great scheme? 7 does. How many stresses are there in an Iambic Pentameter? 5. See where it comes into the Illuminati's reverence? Problem with "il Pura Lingua"? Have you ever looked closely at the Bible? There is no mention of #### in the Bible is there? No mention of little devils with pitchforks. No mention of flames. Its a creation of the Constantine "eradication." How can I be a comedian if I'm just saying what they believe? Torre d'angeli is the tower of Angels though, not Angel of Truth. Or maybe I'm mixing it up again, I'd better check. Curious how the Bible writers recognised a Dove in Jeruselum isn't it? None of them were ornithologists or in all likelihood had ever seen a Dove before. Any sort of money you want to see? Yen, Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Rupees?
  15. I would like to purchase 1000 Phoenix- eating Crocodiles. Can you accomodate this request? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, I don't know about Phoenix eating, since there is nothing that kill a Phoenix. Except in my case, which me being nice would be perfectly fine. I can give 1,000 crocodiles of the same sort I have delievered to you in the past.
  16. Why is that California teaches English history, where as Cheesemaster's state does not? Get a national cirriculum! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Tghl, We can't get a national curriculum. Florida is stupid and does the CIM codels. CIM? What is CIM? And do you mean models or is it codels? National curriculum?? Easier said than done!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The states have this terrible thing called CAT testing. I hate it, even though it helped me get through middle school. CAT? Sounds as bad as our SAT, the most pointless set of tests ever. Is it? You set out what every teacher in the nation needs to teach to every "Grade" and they have to meet it, or else. Easy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> TGHL, that's impossible. Every state is different. Different populations, different expectations, standards of living... Population shouldn't really affect should it? What do you mean expectations? Yes, thats why you do a national cirriculum. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> WE CAN'T GET A NATIONAL CURRICULUM. WE ARE NOT AS COOL AS YOUR LOVELY BRITAIN!! Calm down, Britain is far from lovely when it comes to education and some other things. The Landscape is lovely yes, but the education system needs some tweaks. Maybe I should move to Sweeden? They have very high results. I believe that sooner or later the US should have a national curriculum so that everyone in every state is learning the same thing at the same age. For example, starting off every kindergartener in every school with learning the alphabet and then in 1st grade learning reading and adding/subtracting. Then in all the next grades they'll learn new things and if whoever is learning something is the same age as someone else in a different state is learning something, they'd be learning the same thing. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Keep wishing, MW. It ain't gonna happen. Lately, in Florida, schools have been focused solely on the TEST. FCAT= Florida Comprehensive Acheivement Test. Teachers are being forced to teach the FCAT for at least ten minutes every day, taking precious time away from real things, such as Maths (I know that that's how people in England say it. I read books.), Literature, World History, American History, etc.,etc... And, TGHL, the only reason we don't learn more about European history is because we don't live there. The basic extent of what Florida kids learn: The American Revolution, Shakespeare, The Seven Years War (aka the French and Indian War), and a little bit about the plague era, which was more of the whole of Europe, not just the coastline. I know more than most when it comes to the history of foreign countries, because I soak up books like water to a fish. (That's a terrible analogy.) For instance, I am the only one I know that knows about the Potato Blight in Ireland. But, everyone, American education quite frankly stinks. TGHL is right, we need a national standard. But it's not going to happen, because we have Hollywood and Washington, D.C. I have often said I hate America, and I have also said I love America. But, since I know so much about this *cough*wonderful*cough* country, which by the way is forever indebted to both England and France, I have finally decided what my position on American government is: undecided. And, for the record, Bush is being an idiot just by not pulling troops out of Iraq. It's so lame, and people are dying for a reason that doesn't exist. Okay, we've taken Saddam out, but to what end? He never threatened America, and tearing up Iraq isn't doing anything to catch Osama. This is just out of control Mayhem being funded by a partial government looking for more power! Bush isn't as stupid as we give him credit for. Yes, he's a bit dumber than most, but Laura blots that one out nicely. Bush is actually quite brilliant whn it comes to letting his wife do the talking, because I believe a woman's intuition can do wonders for a "WAR". You know, It's not even a war. It's just us pretending to fight a war, and the mass population of the USA has been kept in darkness about the whole fiasco! what is the point? Hah? Why are our men and women still dying thousands of miles away from their families for a cause thast is nonexistant? I hate hearing these stupid news flashes: "And among other news, 13 men and women died today, eight of them US soldiers, as a result of three suicide bombings. The bombers were apparently inleaugue with one another. Now, for the egg lovers..." Oh, My GOSH!!!! What is this world coming to? It's goten to the point where newscasters blow it off like that, and they're not allowed to put in their own opinion on live television! I hate it. I think It's stupid. I think we need that three minutes of world peace, and I think we need it now. America is full of Bigamous, bigotly freaks as leaders, and I think we need to shape up! But I do have good news... I just save a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico. ! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There is far too much to reply to all of it, so I 'll just look at some bits. 1) The limited History scope seems a little stupid. Surely you should not just look at the 200 odd years of History in the US, but the roots of the pilgrims and the first settlers in the US? 2) A National Cirriculum would help certainly, take jobs for example. You apply for one that asks for something that your state cirriculum doesn't cover. Problem. Indebted? Most people don't feel that way, at least if one person is any measure of that. How is it indebted anyway? 3) The War is over isn't it? A new *cough*puppet*cough* government is installed, regime change and cheaper oil has been achieved. The "goals" are done. So why not pull out?
  17. Its too... heavy for my liking, but I can see why some people like it. The only one that I like is the one with "I menched Brent" in the lyrics.
  18. Thats the one which means I made you go Lol isn't it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yesh. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Does your siggie have to be so long? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yesh. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Any reason why, when most of it is just odd words building up in a pyramid style? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Those aRe my Nivknames and Catch Phrases. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why not have them as.... lets say one line rather than 22? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmm... No reference to Catch 22 there.. nope...
  20. =D! Im almost on there! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I must defend my title! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Meh, You probably will defend better than I can speed-post. So um. Yeah. o_o Out-post LE and then I can take the position you currently have, eh? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you forgetting Kat? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She wasn't on the list. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But she's ahead of Arkcher, and will most likely get to be on the list before him, so he has to beat her out too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I SHALL BEAT YOU ALL! MWHAHAHAHA! *revs up the high speed posting machine* *explodes knocking out Arkcher and Kat* Hmmm... That'll do.
  21. ARGHHHHHHH! MORE AtTACKERS! *starts importing high speed posting equipment*
  22. =D! Im almost on there! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I must defend my title!
  23. What promise would that be? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The promise of providing us Overall Post Rankings until HK sorts it out? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ohhhhhhhh, that promise. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, and if you do not keep up teh agreement, we will not only use coloured duct tape this time, but will play the... SPAM SONG! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Tomorrow is the test TGHL. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Test of what? My Doomsday weapon or teh Overall Post ranks? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Choice Two. Only I thought today was the first, not the 31st. So, TOMORROW <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How do you know this TBFOF?
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