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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. Because Christianity says that God is the only God, there are no other Gods, only Christianity is the true religon, smite the unbelievers/heretics/so on.
  2. A sub-church of a main religon. For example, Mormonism is a denomination of Christianity. Zen is a denomination of Buddhism.
  3. Calm down people, good art takes time and we can hardly demand that CS produce art for us, can we?
  4. Did I make this before you came? I don't remember. Would you like to be added? It only got like 3 votes on it anyway... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Use your Common sense! Did Moneylover change his name while I was here, Smart one? Ha. Ha. Sense. Cents. Moneylover. get it? Ha. Ha. Okay that was bad sorry. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ohh. Fiesty. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ANd don't use fiesty. You sound like those "Ladies Of The Night." NB deliberate capitalisation.
  5. VOTE TGHL FOR PRESIDENT!!!! And I'll change HD into a democracy, not a rubbish, insulting Republic where Free Speech is shunned and its moronic president after moronic president, with a few exceptions like Reagan, Lincoln, Kennedy and Washington. And this better be in -14 font as well.
  6. I'm afraid I already b' havin' a first mate. And a second. However, there is an opening for a Cabin Boy. It's a unisex job, ya know.
  7. Yarr! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yarr! Ther' ya b' Kat! Now quickly! We must attack the Port of Cheese and steal the statue of Weebl!
  8. Because you want to stick around in case i give you all my moneys. I used to go there, I have almost 800K. And i cant decide who to give it to so I can delete my account(s). o_O It could be YOU! I doubt it cuz we cant exchange usernames. Ssssssooooooo tough luck. o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mememememememememememememememememem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Questions: Why is Arkcher a dork; why is Moneylover asking Questions about his Boxers; Who is the idit hoo invted chatspek The never to be solved Question: Why does Toto pick her nose? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1) Because Arkcher isn't 2) Because he wants to know 3) A Redneck 4) Because Toto is really interested in what is up there and what is making all the mucus, also she wants to get that 1,000 rupee coin out.
  9. Question: What are the co-ordinates of the Sanity Springs Spa?
  10. If anyone isn't interested in the course anymore, I'm afraid I'm going to put Operation Pykecrete into action, and Horatio will not be happy when that happens. Nor will any sanity not in my cool box, in the sanity bank or under MW's protection agency.
  11. No Thanks, I'll give you a race though, and if you can find MW, MW can race too!
  12. My answers: 1) Aethiest? The opposite of a Thiest. An aethiest is someone who believes, or rather knows, that God doesn't exist, is non-existant etc. 2) Why? Because of the many contridictions in the Bible and the improbabilities of miracles in addition to the fact that many of the so called "Acts Of God" can be dismissed as natural occurances. 3) Well.... I think that they have too much influence, only exist because of parent's and preacher's ability to manipulate the opinions of children and the rest of the race into believing that perfectly odinary occurances are are acts of God, the fact too many people believe that what essentially is a story book, is true and it is one of the biggest fraud cases in History. Also, I think that the Anglican and Protestant churches are schisming at such a rate that soon only one person will be left, the Catholic church is becoming rapidly smaller as more and more people become disinterested in mad, old priests mumbling at the altar, and anything that has a smaller gathering that the methodists is loony and/or insignificant. Other religons, more interesting than Christianity and at least some of the other religons don't say "Our God is the ONLY God." Take Hindusim for example, infinitely more interesting than Christianty, same for Buddhism. Still wrong, but more interesting. And btw, Mormonism isn't a religon, but a denomination of the Christian church, same for Catholicism.
  13. Had you used a goldfish as an example, I would have commented. You were a bit close to home with the example being one of my relatives. *watches TGHL very closely* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I apologise, its just an example I know is popular in cartoons and since you enjoy the Saturday cartoon spree, I thought this might be a better example than the quick "flush down the toilet, get a new one" scenario.
  14. Aww! <5 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh btw, I found out <3 is the correct thing for something funny, but it can be used as a sign of something good or generally positive.
  15. Guten Tag Hubert! (That's Good day Hubert for you non-German speaking people) See Horatio? No need for a translation is there?
  16. I've never heard of that movie? Care to give a brief overview of the plot? It's basically the three musketeers but it's four, and one is a girl trying to help her brother, and basically, the blades go on and defeat this "zombie" like dude. I wasn't really paying attention to the whole plot, just the religious warfare and the small romance bit. Evidence says it exists, however it may not be an actual diamond, it could be diamond shaped or just metaphorically a diamond. Find one of the elite and ask them. I don't know any elite. What evidence? Do tell, so that I might grow smarter. I know ELipses are planetary movements. Who created the "cult"? Gallileo. Who persecuted him for claiming the earth moved in an elipse round the sun? The church. What better shape or movement to use except an Elipse? maybe so, but the elliptical movement of the planets is actually true. The chruch was just looking for power back then. Now, it's actually gone somewhere without seeking earthly power. WHere does Symmetry appear in God's "Work"? I know one thing that appears in Nature. The divine Proportion. Heard of it? I have. God created it, didn't he? Divine proportion... Enlighten me. I forget at the moment. Oh, and notice I use correct capitalization. Again where does 5 come into God's great scheme? 7 does. How many stresses are there in an Iambic Pentameter? 5. See where it comes into the Illuminati's reverence? TGHL, you're losing what I was saying. The five century silence... The 25th of december (which, by the way was the tenth month before julius and augustus caesar. note the latin, DECember.)... Five original gospels (they took out one of them, I can't remember which.) There's plenty there, you just have to know and look. Problem with "il Pura Lingua"? did I stutter? Or did I flub on the translation? If I did, that's why I take Spanish, not that language. Have you ever looked closely at the Bible? There is no mention of #### in the Bible is there? No mention of little devils with pitchforks. No mention of flames. Its a creation of the Constantine "eradication." yes there is. Maybe not the exact word, but they never said the word, trinity either, and that's one of the Christian basics! The word Bible isn't in there either, and yet it exists. There is loads of allusions to flames and torture. There is a parable in there where Jesus tells us about how the rich man ate and did not feed the poor man, even when he begged, dying under the table, but when they died, the rich man went to Tophet, and the poor man went to heaven, and the rich man yearned for drink to cool the hot, burning of the flames, and the poor man said no, because the rich man never gave him anything, so why should he give water to the rich man? i rest my case. not really, but so there. Constantine was an idiot. Mary Magdalene wasn't a "lady of the night" if you know what I mean, and Constantine was the one who said it. How can I be a comedian if I'm just saying what they believe? Torre d'angeli is the tower of Angels though, not Angel of Truth. Or maybe I'm mixing it up again, I'd better check. Again, I take Spanish. It's tower, but Angel of Truth was directly underneath it, so I flubbed. apologies. Curious how the Bible writers recognised a Dove in Jeruselum isn't it? None of them were ornithologists or in all likelihood had ever seen a Dove before. Funny how the Bible works that way, isn't it? It was probably a loss in translation or true Divine Intervention (which it was.) Also, the keyword in there is SYMBOLIZED BY! It's called imagery. You're probably a little older than me, so I know you know about that. I'm pretty naive, too, so I can guarantee you. Any sort of money you want to see? Yen, Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Rupees? you know what I meant. Show me the money=Prove me wrong, why donchya? Most of the idioms here came from England. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> but on a lighter note, I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by walking to work instead of driving! LOL, j/k I finally got my first car! but it's as old as I am... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Let's focus on the Divine Proportion. Very special number. Appears everywhere in nature. This is it: 1.618 The most... beautiful number ever. You may know it as PHI? The number derived from the Fiboccani sequence. Do you know why it is considered beautiful? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I would like to know why. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I remember that number! The golden ratio! Phi has no end, tghl. 1.618:1 is how I learned it, though. it is considered beautiful because that ratio in a rectangle is: 1 rectangle=square+smaller, similar rectangle It is visually appealing. I like to draw things with golden ratio. PHI is the point on line segment A where segment B (before point PHI) to segment A is the same ratio as segment C (after point PHI) to segment B. it's halfway between .5 and .66667 (rounded for ellipsis reasons). I love math! nice signature. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Da Vinci was a lover of the PHI as well. Do you know where it turns up in Nature? All over your body for a start. I think next time you're bored, take a measuring tape. Measure from the tip of your head, to the floor, and then divide it by the distance from your belly button to the floor. Guess what number you get? PHI. Ratio of female bees in a hive to male bees: 1.618:1 Sunflower seeds grow in opposing spirals. Guess the ratio of each rotation's diametre to the next. 1.618. It's the same for your shoulder to fingertips divided by elbow to finger tips. And for Hip to floor divided by knee to floor. And for the entirity of your body. Joints, toes, spinal divisions. The perfect triubte to PHI is what the human race is. Finally, although Tayino might not want me to say this, the Pentagram or Pentacle is even a tribute to PHI. The sides automatically divide themselves into segments according to PHI, not making the sign a sign of wiccans or wizards or any other neo-paganistic sects, but ultimately a sign of PHI, universal perfection and everything else connected with PHI. Including the opposing sides of religon and science who both claim it prooves the existance/non-existance of God. So if you want to be really smart, wear a pentagram next time you go into church.
  17. MWHAHAHAHA! New prey! Ok... Banana Girl. As the board's most serious aethiest, I shall be the one who challenges your viewpoint, encouraging better conversation and debate skills, at least thats what it says in the School Inspector's handbook. 1) What makes you believe in God? 2) Why Mormonism? What makes you believe in the beliefs of the mormon's and not say, the Catholic's or the Protestant's? 3) Where did you get that idea from? Everyone seems to think it's Jehovah's witnesses who have the horns and tails.
  18. I am only 3 and 1/2 so I would never get mad at you for age bias. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And Sheena. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *sobs* WHERE ART THOU SHEENA!?!?!?!??!? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She is on an extended holiday having the time of her life!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You aren't just saying she is on an extended holiday so we don't get upset that Sheena isn't returning? Sort of like when the pet hamster dies and the parents quickly bury it and replace it with a clone they have been cultivating for awhile/a replacment that looks alike. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, I am not. Sometimes things stretch out longer than anticipated. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh good. Well, whatever it takes for Sheena to be back to her old self. Although Horatio, I think you missed the small witicism in there, but never mind it was only part of a joke and while the idea had come to me I dismissed it for you wouldn't lead us on like that, would you?
  19. I have been looking for the goodness in you. *gives TGHL 10 dolars for absalootly no reoson* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thank you.
  20. AVAST! WHere b' mi Piratey hoarde?
  21. Have I already responded to this?
  22. qualification? more education, i guess. no, never heard of it. it doesn't sound acceptable for HD, though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You don't get any qualifications? How do your empolyers know what your good at then? Happy slapping is the latest "craze." It involves going up to a stranger slapping them and recording it on your phone. [TONE=venmous]Hilarious[/TONE]. At least they just passed a law against it. After someone got agrophobia, refuses to come out anymore and has several scars on her face after an "attack" of happy slapping.
  23. I don't know. The biggest I posted was 36, but it's most likely much bigger. Having fun with the camera? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No! I want to post a pic and I do not know how to downsize it!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would help you but unfortunately you are on the Dar... Mac side, and I don't know how to use that.
  24. Don't worry Toto, I've seen Team America. I found it hilarious.
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