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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. Someone has a lot of time on their hands, but somehow I don't think it's Horatio. !!! I could have cooked dinner in the time it took me to highlight all that! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> When I did it the highlighter probably took the same time, but it kept stopping and disappearing while I still carried on going. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ??? I think mine did that, too... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I decided I would try highlighting it and cooking dinner, but I only was able to make a light tea of a boiled egg, lightly buttered toast soldiers and a hash brown, not forgetting two sausages. More of a breakfast really.
  2. *bashes awards for being given out too many at a time* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> MW, where art thou? You only seem to post every once and so often in certain topics!
  3. Mushroom King is the one with the outstanding request.
  4. Wow, you speak the most difficult language to learn, English!
  5. Yarr! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yarr! Ther' ya b' Kat! Now quickly! We must attack the Port of Cheese and steal the statue of Weebl! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Set sails for the Port of Cheese! Avast! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> YA HARR!
  6. NOYB! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think you will find it is my business as my business is to steal sanities and the SSS has the small portion left uncaptured. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *returns from raiding the Black Hole where TGHL hid his sanities and hides all the sanities in a place where they will NEVER be found* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *laughs as Horatio hides the bob-bomb fake sanities, unwittingly activating the tracking becons and preparing to detonate*
  7. More pointless than Bush's second term. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> obviously-- Bush's second term has a point, and that is to make everyone in the world either hate or fear Usa. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It depends where you live. The rest of the Western World would be hate, for the Eastern, its an intoxicating mix of fear and hate. Anyone noticed how the East/West boundires have changed now?
  8. qualification? more education, i guess. no, never heard of it. it doesn't sound acceptable for HD, though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You don't get any qualifications? How do your empolyers know what your good at then? Happy slapping is the latest "craze." It involves going up to a stranger slapping them and recording it on your phone. [TONE=venmous]Hilarious[/TONE]. At least they just passed a law against it. After someone got agrophobia, refuses to come out anymore and has several scars on her face after an "attack" of happy slapping. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> oh, that. we don't call them that. I forget what we do, but yeah. sounds painful. I feel sorry for that poor woman. nope. never heard of it. must be strictly European. Have I already responded to this? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah, but it was late, and I get giddy when I'm tired. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not even strictly European, strictly drunken chavs in the major population centres of Britain. Ah, that explains it then. The small moose enjoys consuming a Carribean-style Roast Chicken
  9. drop the cookie and no body gets hurt *wat type of cookie* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Too late all the cookies have been eaten, none for you.
  10. Except for the human race, the billions of species that the Earth alone has, any intelligent life forms out there, the plants etc. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No wonder Rue's such a fan. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That would be Suirue? And is that because I believe in the Intelligent life forms in the Universe? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, it's because you're suggesting plants are intelligent. And (Sui)Rue always insists they're sentient. Or yes. I'm not sure what you're saying. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, arguably plants are sentient. Certainly a venus fly trap would be a better president than Bush.
  11. YES ?!?!? It is about time you resurfaced! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What is your response to my post, Horatio? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition.
  12. can i be in da klub i am kul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Can you please submit a signed slip from the Monks of Cool that prooves you are cool?
  13. I've never heard of that movie? Care to give a brief overview of the plot? It's basically the three musketeers but it's four, and one is a girl trying to help her brother, and basically, the blades go on and defeat this "zombie" like dude. I wasn't really paying attention to the whole plot, just the religious warfare and the small romance bit. Evidence says it exists, however it may not be an actual diamond, it could be diamond shaped or just metaphorically a diamond. Find one of the elite and ask them. I don't know any elite. What evidence? Do tell, so that I might grow smarter. I know ELipses are planetary movements. Who created the "cult"? Gallileo. Who persecuted him for claiming the earth moved in an elipse round the sun? The church. What better shape or movement to use except an Elipse? maybe so, but the elliptical movement of the planets is actually true. The chruch was just looking for power back then. Now, it's actually gone somewhere without seeking earthly power. WHere does Symmetry appear in God's "Work"? I know one thing that appears in Nature. The divine Proportion. Heard of it? I have. God created it, didn't he? Divine proportion... Enlighten me. I forget at the moment. Oh, and notice I use correct capitalization. Again where does 5 come into God's great scheme? 7 does. How many stresses are there in an Iambic Pentameter? 5. See where it comes into the Illuminati's reverence? TGHL, you're losing what I was saying. The five century silence... The 25th of december (which, by the way was the tenth month before julius and augustus caesar. note the latin, DECember.)... Five original gospels (they took out one of them, I can't remember which.) There's plenty there, you just have to know and look. Problem with "il Pura Lingua"? did I stutter? Or did I flub on the translation? If I did, that's why I take Spanish, not that language. Have you ever looked closely at the Bible? There is no mention of #### in the Bible is there? No mention of little devils with pitchforks. No mention of flames. Its a creation of the Constantine "eradication." yes there is. Maybe not the exact word, but they never said the word, trinity either, and that's one of the Christian basics! The word Bible isn't in there either, and yet it exists. There is loads of allusions to flames and torture. There is a parable in there where Jesus tells us about how the rich man ate and did not feed the poor man, even when he begged, dying under the table, but when they died, the rich man went to Tophet, and the poor man went to heaven, and the rich man yearned for drink to cool the hot, burning of the flames, and the poor man said no, because the rich man never gave him anything, so why should he give water to the rich man? i rest my case. not really, but so there. Constantine was an idiot. Mary Magdalene wasn't a "lady of the night" if you know what I mean, and Constantine was the one who said it. How can I be a comedian if I'm just saying what they believe? Torre d'angeli is the tower of Angels though, not Angel of Truth. Or maybe I'm mixing it up again, I'd better check. Again, I take Spanish. It's tower, but Angel of Truth was directly underneath it, so I flubbed. apologies. Curious how the Bible writers recognised a Dove in Jeruselum isn't it? None of them were ornithologists or in all likelihood had ever seen a Dove before. Funny how the Bible works that way, isn't it? It was probably a loss in translation or true Divine Intervention (which it was.) Also, the keyword in there is SYMBOLIZED BY! It's called imagery. You're probably a little older than me, so I know you know about that. I'm pretty naive, too, so I can guarantee you. Any sort of money you want to see? Yen, Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Rupees? you know what I meant. Show me the money=Prove me wrong, why donchya? Most of the idioms here came from England. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> but on a lighter note, I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by walking to work instead of driving! LOL, j/k I finally got my first car! but it's as old as I am... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Let's focus on the Divine Proportion. Very special number. Appears everywhere in nature. This is it: 1.618 The most... beautiful number ever. You may know it as PHI? The number derived from the Fiboccani sequence. Do you know why it is considered beautiful? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I would like to know why. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I remember that number! The golden ratio! Phi has no end, tghl. 1.618:1 is how I learned it, though. it is considered beautiful because that ratio in a rectangle is: 1 rectangle=square+smaller, similar rectangle It is visually appealing. I like to draw things with golden ratio. PHI is the point on line segment A where segment B (before point PHI) to segment A is the same ratio as segment C (after point PHI) to segment B. it's halfway between .5 and .66667 (rounded for ellipsis reasons). I love math! nice signature. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Da Vinci was a lover of the PHI as well. Do you know where it turns up in Nature? All over your body for a start. I think next time you're bored, take a measuring tape. Measure from the tip of your head, to the floor, and then divide it by the distance from your belly button to the floor. Guess what number you get? PHI. Ratio of female bees in a hive to male bees: 1.618:1 Sunflower seeds grow in opposing spirals. Guess the ratio of each rotation's diametre to the next. 1.618. It's the same for your shoulder to fingertips divided by elbow to finger tips. And for Hip to floor divided by knee to floor. And for the entirity of your body. Joints, toes, spinal divisions. The perfect triubte to PHI is what the human race is. Finally, although Tayino might not want me to say this, the Pentagram or Pentacle is even a tribute to PHI. The sides automatically divide themselves into segments according to PHI, not making the sign a sign of wiccans or wizards or any other neo-paganistic sects, but ultimately a sign of PHI, universal perfection and everything else connected with PHI. Including the opposing sides of religon and science who both claim it prooves the existance/non-existance of God. So if you want to be really smart, wear a pentagram next time you go into church. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'll never wear a pentagram to cjurch, though. Brian, my youth minister, would chew me out. so would rob, my bf, and wendy, my mom's friend, as well as... oh, sorry. mumbling again. hey, on the topic of phi in religious, i'm willing to gamble that the "God is" group outnumbers the "God isn't" group. Tim Allen is great on Home Improvement! sorry, random comment. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You could always explain it is a tirbute to God and his, sorry, His master plan. Well, if you consider the fact that religon has dwindled in Europe, Asia doesn't have a God and India doesn't, and doesn't use PHI in the arguement for their God's existance. That's a large amount of the world's population, you'd have to do a worldwide poll and force people to answer in order to find out.
  14. 1) You mean the Holy Trinity? That is in Catholicism, as they sort of... started it. You do realise the Bible wasn't written by God don't you? Or dictated. Or anything'd by him. All it is is a collection of mortal men's accounts of what happened. Nothing special. 1.5) Because there is no proof. The reasons they do give are easily dismissed. The whole sense of spirituality and God only being able to be proved spirituality is a load of rubbish as well. Science explains the world, not a crackpot theory that some Cannabis smoking omnipotent, omniscient and omnibus celestial being the reason for everything. That's not it, only a brief section. 2) Arkcher is a mormon I believe, otherwise I had never previously heard of Mormons until Arkcher mentioned them.
  15. No, I'm just bumping the topic so it doesn't die. We dont' want all of the great art that's already posted to be lost! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Good point. Bump it every so often then.
  16. Someone has a lot of time on their hands, but somehow I don't think it's Horatio. !!! I could have cooked dinner in the time it took me to highlight all that! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> When I did it the highlighter probably took the same time, but it kept stopping and disappearing while I still carried on going.
  17. NOYB! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think you will find it is my business as my business is to steal sanities and the SSS has the small portion left uncaptured.
  18. EUUHHOHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nicely executed take on the statement; "EURRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"
  19. Um. Oops. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Whats the oops for? All you did is proove Horatio can't produce good quality Permanent Ink Tattoos! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I accentally used nonpermanent ink remover. When used on permanent ink, it can have some crazy side effects... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> On whom, what or when? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The bumper stickers on the sanity. I mean. The permanent ink on Horatio's sanity. It looks like a trumpet now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Donate it to an Orphan Soul Band. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you sure you want to donate Horatio's sanity? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> WHAT?!?!?!??! It's Horatio's sanity, I thought it was the sanity detector. *snatches the sanity back off Orphans* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> When are you going to learn??????? I have my true sanity securely stored in a place that you will never find it. The only sanities of mine, running around out here, are decoys and replacements. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm sorry Horatio, I'm going to have to do this. *tells Bush that not only does Horatio have huge amounts of oil, but loads of Weapons of Mass Destruction as well* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wow, you sure know which person to put against Horatio! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wahhhh! Where have all the quote boxes gone? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Agi Hammerthief stole them.
  20. 1) I take it Horatio has not seen the new Doctor Who, so I shall laugh. MWHAHAHAHA! 2) MW, if you do not collect your sanities soon, they are going to overflow the Black Hole I put them in for safe keeping.
  21. YES ?!?!? It is about time you resurfaced! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Horatio, have you been telepathicaly manipulating Erendayu's thoughts so she would return?
  22. Except for the human race, the billions of species that the Earth alone has, any intelligent life forms out there, the plants etc. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No wonder Rue's such a fan. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That would be Suirue? And is that because I believe in the Intelligent life forms in the Universe?
  23. Kerry the 'Nam war hero. Not exactly something to be proud of...... But of course then you can always point out that Bush didn't go and is ergo not a patriot. He'll send others to war, but not go himself. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My point is that he, having have been in a war himself, would have more of a right to send people to war than the pampered, spoiled, rich kid who cheated his way out of it. I myself am a pacifist. And a communist. Doesn't build a good case for me to support a war in Vietnam, does it? Kerry is a hero for his courage, and Bush is a villain for his cowardice among others (his hypocrisy). Oh, and here's the real reason we went to war in Iraq (editor's note included): After all, this is a guy that tried to kill my dad at one time. -- So that's why Dubya wanted to send in the troops, Houston, Texas, Sep. 26, 2002 That, and, of course, oil. Daddy + Oil = DO. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, Dubya's Dad did give him a Trust Fund in case he messed up the economy. He did, oil prices rocket. He turns to his trust fund. Discovers it was based in Oil. Cherny slaps Bush and sends him a memo telling him to invade Iran. Bush however, cannot read and can only get a vague idea of what it says. So he inteprets it as Iraq, not Iran.
  24. Horatio makes SURE we know he has spat a beverage all over his screen. It is the highest form of compliment. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ... I don't want to know, do I? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You do..... secretly..... Horatio knows.....
  25. No Thanks, I'll give you a race though, and if you can find MW, MW can race too! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're on. But, I will tell you, I am not using this airplane for the race... I am using my Concorde! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Aren't those all retired now Horatio?
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