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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. qualification? more education, i guess. no, never heard of it. it doesn't sound acceptable for HD, though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You don't get any qualifications? How do your empolyers know what your good at then? Happy slapping is the latest "craze." It involves going up to a stranger slapping them and recording it on your phone. [TONE=venmous]Hilarious[/TONE]. At least they just passed a law against it. After someone got agrophobia, refuses to come out anymore and has several scars on her face after an "attack" of happy slapping. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> oh, that. we don't call them that. I forget what we do, but yeah. sounds painful. I feel sorry for that poor woman. nope. never heard of it. must be strictly European. Have I already responded to this? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah, but it was late, and I get giddy when I'm tired. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not even strictly European, strictly drunken chavs in the major population centres of Britain. Ah, that explains it then. The small moose enjoys consuming a Carribean-style Roast Chicken <{POST_SNAPBACK}> wow. sorry, but I'm having a brainless moment. what is a chav? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Townies, yobs, yobbos.... here I am thinking that chav was an American term. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sorry, but no. Don't know what a yob is. or a yobbo, or a townie. you mean barhangers? they hang out at bars coz they got problems and the solution is drowning it in alcohol. Call me naive, but it's not just in Connecticut that we don't hear those terms. quick question that is totally off topic: is it lu or loo? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They like burberry. They hang around the council estates. The ones who like music that repeats the same beat over and over again. They do up beat up Renaults. They like drugs and cigarettes, hoodies and baseball caps. They steal, get more drunk than a skunk in a vat of sherry. Is that better? For Brit slang for toilet? It's loo.
  2. YES ?!?!? It is about time you resurfaced! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What is your response to my post, Horatio? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> exactly my point. not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence. I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point. Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement. my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky. for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, the truth all depends on perspective, but I would argue that the truth is what is reality/true etc., it's just our personal perception of truth that changes. Yes, I suppose it's like me. You see, I am in fact not a 14 year old, nearly 15, Anglo male with Celtic blood, but Kim Jung Il from N.Korea intent on destabalising American culture from within. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> HORATIO! It was a fake url! boguswebsite is a fake url! I was being sarcastic! Hah! I'm older than you! *has a giggle fit for no apparent reason, gets baby brother from crib, and returns* Hey, if I were to believe you, can I call you Kim, TGHL? That's a girl's name!!! hehehe! My Dad has Celtic blood in him. you can't do what you can't spell. You mean "disestablishing," right? Or "Uproot"? It won't happen. Anglo kids are smart. I didn't know half the stuff you know (about religion) when I was 14. But see, I really am a 16 yr old girl from Florida, and as you can see, I do have a passion. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well. Calm down. Why would you call me Kim if you were to believe me? I put male there, not female. Congratulations to him. AHA! You see, since I am Kim Jung Il, I have a very poor grasp on the Anglish language. Yes! See! I run rings around your logic! Why thank you. I can assure you however, it doesn't apply to all of us. I believe you, because no one could feign your sheer passion and devotion to something which everyone seems to have a different opinion on.
  3. [voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. [/voice] I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe. That's terrible! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Perfectionism flashing a fin again? Spain and Italy are really the only devout nations in Europe, maybe parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but Britain is nearly all Agnostic and Aethiest. Only 2% of Britian goes to church and church related activities now. Same in Germany and France too, despite the fact London, Paris and Berlin all have over a thousand places of worship each. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> OMG! That's terrible! Do me a favor, don't reply to the religion topic. and no, perfectionism isn't happening there. that's what caught me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is it? Oh... er... too late? Where? Oh, I thought you were refering to the fact I typo'd tribute and it ended up as tirbute.... Er.... Anyway, that is the correct thing isn't it? I was just making a point that God and Jesus seem to be above correct spelling, grammar and use of apostrophes. Not forgetting punctuation of all sorts and capatalisation.
  4. Because Christianity says that God is the only God, there are no other Gods, only Christianity is the true religon, smite the unbelievers/heretics/so on. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that's very cynical of you. even I think so, and I am the world's most cynical Christian. Actually, that's only half true. This may seem weird, so brace yourself: I love you. I love everyone. I would die for anyone. Why? That what I should do. I can't smite anyone, least of all those who need the Lord most. That's hypocrisy, really. DON'T RIDICULE THAT! I'M WARNING YOU! I mean it. Don't twist what I said. I get that enough in my own city. ... well... On second thought, it's free game. I don't care what people think about me anymore. It doesn't affect where I'm going, nor does it affect my attitude towards life anymore. So feel free to bug on my statement. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I love cynicism, it really is invigorating. That is very.... noble of you. An attitude matyrs and saints would be proud of. Unfortunatly, in order to qualify for either of those you need to be killed in some gruesome way, and then have people think that actually you were right, and oh rugger God isn't going to be happy about this, QUICK! make them a saint to save our own bottoms. Notice how I wasn't ridiculing that, but the entire sainthood system... and in some small way, what you said. Exactly, what others do will not affect the fact you have a seat next to the late Pope and Princess Di, unfortunately Lady Di isn't in Heaven at the minute, she's off being someone's guardian angel. So you'll be sitting next to Barbie, with Himmler two seats away.
  5. 1) You mean the Holy Trinity? That is in Catholicism, as they sort of... started it. You do realise the Bible wasn't written by God don't you? Or dictated. Or anything'd by him. All it is is a collection of mortal men's accounts of what happened. Nothing special. 1.5) Because there is no proof. The reasons they do give are easily dismissed. The whole sense of spirituality and God only being able to be proved spirituality is a load of rubbish as well. Science explains the world, not a crackpot theory that some Cannabis smoking omnipotent, omniscient and omnibus celestial being the reason for everything. That's not it, only a brief section. 2) Arkcher is a mormon I believe, otherwise I had never previously heard of Mormons until Arkcher mentioned them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No offense, ABG, but I don't really consider Mormonism to be a true Christian denomination. It permits bigamy, and a third testament. You should try Episcopalianism. I'ts like Catholic without the guilt. OR Anglican, it's the same thing. oh, and toto? ABG is just asking questions. we're answering them. Relax, we're not fighting like you and tghl were several weeks ago. okay? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> DARN! I need to stop doing this, and if Horatio wants to he can merge these 3 posts into one. Anyway. Ah, now we come to the inter-religon squabbling. The schisms. The seperations. The blood feuds. Ah, it brings me such warmth to see such people who so solidly believe in what is essentially the same "Truth" about the events that "happened", each caliming that their version is the correct one. It really puts aethiests out of a job you know. Episcopalianism? It sounds like a sect that worships a reptilian god. Is it Catholisim that is the same as Anglican or Episcopalianism that is the same as Anglican? Ah yes, that was the stuff the crusades were of. Mad, foaming thiests, so high on belief it took a scimitar to bring them down, smiting the unbelievers who practiced such heinous and incidious acts as art, music and reading.
  6. 1) You mean the Holy Trinity? That is in Catholicism, as they sort of... started it. You do realise the Bible wasn't written by God don't you? Or dictated. Or anything'd by him. All it is is a collection of mortal men's accounts of what happened. Nothing special. 1.5) Because there is no proof. The reasons they do give are easily dismissed. The whole sense of spirituality and God only being able to be proved spirituality is a load of rubbish as well. Science explains the world, not a crackpot theory that some Cannabis smoking omnipotent, omniscient and omnibus celestial being the reason for everything. That's not it, only a brief section. 2) Arkcher is a mormon I believe, otherwise I had never previously heard of Mormons until Arkcher mentioned them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *laughs at tghl's description of a pothead* God is not a pothead's hallucination. I'm trying so hard not to laugh at that. Science promotes the big bang theory, right? if the universe started out the size of a pinhead, where did the extra space to grow come from? Evolution has loads of holes, too. Science is one of my favorite subjects, so don't get me wrong. It's just that I wish I had religion class like you, so that I could back up my words with a textbook. No offense, ABG, but I don't really consider Mormonism to be a true Christian denomination. It permits bigamy, and a third testament. You should try Episcopalianism. I'ts like Catholic without the guilt. OR Anglican, it's the same thing. oh, and toto? ABG is just asking questions. we're answering them. Relax, we're not fighting like you and tghl were several weeks ago. okay? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oops....... Forgot to finish off the post. Ok. I wasn't actually describing a pothead, and cannabis causing them to believe in God, although I did make the point that the prophets' visions seem similar to those of a Magic Mushroom addict. I was actually saying that, assuming He exists, God existed, it seems to me likely that he smoked Cannabis. I mean, so many of his actions make no sense. Why did he make knowledge forbidden? If he wanted something to control, he should have chosen sheep. Maybe that's why Jesus is always refered to as a Shepherd? And the human race as a flock? SO much for God wanting to give us freedom. Maybe Christianity would have been different if God had appeared to a Goat shepherd instead of a sheep shepherd? Sheep need to driven, Goats need to be led. See? Logic. I should have been God. I would have done a much better job. And to stop the Angel's rebellion, I would have made an Angel's union, thus preventing the entire creation of #### and Satan. Anyway, back to Science. *looks round conspiratally* *stage whisper* Did you know.... *looks around again* that at CERN (birth place of Internet), which is the Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire, which Horatio knows about, as I suspect that she flies their new Beoing X-33 HSCT for them. Anyway, they have discovered Antimatter. Yep, the almost Holy Grail of Science. Anyway, when Antimatter hits Matter, you get a little "poof" of light and you get some more matter and antimatter, repeat step one and you get the universe. And as for how the two first pieces matter and antimatter came to be. That's harder. Matter is basically stored energy right? So before Matter and Antimatter, all that must of been is Energy and since Energy doesn't have Mass, it doesn't take up any space. There ya go. Ergo, the "void" at the edge of the universe, the ultimate nothingness, must be energy. I'm not sure though, I can get up to the creation of the universe, but not before that.
  7. 1) You mean the Holy Trinity? That is in Catholicism, as they sort of... started it. You do realise the Bible wasn't written by God don't you? Or dictated. Or anything'd by him. All it is is a collection of mortal men's accounts of what happened. Nothing special. 1.5) Because there is no proof. The reasons they do give are easily dismissed. The whole sense of spirituality and God only being able to be proved spirituality is a load of rubbish as well. Science explains the world, not a crackpot theory that some Cannabis smoking omnipotent, omniscient and omnibus celestial being the reason for everything. That's not it, only a brief section. 2) Arkcher is a mormon I believe, otherwise I had never previously heard of Mormons until Arkcher mentioned them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Holy Trinity is in all denominations of Christianity, and God told those men and women what to write. It is very special because it is the only truly Holy document that has been around this long. *laughs at tghl's description of a pothead* God is not a pothead's hallucination. I'm trying so hard not to laugh at that. Science promotes the big bang theory, right? if the universe started out the size of a pinhead, where did the extra space to grow come from? Evolution has loads of holes, too. Science is one of my favorite subjects, so don't get me wrong. It's just that I wish I had religion class like you, so that I could back up my words with a textbook. No offense, ABG, but I don't really consider Mormonism to be a true Christian denomination. It permits bigamy, and a third testament. You should try Episcopalianism. I'ts like Catholic without the guilt. OR Anglican, it's the same thing. oh, and toto? ABG is just asking questions. we're answering them. Relax, we're not fighting like you and tghl were several weeks ago. okay? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Trinity is the basis for Christianity in a way I suppose. Oh really? So why are there over 400 gospels, not 4? Did God tell every single one of those men (and women, actually, so if God does exist, he isn't sexist people) to write down a different account of Jesus' life? Mary Magdalene has a gospel ya know. So does a man who only met Jesus once. Loads of people do. Strange thing is, all of them don't depict Jesus as the son of God. Actually most of them just call him a mortal prophet. Strange isn't it how 400 different people manage to get things wrong isn't it?
  8. Actelly, theres lots of people in my army. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yourself does not count as lots. I wanna be in the mushroom army... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> AND YOU SHALL BE CRUCHED IF YOU DO BY MY MIGHTY ARMY! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm scared of being cruched... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You should be. It involves a pair of crutches and a tank of compressed air and a vial of nitro glycirin.
  9. *is patiently waiting for the rest of the story to appear* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What kind of story will It be ... horror,action,romance,teenieboper story. Teenieboper stories are taking over th U.S <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Teenieboper? Is this a teenage doppelganger? (German for double shadow I think)
  10. Wow, you speak the most difficult language to learn, English! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was just reviving the topic... And don't be so sure I speak English! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Very few actually seem to speak it perfect, except dusty old professors who made a study of grammer. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> grammer??? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> oops, vowel typo. Grammar would be better for you, yes?
  11. Errr... ... ... ... ... ???!!!!!!!??? *envisions little armies of pumpernickle, rye, whole wheat and white toast soldiers marching around the table* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What is pumpernickel? (or pumpernickle) I have never heard of it before, as as far as I am concerned bread comes in two catogries; Tasty and stale. Tasty dark rye bread. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah. Now could you please tell me what the dickens Amityville is?
  12. Remind me again how this turned into a discussion about quotes, quote boxes, and the highlighting thereof. ???!!!??? (I must be getting old. My memory is frail. *shatter* Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! Wait, what am I screaming about...?) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You quoted Topazia's siggie and commented it took ages to highlight and could have made dinner in that time. Horatio then commented on the way quote boxes effected the speed, I also commented that you couldn't really make dinner, more a sort of breakfast.
  13. Strange. Mine only (seems to) take less time when I continuously move the cursor. Which I consequentially always do. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mine moves slower the further away from the text it is.
  14. qualification? more education, i guess. no, never heard of it. it doesn't sound acceptable for HD, though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You don't get any qualifications? How do your empolyers know what your good at then? Happy slapping is the latest "craze." It involves going up to a stranger slapping them and recording it on your phone. [TONE=venmous]Hilarious[/TONE]. At least they just passed a law against it. After someone got agrophobia, refuses to come out anymore and has several scars on her face after an "attack" of happy slapping. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> oh, that. we don't call them that. I forget what we do, but yeah. sounds painful. I feel sorry for that poor woman. nope. never heard of it. must be strictly European. Have I already responded to this? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah, but it was late, and I get giddy when I'm tired. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not even strictly European, strictly drunken chavs in the major population centres of Britain. Ah, that explains it then. The small moose enjoys consuming a Carribean-style Roast Chicken <{POST_SNAPBACK}> wow. sorry, but I'm having a brainless moment. what is a chav? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Townies, yobs, yobbos.... here I am thinking that chav was an American term.
  15. YES ?!?!? It is about time you resurfaced! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What is your response to my post, Horatio? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> exactly my point. not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence. I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point. Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement. my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky. for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, the truth all depends on perspective, but I would argue that the truth is what is reality/true etc., it's just our personal perception of truth that changes. Yes, I suppose it's like me. You see, I am in fact not a 14 year old, nearly 15, Anglo male with Celtic blood, but Kim Jung Il from N.Korea intent on destabalising American culture from within.
  16. [voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. [/voice] I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe. That's terrible! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Perfectionism flashing a fin again? Spain and Italy are really the only devout nations in Europe, maybe parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but Britain is nearly all Agnostic and Aethiest. Only 2% of Britian goes to church and church related activities now. Same in Germany and France too, despite the fact London, Paris and Berlin all have over a thousand places of worship each.
  17. I wanna be in the mushroom army... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> AND YOU SHALL BE CRUCHED IF YOU DO BY MY MIGHTY ARMY!
  18. Mushroom King is the one with the outstanding request. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ...and Mega Wolf , unless I'm much mistaken. ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> MW just seems to be on and off, don't worry I'm sure she will post it when she see's it.
  19. Out of curiosity is this going to be in a sort of Japanese anime style storyline thing?
  20. Wow, you speak the most difficult language to learn, English! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was just reviving the topic... And don't be so sure I speak English! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Very few actually seem to speak it perfect, except dusty old professors who made a study of grammer.
  21. Someone has a lot of time on their hands, but somehow I don't think it's Horatio. !!! I could have cooked dinner in the time it took me to highlight all that! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> When I did it the highlighter probably took the same time, but it kept stopping and disappearing while I still carried on going. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ??? I think mine did that, too... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I decided I would try highlighting it and cooking dinner, but I only was able to make a light tea of a boiled egg, lightly buttered toast soldiers and a hash brown, not forgetting two sausages. More of a breakfast really. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Errr... ... ... ... ... ???!!!!!!!??? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dinner can be refered to as Tea over here. As tea is often a popular accompiment to dinner.
  22. Errr... ... ... ... ... ???!!!!!!!??? *envisions little armies of pumpernickle, rye, whole wheat and white toast soldiers marching around the table* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What is pumpernickel? (or pumpernickle) I have never heard of it before, as as far as I am concerned bread comes in two catogries; Tasty and stale.
  23. Oh I don't know. We agree that fast food is disgusting and bad for you don't we?
  24. Yes, as if you make war on me or Skwelhugger, you will get pulverised and won't win at all. Also, there is no one in the army, so that's a problem.
  25. Would you rather they be purple? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nope. Green. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'd prefer them to be red. Like they are.
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