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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. Except for the human race, the billions of species that the Earth alone has, any intelligent life forms out there, the plants etc. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No wonder Rue's such a fan. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That would be Suirue? And is that because I believe in the Intelligent life forms in the Universe? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, it's because you're suggesting plants are intelligent. And (Sui)Rue always insists they're sentient. Or yes. I'm not sure what you're saying. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, arguably plants are sentient. Certainly a venus fly trap would be a better president than Bush. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Aye, m'lord! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What do you think milday? Replace Bush with a Venus Fly Trap? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sounds like a plan. A good plan. For the benefit of the planet known as Earth. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wonder what it's first decree would be... Probably eat congress and then embark on reducing CO2 and such like emissions.
  2. Awwwww. So cute. She looks soft. Huette is very soft. She also does something very few hammies do. She squeaks and cries. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Patrica reminds me of this woman who has over 10 rats in a huge complex that takes up a whole wall of her home, she allows them to crawl all over her as well. I can imagine your fellow hamsters roaming the house engaging in all sorts of activities, like Dalek building, watching the new series of Doctor Who and Tardis observation. I'm not obsessed. No.. not at all. OMG! It's TIME FOR IT! RUN RUN! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *is twitching* Doctor..... The Doctor...... EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! YOU HAVE BEEN EXTERMINATED! MWHAHAHAHAHA! I AM THE GOD OF THE DALEKS! I AM IMMORTAL! NEH HE HE..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Snap out of it, TGHL. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can't, and its too late anyway. *army of daleks roll in and start keelingeveryonedeadexceptMW* I AM THE DALEK EMPEROR!
  3. My army is actually allied with yours, TGHL, but my army is separate. And plus all that the Mushroom Army can do is shroom people, which isn't worth much since both of our armies have anti-shroom gear. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course, I have not forgotten the entente cordiale de la wolf. (the cordial alliance of the wolf) Oh yes, the anti-shroom gear. The most common weapon; a frying pan or if you like your mushrooms roasted, a heat gun.
  4. If she does we can make....the Banana Army! What we will do, I don't know... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How about you join THC's army? Or Skwerl's? Those are the only armies I will even recognise as being worth fighting. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because they're not around. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You can still join them and lead them in the absence of their leaders. And you have a higher life expectancy than if you stay in the Shroom army.
  5. [voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. [/voice] I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe. That's terrible! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Perfectionism flashing a fin again? Spain and Italy are really the only devout nations in Europe, maybe parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but Britain is nearly all Agnostic and Aethiest. Only 2% of Britian goes to church and church related activities now. Same in Germany and France too, despite the fact London, Paris and Berlin all have over a thousand places of worship each. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> OMG! That's terrible! Do me a favor, don't reply to the religion topic. and no, perfectionism isn't happening there. that's what caught me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is it? Oh... er... too late? Where? Oh, I thought you were refering to the fact I typo'd tribute and it ended up as tirbute.... Er.... Anyway, that is the correct thing isn't it? I was just making a point that God and Jesus seem to be above correct spelling, grammar and use of apostrophes. Not forgetting punctuation of all sorts and capatalisation. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> God is Jesus. I chose to ignore the tribute typo. nevermind about the religion topic. and yes, God is more important. nice try, tho. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How can a father and his son be the same thing? does that explain why Jesus always is represented with long hair, a goatee and glazed eyes, the now stereotype for a pothead? Or would you believe that he had an eye infection which prevented him from seeing clearly thus preventing him from shaving? Will do. So God is more important than Jesus, despite the fact you said Jesus is God? How can God be more important than himself? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You don't know as much as I thought. NO, that's not what I said. I was referring to grammar as being less important than God. Not Jesus. The three in One thing is very difficult to explain. It's one of those things that humans can't understand, so you just have to rely on my words. Here's an analogy that might help: A shamrock. Shamrocks have three little leaves, but they all count as part of one single leaf. God is comprised of three separate persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God the Father is NOT the Son or the Holy Spirit, but they all are part of one single deity. um... Or an egg. The shell, the white, and the yolk. The shell is not the yolk or the white, but they are all one single celled egg. Does that make sense? The reason Jesus is most often portrayed like this is that that is how the men in His time looked. He was a carpenter, which means he probably either wore it back or short, so that is a misconception. His eyes aren't glazed, they are focused on God! Plus, a lot of artists who drew him are the kind who can't draw eyes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just a small bit of info, the pictures of Jesus are likely to be historically inaccurate. I remember on the History Channel I heard that Jesus was most likely darker skinned. It's just that much corruption in Europe throughout history occured leading to censorship in the bible(yes, you may be missing out on certain vital parts of the bible) and also another thing that may have occured is the Europeans just portrayed Jesus and Mary to look like they were of light skin color and the appearance stayed. Just a bit of information. May or may not be innacurate. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've heard that too. Um... It's Bible. Always capitalized. I know they took a lot of stuff out of the Bible, but that's because they had to determine which books were actually true Gospels and Epistles. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or aletrnatively cover up the truth about Jesus and such. Did you know nearly nothing in Christinaity is original? Halos for example, are sun discs stolen from Egyptian mythology. God as a huge man with a huge white beard and longish hair with finger pointing down out of the clouds, is stolen from Greek mythology, i.e. Zeus. I think the only non-stolen stuff is.... er.... actually I don't think there is anything that isn't stolen.
  6. methinks da mafia isn't a very good army, perhaps it helps finance Pheonixian operations. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Would you be thinking vending machines? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes Horatio, all the Mafia does is run vending machines.
  7. Oh no, the Mafia isn't an army... technically and is perfectly legit, or as you said as legit as the Mafia can be.
  8. I would like to have you outfit the Mushroom_army's calvary. Please send me all the equipment you have in sets of 50. *hands over Infinity Card* Here is your payment in advance. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> calvary everything would be a logistical nightmare, far better to choose one or two types. we can supply horses, elephants, motorcycles, and chocobos, for more exotic forms of calvary, we can make tack and such, but you'll have to aquire the mounts yourselves. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *places infinity card in front of Lexx* Give me you entire stock of chocobo equipment and any cuoco equipment as well should you have and you will be rewarded with an infinity card of your own.
  9. Because Christianity says that God is the only God, there are no other Gods, only Christianity is the true religon, smite the unbelievers/heretics/so on. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that's very cynical of you. even I think so, and I am the world's most cynical Christian. Actually, that's only half true. This may seem weird, so brace yourself: I love you. I love everyone. I would die for anyone. Why? That what I should do. I can't smite anyone, least of all those who need the Lord most. That's hypocrisy, really. DON'T RIDICULE THAT! I'M WARNING YOU! I mean it. Don't twist what I said. I get that enough in my own city. ... well... On second thought, it's free game. I don't care what people think about me anymore. It doesn't affect where I'm going, nor does it affect my attitude towards life anymore. So feel free to bug on my statement. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I love cynicism, it really is invigorating. That is very.... noble of you. An attitude matyrs and saints would be proud of. Unfortunatly, in order to qualify for either of those you need to be killed in some gruesome way, and then have people think that actually you were right, and oh rugger God isn't going to be happy about this, QUICK! make them a saint to save our own bottoms. Notice how I wasn't ridiculing that, but the entire sainthood system... and in some small way, what you said. Exactly, what others do will not affect the fact you have a seat next to the late Pope and Princess Di, unfortunately Lady Di isn't in Heaven at the minute, she's off being someone's guardian angel. So you'll be sitting next to Barbie, with Himmler two seats away. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You don't have to die to be martyred. For instance, Richard Wurmbrand is a pastor. He is considered a martyr because he was imprisoned in a Gestapo camp, then a Korean Communist camp, totalling fourteen years in exile. He kept his faith. Noble? I was going for honest and bared. I don't want saints to be proud of me. I want God to be proud of me. It's like being a little kid who wants nothing more than his/her father's praise. "Blessed are they who are pure in heart, for they shall see the Lord." Matthew 5:8 is one of my favorite verses. Please don't ridicule the most devoted people I can think of, TGHL. That's one of the few things that get me started on my human anger trips. I dropped most of the peppery comeback, so do me this, okay? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ARG, I b' quiet now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What, you are reluctant? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nope, because if I open my beak, I will do what will send you on one of your human anger trips. k? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That was facetious. K, tho. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You mean that was nasty and uncalled for or did you actualy mean to put fictious?
  10. I never said they were the safest in the world, just the safest in America. That's according to a survey done by the US government too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you consider the amount of miles driven and the number of injuries and fatalities, you will now arrive at the safety numbers. Consider air travel, it is an extremely safe method of travel. When an airliner crashes and the number of fatalities is in the hundreds, this sounds horrible. But you must consider the total number of flights, miles flown and number of injuries/fatalities and overall it is a very safe method of travel. It is more dangerous to drive your car. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes Horatio, next time we want to go to school by veichle we will make your airbus our number one choice.
  11. Topazia....... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, it was a wise idea to stop there, otherwise she would have witnessed what few... er.. maybe not few, but some people have seen before. Also, that's verging on racism. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was kidding! Oh, my Gosh, I'd never really do that! It's just EVIL! I wish typed words could show tone of voice, because I was kidding! Wow, I am racist against racism! It would actually be verging on creed-prejudice. I could care less about what prejudices of all kinds are against. It doesn't matter. It's the personality, not the beliefs, that count. Wait, what would I have seen? I've seen everything, TGHL. I wouldn't have been worried even if I had been writing maliciously. It was a JOKE! My word, that's like hating someone because they have blue eyes. (I have brown.) Jeez... My brother has blue eyes, actually both of them, and so does my Mom... I was kidding. Racism is terrible. I'm so sorry if I gave that impression, TGHL! Wow! :o It all depends on what you were going to say next. If you were going to say Anglo, then you get torn apart at the hands of a thousand anti-racist mobs. If you were going to say something else, then it still depends... Perhaps the word was... Artist. Now, this changes everything. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> GASP! DISCRIMINATION AGAINST ARTISTS!
  12. Are you cutting down valuable trees or is this just an attempt by you and Huette to escape from your cage and into the world?
  13. An insignificant army with 2 members, no war machines or weapons? Yes I am trying to get rid of it, because we can't let there be 1001 pointless little armies fighting petty little wars can we? And since you posted, its into the trap with you. *MK falls down the trapdoor into the room of.... Cuocos from LOTZ!* *MK is savaged by the irate cuocos* *rescues Mushroom_king* You cannot dictate whether an army is pointless or not. This will be proven on the battlefield. Besides the member roster is secret information and you do not have any idea of who are members are. *prepares intelligence, calls in the Signal Corps* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Fine then Horatio, let it be decided on the battlefield. But as I just wiped it out to get your sanity... well. You forget Horatio, I have the EMP blast don't I? I detonate it, wipe out your security defences, I hack into the computer, nick your data and then run off without leaving a data trail. Easy. *executes OPeration Hack* *looks at member roster* Mushroom King, Hoops, Top Banana, Horatio, 2 Poison Shrooms and a Shroom Plane. Oh, I forgot a poison shroom cannon. Wow. Scary army.
  14. Mushroom_king... come quick. Register your army. Did I mention that the three founders of the original armies must verify the new army, and unless there is 1 majority of 1/2 in favour of it, the army does not get formed and has to give me a big bribe in order to get recognised. Too late. You snooze, you lose! The Mushroom Army is in! She hasn't registered yet, and when she tries, she will come into my trap..... *registers Mushroom Army for Mushroom_king and avoids the trap. So you take responsibility for the Mushroom army? The one who is going to lead the army must register it. However, you can register your Sanity Protection agency as an army of course, and I will gladly accept it as an army. Now that the Mushroom_army is in, I am going to hire it to protect my sanities! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> MWHAHAHAHAHA! Horatio, you have just surrended your sanities in affect. *laser beam from satilleite wipes out the Mushroom army* *steps over a roasted Mushroom King* *nicks Horatio's sanity* *checks it's the real one* *test comes back ID positive* *locks Horatio's sanity in the cool box* I HAVE BEEN TRIUMPHANT!
  15. Topazia....... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, it was a wise idea to stop there, otherwise she would have witnessed what few... er.. maybe not few, but some people have seen before. Also, that's verging on racism. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was kidding! Oh, my Gosh, I'd never really do that! It's just EVIL! I wish typed words could show tone of voice, because I was kidding! Wow, I am racist against racism! It would actually be verging on creed-prejudice. I could care less about what prejudices of all kinds are against. It doesn't matter. It's the personality, not the beliefs, that count. Wait, what would I have seen? I've seen everything, TGHL. I wouldn't have been worried even if I had been writing maliciously. It was a JOKE! My word, that's like hating someone because they have blue eyes. (I have brown.) Jeez... My brother has blue eyes, actually both of them, and so does my Mom... I was kidding. Racism is terrible. I'm so sorry if I gave that impression, TGHL! Wow! :o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It all depends on what you were going to say next. If you were going to say Anglo, then you get torn apart at the hands of a thousand anti-racist mobs. If you were going to say something else, then it still depends...
  16. Yarr! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yarr! Ther' ya b' Kat! Now quickly! We must attack the Port of Cheese and steal the statue of Weebl! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Set sails for the Port of Cheese! Avast! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> YA HARR! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *swings from a rope onto the port and attacks* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *starts firing edams out of the cannon*
  17. I never said they were the safest in the world, just the safest in America. That's according to a survey done by the US government too.
  18. YES ?!?!? It is about time you resurfaced! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What is your response to my post, Horatio? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> exactly my point. not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence. I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point. Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement. my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky. for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, the truth all depends on perspective, but I would argue that the truth is what is reality/true etc., it's just our personal perception of truth that changes. Yes, I suppose it's like me. You see, I am in fact not a 14 year old, nearly 15, Anglo male with Celtic blood, but Kim Jung Il from N.Korea intent on destabalising American culture from within. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> HORATIO! It was a fake url! boguswebsite is a fake url! I was being sarcastic! Hah! I'm older than you! *has a giggle fit for no apparent reason, gets baby brother from crib, and returns* Hey, if I were to believe you, can I call you Kim, TGHL? That's a girl's name!!! hehehe! My Dad has Celtic blood in him. you can't do what you can't spell. You mean "disestablishing," right? Or "Uproot"? It won't happen. Anglo kids are smart. I didn't know half the stuff you know (about religion) when I was 14. But see, I really am a 16 yr old girl from Florida, and as you can see, I do have a passion. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well. Calm down. Why would you call me Kim if you were to believe me? I put male there, not female. Congratulations to him. AHA! You see, since I am Kim Jung Il, I have a very poor grasp on the Anglish language. Yes! See! I run rings around your logic! Why thank you. I can assure you however, it doesn't apply to all of us. I believe you, because no one could feign your sheer passion and devotion to something which everyone seems to have a different opinion on. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks. Ah, yes, but you are leaving loopholes even in the same posts. I can say that I am a female, but I am a male, just as you could say you were a young teenage boy in England if you were really a 48-yr-old N. Korean girl with a husband and fourteen kids. But you're really not, and I know it. Ah, but how do you know I'm not an amazing liar, which I've already admitted to? I have faked being a devout Christian for my whole life, why not? Well, only until last summer on a mission trip. That thing was the bomb! TGHL... I can't slip anything by you, can I. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course you can't Horatio. TGHL is too smart and cunning, even when he slips in religion discussions. j/k, tghl. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I am very good at sidling in places and then suprising everyone by replying in mid-convo. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So am I. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You are.
  19. [voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. [/voice] I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe. That's terrible! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Perfectionism flashing a fin again? Spain and Italy are really the only devout nations in Europe, maybe parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but Britain is nearly all Agnostic and Aethiest. Only 2% of Britian goes to church and church related activities now. Same in Germany and France too, despite the fact London, Paris and Berlin all have over a thousand places of worship each. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> OMG! That's terrible! Do me a favor, don't reply to the religion topic. and no, perfectionism isn't happening there. that's what caught me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is it? Oh... er... too late? Where? Oh, I thought you were refering to the fact I typo'd tribute and it ended up as tirbute.... Er.... Anyway, that is the correct thing isn't it? I was just making a point that God and Jesus seem to be above correct spelling, grammar and use of apostrophes. Not forgetting punctuation of all sorts and capatalisation. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> God is Jesus. I chose to ignore the tribute typo. nevermind about the religion topic. and yes, God is more important. nice try, tho. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How can a father and his son be the same thing? does that explain why Jesus always is represented with long hair, a goatee and glazed eyes, the now stereotype for a pothead? Or would you believe that he had an eye infection which prevented him from seeing clearly thus preventing him from shaving? Will do. So God is more important than Jesus, despite the fact you said Jesus is God? How can God be more important than himself? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> His eyes aren't glazed, they are focused on God! Plus, a lot of artists who drew him are the kind who can't draw eyes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course they are, of course they could be focused on a purple cat with two heads, Cello-Flame, the firey god of cellotape or the giant handkerchief of the great dragon, Spiggles the watered down.
  20. Because Christianity says that God is the only God, there are no other Gods, only Christianity is the true religon, smite the unbelievers/heretics/so on. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that's very cynical of you. even I think so, and I am the world's most cynical Christian. Actually, that's only half true. This may seem weird, so brace yourself: I love you. I love everyone. I would die for anyone. Why? That what I should do. I can't smite anyone, least of all those who need the Lord most. That's hypocrisy, really. DON'T RIDICULE THAT! I'M WARNING YOU! I mean it. Don't twist what I said. I get that enough in my own city. ... well... On second thought, it's free game. I don't care what people think about me anymore. It doesn't affect where I'm going, nor does it affect my attitude towards life anymore. So feel free to bug on my statement. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I love cynicism, it really is invigorating. That is very.... noble of you. An attitude matyrs and saints would be proud of. Unfortunatly, in order to qualify for either of those you need to be killed in some gruesome way, and then have people think that actually you were right, and oh rugger God isn't going to be happy about this, QUICK! make them a saint to save our own bottoms. Notice how I wasn't ridiculing that, but the entire sainthood system... and in some small way, what you said. Exactly, what others do will not affect the fact you have a seat next to the late Pope and Princess Di, unfortunately Lady Di isn't in Heaven at the minute, she's off being someone's guardian angel. So you'll be sitting next to Barbie, with Himmler two seats away. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You don't have to die to be martyred. For instance, Richard Wurmbrand is a pastor. He is considered a martyr because he was imprisoned in a Gestapo camp, then a Korean Communist camp, totalling fourteen years in exile. He kept his faith. Noble? I was going for honest and bared. I don't want saints to be proud of me. I want God to be proud of me. It's like being a little kid who wants nothing more than his/her father's praise. "Blessed are they who are pure in heart, for they shall see the Lord." Matthew 5:8 is one of my favorite verses. Please don't ridicule the most devoted people I can think of, TGHL. That's one of the few things that get me started on my human anger trips. I dropped most of the peppery comeback, so do me this, okay? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ARG, I b' quiet now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What, you are reluctant? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nope, because if I open my beak, I will do what will send you on one of your human anger trips. k?
  21. An insignificant army with 2 members, no war machines or weapons? Yes I am trying to get rid of it, because we can't let there be 1001 pointless little armies fighting petty little wars can we? And since you posted, its into the trap with you. *MK falls down the trapdoor into the room of.... Cuocos from LOTZ!* *MK is savaged by the irate cuocos*
  22. Mushroom_king... come quick. Register your army. Did I mention that the three founders of the original armies must verify the new army, and unless there is 1 majority of 1/2 in favour of it, the army does not get formed and has to give me a big bribe in order to get recognised. Too late. You snooze, you lose! The Mushroom Army is in! She hasn't registered yet, and when she tries, she will come into my trap..... *registers Mushroom Army for Mushroom_king and avoids the trap. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So you take responsibility for the Mushroom army? The one who is going to lead the army must register it. However, you can register your Sanity Protection agency as an army of course, and I will gladly accept it as an army.
  23. Would you rather they be purple? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nope. Green. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'd prefer them to be red. Like they are. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Cool...buses are red where you live? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> England. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Double Decker too. They are as iconic to Brits as the Yellow school buses are to Americans. Interesting fact about the yellow school buses; they are the safest veichles on the roads in the US. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They dont even have seatbelts. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So? They are still the safest on the roads in the US.
  24. (If this was a couple of weeks back Toto would shout at me for this, but....) Well if your sick of America, why not go somewhere else where your future doesn't solely rely on going to college and getting good grades? You could try New Zealand, Australia (Lee would reccommend this) or GB. Ireland as well, never shall I forget it. For example, after 2 years, at the age of 16, you can leave school and go get a job with up to 11 different qualifications. If you want to go into further education, i.e. A-levels. You can get a further 4 qualifications of any subject. And then of course there are the various university's you can go to. But if you get good grades in just your GCSE's you are fine. Even bad grades are fine, as there are always jobs you can get. It just means you will probably end up living in a council house. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> because i dont really care that much about myself...so i dont care if i get a good job and a nice house and all that... plus i believe everyone and everything and everyPLACE is "messed" up. so no matter wut im gonna hate this world. and im not upset... not like in tears really sad about this or anything. im very level headed and clam and i can clearly say i hate this world. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You've certainly changed from what you originally were Puppydog....
  25. Awwwww. So cute. She looks soft. Huette is very soft. She also does something very few hammies do. She squeaks and cries. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Patrica reminds me of this woman who has over 10 rats in a huge complex that takes up a whole wall of her home, she allows them to crawl all over her as well. I can imagine your fellow hamsters roaming the house engaging in all sorts of activities, like Dalek building, watching the new series of Doctor Who and Tardis observation. I'm not obsessed. No.. not at all. OMG! It's TIME FOR IT! RUN RUN! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *is twitching* Doctor..... The Doctor...... EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! YOU HAVE BEEN EXTERMINATED! MWHAHAHAHAHA! I AM THE GOD OF THE DALEKS! I AM IMMORTAL! NEH HE HE.....
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