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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. I just saw that the democrats are going to hold a debate in New Hampshire on Tuesday, I don't know what time it is but if I catch it then that should be some food for thought (assuming the debate is in anyway productive, which is probably a big assumption). *waits for a report from Jesse on the upcoming debate* Advantage of living in a different time zone you see...
  2. Hillary Clinton would make an awful President. Barack Obama would make a great vice-President. I like Barack Obama. As far as Hillary, I would rather vote for a slug then see that woman in office. She has no desire to know about our country, she just wants to see herself as the first woman president. That is not good enough to be president. She has only been a senator for a bit, being the First Lady does not count for experience. Surely she is the best out of a bad bunch?
  3. Hillary Clinton would make an awful President. Barack Obama would make a great vice-President.
  4. *shakes head* Most people on this forum say Suzuki? I say Honda. You can't beat a good Honda bike. Of course, if you want to look flash and have a fair bit of money and want a sporty bike... May I recommend the Triumph Daytona 955i?
  5. RARR! I HAVE FURY! Mainly as a result of Bush's claim that in 18 months, thanks to him and his amazing climate changing efforts, the war on climate change will have begun with a "Global target" for reducing emissions. This is rubbish. It is not legally binding, so you can merely sign the stupid thing as a token gesture and not do anything about it , and is going to underestimate the efforts of the German Presidency of the G8 to get a legally binding treaty signed by all its members in the next few weeks. This is infuriating. It will do nothing for the climate except allow some politicians to rub their hands in glee as they think they have tricked the populous into thinking they care about the environment when all they're doing is destroying it at the same rate as before.
  6. Heylo folks, just dropping by to tell you that my beloved Beeb is in a row with the Scientologists for their Panorama investigation (Panorama is our main investigative journalism programme) into Scientology and the BBC are currently 1000-0 up. I recommend you all watch it through the power of the internet which you can do after it has aired at 9PM GMT on the Panorama website: BBC Panorama: Scientology & Me
  7. El Pakistani Presidenté is being very rude. Dictatorship must end now, democracy back in charge please. And incidentally, I think the people of Iraq may take the slightest offence at the tribal remark. I don't think it is because they are tribal at all, it is a couple of other reasons. Of course you can justify the tribal remark, after all; all countries, nations, states and individuals are extremely tribal. A selection of examples from America itself would be a penchant for cannibalism (Ed Gein and the other multitudes of serial killers that have been caught), territorial (Mexican immigrant disputes), viciousness (er... Iraq?) and power seeking (Bush). If you want a really good tribal example, look at the Phelps. All countries are tribal, they exist because humans are very tribal it is all just a question of scale. And incidentally, the whole children attacking US soldiers thing? There are two key reasons for this: religion (oh glorified brainwashing machine) and patriotism (all countries have this. It ultimately destroys us.) After all, why not die for your country if you think you have got a one way ticket to Paradise booked with no fear of delays or cancellation? Perhaps not the most auspicious way to re enter the topic, but a re-entry procedure none the less.
  8. PS Whatever happened to my previous post?
  9. First... you should be in bed. What are you doing up so late??? Second... I didn't think anyone would respond so quickly. Third... great cartoon!!! You have to love that British humour. Its midnight, I'm a manic depressive and have insomnia as a result. Its fine though, it means I get to do more work. XP Ha, I'll give you time to prepare one of your careful and considered responses with insightful comments and everything. Satire is where we excel when it comes to humour, and I think you may appreciate some more cartoons about Bush by this cartoonist... kekeke. And on human rights, we may want to refer to the Iranian crackdown on the "revolutionary dresscode" as one of the social freedoms which they won under the previous reformist president is cracked down upon and now women must be strictly in compliance with the dresscode or face arrest and trial by Islamic Court. And if Bush dares invade Iran, I will go psycho. People mistake Iran constantly for a dictatorship with a corrupt leader, but that is what the USA has done for Iran's international face, in reality it is just an authoritarian democracy with heavy religious influences and overtones. Like the US. It favours have nuclear weapons and justifies a new arms race. Like the US. It has a habit of being internationally very tetchy and atagonistic while funding and training some terrorist groups. Like the US. Oh the two way hypocrisy we have between these two countries.
  10. Did someone mention power surge!?!? Eat British satire Bush: And Horatio, you owe me some opinions or musings at the very least.
  11. Well, the media over here (by media, I exclude the tabloids and newspapers run by the fascist Murdoch, all tabloids, the Daily Telegraph, BSkyB, Channel 4, five and ITV. That means that my idea of the media includes about 5/6 newspapers out of 20 odd and two television channels (the BBC and Al-Jazeera. Yes I watch it. Both of them as a matter of fact)) has been very complimentry of Mrs.Clinton's performance, lauding her for her performance in the debates, but commenting on how vaccuous her comments on Iraq were. Barack Obama, no surprise, is ranked second and then it varies from source to source. Personally, I do feel Clinton performed best, but was politically vaccuous, her promises, pledges and opinions striking as a bit too populist. Although as The Guardian reports, one student said: ""Overall, Hillary did best. I was disappointed in Obama. Before I was torn betweeen Hillary and Obama," Not looking good for Obama. I say Obama for VP, give him some experience and when they have another Presidential election let him stand as Presidential candidate for the Democrats. He'll have more experience and be a better candidate for it. The Republican debates are going to be absolutely hilarious though. I place £10 (thanks to Bush that is about $20 now. That's what you get for not controlling inflation, a weak dollar which is now at its lowest level since Britain went to decimal currency, I could now pop off over there and get stuff dirt cheap. Thank you George, I can now exploit your country's prices) on that McCain slips into a coma half way through and has to be taken off in a wheel chair. Also nice to see the Amercian intelligence services can occassionally, and at random, make a terrorist arrest. How did they find this 3rd ranked Al-Queda member so he could be detained without trial and tortured in Guantanamo? Did they just walk over his hole while on patrol and fall down it? Or did Georgie throw a dart at a map of Iraq and say "Arrest all the people there."? Now whereas your country's politics are getting wearisome, the French presidential elections are heating up and getting very interesting. Horatio, I demand you give your opinion on the two candidates. I am backing Royal, as I hate Thatcher and Sarkozy loves her.
  12. Good, because I forgot how big my trophy collection was. Any orders at all?
  13. So, the Democrats are having a debate on some key issues and The Republican candidates have fallen into a coma before their debates next week, but what does everyone think of what the Democrats had to say? No doubt Horatio will find Clinton's comments vaccuous at best. And what about the Democrats' decision to start pulling you out of the war by October? Which Bush will try and veto, but there is always the option of kneeing him in the crotch should he try to. We'll probably be half way out by then, leaving you some nice juicy insurgents in the South of the country to deal with. I'd say serves you right for giving us some of the most dangerous areas in Iraq to police, but that would be callous and be disrespectful to all the lives of the American soldiers who have been killed, no, slaughtered as part of Bush's plan to make sure his Daddy's oil trusts are packed full of cash.
  14. Why thank you Horatio. Anyway, on the topic of Bushisms, what do we think of Bush threatening to veto the proposed bills on Iraq? You know, this talk of vetoing reminds me of someone similar to Bush. He was called Andrew Johnson and tried to veto the 14th and 15th Amendments. Coincidence?
  15. Have you heard of Lisa McPherson and the other cases at the Fort Something Hotel which is owned by the "Church" of Scientology? Yes. That was why I wrote the post I did. Filed several objections and such with the State and county government? So, filthy, disgusting living conditions and failure to treat psychiatric patients with the proper treatment aside, is there something else we could be talking about?
  16. *sends TGHL in for psychological testing* On another note TGHL, who do you think the Illuminati has planned as the next President of the USA? It was only the National Anthem of the Soviet Union. Allow me to consult Dan Brown, God of Truths which may be true, but may also not be true. Hmmm... Says here Hillary Clinton. Also says that she will introduce a welfare state in the US, achieve much good and then be assassinated by a disgruntled hamster.
  17. Have you heard of Lisa McPherson and the other cases at the Fort Something Hotel which is owned by the "Church" of Scientology?
  18. Not really. Some religions are against eating pork, ya know. Like Veganism. Veganism is a religion? I thought it was an unhealthy obsession. Like PETA. Incidentally, Scientology is not a religion. Anyone who is a Scientologist should be ashamed. And see a psychiatrist. Actually, they should see several. An entire team of them. In fact, if you have a moment, they should be sent to Switzerland and placed under sterile laboratory conditions where a team of scientists from the world's great universities, Oxford, Cambridge, Paris, Berlin and Leiden and so on, can study them under controlled conditions and with full protective gear with careful attempts to make sure that the scientists' cash doesn't mysteriously go "missing" and into the coffers of the Church. It always brings a smile to my face to read your posts TGHL, in fact, I always miss you when you are not here. Ook! That reminds me. Horatio, you must know about the horrific case involving the Scientologists in Florida. What was the poor girl's name? Lisa McPherson, that's it. Horrific case, truly awful. Not to mention the German man who was staying in the same hotel and was found dead in his bath after several days. He had been boiled alive and to death. I've seen the pictures. Not nice. Anyone else like to join me in a deep loathing of Scientology and what it does to people? I mean, all of you should hate it anyway for Operation Snow White.
  19. Grim, give yourself a bonus. And the Spinny Chair of Doom and Dispair only causes doom and despair if you aren't me. And also, yeah, we've got some collections to take care of. Namely the Geiko cavemen and all those stories on my computer that I haven't done anything with in years that are paying us to keep me from deleting them. Grim and Cheesey, get on that. I've got some business to take care of with this here counter corner that keeps stabbing me and hitting me in the elbow... Sounds as if you need a sander boss. *gets out stick* *Cheesy gets out a club* *gets out a club... WITH A NAIL IN IT!* Time to go take care of da Geiko Cavemen cheesy.
  20. Boss! Joo should be careful of da chair, it causes doom and despair and stuff. I have some rackets we could be doin' da protection money collection on?
  21. This topic clearly needs invigorating. The best way to invigorate things is with blatant antagonism. Here is some; *starts singing* Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics, Great Russia has welded forever to stand. Created in struggle by will of the people, United and mighty, our Soviet land! CHORUS: Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communism's triumph lead us on! Through tempests the sunrays of freedom have cheered us, Along the new path where great Lenin did lead. To a righteous cause he raised up the peoples, Inspired them to labour and valourous deed. CHORUS In the victory of Communism's deathless ideal, We see the future of our dear land. And to her fluttering scarlet banner, Selflessly true we always shall stand! CHORUS
  22. Not really. Some religions are against eating pork, ya know. Like Veganism. Veganism is a religion? I thought it was an unhealthy obsession. Like PETA. Incidentally, Scientology is not a religion. Anyone who is a Scientologist should be ashamed. And see a psychiatrist. Actually, they should see several. An entire team of them. In fact, if you have a moment, they should be sent to Switzerland and placed under sterile laboratory conditions where a team of scientists from the world's great universities, Oxford, Cambridge, Paris, Berlin and Leiden and so on, can study them under controlled conditions and with full protective gear with careful attempts to make sure that the scientists' cash doesn't mysteriously go "missing" and into the coffers of the Church.
  23. I would like to place an order for one truce with TGHL and to unite for the upcoming trophy war >.> Trophy war?! What is this?
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