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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. I think we never should have gone to war and stuck by France in the anti-war stance. I hate the tabloids. And most American newspapers. Mainly for being so nastily anti-French. Take something from USA Today; "The Frog legged, snail eating hopping cheesemongers have done it again!" Effectively the same as the Sun's headline. And the Daily Mirror. I hate our tabloids. However, I am not happy with the French government and the French people in general. Mainly because; 1) They rejected the EU constitution for it being too "English" 2) They want to take away our rebate! Ha, we still pay more than them and without the rebate we would have to pay £89 per head to the EU rather than £39, while the French only pay £19-29! 3) Eurotunnel. It needs to be nationalised and taken over by a joint ANglo-French coatlition.
  2. The quote boxes have disappeared again. Max number of quote boxes is ten. After that the boxes disappear. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh. I figured that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But deleting some quotes should recreate them. Logically speaking.
  3. An insignificant army with 2 members, no war machines or weapons? Yes I am trying to get rid of it, because we can't let there be 1001 pointless little armies fighting petty little wars can we? And since you posted, its into the trap with you. *MK falls down the trapdoor into the room of.... Cuocos from LOTZ!* *MK is savaged by the irate cuocos* *rescues Mushroom_king* You cannot dictate whether an army is pointless or not. This will be proven on the battlefield. Besides the member roster is secret information and you do not have any idea of who are members are. *prepares intelligence, calls in the Signal Corps* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Fine then Horatio, let it be decided on the battlefield. But as I just wiped it out to get your sanity... well. You forget Horatio, I have the EMP blast don't I? I detonate it, wipe out your security defences, I hack into the computer, nick your data and then run off without leaving a data trail. Easy. *executes OPeration Hack* *looks at member roster* Mushroom King, Hoops, Top Banana, Horatio, 2 Poison Shrooms and a Shroom Plane. Oh, I forgot a poison shroom cannon. Wow. Scary army. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I got all my money on TGHL. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Considering your huge stack of cash, you are going to be uber-rich in a moment.
  4. I see 'em, I just can do anything about them. It's Frim who be needin' to look at them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You can do anything about them? Who or what is Frim? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You know what I meant. >_>;;; <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Da Firm does not like jokes. Da Firm especially does not like Jokes about Da Firm. Da Don Kat does not like them. Don Kat meant The Firm.
  5. Of course! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That should make the quote boxes come back. Oh really? This should be interesting.
  6. methinks da mafia isn't a very good army, perhaps it helps finance Pheonixian operations. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Would you be thinking vending machines? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes Horatio, all the Mafia does is run vending machines. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, and we give people we don't like "special" sodas. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or those rackateers who tilt and whack the machines to get free stuff, they often end up in the river, with cat claw slashes all over them.
  7. I shall do likewise. Well... Its variable. My parents think that God can go hang for all they care, but they don't raise any of us to hate God or be agnostic. But of course there is the fact I went to a religous school (C of E) and had the vicar come in every thursday and preach and do all the over things they do like inspire us, so on. He did very good renditions of the old testament stories you know, anyway, up until the age of 7/8 I would believe in God just because I was told he existed and did all these wonderful things etc. ANd of course then I get science don't I? So on. Look, the Bible is written by Mortal Men. Not even prophets. Not the son of God, mortal men. Who were told things (not by God obviously, but people who saw the inexplicable events and claimed it was a "higher" being) and they believed them and wrote it down, obviously exaggerating because no one likes a story about a boy slinging stones at a 7ft man with a long sword and eventually killing him, there has to be drama and excitement if you want believers and an audience. So you edit out the fact he slung several stones, increase the 7fters height and ferocity, make it seem as if the lad was aimed by God when he killed the giant. I mean even the Old Testament steals things, the flood? Mesoptamian flood in the height of the Mesoptamian civilasation, Noah was a trader and had a couple of cows and chickens on board when the River flooded. The flood was so great and the land and river so low and shallow it would have been like the Earth flooded. Well done, but let me guess... You haven't gone anyway near Dan Brown and the Da Vinci code? No christian does. They don't like it. Especially when it turns out they were wrong about so much, and all the references to religon, the Holy Grail and the various other facts that come in are true. Dan Brown researches his facts, like Horatio. Anyway, no one has actual used science to prove meteors are going to strike earth tomorrow or even anyway in the near future (near future being a couple of million years) those who have predicted the world's destruction have been pathetic psychics, thiests who concuct 'codes' in the Bible to predict world destruction and of course the interesting Aztecs have got us penicled in for world destruction in 2012. Bush can arrange that. I don't, I have a life to live rather than wasting time on belief. I AGREE (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) belief can do a lot for you, just not via the hand of God. As I have already discussed with Toto, sometimes the belief that something that turns out to be Asprin is a miracle cure for Cancer can sure it. Mind over matter. And before you say those cured believed in God, they didn't. One did and refused all treatment for the belief God would heal them and suprisingly, they died. Anyway. I get Peace anyway, through some Zen without having to believe in Nirvana. Afterlife? Pshaw. I will take that as it comes, although I like the idea you go where ever you believe you will. And I like the idea of Death personified. But... it may happen or not, I won't care until I get there. Out of Body experiences? Not hoaxes, hallucinations brought on by lack of blood, oxygen or something else. Btw, I apologise if I miss something, but there's a lot of this. Really? how does he answer them? And how do you know its him? Something strikes me from a book now, involving Fairy Godmothers (this is The Discworld, so don't expect it to be ssoppy), you shouldn't give someone what they want, but what they need. No, I meant if I disappeared from the Earth. Every trace eradicated, no proof that I existed except one post on here. Would you still search for me? Keep praying and maybe you'll get something more than coincidence. I can't really comment on the lie/truth stuff, since it is your perception of truth. But I can comment on Satan. It strikes me as odd how someone with as much power as Satan wastes it on torturing those who haven't met God's requirements. If I end up in ####, I am definitely going to change some things down there. Anyway, if he lives on my negative emotions he must be powerful by now, and if he does all this why not appear to me? Or say: "Hello, I decided to drop on you and tell you taht yes, I exist. Thanks for being such a miserable person in your life, I can tell you that you have been one of my best customers." I would then of course have a long conversation with him about the various things in life and asking why #### is so hot, why not tropical? After all he does live in it, he has his legions of Fallen Angels, the little devils and demons, the countless reams of people who worship him and of course medieval witches, all who need nice places to live in. So on. Nessy and UFOs. Same amount of evidence for them as God. Mysterious sightings, unexplained stuff and various legends, storys, myths and rubbish. I could make a book of the stuff and claim it all be true and that people should keep an eye out for them and live accordingly. Sound familiar? Seems to be a variation of the Bible to me. As I said earlier, I like the personification of Death, Angels would be nice too, but I know its never going to happen, so I can write stories about what I would like to happen, what I would of liked to have happened, but I know its fiction and such, not real and I won't try and sell it as anything else.
  8. I changed my mind. I'm staying in. Are you? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course, but I'll give you some variety. Shall we talk about the Holy Grail? Dead Sea Scrolls? The Jesus or Constantine convention? Come back to the Illuminati or a more sciencey topic?
  9. Ages since I posted in here... and I can't remember if I suggested the idea or whether Horatio had the idea or what. But I was first in here, more or less. ANyway. Random book pick: Name: The Supernaturalists Author: Eoin Colfer Thingymagummy; In the future of coporate dominance if you are orphaned, you are effectively given up for dead, left in the orphanages where every day holds new product testing on the lonely orphans. Many die at the age 15. If you get past that, the Orphanage'll just look for an excuse to banish you to the prisons. Cosmo Hill is 14. According to the statistics, he has one year left to live, unless.... Unless he can find a group called the Supernaturalists who may be his only chance to live a longer life... or will it be shortened? For the enemy they fight are Parasties which only they can see......
  10. Wow, you speak the most difficult language to learn, English! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was just reviving the topic... And don't be so sure I speak English! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Very few actually seem to speak it perfect, except dusty old professors who made a study of grammer. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Spriken ze Deutch? Nein. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ARGGHHH! You obviously don't speak Deutsch! Das richtigen thingy ist "Sprochen sie Deutsch?" Although it may be "Schprochen" although that doesn't look right. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well, if you'll notice, I said nein. TGHL, I was guessing, and I should hope that you would have guessed that, as you really are quite smart, for an A... nvm. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ...???...Say what?... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> An aethiest, apparently those who can take the cosmos to pieces and understand it are stupid.
  11. Errr... ... ... ... ... ???!!!!!!!??? *envisions little armies of pumpernickle, rye, whole wheat and white toast soldiers marching around the table* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What is pumpernickel? (or pumpernickle) I have never heard of it before, as as far as I am concerned bread comes in two catogries; Tasty and stale. Tasty dark rye bread. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then what's the bread that supposedly tastes like gingerbread? I thought that was pumpernickel. Then again, I only eat a select few types of bread... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Do you know what amityville is? The word pumpernickel is always connected to amityville after I heard a toaster from there turns all pumpernickel toast put into it into a... blueberry muffin? Oh and waffles turn into a toasted human hand..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've heard of it. freaky. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Toaster, the toasted human hand or Amityville? if it is the latter, WHAT IS IT!!>!?!??!?!?!?
  12. *sees TGHL runs up from behind, grabs the $10 and runs for coffee* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *throws Horatio to the crocodiles for stealing a counterfeit note* *loads up the crocs and sends them back to Flordia*
  13. !!!! TAKE A HOSTAGE! *pirate hoard swarms Topazia and ties her up* Do ya b' havin' any last words?
  14. Um. Oops. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Whats the oops for? All you did is proove Horatio can't produce good quality Permanent Ink Tattoos! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I accentally used nonpermanent ink remover. When used on permanent ink, it can have some crazy side effects... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> On whom, what or when? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The bumper stickers on the sanity. I mean. The permanent ink on Horatio's sanity. It looks like a trumpet now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Donate it to an Orphan Soul Band. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you sure you want to donate Horatio's sanity? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> WHAT?!?!?!??! It's Horatio's sanity, I thought it was the sanity detector. *snatches the sanity back off Orphans* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> When are you going to learn??????? I have my true sanity securely stored in a place that you will never find it. The only sanities of mine, running around out here, are decoys and replacements. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm sorry Horatio, I'm going to have to do this. *tells Bush that not only does Horatio have huge amounts of oil, but loads of Weapons of Mass Destruction as well* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wow, you sure know which person to put against Horatio! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wahhhh! Where have all the quote boxes gone? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Agi Hammerthief stole them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ...who...?... ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ask Kep. And if you can't get an answer, then I will answer.
  15. I know, it seems as if I am either being hated/hating people on this site.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is that sadness at what I said, which I cannot remember, which I apologise for. Although I don't know what it is. Or is that sadness at the fact of the hatred at me and my hatred for certain people on this site? Well, no one hates me at the minute and I hate no one. Well... No one on this site except DTH. Anyway, do not feel sad for me, for I choose the path I walk. But does the walker choose the path or the path the walker? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ...sadness at my contribution...to the deplorable state of... ... ... well... everything. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Only way you can change something is by doing something about it. Like "accidently" killing Bush.
  16. Revived the topic you have. Although unsure of who teh rare one is.
  17. Pykecrete? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> WWII stuff, very top secret. Don't let Horatio find out about it.
  18. Except for the human race, the billions of species that the Earth alone has, any intelligent life forms out there, the plants etc. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No wonder Rue's such a fan. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That would be Suirue? And is that because I believe in the Intelligent life forms in the Universe? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, it's because you're suggesting plants are intelligent. And (Sui)Rue always insists they're sentient. Or yes. I'm not sure what you're saying. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, arguably plants are sentient. Certainly a venus fly trap would be a better president than Bush. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Aye, m'lord! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What do you think milday? Replace Bush with a Venus Fly Trap? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sounds like a plan. A good plan. For the benefit of the planet known as Earth. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I most certainly agree with this! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The best plan since my taking over Earth.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And extreme deep sea diving for micicles.
  19. Awwwww. So cute. She looks soft. Huette is very soft. She also does something very few hammies do. She squeaks and cries. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Patrica reminds me of this woman who has over 10 rats in a huge complex that takes up a whole wall of her home, she allows them to crawl all over her as well. I can imagine your fellow hamsters roaming the house engaging in all sorts of activities, like Dalek building, watching the new series of Doctor Who and Tardis observation. I'm not obsessed. No.. not at all. OMG! It's TIME FOR IT! RUN RUN! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *is twitching* Doctor..... The Doctor...... EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! YOU HAVE BEEN EXTERMINATED! MWHAHAHAHAHA! I AM THE GOD OF THE DALEKS! I AM IMMORTAL! NEH HE HE..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Snap out of it, TGHL. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can't, and its too late anyway. *army of daleks roll in and start keelingeveryonedeadexceptMW* I AM THE DALEK EMPEROR! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *sends TGHL to a psychiatric ward* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *gets Daleks to blow up hospital* MWHAHAHAHA!
  20. [voice=supreme sarcasm]nice typo. [/voice] I didn't know religion was dwindling in Europe. That's terrible! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Perfectionism flashing a fin again? Spain and Italy are really the only devout nations in Europe, maybe parts of Central and Eastern Europe, but Britain is nearly all Agnostic and Aethiest. Only 2% of Britian goes to church and church related activities now. Same in Germany and France too, despite the fact London, Paris and Berlin all have over a thousand places of worship each. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> OMG! That's terrible! Do me a favor, don't reply to the religion topic. and no, perfectionism isn't happening there. that's what caught me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is it? Oh... er... too late? Where? Oh, I thought you were refering to the fact I typo'd tribute and it ended up as tirbute.... Er.... Anyway, that is the correct thing isn't it? I was just making a point that God and Jesus seem to be above correct spelling, grammar and use of apostrophes. Not forgetting punctuation of all sorts and capatalisation. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> God is Jesus. I chose to ignore the tribute typo. nevermind about the religion topic. and yes, God is more important. nice try, tho. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How can a father and his son be the same thing? does that explain why Jesus always is represented with long hair, a goatee and glazed eyes, the now stereotype for a pothead? Or would you believe that he had an eye infection which prevented him from seeing clearly thus preventing him from shaving? Will do. So God is more important than Jesus, despite the fact you said Jesus is God? How can God be more important than himself? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You don't know as much as I thought. NO, that's not what I said. I was referring to grammar as being less important than God. Not Jesus. The three in One thing is very difficult to explain. It's one of those things that humans can't understand, so you just have to rely on my words. Here's an analogy that might help: A shamrock. Shamrocks have three little leaves, but they all count as part of one single leaf. God is comprised of three separate persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God the Father is NOT the Son or the Holy Spirit, but they all are part of one single deity. um... Or an egg. The shell, the white, and the yolk. The shell is not the yolk or the white, but they are all one single celled egg. Does that make sense? The reason Jesus is most often portrayed like this is that that is how the men in His time looked. He was a carpenter, which means he probably either wore it back or short, so that is a misconception. His eyes aren't glazed, they are focused on God! Plus, a lot of artists who drew him are the kind who can't draw eyes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just a small bit of info, the pictures of Jesus are likely to be historically inaccurate. I remember on the History Channel I heard that Jesus was most likely darker skinned. It's just that much corruption in Europe throughout history occured leading to censorship in the bible(yes, you may be missing out on certain vital parts of the bible) and also another thing that may have occured is the Europeans just portrayed Jesus and Mary to look like they were of light skin color and the appearance stayed. Just a bit of information. May or may not be innacurate. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've heard that too. Um... It's Bible. Always capitalized. I know they took a lot of stuff out of the Bible, but that's because they had to determine which books were actually true Gospels and Epistles. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or aletrnatively cover up the truth about Jesus and such. Did you know nearly nothing in Christinaity is original? Halos for example, are sun discs stolen from Egyptian mythology. God as a huge man with a huge white beard and longish hair with finger pointing down out of the clouds, is stolen from Greek mythology, i.e. Zeus. I think the only non-stolen stuff is.... er.... actually I don't think there is anything that isn't stolen. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The giant old man is Brintey Spears's version. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually I believe in the Old Testament it depicts God as an old man when he appears in human form to some people. Its in your book of stories, why don't you believe it? And what about the rest of it? Everything else Christianity has stolen? Anything you also want to deny? Because, like some Cardinals in the church, if you came across a scripture written by Jesus himself claiming he was just ordinary, you would hide it and let the lies go on. You are no more commited to the real truth than Gobbels was.
  21. This was meant to be answered. I'd like you to answer honestly, not sarcastically, TGHL. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well here it goes; 1) Well, I offically denounced my religon and had my results on the cenus put down as Aethiest and had all record that I had ever been an idiot supporting the rubbish of God eradicated after the death of my brother, but I had been effectively the Aethiest end of agnostic for a long time previously as I had grown up, less of the pathetic book of stories you call the Bible made sense. I had always been an avid book reader, reading LOTR at 10 and had been reading complex books long before that, the more I read the more I became curious, investiagtive and then of course you get science coming in. Science explains everything, you can see proof that it is true, that you can see and scrutinise and don't have to rely on story books that exclude most of what was originally written. I don't need God, as there is nothing belief can do for me. Comforting? Ha. An afterlife? even more laughable. It goes on. And do you know what religon is? Escapism. trying to avoid the facts, skirting round difficult problems the real world has and praying to something that doesn't exist and hope that you get answered. Like you wish to have me answer your post Topazia. What if I didn't reply and never appeared again? Would you keep on asking like you keep on praying to God or would you just give up, assuming I have moved on? One inexplicable event and you concoct the most stupid answer possible and believe it. You tell everyone. They believe you because only you saw. It spreads. Do you know why religon covers all (sorry most, because you may as well call Europe the godless lands now) the globe? Because a lie can go round the world before the truth has got its boots on. And if you believe in God, why not UFOs, Nessy and Faries? There existance is as likely as Angels, devils and God.
  22. Because Christianity says that God is the only God, there are no other Gods, only Christianity is the true religon, smite the unbelievers/heretics/so on. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that's very cynical of you. even I think so, and I am the world's most cynical Christian. Actually, that's only half true. This may seem weird, so brace yourself: I love you. I love everyone. I would die for anyone. Why? That what I should do. I can't smite anyone, least of all those who need the Lord most. That's hypocrisy, really. DON'T RIDICULE THAT! I'M WARNING YOU! I mean it. Don't twist what I said. I get that enough in my own city. ... well... On second thought, it's free game. I don't care what people think about me anymore. It doesn't affect where I'm going, nor does it affect my attitude towards life anymore. So feel free to bug on my statement. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I love cynicism, it really is invigorating. That is very.... noble of you. An attitude matyrs and saints would be proud of. Unfortunatly, in order to qualify for either of those you need to be killed in some gruesome way, and then have people think that actually you were right, and oh rugger God isn't going to be happy about this, QUICK! make them a saint to save our own bottoms. Notice how I wasn't ridiculing that, but the entire sainthood system... and in some small way, what you said. Exactly, what others do will not affect the fact you have a seat next to the late Pope and Princess Di, unfortunately Lady Di isn't in Heaven at the minute, she's off being someone's guardian angel. So you'll be sitting next to Barbie, with Himmler two seats away. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You don't have to die to be martyred. For instance, Richard Wurmbrand is a pastor. He is considered a martyr because he was imprisoned in a Gestapo camp, then a Korean Communist camp, totalling fourteen years in exile. He kept his faith. Noble? I was going for honest and bared. I don't want saints to be proud of me. I want God to be proud of me. It's like being a little kid who wants nothing more than his/her father's praise. "Blessed are they who are pure in heart, for they shall see the Lord." Matthew 5:8 is one of my favorite verses. Please don't ridicule the most devoted people I can think of, TGHL. That's one of the few things that get me started on my human anger trips. I dropped most of the peppery comeback, so do me this, okay? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ARG, I b' quiet now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What, you are reluctant? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nope, because if I open my beak, I will do what will send you on one of your human anger trips. k? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That was facetious. K, tho. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You mean that was nasty and uncalled for or did you actualy mean to put fictious? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, facetious. As in, sarcastic. As in, not to be taken seriously. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah. Squiggle Squiggle Constipated Eagle, Eye with surrounding squiggle?
  23. Mushroom_king... come quick. Register your army. Did I mention that the three founders of the original armies must verify the new army, and unless there is 1 majority of 1/2 in favour of it, the army does not get formed and has to give me a big bribe in order to get recognised. Too late. You snooze, you lose! The Mushroom Army is in! She hasn't registered yet, and when she tries, she will come into my trap..... *registers Mushroom Army for Mushroom_king and avoids the trap. So you take responsibility for the Mushroom army? The one who is going to lead the army must register it. However, you can register your Sanity Protection agency as an army of course, and I will gladly accept it as an army. No, that is not true. You didn't state that in the initial rules and you can't add rules as you go along. The Mushroom_army is in and I am the agent for the Mushroom_army so I can register it. Now that the Mushroom_army is in, I am going to hire it to protect my sanities! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah, but he didn't say he could not add rules! Nor did he say whether the rules were complete. Another thing is that nobody filled out an approved form! TGHL, mind if I create a standard form? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *awaits replies* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmmm.... A loophole. Thank you MW. *slips the access card to the biggest micicle store in the universe to MW* enjoy. NOW THEN HORATIO! CAN YOU FIND ANY WAY OF GETTING OUT OF THAT ONE?
  24. Topazia....... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, it was a wise idea to stop there, otherwise she would have witnessed what few... er.. maybe not few, but some people have seen before. Also, that's verging on racism. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was kidding! Oh, my Gosh, I'd never really do that! It's just EVIL! I wish typed words could show tone of voice, because I was kidding! Wow, I am racist against racism! It would actually be verging on creed-prejudice. I could care less about what prejudices of all kinds are against. It doesn't matter. It's the personality, not the beliefs, that count. Wait, what would I have seen? I've seen everything, TGHL. I wouldn't have been worried even if I had been writing maliciously. It was a JOKE! My word, that's like hating someone because they have blue eyes. (I have brown.) Jeez... My brother has blue eyes, actually both of them, and so does my Mom... I was kidding. Racism is terrible. I'm so sorry if I gave that impression, TGHL! Wow! :o It all depends on what you were going to say next. If you were going to say Anglo, then you get torn apart at the hands of a thousand anti-racist mobs. If you were going to say something else, then it still depends... Perhaps the word was... Artist. Now, this changes everything. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> GASP! DISCRIMINATION AGAINST ARTISTS! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not Anglo. Atheist. I don't care what country you're from. ARTIST?!?!? NO!!! I'm an artist of sorts myself. (I love drawing people, but I'm not that great.) Geez, I was referencing thy beliefs, not thy heritage. I'd never do that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, I apologise, that's not racist then. More religous discrimination, since discriminating against an Aethiest (which is technically not a religon, but its the only form of discrimination that comes close) is as bad as discriminating against a Jew, or Hindu or Buddhist. I like Buddhism, I don't agreen with the Nirvana thing, but the meditation and training stuff is cool and calming. I need lots of calm traning. Lots and lots....
  25. Yarr! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yarr! Ther' ya b' Kat! Now quickly! We must attack the Port of Cheese and steal the statue of Weebl! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Set sails for the Port of Cheese! Avast! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> YA HARR! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *swings from a rope onto the port and attacks* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *starts firing edams out of the cannon* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *pillages and plunders the port, then hoppes back onto the ship* Yarr! We be havin' all the cheese, capt'n! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well done Firs' Mate kat, now we can set sale with a newer, fresher and bigger amount of cheese and we have the mysterious statue of Weebl and Bob!
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