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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. Excellent! MW, your application form is now standard for all army applicants, and as to editable, we'll add things on in time.
  2. As little cynicism, oh dear. We have struck a problem. How about sarcasam or sillimillitude? A sham? I wouldn't call it a sham, sham is where it is collapsing (which incidently it is....) or of course it could be you mean scam. I would call Christianity; a scam, a fraud, the biggest lie in the world, a constantly schisiming and fractured flop with priests who lack the fire and passion of the old days, a dull farce (unsure whether this breaches decency levels...) and of course, a book of stories taken too seriously. Not forgetting a biased, heavily censored and manipulated pile of rubbish that isn't worth the paper it's printed on. I'm not a hamster, you will find that I am a Gentlephoenix and Lady Patchwork over there is a Duchess-cat. Oh and the reason I haven't gone into why I don't believe in Christianity is something that would take longer than Charles Darwin took to write the book on evolution.
  3. You are learned in the works of Flash. How do you see them? Via Newgrounds or another site? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, I read the real comics. I've seen a few episodes of some Flash sight, though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 8-bit theather have a comic? Hmm.... Didn't know that. What about Foamy? Don't tell me he has a comic too.......
  4. ARG! BLINDBEARD! WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CUT 'EM DOWN! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *does so* Yarr! *and also eats the watermelons* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> -also eats watermelons- n_n I remembered, Today was mah moms birthday. o_O We had Watermelon as opposed to a cake. Fun time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Watermelon be good s'long as it's seedless. I despise them seeded ones. *kills more watermelons and eats the seedless ones* Hey, ain't somebody supposed to be teachin' ya something of some sort? x_x;;; <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I believe thar was some variety of educatin' involved.
  5. I know, it seems as if I am either being hated/hating people on this site.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is that sadness at what I said, which I cannot remember, which I apologise for. Although I don't know what it is. Or is that sadness at the fact of the hatred at me and my hatred for certain people on this site? Well, no one hates me at the minute and I hate no one. Well... No one on this site except DTH. Anyway, do not feel sad for me, for I choose the path I walk. But does the walker choose the path or the path the walker? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ...sadness at my contribution...to the deplorable state of... ... ... well... everything. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Only way you can change something is by doing something about it. Like "accidently" killing Bush. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ...is a nice idea, but hard to accomplish. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh I don't know... I could do it given the funds and time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ...Big Brother [Dubya] is watching you... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> AMazing how 1982 is coming true in 2000-2008 and probably for some time after that as well, and the irony is that Britain may as well be Air strip 1 for America because Blair brown noses Bush most of the time, although he is at war with him about the G8 conference and of course the enviroment strategy.
  6. (just to get the quotes back on track...* Yes. Indeed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah, my indeedness is rubbing off on you... or something like that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Indeed. Is that so? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Indeed it is.... indeed.
  7. Quickly, I must look "cool" by deleting all the quotes above me except one so I look "popular" and get new "friends". Toto will understand the speech marks around the selected words as we both share the same sceptical view of sociopaths in school. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ??? ! ...but I understand, too... !!! ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, I should expect you to understand it as well Erendayu, as we seem to think similar thoughts on most subjects.
  8. You are learned in the works of Flash. How do you see them? Via Newgrounds or another site?
  9. w/e <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How articulate. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that's the way I am! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A poet who fails to use language to its fulle extent in normal conversation but can write beautiful poetry? Nothing new.
  10. Ye hav' no mapp!?!??! No Booty?!?!??! RIght, into the cannon with ye. *launches Topazia in the general direction of shore* Thar ye b' goin' keep swimmin' straight on and ye cannae miss it.
  11. Wow. We do an average of 4000+ posts per month. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Did you do it from September '02? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Eh. No. Too Lazy. I just did last months. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There you go then. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So, Did you do it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Do what?
  12. Quickly, I must look "cool" by deleting all the quotes above me except one so I look "popular" and get new "friends". Toto will understand the speech marks around the selected words as we both share the same sceptical view of sociopaths in school. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> heehee, you probably have the same views as me, too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> More people should, the world would have less Hillary Duffs for a start.
  13. Wow, thank you! I'm not wise though. I just do what He tells me. I also don't like it when people talk buggy on my Lord and Savior. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This may be a good time to ask everyone to keep religion to the religion topic. It was brought to my attention that some people feel uncomfortable with the religious talk in every topic and in many sigs. I do not want to rain on anyone's parade, but I think, as religion is such a controversial topic, that we keep our religious thoughts to just the two topics we have. Please let me know if this is okay with everyone. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That will be fine, Horatio. I'll change my sig presently. nope. I was in tampa with NO INTERNET ACCESS WHICH STUNK all weekend long. ZombieCat, why do you say I am wrong? You're a n00b! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Convinent, as I was away all weekend spraining my ankle, getting nettled and brambled and finally making a 20 minute error on my Orienteering course. Still won, but.... Ah, the old "THOU ART ONLY A LOWLY n00b!" arguement. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was indicating that I doubted her knowledge of our argument, tghl. Sprained ankle: I've done that! I've broken it, too! Pain killers are a wonderful thing, aren't they? (I have a bad habit of injuring myself. Like my tailbone! Long story.) n00b: she is a n00b. Unless she's been checking the site out for awhile, she has nothing on you and me. It's common sense. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, right. Sprained both of them before? I was wondering how to limp with 2 legs. I don't like pain killers, they rarely work and it doesn't help you increase your pain threshold.
  14. Whichever you prefer. Hey, that ZombieCat character is very strange. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Helpful, okay.... Russian Revolution. Now go! Discover history in as much an unbiased way as is possible under Bushism! ZombieCat is a very strange person. The zombieness is one thing to start off with. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, really. I'll look it up on the web tomorrow. (Or today, depending on when you read this. ) ZombieCat... She lives in Bristol. So she says. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Today. Ok, you could try the library of course, but that isn't perfect.... Bristol you say.... Hmmm.... Intriguing.....
  15. methinks da mafia isn't a very good army, perhaps it helps finance Pheonixian operations. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Would you be thinking vending machines? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes Horatio, all the Mafia does is run vending machines. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, and we give people we don't like "special" sodas. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or those rackateers who tilt and whack the machines to get free stuff, they often end up in the river, with cat claw slashes all over them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And Claymore wounds. Don't forget them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Never forgetting the Claymore wounds. Btw, On a show called Braniac (popular over here), a show on which it depends which series you watch (History Abuse or Science abuse), generally looks at, uncovers and abuses Science or History. The Science abuse mainly consisted of blowing up caravans, they hate caravans for some reason. Anyway, on History abuse they still blow up Caravans but with ye olde styles of blowing up-ness. Back to the point, each week they use a different old style weapon. One week, it was a 15th century battleaxe, another week a scimitar, but my favourite one was where they used a.... CLAYMORE! The idea of the test was to smash up various objects, vases, doll houses, so on and always a fluffy teddy bear. But the claymore smashed up everything, including a nice TV, a DVD player, a CD player, a Hamster's cage (with no hamster), a flower and flowerpot, a piece of new medieval armour and of course, a fluffy teddy bear with the words "I wuv you!" on it in a little heart. It had its head chopped off, arms severed and a foot whacked the camera. Only thing it didn't chop into pieces was a DS.... Hmm.. CLaymore resistant...... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *everyone else now sees why Kat chose this weapon as her favorite* > Oh, and that's because contrary to popular beleif, weither you be Christian or Aithiest, the DS is the Supreme Creator. History before the DS is untracible. Not even a Claymore can destroy it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Kat is happy. The DS is obviously the ultimate creator. ALl the human race is is a doodle on pictochat. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The DS made the heavens and the Earth in six days. On the seventh day, He rested. He created man in His own image and left the world to them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why aren't we all clam shell shaped with a touch screen?
  17. Question: Can I set fire to my school and get away with it?
  18. Revived the topic you have. Although unsure of who teh rare one is. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> it's more like several fairly common members that are rarely on at the same time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Good point, I award ye.... 1,000 points?
  19. All that coming from a Dell owner! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't have a Dell.... Dells are what my school use and I hate them because even the PC's have laptop D drives because they are so bad. I have a nice, shiny Packard Bell that actually works and does not: Go slow Crash Explode Fail to Work unlike Macs. You can tell I have had some bad experiences of Macs <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sounds more like a user error to me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you consider this is across an entire 100 or so Dell Computers in our school, then it fails to be a user error anymore.
  20. Wow. We do an average of 4000+ posts per month. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Did you do it from September '02? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Eh. No. Too Lazy. I just did last months. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There you go then.
  21. Quickly, I must look "cool" by deleting all the quotes above me except one so I look "popular" and get new "friends". Toto will understand the speech marks around the selected words as we both share the same sceptical view of sociopaths in school.
  22. I changed my mind. I'm staying in. Are you? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course, but I'll give you some variety. Shall we talk about the Holy Grail? Dead Sea Scrolls? The Jesus or Constantine convention? Come back to the Illuminati or a more sciencey topic? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Whatever you want. I just need to go to the library more often. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> History would seem most approriate then, since from what I can gather History in American schools is fractured, doesn't focus on anything in particular and seems to be in some states centred on pro-American history and glorify massacares like Vietnam, the Korean War and worst of all the dropping of the Atomic Bomb. How would you like to research..... The Russian Revolution? Or if you want something from earlier in History, Life in Ancient Egypt. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Whichever you prefer. Hey, that ZombieCat character is very strange. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Helpful, okay.... Russian Revolution. Now go! Discover history in as much an unbiased way as is possible under Bushism! ZombieCat is a very strange person. The zombieness is one thing to start off with.
  23. Wow, thank you! I'm not wise though. I just do what He tells me. I also don't like it when people talk buggy on my Lord and Savior. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This may be a good time to ask everyone to keep religion to the religion topic. It was brought to my attention that some people feel uncomfortable with the religious talk in every topic and in many sigs. I do not want to rain on anyone's parade, but I think, as religion is such a controversial topic, that we keep our religious thoughts to just the two topics we have. Please let me know if this is okay with everyone. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course Horatio, although I thought there were various other religous topics, I wille endavour to keep religon in religous topics. Is the Illuminati topic classed as religous btw? Rain on everyone's parade Horatio? Unless you manage to turn yourself into an aqeauous solution and precipitate you shall do now such thing. Your wish is our command.
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