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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. I thought we were doing the Russian Revolution?
  2. *rises up out of the floor behind Topazia* ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!
  3. Nah, you're only mad, whereas I am insane! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not so. We're both insane. I'm just not clinical. j/k <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Madness is foaming at the mouth, insanity is foaming at the brain.
  4. 1984 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dickens. Did I type 1982 instead of 1984? Must be the fact I was thinking of Catch 22 at the time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, you did. Hmm, was he that guy that I ate like, 10 times? Or was that someone else? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's the one. I remember the one reply in his topic I made where it took me ten minutes of storming on the keyboard about how I: "I can't believe you would get on her just to write that! I can't believe why anyone would write that! Yadayadayada! rararararar! blablabla!" Good times, man. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Golden age of the HBs.
  5. Their existance is usually enough for me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I used to say that. Like, three years ago, when I still hated the world. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Did you say that they were just existing to annoy you? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.
  6. This topic may be renamed "Horatio worship club" if a bill pushed by Hoops goes through.
  7. Anyway Topazia, how has your research at the library into the Russian Revolution been going?
  8. Wha!?!??! Patchwork... Explain your post a bit more. 1) Who is the liar? 2) Thank you, but when did you lie to me? 3) Yes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I am ZombieCat. Patchwork is ZombieCat. ZombieCat is the liar. I said that ZombieCat and I didn't know each other, let alone were the same person. Thank you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Right, I've got it now.
  9. Ouch, this is going to hurt my fingers and give me TTS (terminal typing syndrome). Break it up I shall. Be thankful, it is rare like a very poisonous and vile tasting fish which many people seek to eat for that reason and eat a dish containing absoloutly no trace of the fish at all. That is effectively the same thing he says. 1) COmplex is not the vain part, vain is creating us so we would a) be the same as him, which makes you think, if everything is the same, that means God is limited by our own brains. But with one thing and another, only small women in France who only go out into the sun once or twice in their lives achieve that. 2) I never mentioned Satan, I mentioned making us so that we would be tempted by something we desire more than anything, knowledge. 3) If there was no evil, we would have a concept of evil and would not consider God evil as there would be no concept, as you said yourself. And ranted at various people and tried to dicatate their lives. Oh and he had epilepsy. There is a possibilty, but so long as I stick to the facts that chance is pretty slim. Ah, so you would be one of the ones who has had a feeling of pure peacefulness and the sense that you owe your life to a greater being? I.e. one of those odd hallucigenic fits that people call religous experiences. I can honestly proclaim/say/exclaim that I am a true aethiest and have not even the single iota of doubt in God's non-existance. Oh I see, so now Human Nature, sympathy and all other human emotions are somehow being controlled by God when it is the church saying God doesn't intervene when it comes to Evil And Suffering because he gave us free will. You can't argue both ways you know, one cancels the other out. Choose carefully. It is dead in Europe. ANd people are not pressured to be Aethiest, since Aethiests do not have churches or anywhere in which to pressure people into saying that God does not exist, no one in Europe or any other country is pressured to choose a certain religon, they can choose. That's why we seem to get so many different religons here because there is so much pressure. You should try Buddhism, all the peace and tranqility you want without having to believe in anything special, well that's if you decide to do Zen. I agree, but that's the thing isn't it? They really, truely believed with all their hearts, to the extent they would die for it. That is what true belief is, not the half hearted "I'm not too sure, but just in case he does exist I'll say I believe" belief that you get now. Also, they were the ones who only knew how to read Latin. WHich large number? Is that 6 billion in American terms or 6 billion in EUropean terms? There's a difference, 6 thousand million is 6 billion in American terms (I'm really sure about this, although it may vary from State to State like many things) and a European billion is 6 million million. Make the most of life and try and live in as much comfort as possible while aiding those around you who are less fortunate is what you should do. So there really is no difference between Saddam and God! Disobey God he smites you with thunderbolts and general curse, disobey Saddam and you die in gas chambers and other nice ways. The problem is you just admitted that God uses the same ploy as Dictators. The Dictators use gas chambers, God uses curses and thunderbolts. The Dictators smite us when say something against them, God smites us for saying something against him. (Nero ended up a Christian himself I believe and wasn't a dictator of sorts, more a callous hard man who did what the then Pagan population of Rome wanted him to do, [Dalek Voice]EXTERMINATE [/Voice] the Christian liars or if you want to be nasty, blasphemers.) Dictators threaten us, God threatens us with smiting and ####. God punishes thousands, even millions to make a point, so do Dictators. God uses the Commandments or Diktats as I like to call them to Dictate our lives, and Dictators use their laws (which is what the COmmandments are called suprisingly) to dictate our lives. God fails to see the power of your way of being brought up, so do Dictators except in the singular case of Hitler. I have a theory in addition to the factual knowledge God doesn't exist, should God exist, he did not create the world. He was the first angel who came into being, and was cunning enough to decieve those who popped into existance afterwards that he really is their creator... Dickens, I can't do the next bit in one go, break it up even further..... How to break it up though? But he doesn't show does he? He doesn't comfort, he doesn't even try. A half dead skunk could make more effort than he does. But belief should do that for you, if your truely believe it should give you a confidence and radiance that outshines all else, and makes you appear to others to be lit by some sort of internal light., If Saul who was such a hater of christianity can be convinced in an epileptic fit that Christ and God exists, then you should be able to make an army of followers. ANd another thing, you didn't used to try and get through to me, not in the beginning or for any time after that, you only started after you returned. That's good, it shows you genuinely care for them to the extent that you pray for them because you can't get to them in any other way except via your advice and comfort on here, which is usually much easier, well recieved and more helpful. Just one point, when people take advantage of weaknesses, it's generally called exploitation, just a point. That sounds more like true belief. Don't be, Constantine and what he did for Modern Christianity is a rare known fact that many priests don't know about, but just because they don't know doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I'm used to strangers saying hello, (this is all that seperates the North of England from the South, or so I have heard I hate this idea of North and South, you just ask for Civil War. It's the same when Sinn Fein, the SNP and Plaid Cymru say they want to split from Britain, it's a rubbish idea, impractical and they do it for non-existant reasons) so random expressions of love and greeting are no new thing to me. I don't, I just amble through my life without having to worry about belief or worship, I just go out and do my own thing. It may, but we'll see won't we? *attention is starting to drift* *gets distracted by Green Day* *listens for ages* Heaven doesn't sound all that appealing if you think about it, it just sounds like sitting in your 1,000 mile by 1,000 mile plot being bored, and eventually wandering it God Enterprises to listen to Jesus for a couple of eternities. No chance of any pleasures of the flesh up there. You can only guess can't you? We're never going to meet up in Paris or something, which is a shame in some aspects, not so much in others. Writing outlasts all the words in the world, but sometimes the most powerful words can outlast all other methods of communication on the greatest and most potent writing tool of all, the human mind. You're glad you don't have to talk me in person in which case you wouldn't be able to argue as eloquently and fluently as you would if you met me in person. Sorry Topazia, but it'd have to be something truely great that would turn me.
  10. Indeed. Out of interest, how did Tayino guess?
  11. Btw, I am momentarily confused because one minute a post of Topazia's is here, with -5 sized text and a white colouring, which I responded to and now it has dissolved..... Mysteriously.....
  12. A teaspoon or perhaps a serving spoon full at most. Arguably not questioning something which you choose to allow to dictate you life is a sign of your own disinterest in life and a lack of desire to discover. As I have said before, one does not need to have cancer in order to study it. I also find that knowing your enemy helps in the fight. I don't know, the beast could be anything. It doesn't say anything or even hint at what the beast is or who rules is. I never said I was pure, no one can be. Everyone has their flaws, and should God exist, he has at least one flaw too. Vanity. I wouldn't know, I would like to know though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No problem. Whatever you say, hardheart. God is perfect. It does say in Exodus that He is a jealous God (explaining why He says to not worship idols). What would you like to know? If God exists, or if He is perfect? Or if He does have a flaw, what it is? He does exist. He rocks. I know Him personally. He is perfect. Only a perfect Being can have the right to judge us, and He claims that right. To prove my point. Look, TGHL, just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there. Just because you don't percieve that there are six billion people out there, doesn't mean there aren't. Christianity is growing, and it is growing faster and faster as the persecutioners find more ways to torture us. If you don't learn that, then you are lost to #### forever, and it won't matter what you do. There is an afterlife, and there are only two places to go. We can't see them, but they are there. They are in another dimension. It sounds sci-fi, but that's how it is. I read it somewhere. You are going to Heaven or ####, and there is nothing you can do about it. You can only determine where you go by what your take on God is. He exists. He sent His Son, His only Son, to die so that you could live forever. God wants you to be happy. If something bad happens, you have a choice: let Him use that and mold it into someting even better, or stay bitter and pretend to be "over it" for the rest of your life. If you don't do something about that, then, well, I guess you're lost forever. When you die, you are in for a big surprise, and I don't think you'll like it very much. --Atwi <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I mourn my brother, don't misunderstand, but what I don't do is try and escape my pain by blaming it on or by believing in a non-entity. And if I have a hard heart, it's only because of the scars. He is vain and possibly not very well furnished in the brain department. This sumarrization is taken from Genesis. 1) How vain do you have to be to create your prized and most complicated work in your own image? 2) banning something which is against the nature of what he created is stupid, its like giving me a gun, a small room and George Bush and asking me not to kill him. 3) He really must be stupid to create what would destroy. His existance would be a nice start, and possibly a formal or informal discussion about various topics, put it this way Topazia, if I am ever turned, I will be more fanatical and devoted than Saul/Paul was after being turned. You just have to look hard don't you? I've looked hard, scanned for evidence to proove myself wrong and failed. A slightly nice side effect was I discovered how the Bible measured on a standard of truth revealed that the Bible registers a point 0 recurring amount, with an infinite amount of one somewhere in it. But the amount of infinite 0's out weigh the infinite 1's. Christianity is not growing, it is dying. It relies on a fanatical control over most of America, missionaries in 3rd world countries fooling the locals who need something to hope for, although G8 looks as if it might be a more useful "God" than God at the minute and of course, the rapidly slipping grip on Italy and Spain. Also, don't forget that schisms are keelingitdead faster than anything else and of course some people who claim to be Christian for the sakes of censuses and the like are actually agnostic or closet aethiests, like the great relgious painters. Also, please compare 6 billion to the previous count of something in the region of 1 Quillion (actual number). Yes, yes, the old "ye shall be smited if ye do not do what I say." ploy. Problem is, dictators try that don't they? And they still have freedom fighters and rebellions, and yet you would not say these are wrong would you? People demanding free speech is not wrong is it or say having a personal opinion, without being punished? There is no line between God and worship, and a Dictator and rebellion. If God cares so much about the sheep who has gone astray, then I beseech him, let me proven wrong, proove me wrong so I may not spend the rest of eternity regretting the mistake on an instant and let me spread his word. Show me, and I shall listen, but make the speech good enough that I do believe. Again, knowing what Constantine did changes and effectively nullifies anything and everything said about Jesus in his Son of God, miracle boy role. I'll protest to God or perhaps look for a job opportunity with the Devil then, unfortunately, neither will happen mainly because I'll just cease to exist.
  13. *sends over Blindbeard's share of booty* Thar be a malodious traitor and stowaway!
  14. Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese! Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That be a lot of apostraphies in that thar post, yarr. x_x <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Too many to b' done by a pirate.
  15. Not likely, but I'd help you if I was in the neighborhood. I have some Molotovs in my closet if you'd like them. j/k <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I prefer something distinctly more.... volatile. Ukranian Vodka for a start.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bah, Just open a few propane tanks, give a lighter to a 2 year old and have him prance around the tanks with it on while you run off. No need for all that alcoholic such'n such. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ukranian Vodka is another name for mines. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> remember that I have access to special stuff. I have a hacker friend named Theo. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Can he hack into the US DoD mainframe and fire the weapons platform at the White House?
  16. Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese! Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese! Ahem. WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CHUCK 'IM OVERBOARD! *Crew chucks Mushroom overboard* Horatio's helicopter appears and rescues Mushroom_king before she lands in the water. Next he blows TGHL's boat to smitherines. That will teach you for throwing someone overboard!!! *watches as the sharks circle TGHL in the water, throws in some chum all around TGHL* *uses remote control to rewind time* *pauses time* *blows up helicopter and feeds Horatio to the sharks and boils Mushroom King in a stew* Check out the stories forum. I am part of your crew. And I am here to make sure you do not harm my mushroom loving pirate friend! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then ye can b' havin' 'im, *propells MK onto the HMS Horatio via a cannon*
  17. Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese! Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese! Ahem. WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CHUCK 'IM OVERBOARD! *Crew chucks Mushroom overboard* Horatio's helicopter appears and rescues Mushroom_king before she lands in the water. Next he blows TGHL's boat to smitherines. That will teach you for throwing someone overboard!!! *watches as the sharks circle TGHL in the water, throws in some chum all around TGHL* *uses remote control to rewind time* *pauses time* *blows up helicopter and feeds Horatio to the sharks and boils Mushroom King in a stew* Check out the stories forum. I am part of your crew. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not if I don't accept you or Blindbeard/MW reccommends ye!
  18. Nah, you're only mad, whereas I am insane!
  19. Yep. Artemis Fowl Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception Novelettes; The Seventh Dwarf The Artemis Fowl Files LEPrecon <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They haven't come out in the US yet, TGHL. only the first through the eternity code are out in this lagging nation. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can't help it if I don't know the US book release list. And you get the Garth Nix books before us. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's coz Nix is American. Eoin C. is not. I like the Nix books. Read Sabriel, Lirael, and Abhorsen yet? Libros buenos! *good books* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nix is Australian actually. Yes, and I have read the little extra booklet that I found and I am reading the Keys to the Kingdom series as well.
  20. Wha!?!??! Patchwork... Explain your post a bit more. 1) Who is the liar? 2) Thank you, but when did you lie to me? 3) Yes.
  21. Not likely, but I'd help you if I was in the neighborhood. I have some Molotovs in my closet if you'd like them. j/k <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I prefer something distinctly more.... volatile. Ukranian Vodka for a start.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bah, Just open a few propane tanks, give a lighter to a 2 year old and have him prance around the tanks with it on while you run off. No need for all that alcoholic such'n such. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ukranian Vodka is another name for mines.
  22. Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese! Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese! Ahem. WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CHUCK 'IM OVERBOARD! *Crew chucks Mushroom overboard* Horatio's helicopter appears and rescues Mushroom_king before she lands in the water. Next he blows TGHL's boat to smitherines. That will teach you for throwing someone overboard!!! *watches as the sharks circle TGHL in the water, throws in some chum all around TGHL* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *uses remote control to rewind time* *pauses time* *blows up helicopter and feeds Horatio to the sharks and boils Mushroom King in a stew*
  23. EVeryone is crazy from my viewpoint. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Indeed.
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