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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. WOuld these b' the same maps you were aquiring from us?
  2. Our next mission. COme into NASA MW and all shall be revealed.
  3. Strange... Why haven't yours been escaping? Let's check your vault. *goes down into the catacombs* *into Toto's vault* *nothing in there except a cobweb and a note from Horatio* BANK ROBBERS!
  4. Well... my offical figures say they have doubled, but I think they discovered the cloning machine in my evil lair so that means you are looking at a figure of 2 to the power of "funny side-on eight things that means infinity"
  5. Well I am Horatio's defence lawyer, and everyone fears lawyers so..... *scares MK into submitting to Horatio's demands*
  6. Take that, Dr. Miller. Top that, TGHL. If you can. You tell me if you're turned you'll be more avid that the Apostle Paul? I can tell. I can't write a good speech, but I can certainly research the topic at hand. Books-A-Million is a wonderful bookstore chain. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I am confused. 1) Who the dickens is Strobel? 2) Who is the writer? This matters greatly. 3) I can't see why Formaldehyde and cyanide can't give you the right substrate, it would explain why cyanide and formaldehyde are one of the most toxic substances we have. 4) Just because the Miller experiment was wrong doesn't mean evolution is. Just because we haven't worked out the early atomsphere's exact composition doesn't mean evolution never happened.
  7. They're not satanic.... just far too heavy on the black. And the heavy German goth-ness.
  8. We where. Evolution. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't you mean Revolution? NINTENDOGS RULE!
  9. MWHAHAHA! *presses the destroy the Mushroom army by "accident"* *MK blows up*
  10. Everyone must play it. If I ever control the world, mandatory DS, N64 and Gamecube playing will be made compulsary and one Zelda game must be played each day! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> YAY!!!!!!!!!! *grabs a Keaton mask and Ocarina of Time* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> N64 gaming is now scrapped, going on the revolution and playing old games is now mandatory. Sony is banned. As is Microsoft. The XBox 360 is stupid. It is not spherical for a start.
  11. The stuff is legal, the....methods of "claiming" these items items isn't necessarily legal.
  12. *thinks* I would like a Time Maceine. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *goes back in time using the TARDIS and stops MK from ever asking for one*
  13. Is getting a BioHazard suit sensible?
  14. (If this was a couple of weeks back Toto would shout at me for this, but....) Well if your sick of America, why not go somewhere else where your future doesn't solely rely on going to college and getting good grades? You could try New Zealand, Australia (Lee would reccommend this) or GB. Ireland as well, never shall I forget it. For example, after 2 years, at the age of 16, you can leave school and go get a job with up to 11 different qualifications. If you want to go into further education, i.e. A-levels. You can get a further 4 qualifications of any subject. And then of course there are the various university's you can go to. But if you get good grades in just your GCSE's you are fine. Even bad grades are fine, as there are always jobs you can get. It just means you will probably end up living in a council house. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> because i dont really care that much about myself...so i dont care if i get a good job and a nice house and all that... plus i believe everyone and everything and everyPLACE is "messed" up. so no matter wut im gonna hate this world. and im not upset... not like in tears really sad about this or anything. im very level headed and clam and i can clearly say i hate this world. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You've certainly changed from what you originally were Puppydog.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're right. If memory serves me right, Sheena's last post left puppydog a bone. At that moment, she acted as the kind puppydog. But soon after Sheena had a definitely long leave, she changed to this version. Either strange coincidence(more likely) or there's a connection. Oh well. Both personalities are great. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I liked Puppydog, brash, outspoken and brilliantly opinionated. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thank you. and was in Mega Wolf who said the thing before?(i cant read the replied stuff). "the kind puppydog"... excuse me?!? if i were near you id make u pay for that. hows THAT for kind... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Violently kind.
  15. Ah yes. Ye olde gear. It's not faulty. I swear! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Never fails at all.
  16. This is where you can get your semi-legal items that you can't get in the red market. Btw, it is fully legal..... ANyway, here I am selling some of MW's old sanity protection equipment that I have hoarded for awhile, guaranteed to protect your sanity 1456% of the time! I am also selling some revolution aiding items, Flags, revolution t-shirts etc. Anyway, you ask for something and I will get it. UNless its your sanity, in which case its in my cool box and will cost you 1 Horatio (real) sanity.
  17. Nah, you're only mad, whereas I am insane! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not so. We're both insane. I'm just not clinical. j/k <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Madness is foaming at the mouth, insanity is foaming at the brain. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> True enough. I'm both, tghl. CARZYGONUTS? interesting... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Be quiet. >_>;;; ...O_O! SOUR! *bangs head on the table repeatedly* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Flibble clomp! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, it was gum. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not boiled rabbit igloos?
  18. APPARENTLY <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *is confused* yelling? why? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> stressing actually
  19. What sort of kindness are we talking about here? Nanny kindness; That's very nice, dearie Chav kindness; Contradictory in terms Patronizing kindness; Yes I'm sure your right.
  20. This however is; Teh Mooses Unite Productions Actually I doubt it is, but ye never know...
  21. i thought 'Ratio was a Mr. 70644[/snapback] uhmmmm... he is? 70862[/snapback] You are getting confused between Patrica, Horatio's pet human and Horatio himself. It'll make sense eventually. 70884[/snapback] yeah. I know. I was pretending to be caught in a lie. I've spoken to Patricia on the phone. She's very cool. Horatio and Patricia are cool. (Duh!) 70889[/snapback] This because you are a Flordiaian.
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