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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. *refrains from pointing out typographical errors* Okay, TGHL. Let's do that. Let's abolish Judaeism, Islam, Christianity, and Bhuddism. Let's promote such fallacies as Hinduism and the Asian philosophies. Let's just try it for three days. Let's see how you do w/out the basic fundamentals of life. All we need to know, we learned in kindergarten: Be nice, put your mess away when you're done making it, and have a warm cookie with a cold glass of milk before taking a nap @ app 3pm. Problem is, that's perfect, and we don't live in Walgreens. (Horatio's seen the commercials, I'm sure. They are hilarious!!!) Then, when we're through tearing the planet up and ruining it with nukes, let's bring back the Truth, the Way, and the Life. Let's bring back what you have so valiantly, though foolishly, fought since before I returned from my vaykay for school. Let's just try it, just for a little while, and see what happens. Yes, there will be much turmoil at first as people refuse to change, as you have, and yes, there will be much suffering as the ones in power stifle voices like mine and like Richard Wurmbrand's. However, once you figure out how to ignore the physical pains and discomforts of this world, shunning them for the sake of your Lord and Master, life gets a lot easier. In fact, since I finally really gave my life over to Christ, things have gone so much better than they were, you wouldn't believe it. I mean, Satan still throws things at me, but I don't dwell on it. Believe me, in a boy-girl relationship, there is an unbelieveable amount of physical temptation, especially w/ Robert. (He's extremely guapo.[span]) Thing is, I've decided to wait. Rob respects that, and so respects himself, as well. Bonus for me, if we do get married. (Which would be fine by me, if we're still together during college and beyond.) There is the added temptations of teen world that our parents really don't understand, and that is the peer pressure to do drugs. Let's be honest here: how many people my mother's age really get the whole deal w/ drugs? More than we think, but how many actually get the visuals we are pommeled with these days? It ain't easy being a Christian in America, as I've said before, but I'm lovin/ it all the more, kiddo! You're a teenager, TGHL, so you can understand those temptations better than say,...mullaypop, and I'm sure your parents have warned you against the dangers of Cannabis and/or heroin. (I hope. It's a terrible mind-warp.) The thoughts remain, though, don't they? I can easily tell you that it's difficult to put the thoughts away, but God helps me. Trust is a powerful thing. I put my trust in you to be a powerful and well-versed opponent when it comes to religious debating. I put my trust in Horatio to be a good mod. I may not like some of the changes he's made recently in some of my posts, but I know it's for the best. I put trust in a lot of places, but none compare to my trust in the Lord to preserve my soul for the ultimate feast. (Which I could use, seeing as how I'm trying to gain weight. ) Something else that bothers me what I've seen lately, what the heck is wrong w/ my mind? I'm writing more and more poetry to talk to Robert, becaused he knows I communicate best through singing or writing. (Trust me, the last poem I wrote him threw him back a couple steps. That's a lot, knowing my bf.) Long story short, I scare myself w/ the blunt honesty in my writings. *smiles and starts singing Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1) Buddhism does not have a God. 2) Hinduism has only one God, the thousands of representations like Ganeesh and Sheeba are all just aspects of the one same God. 3) By mono-thiesm, I meant mono-thiestic society where only one religon has any political voice, power, wealth etc. etc. Like Christianity. 4) The stuff at the bottom (of the first bit), is universal. Our own decision was to have all those conceptions and ideals. 5) Christianity holds all the nukes (or aces if we turn this into a card game) This is second paragraph stuff now; 6) And let us bring back all the stuff that the enemy of religon; Science, has prevented; The Black Plague, mud huts, feudalism, a divided Europe, so on and so forth. ANd then let us get rid of all the benefits and side effects too; education for the masses, America (no existance for you!), medicene, understanding of the wider-world, computers, communication, commerce, literacy, TV and radio, electricity, steam power goes too. Non-horse travel goes too and of course so does free speech. What an idyllic world to live in. Unspoilt countryside with commoners die a-couphing and a-spluttering as their infected swellings and pustules brought on by plauge slowly kill them, or if they are unlucky die within 6 days as their lungs get filled with acid caused by the Bubonic Plauge's twin sister, the something tha eludes me plauge. What could be better than a life expectancy of 35 and only a faint hope of going to a place of wonder as it turns out that God doesn't let the dirty folk in, only those who can afford to commit no-sins? 7) Of course you could have tried medicene to help your immune system if it wasn't for the fact you banned them on the grounds that God doesn't want you to live, he wants you to live properly 8) I am going to make a scathing attack on God based on Judgement Day according to the Bible, so go to number whatever at the bottom for that. Third Paragraph; 9) No actually I don't as I have been rated as; "Least stereotypical teenager" in my school. I conform to no preconcieved ideas. Whereas everyone else is conforming to the stereotypes and being depressed and not coping etc. etc. I am just going on, expanding my literary horizons etc. etc. So I am afraid I wouldn't know. Try someone else in my year who I had the plesent experience of watching them waste away from good student to manically depressed, suicidal madman. Oh sure, I may be despondent, cynical, sarcastic and manically depressed, but is not Marvin? And Marvin is the opposite of a teenager. Oops, this stuff turns out to be 4th paragraph stuff.... 10) There is? Usually I derive the pleasure from knowing I am with someone who loves me no matter what, who makes me feel more significant than I actually am and who's tender kiss makes my mind soar with elation and joy, before sending it spiralling into the cloudy world of creativity. Of course, this then turns out to be not true and turns out that the one who used to make your mind soar just went out with you to validate their own existance and for the fun of it, blah blah usual rubbish teenage reasons. Why are so few as mature (I use these words hesitantly as I only call myself this because I seem to have advanced into the late 120s in cumulative evil and cynicism) as me? And the only one who is that I know is more interested in sitting at the back of the Prom with me and making comments about everyone and everything than a relationship at the moment. Actually, come to think of it that's my idea of spending a good time at the Prom, so meh. Maybe later. I also want to point out that Smells like Teen Spirit is rubbish and just symbolises the fact that teenage spirit is the worst kind, like pure alcohol is the worst kind for the liver. 11) What is the point here.... Oh yes. I would like to point out (I don't know your mother's age but I am going to do a general synopsis of mothers aged 30-50. Yes, they do. However, they cannot realise that they have a drug problem! There is no point in lecturing your kid about the evils of Heroin and all other poppy derivitives when you're popping 10 pills into your mouth to get through the day. People say they need Cannabis to get through the day, the people who take all these prescriptions are just as bad. Face life, realise it stinks, the universe is out to get you etc. and get on with your own insignificant life. You cannot start off a drug lecture with; "One moment honey, I need to go take my anti-depressants and then I'll be right back to talk about your drug problem." Stupid. Fourth Paragraph; 12)GO back to point 9. 13) My parents don't need to, they have. Don't need to. I abhor almost everything that could be called a "vice." I haven't even got drunk or swallowed alcohol. I'm a teetotaller for crying out loud. No one else in my year can say that. Medical knowledge just makes you swear never to touch the stuff. Can you imagine a liver after all that drinking? Unfortunately I don't, I saw one on work experience working with the county pathologist for a week! Smoking, no. Not a good idea. I could resurface an entire motorway with one friend's lung. Heroin, Opium etc. Same argument as 11. ANd anyway, what is so relaxing about taking hallucigens? Wow, the ceiling has moulded into a purple cat and is dancing. Nothing relaxing about that and also, you mess up your brain. Take this stuff as a teenager and you are ruined. They destory your brain, proven. Cannabis should not even be medicinal. It is as bad as an A class drug. It is addictive, it is bad for your health and I would rather die than mess up my brain. I will ammend that downgrade from a B to C and take it up to A. All drugs = bad. Even Asprin. Those drugs which are not necessay to take to prevent death or serious pain, are stupid to take. Especially asprin. One argument put forward by Foamy the Squirrel; "And the doctor offers me this, this, this, this and this to cure your runny nose. I say; How about I lie in a darkened room and wait for my natural immune system to take over? Idiot." Final Paragraph and then scathing attack on God based on Judgement Day; 14) I find it is easier to communicate through other modes of communication than talking. A poem is worth a million words. A line can sear red hot streaks on the mind, twist your emotions and feel anything. SCATHING ATTACK ON GOD; The argument goes; On Judgement Day, the dead are reunited with their bodies. Up from ####, down from heaven, sideways from Limbo or what you may know as Purgory. God passes judgement. First flaw; What is the point in judging those who you have already judged? You actual help those in #### by giving them a break. COntuniue. Those who have confessed their sins go to the place to be mentioned soon, those who tried their best but sinned anyway go to the same place, those who were non-Christian but led good lives anyway go to the same place, those who convert to Christianity and say they believe in God follow. Second flaw; This is getting stupid. Lets say I see Judgement day. I see God. He asks me; "Do you believe in me?" What do you think I am going to say? No, because their is no proof? Don't be stupid. Of course there is, the daft bugger is standing in front of me. This effectively gives everyone from Aethiests to Agnostics a chance to get into the new heaven or earth depending on preference, as God just creates these. Third flaw; Why just a new heaven and earth. Was there something wrong with the old heaven? Not the right shade of holy white? And why doesn't #### get a make over? There'd be much more screams if God made personalised #####. So for satanists, make it like Heaven. They'd be really annoyed. For the serial killers make it whatever drove them insane. Ok, so we're about done. And then Satan pops up. And some bright theolgian decides to say Satan doesn't exist and that Satan or the Devil is meerly the absence of God. Devil gets annoyed and smites him. Then he points out that the Bible contradicts itself by saying that the Devil is both the absence of God and the fallen angel Lucifer. The Devil then decides to go onto the New Earth and sell three best selling books; "Where God went wrong?", "Who is this God person anyway?" and after defeating God in a phenomenal display of logic, goes on to make the final book; "And that about wraps it up for God" Try reading all that!
  2. no, those be ninjas! and ninjas own pirates. <(^.^)> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not all the time, yarr. Besides, I be both! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> a ninrate? a pinja? oh, sept 19th is talk like a pirate day. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know. I think I posted that somewhere, like, last year. XD I love that day. I wander around school and go, "Arr, me mateys!" and people are all weirded out. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have to remember that. How many people know that it's talk like a pirate day then? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If I'd had mi way at the Battle of Upper lower Port Jackson, it'd b' a naational holiday. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ye were robbed in tha battle, Cap'n Grim. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I kno' lassie, that's why if I had mi way I would nay have lost.
  3. I'd like to make a point; The spoilers as you claim they are at the top are lies as Rowling has already told us; 1) Hogwarts not reopening for next year 2) All about Harry, Ron and Hermonie searching for the Horcruxes 3) She hasn't even WRITTEN THE BOOK YET! only the last chapter. Honestly.
  4. Inferno is a rather hard-to-overcome character in SoulCalibur2. o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I find him relatively easy so long as he doesn't get a nice weapon, keep it with the ones which go "boing" or drain health and Link will beat him anyway. Best character in SC2; LINK! Worst Character: Stupid broom woman, whatshername?
  5. And isn't there something in the bible about "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth?" I think i heard that somewhere. So how does that fit in with forgiveness? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There may have been but in the words of Ghandi; "An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind"
  6. no, those be ninjas! and ninjas own pirates. <(^.^)> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not all the time, yarr. Besides, I be both! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> a ninrate? a pinja? oh, sept 19th is talk like a pirate day. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know. I think I posted that somewhere, like, last year. XD I love that day. I wander around school and go, "Arr, me mateys!" and people are all weirded out. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have to remember that. How many people know that it's talk like a pirate day then? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If I'd had mi way at the Battle of Upper lower Port Jackson, it'd b' a naational holiday.
  7. True. You can always trust them to cheat. Trust me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would have said you can always trust on them to be untrustworthy. And anyway the Evil/Dark Lord always has to be underhanded and backstabbing if forced to form an alliance with a hero. Which is why I am planting a whoopie cushion on Horatio's chair.
  9. Is AW:DS good? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, the statement A&W Soda is a Dumb Soda is a good one. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I meant Advance Wars: Dual Strike.
  10. Dear Climber4145, Two questions please... .....1. Why do you think I am dumb? .....2. Why do you hate me? Thank you for your reply. Horatio It's because climber is a moron and wouldn't know a good person if the person hit her in the face. I mean gave her a million moneys, chocolates and complimented her. Really. *shifty eyes* I nearly accidentally reversed the 't' and 'f' so now I'm cracking up. You need not worry your Climbing friend has been taken care of... she/he/it had a mental breakdown while climbing a mountain to locate a rumoured Phoenix nest.... Yes.... I can always count on you TGHL!!! And in the words of the Bartel and James advert guys... "Thank you for your support!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The most trustworthy peole are the unthrustworthy ones!
  11. ...YOU, of all people, actually agreed with a politician? yes, i kno. i almost killed myself. okay no, but it felt weird. Most politicians are there just to pretend to be smart. I honestly think that nearly everyone in this world is a moron, with the exception of the smart people who can overlook peoples' faults and think of the fact that everyone has them. And that includes themselves. politions use big words and long sentences so ur forget their liars. people are slow and totally fall for it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, people can't register what the politicians are really saying. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> people are really stupid... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, most people just look for big words or if voting is involved they copy their parents. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> like misunderestimated? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. Fake words like that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That word is something that sounds like it came from Bush as is this; "A Dokumentally expoxing Michael Moore as a weiner"
  12. Dear Climber4145, Two questions please... .....1. Why do you think I am dumb? .....2. Why do you hate me? Thank you for your reply. Horatio <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's because climber is a moron and wouldn't know a good person if the person hit her in the face. I mean gave her a million moneys, chocolates and complimented her. Really. *shifty eyes* I nearly accidentally reversed the 't' and 'f' so now I'm cracking up. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You need not worry your Climbing friend has been taken care of... she/he/it had a mental breakdown while climbing a mountain to locate a rumoured Phoenix nest.... Yes....
  13. Religion and government and the two most upsurd things to use your time on. No point. None None None. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's not entirely true. Government is what makes you allowed to even own a computer or even be alive today. Religion is very important. I think Atheists have more faith than those with a religion, be it Christianity or not. May I ask what you are? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually I believe that science and people trying to understand everything (aka scientists) created computers and Government are just old systems built upon who had the biggest army and who happened to kill the previous chieftan. Religon is a waste of what little time we have.
  14. It's a great/hilarious sig. Exactly what I thought! And for all those who don't know... there really is a group called The Monster Raving Loony Party. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There is, join it now!
  15. Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol <{POST_SNAPBACK}> indeed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yes. indeed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Indeed indeed <{POST_SNAPBACK}> indeed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I love grapes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> where did that come from? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Randomness is fun! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> For example; CHerries are a good deterrant. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My neighbor's name is Totoro. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's like Toto with a "ro". I'm adopting from Russia. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> During the holidays I took over Canada.
  16. The reason I left was not my choice... the power went out. It is still out at my cage, but I am at the San Francisco Bread Company using their wireless. Hopefully the power will be on later. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is this one of those places where you just stand outside and you get free internet because the huge corporations have forgotten to password protect the wireless connection?
  17. Communism is not a religon for a start, second it isn't growing, it is depleting, fading away. You can't blame the milk going sour on the communists anymore because the cold war is over! China, North Korea and Vietnam are the few countries where the communists are still in power and even there it is shaky! Kim Jung Il is sitting on top of a Nuclear Missile with a saddle and the Vietmanese government has got the people upset, China is the last stronghold of communism. Actually I believe Cynicism is to be overtly critical and sceptical whereas sarcasam is a witicism used to inflict an insult. Difference will be is that I will be living, you'll just be a shell, a slave bound to something as insubstantial and obtainable as a second Really? I thought the constiution was based on some half baked ideals scribbled down quickly in an effort to show that the revolution was really worth it and has quickly become outdated and needs updating but every attempt is blocked by petty-minded, back bench republican senators with the political inaccuacies only previously available to the Right Wing. It is also a symbol of how on the political spectrum in America, what is viewed as a "centre" politican is now so far on the right that the politican is living in Naziville, has a small toothbrush mustache and goes to bed with his neice while having a girlfriend called Eva Braun, so anything that anyone else regards as being central on the political specturm is viewed as dangerously communist and infringing on rights you don't have. I'm done now. Anyway, that's not true. Spain and Italy are more Christian (barely) that America because they have such close links to the Pope and Vatican. Thrilled. Thrilled? That is another example of hipocrisy in Christianity. God leaves a celestial version of a post it note (1000 ft high, stuck on a mountainside) proclaiming "be free", but then goes on and leaves a little footnote on the bottom in miniscule writing that only an electron microscope can read saying "oh and by the way, no contraception or homosexsuality, in fact no freedom at all. Yes I know contraception will help in the future with overcrowding and populaion increase, Lucifer. Look, yes I know. No! I am not letting them wear little plastic things to prevent unecessary childbirth, they weren't available to me when I went to see Mary and they would have been useful! Would of stopped that little poser Jesus from being born. Oh dear he heard me. Darn it, I've left the lightning on dictate mode. Its written everything down. Rats. Where's that switch?" Doesn't really read as a paradox, as paradoxes usually make what people on earth like to call sense. Whereas my friend on Betelguese 7 informs me that in his native tounge the word for sense also means "abused raddish" which makes perfect sense. I wonder what it is like to be insane? To believe in something so whole heartedly that you think it is real and deny anything to the contrary? Have you ever heard of Jerusaleum syndrome? It is a disorder where people go and do the whole "In the steps of Jesus" thing and then come back thinking they are Jesus, an Angel or more interestingly the Devil. I saw footage of someone who had Jerusaleum syndrome and believed he was the devil and went off and killed 12 or so people who proclaimed themselves as stigmatics in order to "win the war over the forces of God" and "bring about Judgement day, but instead of God doing the weighing it shall instead be the Dark Lord himself." What is it that drives these people into this state Topazia? WHy does their faith twist them?Actually there isn't a second part, there never has been except perhaps one tacked on by Christians in their consumation of all other religons. That belief is that of the Native Americans, but it has been shared by some of the greatest poets, writers and creative people in History. I believe the correct spelling is "tete-a-tete" with accents on. From the french meaning "head-to-head" "All the words in the holy scriptures cannot hide the holes in the plasterwork."
  18. Are you a believer in the sacred feminine Tayino?
  19. Of course, sir. Would you like the added radar function or just the standard suit? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yes, do you have the standard self destruct feature for a more middle eastern touch to the suit? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes sir, but it will not function if another living creature is near by and may get hurt.
  20. Of course, sir. Would you like the added radar function or just the standard suit?
  21. I know CHina is COmmunist, but its religon is Buddhism and I knew Afghanistan is Muslim because it is one of the Eastern most states that the terrorists want to incorporate into their Islamic superstate. Cynical, not sarcastic Poor, blind, accurate soul. Eternity doesn't last forever and on Judgement day, you can at least make sure you can whack God in the face. I prefer cowardice over decomposing. Noble, good and dead is not a good mix. Courage and Bravery are still both advanced stupidity. I was refering to the book. And Catch 22 is very good anyway. No way round it. You can only be grounded if your crazy and you're only crazy if you don't want to be Grounded. It isn't popular?!? America is one of the few 1st world countries left to be largely Christian, look at how Abortion and homosexsuality are always cracked down upon. It may just be the state of Florida (visit next year I may), not the whole of America. The Mid-west is defintely strongly Christian though, it is famous for it. CHristianity is an entire hypocrisy. Your almighty lord says that you must have free will and decide for yourself, he then goes onto dictating how you should lead your life and threatning with smiting and #### if you don't agree with him. He says that He is forgiving and loving and then decides to engage in blowing up continents, flooding the world and general mass destruction. I am confronted with everyone else's opinion, not the truth, everything changes so quick that it is impossible to get the current truth only the truth that existed a couple of moments ago. With each new second the world changes, the universe changes so much that it is no longer the same universe it was a moment ago with each new decision the universe changes and if your consider how many infinite numbers of things that change the course of the universe per second, then it is near impossible to get any definite hold on what the universe is like. He died from a birth defect, I have lost friends thanks to the war in Iraq, I have seen a friend broken by Iraq. I am about to have a cousin go into the army and potentially will loose him too. Death is not controlled by your lord, it is controlled by chance and other human beings. It is not your non-existant master that decides whether people live or die, it is other humans. For example, I could go psychotic right now and kill everyone I meet, I could, don't particuarly want to, but I could. It is choice that changes the world, not God. You never die if people remember you. Agnosticism is having doubt about God's existance, unsure about whether he exists or not having made your mind up about Him yet. Aethiesm is the outright belief that God does not exist. Enjoy yourself then because I suspect the North will proove to be a very difficult challenge considering how practical people are and don't really bother with "spiritual" matters. I should know, I am a northerner. But surely since God was not married to Mary that means he was commiting adultery/####.
  22. First thing; China is far from Satan following and nor is Afganistan. China's main religon is Buddhism which is one of the most peaceful and least forecful when it comes to preaching, which they generally don't do. I think what you meant to say was the dictatorships in the Lower Asia to Middle East ban and lock away Christians because they are either a) an Islamic state where most Christians get lynched by mobs or only exist in sets of 1 per 1,000,000 or Communist and see Christianity as the religon of the west and the enemy. Topazia, Christ cannot overthrow the religons already long established in those regions. Do you know why missionaries get thrown away? Because most of them are firey hotheads who get up on a platform and rather than saying why Christianity is such a good choice they say why the religon they have is such a bad one. Then the lynch mob gets them. I would argue that when it comes down to it, having to choose between with a mad man with a huge army and a couple of tank barrels pointed at their head and someone they've never seen, heard from or seen any evidence of and they have to choose the most powerful, they'd choose the mad dictator with a 'tasche. Age has nothing to do with it, whether you are young enough to talk or on death's door your opinion is as valid as anyone else's whether it is as well informed or not is different. A child of 5 can be more intelligent than a teenager of 15. I wasn't aware of that. Well, all I can say is that if that's true I'll keep a Christian next time I go on a dangerous mission into a dark mine, because I'm sure that all the shining provides a very good light source without any energy costs. That sounds very nice, but that means Christianity is a minority then because everything breaks down in the face of the Ultimate End (i.e. Death) and only a handful wouldn't rennounce their religon if given a choice between renounncing their religon and death. Anyway, a couple more things. You know something? People who see clearly enough can sometimes see that Courage and Bravery are both just a refined version of stupidity. And also, people say that cowards always end up losing, that's only one point of view, the other one is that while the Heros die, the cowards carry on living so ultimately, who wins? The dead Heros or the ones who come back and get the glory? I love the philosophy of Catch-22. Christians then were so much more... stronger in their belief in God, they went a step further than you Topazia, they went over the stage of not fearing death because God exists, they then went out seeking death in the name of their God. Christians today are so meek, so dulll and uninteresting. None of them have any passion, any zeal or anything else along those lines. There is no point in believing in something if you don't believe it passionatly. I would prefer to say you changed from a normal human being who just focused on the here and now situation while writing brilliant poetry to a normal human being who worships an ancient hipocricy that just wants to excerise power over people while writing brilliant poetry. Then let God do so if he really seeks to turn the one lost lamb back to the flock. Then you would die for the wrong reasons Topazia. God doesn't want people to live for as long as they can, he wants them to live in the way he wants. And myself? WHo would I die for? I would prefer not to die, but if it means saving one life to an infinite number of lives and no one else would do it, I'd step forward because otherwise you die with everyone else and the worst thing is, no one will remember you. Agnostic. Britain is agnostic with tendancies towards Aethism. CFCC.... Christ's Followers Community College? I shall watch out for you Topazia. See above. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I side with her. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What a highly intelligent and altogether well informed answer.
  23. Who is this "Sturm" you speak of? And Arkcher, what are some tips for fighting the boost gaurdian in metroid prime 2 on hard mode? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> To quote the commentary on one of my friends whom plays MP2 all the friggin time, "If I had a quarter for every time someone got owned by the Boost Guardian... I'd buy a **** load of gumballs." I promptly whacked him for cursing. If you can beat him in Normal mode, use the same tactics. Just get more Energy tanks (You can have like... six at that point. seriously.) and get high on caffeine or ginseng and mash the A button like theres no tomorrow. Charged Light Beam shots work real well, I forgot if you get Supa-Missiles around then, if you do, use those too. I can give you a list of Beam Ammo Expansions and Energy Tanks if you need. Cheap gaming websites tell you where every single one is. O_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> my problem is i keep getting hit by him when he is boosting around. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hide behind pillars if in need of health you are, otherwise wait until locked on he is and not changing direction, then go stand next to him.
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