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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. It means physically. God is above breakfast cereals and traffic jams. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah, but if God created us in his own image, we obviously have the same internal organs and such like otherwise where would God have got the idea from? So if we have the same organs we have the same needs. So God is quite likely to need breakfast, PLUS if you take into account the size of heaven and how much we estimate Heaven enterprises to take up (2/3 of it) then God isn't going to want to live in the grotty central bit is he? He'll want to live on the outskirts where woods are close by and you can take your dog for a walk. And since he is on the outskirts, he will have to commute to work, and since Heaven is basically Earth but without the annoying bits (only the major bits, traffic congestion was unfortunately overlooked) it is likely he will have a car. And since 2/3 of heaven is God Enterprises you need a lot of workers who are also likely to commute to work. And then you get traffic jams because the road can't cope with the numbers and God can't expand it because that would take up vital space saved for the hoardes of people coming every day, you get LA (Los Angeles) style grid-lock but without the LA-style sunshine and passing gang wars which make it bearable.
  2. Interesting thought given to me today. God created us in his own image right? So we obviously share some natural needs with God. Ergo every time you ask for breakfast you are playing God. I'm sure God wakes up each morning and says "Could I have a bowl of cornflakes please" and Gabriel appears in a puff of feathers carrying some Cornflakes. The same goes for driving to work. God is not going to live in the suburbs or centre of Heaven Enterprises is he? Nah, he'd live in a big country mansion in the country and commute to work each day, sort of like what some people do in London. Does this mean God gets stuck on the heavenly M25 and swears at people who wash his car when he doesn't want them to and then gets his BMW's wheels slashed? The list goes on. And to put a serious sting in the tail on this, this argument means I can go and clone myself, get accused of Playing God and get away without having to face International Law. For my next trick I shall set fire to McDonalds and claim I was doing it via God's heavenly orders.
  3. I'm gonna be picky and point out that Buddha was the one who had envisioned and created the Buddhist ideas/religion through pretty much the same source as the ones who created the bible, visions. But y'know. Visions can be misleading so you kind of have to guess who's right and what's the logical thing to believe in. What if God and evolution are real? What if Adam and Eve were bacteria who ate off of the forbidden fungi? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Toto; Notice how you, MW and I all capatalise Buddha. Don't contradict yourself. MW; I love the idea. Does that mean God was a single celled bacteria who divided himself in two and told the other one he created it?
  4. Yes. Find some software online and/or get some cheap freeware trials or something of Audio converters. But, Do understand that MIDI is its own little unique audio format, as it simulates instrumental sounds to make what the author wants it to sound like. I has a MIDI writer on my compy and it is very spiffy. As of right now, I can only do about a 30 second beat, but i'm getting somewhere... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What is this way? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This way is south. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The way has already been written. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The way I was speaking of for converting audio formats would be going on a Google search or whatever other kind of search engine you feel like (There might be some media or software engines somewhere...) and look for Audio Converter. It should be able to cram an audio file into a different format. which is good. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thank you. In return I will answer one of your questions.
  5. Sounds like Trooping the colour to me. Or alternatively the Cadets on parade. That's alright, better than Cheerleaders. Cheerleaders may have a lower IQ than 1 new research suggests! The latest research carried out the university of Guesswork has revealed that most people who think waving pom-poms and going Yay, in addition to over using the word "like" have suffered from a degenerative brain disorder called "Lack-of-food syndrome", "Brain-dead-moron disorder" and "Future Republican voter syndrome"
  6. In regards to Constantine; He was a callous and evil ruler, but so was every other Roman Emperor. Are you saying God condones Prostitution being legal (and being taxed), fights to the death and the such? You claim Constantine was guided but all he was was the first spin doctor. He chucked out all references to the old pagan sacred feminine (In this case Jesus' lover Mary), any claims that Jesus was mortal and introduced and nicked aspects from old cultures to make everything about Christianity more appealing to the average Pagan. Halos were nicked from the Egyptians' sun disks, what most people see as God (kindly old Grandfather figure) was taken from Greek and Roman mythology. However, I commend you on blindly ignoring this or at least looking at most historical facts and then choosing to believe that God is just testing you. He might. Who knows? Oh, wait, I do. In addition to this I would like to point out that nothing in Revelations can be taken as solid fact as it is all smoke and shadows for most of it. 666 we don't even know is the Devil's phone number, just the beast. No evil mentioned. Flip 666 upside down and you get 999. Does that mean 999 is an evil number too and next time I need the emergency services I can't because of someone else's superstitions. One nice thing about Revelations is that it gives you the figures of the size of Heaven.
  7. Yes. Find some software online and/or get some cheap freeware trials or something of Audio converters. But, Do understand that MIDI is its own little unique audio format, as it simulates instrumental sounds to make what the author wants it to sound like. I has a MIDI writer on my compy and it is very spiffy. As of right now, I can only do about a 30 second beat, but i'm getting somewhere... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What is this way? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This way is south. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The way has already been written.
  8. As the admirable Leonardo da Vinci said, "You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course the problem with that is what Leonardo Da Vinci also said about Christianity and all other religons. Its in my siggy. Leonardo was such an enigmatic person. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just like you, TGHL. Changing the subject. But, I've never actually seen those quotes before, quoted by Leonardo Da Vinci. Maybe they're just by the TGHL-i. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nor have I seen yours. Perhaps some more misinterpritation by you?
  9. Yes. Find some software online and/or get some cheap freeware trials or something of Audio converters. But, Do understand that MIDI is its own little unique audio format, as it simulates instrumental sounds to make what the author wants it to sound like. I has a MIDI writer on my compy and it is very spiffy. As of right now, I can only do about a 30 second beat, but i'm getting somewhere... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What is this way?
  10. As the admirable Leonardo da Vinci said, "You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course the problem with that is what Leonardo Da Vinci also said about Christianity and all other religons. Its in my siggy. Leonardo was such an enigmatic person.
  11. Cheerleading and Marching bands, two things I cannot stand, marching bands are Ok, provided it is musical and does not require coreography. Especially marching bands with batons. With furry and sparkly bits on. Cheerleading however, is the worst. Of all time. : Naturlich
  12. Another note to Topazia; Christianity is not peace loving, it claims to be. Isn't. That's why Christianity holds all the nukes. Like I said. And don't give me that self-defence rubbish, I've heard it from Bush enough times already and both you and I know, its a load of rubbish. AND Christianity has been the root of most wars. AND its a hyporiscy. Claiming it is peace loving and then setting fire to Muslims. What kind of religon is that? A hypocrtical one. Also; NO BUDDHIST GOD ONE HINDU GOD WITH MULTIPLE ASPECTS, WHICH COULD BE CALLED GODS AND GODESSES BUT ARE ULTIMATELY JUST SMALL PARTS OF A BIGGER THING, LIKE US. AND WHY DIDN'T GOD GIVE US ALL THAT (MEDICENE ETC.) FROM THE START? And do not dispute with me about the Hinduism and Buddhism stuff, I did it for my coursework and I got the top mark and you can't do that by getting things wrong. I also had to do them both for 3 years. I have probably covered each one for a year cumulatively, so do not tell me what is right and wrong about those. Unless you really want to search through their scriptures just to make a point. The Polytheism thing about Hinduism is just an outside conception which is wrong.
  13. I have decided that if God exists he has 666 interchangable heads, each one the one of the world's top 666 most evil people, with Magraet Thatcher as the main, non-changeable evil boss head. And also that the second coming of Jesus has come and gone, it ended in a bunker in Berlin 1945 and began in the Austrian town of Braunau-am-Inn in 1887 (or something like that).
  14. Message to Topazia; You really were annoyed weren't you? 1) You have failed to understand me completely if you feel I am normal or conform to any conceptualist ideal of normality. I have disappointed if you do you feel I am normal. Very disappointed. 2) I never said you mother took pills, I was making a statement based on observation of people. 3) I just really don't want to respond to a post that was made as a way of venting anger.
  15. Where did you find this information? And this is quite possibly the topic that holds the most posts I've ever posted in one topic. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just go to the Music forum and click on the number of posts in this topic thingy.
  16. Oh mighty and wise philosopher, is there a way to convert annoying and lowly MIDI files into an alogether more appreciative MP3 or WMA file?
  17. *sigh* As much as I'd like to let Kep in, she's 75 posts or so short. ;.; But I believe everyone else is approved. Vixen appears to be 20 posts short, but she has 40 posts or so on her account she couldn't get back on. Both are my nominations. Says a lot. Actually it does, because Mega Wolf is keeping your two nominations and rewording the policy. My hat is off to you Mr. Grim!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yay! Likewise Master Horatio. Likewise.
  18. Some interesting figures that should suprise no one about this topic; Who posted in: What religion are you? Poster Name Number ofPosts The Grim Hamster lord 256 Toto 172 Horatio 162 Mega Wolf 101 Topazia 80 Arkcher 73 Jesusfreak 72 The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy 54 Taynio 53 Cheesemaster 37 AnimalKidd 25 Kenny Boy 20 lexxscrapham 19 xMyOwnMindx 15 Vlad Tepes 14 silvia 12
  19. *sigh* As much as I'd like to let Kep in, she's 75 posts or so short. ;.; But I believe everyone else is approved. Vixen appears to be 20 posts short, but she has 40 posts or so on her account she couldn't get back on. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Both are my nominations. Says a lot.
  20. That may be so, but also she wrote outlines for each book when she got to the second one <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She had the plots written out in that small London Cafe, before she even got the first one to print.
  21. I believe that is the Roman Catholic version who cross the Evanglicist's ressurection belief with the Protestant's immortal soul belief. On Judgement Day you have the earth end. Or rather, Jesus coming down with a "Vote Republican" badge on. Then, I'm just gonna repeat myself aren't I? To the other parts of Kat's talkings; Doesn't that make you Agnostic if you argue though there is no proof of God, there is no evidence to the contrary?
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