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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. Who will win as Sheena judges the answers? *dramatic music*
  2. Does anyone know the Alt code for the sideways 8 infinity sign?
  3. Fantasia is Cheetaspspot's pen name, you can't very well expect an artist to have much sucess with a name like Cheetaspot, can you? at least, a name change probably helped Norma Jeane Mortenson's acting career a bit. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> marilyn monroe? (cant remember) (elton john song "candle in the wind") <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ^ | | | ahem... (CHECK IT OUT! NEW (SHORT) SIGGY!) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS?
  4. But its okay... Because Emily the elephant earred octopus... isn't a Metroid. And it sucked... Horatio's brain out. (does that work better for you? ) However, Meta-Ridley swoops.... (hyphens make it one word) like a rock. o_o Onto Kraid who... decides to sing. Everyone went deaf... and danced a... silly little jig. of fatal doom. (or something.) in a runaway... ambulance that was on teh highway, heading towards Luigi's
  5. Because Emily the elephant earred octopus... isn't a Metroid. And it sucked... Horatio's brain out. (does that work better for you? ) However, Meta-Ridley swoops.... (hyphens make it one word) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> like a rock. o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Onto Kraid who...
  6. Because Emily the elephant earred octopus... isn't a Metroid. And it sucked... Horatio's brain out. (does that work better for you? ) However, Meta-Ridley swoops.... (hyphens make it one word)
  7. Yes! God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends! I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take! gotta go, it's bedtime. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway. Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants. Grim, I love you, and only want the best for you, so I'm going to tell you that you've managed to make yourself sound very egotistical and pessimistic in this topic. One that thing before I leave this topic, never to return again. I really think that very few people in this topic are actually arguing to help somebody else. Most are just arguing because they don't want to be wrong. What is the point of proving to somebody that God doesn't exist? What do they gain? Why try to do it? Paz, I know what you're doing. I know that the Bible says to be fishers of men, and I completely respect and admire how hard you're trying to do that. But they aren't going to change their minds. This is no longer about religion. It's about which side can make the other look like idiots. I think that we should just let this topic die and not bring it up again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, then I have at least conveyed my pessimism, or rather the fact I have accepted that once you are dead that is the end, deal with it. Well, I would like to say that by arguing and trying to proove the opposition's ideal wrong you try and make more people live their lives properly in Paz's case and in mine, you try and make less people's lives be governed by something (which in my opinion) is false and wrong. But really all this topic is is practising ping-pong style debate, sort of like Congress and congressional inquisitions, which isn't really my style, but we can't really have an open debate because of the system, no interruptions or anything. Ah, I still laugh everytime I see George Galloway (someone I usually dislike) attacking the Congressional commiteee over their false accusations that he got money from Saddam, so what if he did? Does it matter? No bribes or anything, just a present for defending Saddam in British Parliament. Where was I? Oh yes, No, all this topic is about now is arguing for the sake of it. But since I like arguing for the sake of it I'm going to point out that Bush is now claiming that God told him to invade Iraq. Dare I say anymore? This is final proof that; a) God is insane OR God doesn't exist AND c) George Bush is insane. Take your pick. Ever since he claimed that, the satirists have been having a field day. If only you could see Rory Bremner's take on Bush and God. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But what if we like living by our religious principles? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What if you are just denying yourselves perfectly sensible and acceptable options of modern day life for what eventually turns out to be nothing? Abortion would be the first one that comes to mind. Also, didn't you see you were making a farewell post with that last one?
  8. Yes! God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends! I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take! gotta go, it's bedtime. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway. Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants. Grim, I love you, and only want the best for you, so I'm going to tell you that you've managed to make yourself sound very egotistical and pessimistic in this topic. One that thing before I leave this topic, never to return again. I really think that very few people in this topic are actually arguing to help somebody else. Most are just arguing because they don't want to be wrong. What is the point of proving to somebody that God doesn't exist? What do they gain? Why try to do it? Paz, I know what you're doing. I know that the Bible says to be fishers of men, and I completely respect and admire how hard you're trying to do that. But they aren't going to change their minds. This is no longer about religion. It's about which side can make the other look like idiots. I think that we should just let this topic die and not bring it up again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, then I have at least conveyed my pessimism, or rather the fact I have accepted that once you are dead that is the end, deal with it. Well, I would like to say that by arguing and trying to proove the opposition's ideal wrong you try and make more people live their lives properly in Paz's case and in mine, you try and make less people's lives be governed by something (which in my opinion) is false and wrong. But really all this topic is is practising ping-pong style debate, sort of like Congress and congressional inquisitions, which isn't really my style, but we can't really have an open debate because of the system, no interruptions or anything. Ah, I still laugh everytime I see George Galloway (someone I usually dislike) attacking the Congressional commiteee over their false accusations that he got money from Saddam, so what if he did? Does it matter? No bribes or anything, just a present for defending Saddam in British Parliament. Where was I? Oh yes, No, all this topic is about now is arguing for the sake of it. But since I like arguing for the sake of it I'm going to point out that Bush is now claiming that God told him to invade Iraq. Dare I say anymore? This is final proof that; a) God is insane OR God doesn't exist AND c) George Bush is insane. Take your pick. Ever since he claimed that, the satirists have been having a field day. If only you could see Rory Bremner's take on Bush and God.
  9. I'm gonna be picky and point out that Buddha was the one who had envisioned and created the Buddhist ideas/religion through pretty much the same source as the ones who created the bible, visions. But y'know. Visions can be misleading so you kind of have to guess who's right and what's the logical thing to believe in. What if God and evolution are real? What if Adam and Eve were bacteria who ate off of the forbidden fungi? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Toto; Notice how you, MW and I all capatalise Buddha. Don't contradict yourself. MW; I love the idea. Does that mean God was a single celled bacteria who divided himself in two and told the other one he created it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, and then God made up all these silly stories about how he created everything and he got a bit carried away. Or perhaps he was a human who did the same thing. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A similar point was made by Philip Pullman in His Dark Materials. For those who shun everything that is criticising God, like the Da Vinci code, it basically says that God was meerly the first angel and tricked all those who came afterwards by claiming he created them. It also shows how God wastes away and becomes senile and mad by the time he is killed by the subtle knife. But don't take my word for it, why not go read it and then burn it like the Archbishop of Canterbury did. AND the Pope. Old pope. The new pope was in the Magestrium (also in book) which is the modern day equivelant of the Spanish Inquisition. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I haven't read the last book. I want to but I can't find it. It's somewhere in my house. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Best one of them all it is.
  10. Yes. Find some software online and/or get some cheap freeware trials or something of Audio converters. But, Do understand that MIDI is its own little unique audio format, as it simulates instrumental sounds to make what the author wants it to sound like. I has a MIDI writer on my compy and it is very spiffy. As of right now, I can only do about a 30 second beat, but i'm getting somewhere... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What is this way? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This way is south. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The way has already been written. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The way I was speaking of for converting audio formats would be going on a Google search or whatever other kind of search engine you feel like (There might be some media or software engines somewhere...) and look for Audio Converter. It should be able to cram an audio file into a different format. which is good. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thank you. In return I will answer one of your questions. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How's about this: I've got an MP3 Player expansion for my PDA that i'm trying to get hold of on eBay. 32MB Memory and maybe some other things, plays MP3s and wont skip and all. So, How high will the bids go within the one or two days of the auction ending? (The Buy It Now feature is about 35 Moneys, i beleive that would get to about 28 Euro or so. So the bidding couldnt go much higher than that.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> -pokes the quotes for TGHL- <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sorry, I failed to see it. Do I need to answer it still or is it all cool? (btw, thanks for teh MIDI aid, its working now)
  11. I'm gonna be picky and point out that Buddha was the one who had envisioned and created the Buddhist ideas/religion through pretty much the same source as the ones who created the bible, visions. But y'know. Visions can be misleading so you kind of have to guess who's right and what's the logical thing to believe in. What if God and evolution are real? What if Adam and Eve were bacteria who ate off of the forbidden fungi? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Toto; Notice how you, MW and I all capatalise Buddha. Don't contradict yourself. MW; I love the idea. Does that mean God was a single celled bacteria who divided himself in two and told the other one he created it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, and then God made up all these silly stories about how he created everything and he got a bit carried away. Or perhaps he was a human who did the same thing. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A similar point was made by Philip Pullman in His Dark Materials. For those who shun everything that is criticising God, like the Da Vinci code, it basically says that God was meerly the first angel and tricked all those who came afterwards by claiming he created them. It also shows how God wastes away and becomes senile and mad by the time he is killed by the subtle knife. But don't take my word for it, why not go read it and then burn it like the Archbishop of Canterbury did. AND the Pope. Old pope. The new pope was in the Magestrium (also in book) which is the modern day equivelant of the Spanish Inquisition.
  12. do you know what it means? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No idea. and TGHL, No need to answer the question, the auction ended tonight. =D and I won. w00t. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Auction? Which question? Who am I?
  13. Yes! God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends! I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take! gotta go, it's bedtime. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway. Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants.
  14. which mutated into... a marshmellow of.... sticky, yummy explosions. Of much doom. which caused economic... skyrockets in the purple pulsating sky... of planet SR388, which has thirty-one... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hunter-class Metroids.
  15. Sort of like St. Nicholas, the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Children believe in imaginary figures. They give up that thought when they're 5 or 6, when they realize that the Easter Bunny doesn't poop rotten, pink eggs. St. Nicholas was a real person, he just didn't have magical powers. God, though is believed and known by children and adults. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But can you give a reason why these figures are any different to God, apart from the fact they don't dictate our lives and claim to be all-everything?
  16. *wonders where this will go, but is sure it will go somewhere* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think it should basically be; Be nice to people. Quite similar to the basis of. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Golden Rule There's a golden rule... sorry I meant. There's a Golden Rule? Must put the emphasis on the key point.
  17. I wish I could draw... Or rather hold onto one idea for long enough to write it down, publish it and so on. I swear the little creative particles keep bombarding me so much that as soon as I have one another one forces it out. At the miniute I am focusing on a Battle of Britain film script.... Must hold onto.... good... idea...
  18. which mutated into... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> a marshmellow of.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> sticky, yummy explosions. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of much doom. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> which caused economic...
  19. Sounds like Trooping the colour to me. Or alternatively the Cadets on parade. That's alright, better than Cheerleaders. Cheerleaders may have a lower IQ than 1 new research suggests! The latest research carried out the university of Guesswork has revealed that most people who think waving pom-poms and going Yay, in addition to over using the word "like" have suffered from a degenerative brain disorder called "Lack-of-food syndrome", "Brain-dead-moron disorder" and "Future Republican voter syndrome" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What about "ditsy-scatterbrained-airhead syndrome?" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Think of a name that any psychatrist would approve of and there you go, a cheerleader has it.
  20. *wonders where this will go, but is sure it will go somewhere* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think it should basically be; Be nice to people. Thats it. Just that. I visited a country in Bo (a suburb in London) that was a flat called the Kingdom of Lovely (yet to be recognised by the UN... should have though. It had more citizens than Monaco.) and that was its founding principle. There wasn't much else actually. There should be no hierachy, no political agenda or anything but the fundamental principle that you should be nice to people. No God either, because that just complicates things.
  21. good point. But why would he be like us if he is immortal and all powerful? We are suseptible to maladies and injuries of the flesh. Could we kill him with, let's say, Napalm (sp?)? I'm sure if we were created by him in our image, we would be much different. You know what? He didn't create us in his image, we created him in our image. chew on that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *chews on it, spits it out, then stomps on it* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You shouldn't be so readily dismissive of his idea. He has actually given a very valid point. Say God exists. BUT, he didn't create us. Instead we created him. Because the human imagination is such a powerful thing, and provided we believe whole-heartedly that it exists, it comes into existance. And don't say "that's a stupid idea, shut up, I'm off to join the Spanish Inquisition and do some book burning, starting with the Da Vinci code." We imagine things every day that masses of people everyday swear are true, but in fact don't exist. Freedom would be a nice one to start off with. (you really need to read the Bill of Rights, if you look at the bottom someone has added on in crayon "You have the freedom to have the government take your freedom away. P.S I have the freedom to invade Iraq.... and Iran... And Korea.... And 'Nam.... And China.... perhaps Russia." No reference to Bush has been made in this argument. Ahem. Cough It actually has Cough.
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