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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. You have just made my birthday complete!!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1) I MISSED YOUR BIRTHDAY!?!??!?!?! ALERT! ALERT! HORATIO'S BIRTHDAY IS PROGRESS! ENGAGE PRESENT-FIND-O-MATIC! 2) Welcoem back TBFOH! Even I wasn't here (or was I?) for when you were here on the Hamster boards. But welcome back and enjoy the new boards, if you stay of course.
  2. Means more points for the rest of you though! So get out that and get those screenshots! before Arkcher does....
  3. No No No. Erandayu and Suirue are DIFFERENT. Kaei is now Erandayu. Kai is now Suirue. They are sisters. I believe Dark Hamster JeenyusGirl <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Was it active members or just every member we can think of? In which case some of them can't be claimed as active since they haven't posted in a year or so.
  4. I think we go for the first model, I do not want to have to deal with the problems of working out imports and exports (we cannot have any, unless perhaps we start manufacturing something), raw materials and industry. Incidentally, are we having tax? I need to know because I should be able to create it fairly easily with a simplified version of income tax and the like and it would provide a good way of making sure that too much money doesn't appear and keeps the value of the H$ at a constant rate.
  5. Worrying more than ever? Did you neglect your History? As far as this period goes, everything is as safe as... something that is extremly safe! The Cold War? Did you miss learning about the constant threat of death looming over our heads? (our in the human race terms) The world was actually due to end on the day the Communists backed off over Cuba! And all the allies have the nukes now, no "enemy of the state" has them, except China, but that is on friendly terms at them minute. You are starting to sound as if you are actually buying into this propoganda Bush is spurting out! Oh I do, and you of all people should understand that you shouldn't question my knowledge on current affairs. Do you know anything at all about the war in Sudan? Do you know about allegations against the CIA about secret terrorism prisons (a load of rubbish, but the Washington Post insists its true)? Do you know about the situation in North Korea and how I can barely get in to visit my Korean connections (friends)? Do you know about Japan's royal family and the problems it now faces? Probably not unless you nipped off to read up on them. Do not try and understand what I have been through because you can't, won't and, if you knew, don't want to. I am being kept alive by my own knowledge and survival instincts, in some cases I have come close to death, the London Bombings being one of two. Nothing is keeping me alive, especially not your God. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Apologies if you get upset, but it's what I think and after some of those comments, in someway you deserved the nastier bits.
  6. Fantasia is Cheetaspspot's pen name, you can't very well expect an artist to have much sucess with a name like Cheetaspot, can you? at least, a name change probably helped Norma Jeane Mortenson's acting career a bit. marilyn monroe? (cant remember) (elton john song "candle in the wind") DON'T type that name into Google images. -Lee So what is the first thing everyone is going to do? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Type failure into Google, hit "I'm feeling Lucky" and discover themselves on the biggest piece of propoganda since the Commandant of Belsen said "We do not exterminate Jews at Belsen" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I did. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And it took you the propoganda?
  7. Yes, I would care to. Does that answer your question? Please stop encouraging Horatio. Why?????? I'll rephrase that, please stop encouraging Horatio to not answer my questions properly! *hands Horatio a Answer Annyoance award for his efforts* Thank you for the award! I will have you note, I am answering your questions properly. You are just not asking the proper questions! Someone please tell me what the Alt code for the infinity sign is, please. Try getting out of that one without moderating it to change what it says! The alt code for the infinity sign is a code you put into the computer so that it will make a symbol where you are typing that isn't on the keyboard. That symbol being the infinity symbol. I'm getting the cheesewire out.... WOW cheese!! how fabulous!! It isn't so fabulous when I have some cheesewire and you are made out of cheese.... Incidentally LLaura, would you like to submit a screenshot of yourself into this topic, I can guarentee that you will be awarded 100,000 points for it. Post it!!! Lovely Laura will love a screenshot of herself. Did you get Krisluvsdogs? She made a guest appearance today. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Alas, you forget I am 5 hours ahead of you and I am rarely on at the same time as Kat and Kris in Kansas.
  8. Thank you. You never know, some people in California want to split off from the US completely maybe that will cause Bush to try and blow up CA, but get the wrong side of the country and go for Florida instead. It is and the President is getting rapidly on my nerves. No need, any CIA, NSA or other agencies that come after me will get... mysteriously sunburnt....
  9. Ultimately they are all one human, aren't they? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Two seperate ones.
  10. I wish that comes out like WHy can't a small b with a bracket come out normally? Ok then, H$10 per US$1. Exactly why we shall eventually be able to get out the per-posting payments.
  11. the calm before the storm of delusions... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Be careful what you say Cheesie, don't stoke the fires of zealots and lunactis as they say....
  12. Fantasia is Cheetaspspot's pen name, you can't very well expect an artist to have much sucess with a name like Cheetaspot, can you? at least, a name change probably helped Norma Jeane Mortenson's acting career a bit. marilyn monroe? (cant remember) (elton john song "candle in the wind") DON'T type that name into Google images. -Lee So what is the first thing everyone is going to do? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Type failure into Google, hit "I'm feeling Lucky" and discover themselves on the biggest piece of propoganda since the Commandant of Belsen said "We do not exterminate Jews at Belsen"
  13. Yes, I would care to. Does that answer your question? Please stop encouraging Horatio. Why?????? I'll rephrase that, please stop encouraging Horatio to not answer my questions properly! *hands Horatio a Answer Annyoance award for his efforts* Thank you for the award! I will have you note, I am answering your questions properly. You are just not asking the proper questions! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Someone please tell me what the Alt code for the infinity sign is, please. Try getting out of that one without moderating it to change what it says! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The alt code for the infinity sign is a code you put into the computer so that it will make a symbol where you are typing that isn't on the keyboard. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That symbol being the infinity symbol. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm getting the cheesewire out.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> WOW cheese!! how fabulous!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It isn't so fabulous when I have some cheesewire and you are made out of cheese.... Incidentally LLaura, would you like to submit a screenshot of yourself into this topic, I can guarentee that you will be awarded 100,000 points for it.
  14. *notes TGHL's name has been added to The Enemy of the State List* You mean I am now part of the Axis of Evil? Rather ironic really since that was what I was heckling her about for most of it. You know the old saying... keep your enemies close. *reads on the government website what TGHL had for breakfast* MI5 and MI6 have websites, you can apply through them.... Although techinically MI6 is called SIS. I am not the enemy... our Secretary of State has you in her sights. Didn't know if you read an Scottish newspapers, but there is a good article on your friend George Galloway. She doesn't scare me! much... Don't really get many of them down here in Yorkshire, you get everything else including some Socalist and Communist newspapers but beyond the Tabloids, Broadsheets and locals we don't get other regionals. So she does scare you! We don't get the physical papers here, we go online for them. Only because she has a nuclear arsenal Really? So the nuclear arsenal worries you? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You try having over 1,000 ICBMs pointing at you and see how you feel. You didn't answer my question Horatio. Incidentally, has anyone been keeping tabs on the Iranian situation recently? Seems as if they are about to be invaded what with that idiot of a President's comments about Israel and his habit of alienating the only people who will be against invasion, Europe. Russia is edging away from backing Tehran as well, even though they started off that way, the Kremlin is edging ever further from Iran as it comes up against the firing line. I can't understand everyone's obsessions with having Nuclear weapons. Oh yes, we can use them to stop wars against us, but of course we can use them in wars against everyone else. You can easily destroy cities, countries and armies without damaging the environment the way a nuclear bomb does. Take the sun for example, somewhere like Iran recieves a lot of sunlight, so why not focus the light and use it in the same way kids do we magnifying glasses? Solves the problem with almost no environmental effects and you can write on the WHite House's front garden; "I'm watching you..."
  15. I meant that I agree with all of your views on america, at least all the ones mentioned in that post. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Excellent word choice THC, maximum amount of caution combined with maximum amount of expressing your opinion. You should have an award for that. What to call it..... Hmmm... The Political Accuracy Award sounds dull.... Here have the Ignoble prize for speech. Sounds much better doesn't it?
  16. I think we also need to a) set up a rate of exchange between dollars (american and canadian), Pounds and Euros so we can keep prices realistic and a bank for obvious reasons, interest rates, loans and accounts are obviously going to be needed, especially in the case of businesses and getting them started. A special new business loan will need to be set up with a low rate of interest to get the businesses off their feet. In regards to the bank I would be glad to set it up and run, plus I have experience in this department with the sanity bank. Which may I add collapsed, not because of lack of money, but under the pressure of MW's sanities.
  17. Incidentally, Kaise became Suirue and Silvia became Kaei who became Erendayu.
  18. [this topic is dead, I think I killed it with my lengthy Dr.Who mocking]
  19. I'm sure Tayino will reinstate you if he comes back to make it considering your sterling work.
  20. *notes TGHL's name has been added to The Enemy of the State List* You mean I am now part of the Axis of Evil? Rather ironic really since that was what I was heckling her about for most of it. You know the old saying... keep your enemies close. *reads on the government website what TGHL had for breakfast* MI5 and MI6 have websites, you can apply through them.... Although techinically MI6 is called SIS. I am not the enemy... our Secretary of State has you in her sights. Didn't know if you read an Scottish newspapers, but there is a good article on your friend George Galloway. She doesn't scare me! much... Don't really get many of them down here in Yorkshire, you get everything else including some Socalist and Communist newspapers but beyond the Tabloids, Broadsheets and locals we don't get other regionals. So she does scare you! We don't get the physical papers here, we go online for them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Only because she has a nuclear arsenal Really?
  21. *notes TGHL's name has been added to The Enemy of the State List* You mean I am now part of the Axis of Evil? Rather ironic really since that was what I was heckling her about for most of it. You know the old saying... keep your enemies close. *reads on the government website what TGHL had for breakfast* MI5 and MI6 have websites, you can apply through them.... Although techinically MI6 is called SIS. I am not the enemy... our Secretary of State has you in her sights. Didn't know if you read an Scottish newspapers, but there is a good article on your friend George Galloway. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> She doesn't scare me! much... Don't really get many of them down here in Yorkshire, you get everything else including some Socalist and Communist newspapers but beyond the Tabloids, Broadsheets and locals we don't get other regionals.
  22. The Emplyment rules! Rule #1. Horatio gets to do whatever he pleases and has an Infinite card. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I meant employment and Horatio, infinite cards are abolished as they are used as a by-pass for the owners of businesses and scheming megalomaniacs. Surely someone like yourself doesn't need one as you post in excess of 100 posts per diem?
  23. *notes TGHL's name has been added to The Enemy of the State List* You mean I am now part of the Axis of Evil? Rather ironic really since that was what I was heckling her about for most of it. You know the old saying... keep your enemies close. *reads on the government website what TGHL had for breakfast* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> MI5 and MI6 have websites, you can apply through them.... Although techinically MI6 is called SIS.
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