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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. *blinks* What are they going to do, pull at the california plate and push it away? Wow... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, they are scientifically going to cause the earthquakes! And destroy entire cities! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Imagine the ability to roam about though... "Hmm... I'll just pull away from this here landmass and park next to... where should I park? Australia? How about we have a white Christmas this year and go to Antarctica?"
  2. *after landing, starts pushing the sunflower seeds out of my pouches* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> OooH!! *picks up horatio and jumps back through the hole, then uses him like a machine gun* sey 'ello to my Liittle friend. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *ducks behind some idiots on steroids* *gets out hamster from rucksack* *feeds it some chillis from the Louissiana bayou* *jumps up and flamethrowers the gym* Do you like being well done or extra crispy?
  3. Thank you. You never know, some people in California want to split off from the US completely maybe that will cause Bush to try and blow up CA, but get the wrong side of the country and go for Florida instead. It is and the President is getting rapidly on my nerves. No need, any CIA, NSA or other agencies that come after me will get... mysteriously sunburnt.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Who wants to split off from America? Boy, that would be an economically horrible idea, probably. o_O <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Some friends of mine in San Diego and Los Angeles were talking about a growing number of people who want to California to distance itself further and further from the main US body and eventually become seperate. It would be stupid, like Wales and Scotland becoming independant. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Separating from a country would be incredibly stupid. Unless it was to split off from an idiotic president causing the economy to only worsen, then in that case it may be good idea. But then people would regret it later. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It turns out that these people also want to physically split from the US and sail off and park somewhere in the Pacific. Which tells you everything you need to know about those people. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wow... So are these people morons or just extremely delusional? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Both I'd say.
  4. Actually, this is my topic alone and no conspiracy. The idea was given to me by someone else who posts here and I thought it was a fantastic idea. If I say any more than this I would be giving it away. Ah. I think I see what it is. Don't have to post this either, if I'm right. Is it the HD reunion? If it is, I would like half of the profits made. Thank you and good night. Okay, as long as I get the remaining two halves. As long as you get the remaining WHOLE? Deftly avoiding the question about what it is I see Horatio. Yes, Horatio, Why must it reamain so secret, and what is the "it?" Hmmm... Is it a nice suprise or an evil suprise I wonder. Will it be a pie fight with real custard-cream pies or will it be a pie fight with.... rhubarb pie! *hates to see good pies go to waste... eats all the pies before a fight can begin* *rolls the now spherical Horatio onto the treadmill and sets it at 200 kmph* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *watches as Horatio is flung off and crashes through several walls before stopping* Hmm... Horatio as possible use as living and reuseable Cannon Ball?
  5. Jocks read? well, it was well-illustrated. Looking at the pictures would be much like seeing the plays on the blackboard! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Jocks get far too bad a reputation, you just need to speak their language. Unfortunately their language consists of two "words" which to spell them phonetically; "Hut!" and "Ug!" Another problem is no one except Jocks speak the language and the only reason they speak it is because the steroids have worn away at their brain so much. (are Jocks the ones who play American Football, find only the lowest humour on the planet funny and end up crashing and burning as soon as they get out of High School because the only good thing they could do was American Football?) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> pretty much, exept some of learn to say "hooah" and join the Marines. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah but they don't count as Jocks because they managed to scrape 1 brain cell together.
  6. that was poinoned. And then he started running in... your general direction. So I headed... away, over there, into a tube, out of danger. hidden underneath a... steaming heap of... [oh no you don't....... Toto's on... must answer quick] roasted sunflower seeds... that someone farted... into outer space, by sunflower seeds, Then they exploded. The TARDIS landed.... That killed everyone.. [how do you do that?] Then the aliens... Of the family-Slitheen all died miserable slow, agonizing and very horrible deaths. So we vanquished... an entire bowl... of cow poo. I then materialised
  7. Hmm... This topic is dead. I shall go make some derogatory comments about Bush and Kerry in the US government topic now, followed by an outsider's perspective on Hillary Bush for President and after that I'm off to record a song about JFK (no, not the good president in the '60s, the bad one who ran for President in the '04 election) about his career, starting in Vietnam. It will not be a nice song.
  8. Actually, this is my topic alone and no conspiracy. The idea was given to me by someone else who posts here and I thought it was a fantastic idea. If I say any more than this I would be giving it away. Ah. I think I see what it is. Don't have to post this either, if I'm right. Is it the HD reunion? If it is, I would like half of the profits made. Thank you and good night. Okay, as long as I get the remaining two halves. As long as you get the remaining WHOLE? Deftly avoiding the question about what it is I see Horatio. Yes, Horatio, Why must it reamain so secret, and what is the "it?" Hmmm... Is it a nice suprise or an evil suprise I wonder. Will it be a pie fight with real custard-cream pies or will it be a pie fight with.... rhubarb pie! *hates to see good pies go to waste... eats all the pies before a fight can begin* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *rolls the now spherical Horatio onto the treadmill and sets it at 200 kmph*
  9. Jocks read? well, it was well-illustrated. Looking at the pictures would be much like seeing the plays on the blackboard! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Jocks get far too bad a reputation, you just need to speak their language. Unfortunately their language consists of two "words" which to spell them phonetically; "Hut!" and "Ug!" Another problem is no one except Jocks speak the language and the only reason they speak it is because the steroids have worn away at their brain so much. (are Jocks the ones who play American Football, find only the lowest humour on the planet funny and end up crashing and burning as soon as they get out of High School because the only good thing they could do was American Football?)
  10. Actually, this is my topic alone and no conspiracy. The idea was given to me by someone else who posts here and I thought it was a fantastic idea. If I say any more than this I would be giving it away. Ah. I think I see what it is. Don't have to post this either, if I'm right. Is it the HD reunion? If it is, I would like half of the profits made. Thank you and good night. Okay, as long as I get the remaining two halves. As long as you get the remaining WHOLE? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Deftly avoiding the question about what it is I see Horatio. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, Horatio, Why must it reamain so secret, and what is the "it?" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmmm... Is it a nice suprise or an evil suprise I wonder. Will it be a pie fight with real custard-cream pies or will it be a pie fight with.... rhubarb pie!
  11. Yes, it sounds good. Does anybody have microsoft excel? That would make it a lot easier to keep track of people and money, and what all they have. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would go for Microsoft Access over Excel, it is slightly more complicated, but it can be used much better for what we want it to do. Take my bank example, I could tweak it so that should a client be overdue in their installments, payments or whatevers I can have Access print off/produce an automatic warning form with the details automatically filled in and can issue it over the boards. I can also make it so that it links up tables, so say a person has a loan and a credit card. I can create tables for both in Access, I can then link the tables up so I can see who has a credit card and has taken out a loan. So if someone has both a credit card and a loan with my bank and their payments for one are overdue I can check the over to see how they keeping up with their loan/credit payments and issue a warning that if they do not pay up in the next... week then the credit card will be cut off until the payments for both have been fufilled and the bank's investegator has deemed it that you are able to pay both payments and live to a suitable standard. See? Don't you just love Access?
  12. To add to that; #### won't be so bad as you say it is just heat and lava right? So due to the adaptive nature of our bodies after a couple of 100 years, possibly less we will adapt to the heat and it will become bearable. Like plants that have been exposed to volcanic heat have adapted to it, so shall humans since we can't die in ####.
  13. Thank you. You never know, some people in California want to split off from the US completely maybe that will cause Bush to try and blow up CA, but get the wrong side of the country and go for Florida instead. It is and the President is getting rapidly on my nerves. No need, any CIA, NSA or other agencies that come after me will get... mysteriously sunburnt.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Who wants to split off from America? Boy, that would be an economically horrible idea, probably. o_O <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Some friends of mine in San Diego and Los Angeles were talking about a growing number of people who want to California to distance itself further and further from the main US body and eventually become seperate. It would be stupid, like Wales and Scotland becoming independant. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Separating from a country would be incredibly stupid. Unless it was to split off from an idiotic president causing the economy to only worsen, then in that case it may be good idea. But then people would regret it later. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It turns out that these people also want to physically split from the US and sail off and park somewhere in the Pacific. Which tells you everything you need to know about those people.
  14. Actually, this is my topic alone and no conspiracy. The idea was given to me by someone else who posts here and I thought it was a fantastic idea. If I say any more than this I would be giving it away. Ah. I think I see what it is. Don't have to post this either, if I'm right. Is it the HD reunion? If it is, I would like half of the profits made. Thank you and good night. Okay, as long as I get the remaining two halves. As long as you get the remaining WHOLE? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Deftly avoiding the question about what it is I see Horatio.
  15. Reasons to be Miserable... His name is Marvin.
  16. Actually, this is my topic alone and no conspiracy. The idea was given to me by someone else who posts here and I thought it was a fantastic idea. If I say any more than this I would be giving it away. I think I may know what it is... I am sure you do. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A conspiracy to prepare a program of... pie throwing?
  17. Thank you. You never know, some people in California want to split off from the US completely maybe that will cause Bush to try and blow up CA, but get the wrong side of the country and go for Florida instead. It is and the President is getting rapidly on my nerves. No need, any CIA, NSA or other agencies that come after me will get... mysteriously sunburnt.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Who wants to split off from America? Boy, that would be an economically horrible idea, probably. o_O <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Some friends of mine in San Diego and Los Angeles were talking about a growing number of people who want to California to distance itself further and further from the main US body and eventually become seperate. It would be stupid, like Wales and Scotland becoming independant.
  18. Hey TGHL. How much would 20 Euros be in U.S. currency? I'm doing a report on Versaille and I need to put how much it costs to get in and the teacher wants both Euro and American. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> One moment, I could do €20 into £, but I'll have to check the Post Office (Which has started making a profit?!?!?! How'd that happen? Incidentally, Japan have privatised their Post Office, which is stupid, just look at the multiple times UPS and all the other private delivery people go on strike. I won't insult Horatio by saying he's not going to quickly do some advertising for FedEx which have started to make themselves known on British television with adverts, but the Post Office keeps retaliating with more and more ants....) for the exact numbers and the current rate of exchange. Right here we go, for every €1 you have you get US$1.1971, so that means €20 is worth.... US$23.94... Just wait I thought the US$ was worth more than the €... God how bad has G.Bush made your economy?!?!??! The US$ used to be worth slightly less than the GBP and given the current state of the € value I thought it'd be retaining its value, but no Bush finds ways of sending the US economy into recession! And why didn't you get Al Gore?!?? At least he was an environmentalist! Clinton whatever his sexsual morals were, at least he was half-decent at running an economy after the state it was in after the huge depression of the Cold War. Terminate rant. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think bush prefers to think of it as the economy returning to pre-war levels, pre-WWII levels, but pre-war levels nonetheless. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He does realise that there was there was the worst Wall Street Crash in 1929 doesn't he?
  19. No No No. Erandayu and Suirue are DIFFERENT. Kaei is now Erandayu. Kai is now Suirue. They are sisters. I believe Dark Hamster JeenyusGirl <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Was it active members or just every member we can think of? In which case some of them can't be claimed as active since they haven't posted in a year or so. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think it's everybody who's last post didn't say that they are leaving forever. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That could apply to n00bs who only made one post though.... Oh well. No sense in being exclusive.
  20. Hey TGHL. How much would 20 Euros be in U.S. currency? I'm doing a report on Versaille and I need to put how much it costs to get in and the teacher wants both Euro and American. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> One moment, I could do €20 into £, but I'll have to check the Post Office (Which has started making a profit?!?!?! How'd that happen? Incidentally, Japan have privatised their Post Office, which is stupid, just look at the multiple times UPS and all the other private delivery people go on strike. I won't insult Horatio by saying he's not going to quickly do some advertising for FedEx which have started to make themselves known on British television with adverts, but the Post Office keeps retaliating with more and more ants....) for the exact numbers and the current rate of exchange. Right here we go, for every €1 you have you get US$1.1971, so that means €20 is worth.... US$23.94... Just wait I thought the US$ was worth more than the €... God how bad has G.Bush made your economy?!?!??! The US$ used to be worth slightly less than the GBP and given the current state of the € value I thought it'd be retaining its value, but no Bush finds ways of sending the US economy into recession! And why didn't you get Al Gore?!?? At least he was an environmentalist! Clinton whatever his sexsual morals were, at least he was half-decent at running an economy after the state it was in after the huge depression of the Cold War. Terminate rant.
  21. Fantasia is Cheetaspspot's pen name, you can't very well expect an artist to have much sucess with a name like Cheetaspot, can you? at least, a name change probably helped Norma Jeane Mortenson's acting career a bit. marilyn monroe? (cant remember) (elton john song "candle in the wind") DON'T type that name into Google images. -Lee So what is the first thing everyone is going to do? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Type failure into Google, hit "I'm feeling Lucky" and discover themselves on the biggest piece of propoganda since the Commandant of Belsen said "We do not exterminate Jews at Belsen" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I did. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And it took you the propoganda? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yep. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Any comments?
  22. that was poinoned. And then he started running in... your general direction. So I headed... away, over there, into a tube, out of danger. hidden underneath a... steaming heap of... [oh no you don't....... Toto's on... must answer quick] roasted sunflower seeds... that someone farted... into outer space, by sunflower seeds, Then they exploded. The TARDIS landed.... That killed everyone.. [how do you do that?] Then the aliens... Of the family-Slitheen all died miserable slow, agonizing and very horrible deaths. [Have you been watching Dr.WHo? That happened in thier episode!] In a thin aestheitc acid that cause their bodies of living calcium to dissolve and their internal organs to drop out and all the time they are still alive... [sorry, but that is the death penalty of the planet Raxicoricallfalipatroian.] [start new line of topic as well]
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