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The Grim Hamster lord

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Everything posted by The Grim Hamster lord

  1. Nobody knows why the pickle likes Emily the Strange. That is because She doesn't like to eat bugs. Anyway, the pickle murdered the cucumber. The cucumber's name was Harry Cubby McBubbbub. He decided to ride his unicyle to the Big Evil Supermart. He bought a money bag. However, the money was Moneylovers wife, And ate pie. But poisoned pie. So, Moneylover died, Then died again. After the continuous dying, he stopped eating the penguins. He disliked innards, Like a lot. But that's okay as he was addicted to the smell of the dancing leprechaun on excess cow poo. When he finished sniffing the poo, He drank Cherry-Coke, and then he died.they buried him in Cow poo.So everyone else slept in the cow poo again. So this ended When we all said bye to cow poo... again. Then TBFOF became the richest boy with two noses and five tongues. and he died. The bugs came, ate his arm, and regurgitated them. TBFOF then revived! now he's puke. MW stepped in some cow poo. So she barfed. And TBFOF lived no more, ever.The poor kid needs a bath Or a shower. No, a coffin. Hygeine is good. That's why I'm taking a shower in some poo. So i smelled like moldy gorgonzola. More poo... yup. And then we ran to the boobah home base! The crowds went "TAKE A SHOWER!" Then you went to a store with a bathroom and many watermelons. Mushroomking spazzed out when she saw a vampire pickel that danced and sang like a very rabid squirrel named Skwerlhugger Will. The squirrel then danced like pickles in the rain wearing cowboy boots with a fedora. Then the beast started to dance on people's heads Then got keelingyoudead'ed. With a million the people said. So they ouched and fell down. Suddenly, a giant cheesemonster squished them with cow poo And a Hippo. That had much diamond bracelets with unwanted body hair. The hippo's name was Larry King. but it ate my computer's harddrive while doing a headstand on a Hoops' awesome head. Now she has feeling very, very cow poo-like. oopsie poopsie toes. And also very in cowboy boots and a hat that greatly resembled A big pineapple with fluffernutter ears and puppydog eyes and arachnid limbs. then it fell In Cow poo. Then it died. The fecomaniacal zombie had some pie. A cow pie. And then MW barked up the cherry micicle tree till cow poo fell on her ZEEKY BOOGY DOOG! and the hydrogen bomb blew up. Raining giant cupcakes that resembled big orange slippery potatoes. alas, they were slimey, smelly slugs And cow poo that just died. due to a/an lack of some orange flavored jello with double cheese And some pants in its face. then an explosion of pure Phazon which mutated into a marshmellow of sticky, yummy explosions Of much doom. which caused economic skyrockets in the purple pulsating sky of planet SR388. which has thirty-one hunter-class Metroids And they stunk like moldy brie. But its okay Because Emily the elephant earred octopus isn't a Metroid. And it sucked Horatio's brain out. However, Meta-Ridley swoops like a rock Onto Kraid who decides to sing. Everyone went deaf and danced a silly little jig of fatal doom in a runaway ambulance that was on teh highway heading towards Luigi's half-way existing mansion and Mario's house. when all-of-a-sudden Bowser came and ate Mario's very favorite rabid rabbit pie and Cow poo. Causing the ambulance's red siren to make blatting noises. while blood was turned into Soda. That tasted like EXPLOSIONS OF DOOM. this caused economic backfire across the marshmellow jellied cherries and the moon made of cheese. rotten, smelly cheese that has been in outer space for ten minutes. Then the monkey ate a bananana that was poisned. And then he started running in your general direction. So I headed away, over there into a tube, out of danger hidden underneath a steaming heap of roasted sunflower seeds that someone farted into outer space. by sunflower seeds, Then they exploded. The TARDIS landed That killed everyone. Then the aliens Of the family-Slitheen all died miserable slow, agonizing and very horrible deaths. So we vanquished an entire bowl of cow poo. I then materialised into our digestive systems.And he exploded. Beware the were-rabbit who just might be your next small chicken pie, with mashed potatoes and purple gravy. So do not consider eating the cinesra with toast and pickled marzipan. Rather eat pickled, pickled marzipan? Yum... Marzipan is delectable. Unlike Horatio's sunflower, which is very purple and chunky with edinayc flavoured, whipped cream covered strawberry flavored clams. In other news, someone tried them with Metroid Sprinkles. They were yummy. So they had a close encounter with some poo. Chocolate marshmallow poo. covered with almonds, pecans, walnuts, peanuts, blueberrys, ants and explosive mushrooms of ancient roman origin. We then put sonic, shadow, knuckles in small plastic bags covered in faux aligator skin. Then TBFOF sang Speed of Sound with a bottle filled with delicious yummy cheese wiz. When he finished designing birthday cakes he exploded over then he sold the excellent cakes to Israeli spies to explode them. The Israeli spies with extreme yumminess of great doom causing small hats in the shape of a sword which prods people to spontaneously combust, to lead a band in pressure points. After cleaning ELE's hairy underarms, she scratched her bum causing temproal destruction and itchless bum syndrome. Toilets flew into Horatio, injuring his only pickle. Pickle was buried in Hot Topic. Robot Bob Barker was then shot In Limetid too by Dr.Watson's hat. Emily the strange and Ruby Gloom sat inside a giant cow "pie" driving pea-shaped cars. The cow gravy was part of a very odorous, Horrid Meat Grinder. An exquisite corpse did a funky and revived itself using a Phoenix with music by anyone but Pink-Floyd and lemon-demon. Yogurt was very Stoopid after the crash made newspaper headlines, but nobody cared, because ZZ Top and the Yogurt were in the tabloids with False Accusations. Summarized, everything is Squeaky Guinea Pigs and RootBeer Floats. Flesh-eating bacteria took over, then aliens from Mars and Trent The Brunette disliked being insulted. Twenty thousand weasles saw Totoro's cat-bus arrive because he's crazy and wanted to eat club crackers, ride around town and drink rootbeer with Vera Lynn. Not to mention Bush was there wearing a makeshift lampshade made of Osama-Bin-Laden's hair and Cow poo. He was attacked and went back to the pickle and Spongbob Squarepants. Vanilla Star Hamster fails to appear in this story but writes her a screaming Howler stating that TGHL, the pesky Phoenix, was also Superman dressed in a flying carpet hat and a hairy giant toupee thingy. On his feet were marshmallow candles surrounded by magenta lightsaber weilding ninjas and invisable, massless objects. Made of balloons and filled with arsenic, TGHL's feet scratched a giant mountain made of puos pin tac and big rubber hamster swimming caps. The Mountain was named 'Mt. Whatthe after the question' and had two scraggley craggely peaks with purple cherries and Evil Teachers. Due to malfunctions roaming the landscape Arkcher The UNPIRATE, glad he wasn't a Smily, was a :ninja:. Andy the Emo wrote a song about crying over life, the universe, and everything. Stupid and worthless Preppies decided murder was afoot. "OMG!!!!!!" They said. Then Jackalope Bob, suddenly felt very dead. The Preppies tried to murder MK's massive signature and smiley. Everyone hates the orange marching mosquitos that drink OJ and like to sing "Body Language" by Invision CodeRed which is not
  2. Dang I think I missed it. You better mark your calendar for this weekend. Either Friday or Sunday evening on the SciFi channel. I am guessing it might be around 18H00 Friday and 20H00 Sunday. (Translation: 6 PM Friday and 8 PM Sunday.) Please do check your guide for accuracy of show times. At 22H32-ish on Sunday, I saw a fragment of Dr. Who. However, I got bored since I was too sleepy to listen to exactly what they were saying. I was thinking, what the heck, because there was this random shiney light having to do with knowledge and it going away after the shiney white light went away and some girl was a liar apparently. However, I was pretty much turned off by it since I was sleepy and the graphics were too typical of Sci-Fi Channel... I changed the channel because I felt like watching other shows. However, this fragment was not enough for me to properly analyze Dr. Who. I absolutely, positively guarantee that you will really like Dr. Who is you are awake and watch the entire show. Watch Episodes 9 & 10 and you'll see Doctor Who at its best.
  3. I really like that! I want one!!! I love the idea and I hope it goes into production full scale, because I like the design (sort of Tron-ish almost), its greener than most things, allows dodging of traffic and goes at a good speed. So yeah, I hope that they make it.
  4. HA! I have an alternative to your so called Mercedes Green Car, which is even greener and better for dodgin traffic! See it at this address, which only Horatio will see due to the whole ban on linkage. You'd be suprised by the amount of similar cars in the UK and Europe, there is the Ariel Atom which can do 200mph but pollutes less than a motorbike and doesn't require a safety helmet, this new one, the old Sinclair C5 which came in the 80's (a bad time for green cars) and the ancient French Velocar. Of course there is more, but most of them are Hybrid-Synergy thingys made by the Japanese.
  5. *ignores TGHL* I love the Smart Cars!!!!!!!!! How do you expect the Smart Formore to go over in the United States? If gas gets expensive enough, people will want an alternative for running about town. Personally my favorite is the fourtwo, but the convertible version which is not permitted here. Second would be the fourtwo hardtop. I want one! My cage has a very small garage which would house this car perfectly. Interesting thing about Smart Roadsters is that you can say that you drive a Mercedes Sports Car which is eco-friendly, as Merc owns Smart. I'd still just buy a Mini Cooper S.
  6. A collosal gap I think. It really was the death of Doctor Who with those two, or at least enough to warrant closing it down for 20 years or so. It was partly the dreadful characters, and the storylines. Not to mention the companions, as after some really good ones (Sarah Jane, Romana and so on) and sort of breaking the tradition of having a companion who ran down corridors and got captured and then disappeared by falling in love and marrying a bloke they'd just met, they seem to revert to it with Peri and then it just nose dives. Fitness freak Mel and stupid, rubbish badged leather jacket Ace (the personification of bad acting and bad characters). Oh well, maybe it was for the best, as now we have a super cool new series! This is a phenomenal new series! And it keeps getting better with each episode.... If that were possible of course, it just seems to hit 100/10 instantly and stays there. Tonights episode was outstanding. *snaps fingers and watches TGHL's forehead open up* Power Lust is a terrible thing. Prepare for an emotional episode this Friday though... And I've just come from watching Episode 2 of the 2nd series, entitled "Tooth and Claw." Excellent episode. No more said, as that would be a spoiler. Sarah Jane is back next week. I have already made sure I will be here for the next show! Thanks!!!!!! Getting psyched up for it I suppose, but the fun really starts after that.
  7. A collosal gap I think. It really was the death of Doctor Who with those two, or at least enough to warrant closing it down for 20 years or so. It was partly the dreadful characters, and the storylines. Not to mention the companions, as after some really good ones (Sarah Jane, Romana and so on) and sort of breaking the tradition of having a companion who ran down corridors and got captured and then disappeared by falling in love and marrying a bloke they'd just met, they seem to revert to it with Peri and then it just nose dives. Fitness freak Mel and stupid, rubbish badged leather jacket Ace (the personification of bad acting and bad characters). Oh well, maybe it was for the best, as now we have a super cool new series! This is a phenomenal new series! And it keeps getting better with each episode.... If that were possible of course, it just seems to hit 100/10 instantly and stays there. Tonights episode was outstanding. *snaps fingers and watches TGHL's forehead open up* Power Lust is a terrible thing. Prepare for an emotional episode this Friday though... And I've just come from watching Episode 2 of the 2nd series, entitled "Tooth and Claw." Excellent episode. No more said, as that would be a spoiler. Sarah Jane is back next week.
  8. NO! NOT THE SMART CARS! I hate them, stupid little things. Always annoying me with their stupid little "I mADe a CaR OUt oF LeGo" looks and the stupid handling and everything about them. Why not just buy a Mini Cooper? 4 seats, low emmisions, good boot space and better that the Smart cars. Also, avoid the Smart Roadster, the Smart Four4 and everything with the Smart badge on it.
  9. Er... Yes. I spawned this out of the latest topic of the US Gov. topic. Thought that it might be a good idea to make a topic to serve as a gathering place for all those of a renewable, wind farms and tidal power mind set. Of course you can post here about the following topics; 1) The Environment 2) Health (this can span from Bird Flu virus H5N1 to cancer from mobile phones) 3) Governments in relation to (1) 4) New eco-tech 5) Stuff along the same lines as number (1) To start off, I thought I'd mention something under section 2. The FDA complained to a Swedish researcher that their research was difficult to read and interpret as they could not understand what it said on many of the pages. That was because the study was printed in Swedish and the FDA neglected to actually get a Swedish interpreter, instead hiring someone who read Finnish. Not really the sort of thing actually to post in here, so in fact do not do anything like that in here. This is more like it; Yes, well the green race is on in Britain as both of the leading parties candidates (should the Conservatives stick with one leader for more than 6 months this time) for the next elections in 2009/2010 are striving to gain green credentials. Gordon Brown (currently the Chancellor of the Exchequer and TB's successor) has gone for the pleadging funds approach, he is aiming to sink more funds from both Britain and the EU into the research and development of new eco-technologies, he has also gone after China, India and Thailand in a bid to get them to pledge to control their emissions. He also has announced his intention to go to the UN and set up a scheme in 3rd world, developing countries to expolit the reneweable sources available to prevent countries like Nigeria (who was accused of exporting Uranium to Iran, Iraq and N.Korea) and other African countries on the verge of rapid expansion from going fossil fuel crazy. Whereas the Conservatives have gone to Norway to view the effects of global warming and then said that the current system should change without specifying a new policy. The Liberal Democrats decided to get rid of their leader's low-emissions Jaguar, instead replacing it with a Toyota which runs on a Hybrid-Synergy drive. Wow. The Green party only hold two seats, but that figure is set to rise in 2009/2010, so they aren't important enough.
  10. A collosal gap I think. It really was the death of Doctor Who with those two, or at least enough to warrant closing it down for 20 years or so. It was partly the dreadful characters, and the storylines. Not to mention the companions, as after some really good ones (Sarah Jane, Romana and so on) and sort of breaking the tradition of having a companion who ran down corridors and got captured and then disappeared by falling in love and marrying a bloke they'd just met, they seem to revert to it with Peri and then it just nose dives. Fitness freak Mel and stupid, rubbish badged leather jacket Ace (the personification of bad acting and bad characters). Oh well, maybe it was for the best, as now we have a super cool new series! This is a phenomenal new series! And it keeps getting better with each episode.... If that were possible of course, it just seems to hit 100/10 instantly and stays there.
  11. Excuse me? Are you saying that the Bible isn't as reliable as say, Caesar's texts? How about Plato? Compare: Caesar - works written from 100-44 BC, earliest copies made in 900 AD, which means there is a time span of a thousand years. There were 10 copies. Pluto's Tetralogies - written between 427-347 BC, with the earliest copies in AD 900, whihc makes a life span of 1,200 years, with 7 copies. HOWEVER... The New Testament - was written between AD 40-100, with the earliest copies made in AD 125, making a life span of 25 years and 24,000 or more copies. Hah! So why is it that no one questions the reliablility of plato's work but they question the New Testament's reliability? Rather it should be the other way around! The New Testament blows the others out of the water! "The bible's not accurate" my toosh! Ah now, consider this then. I never said age was an issue, as none of us dispute that the Ancient Egyptians existed and we know that Stonehenge has been around from before even them. My claim about the Bible's authenticity is; a) The number of contradicting accounts of Jesus' life. Mark, Matthew, Luke and John are only four of hundreds. The gospel of Judas for example, or the gospel of Mary Magdalene. Both of which contradict the versions of events that the others painted. The lack of physical, non-written evidence to back up these events in both Testaments. We can confirm events written down by Ceaser from archaeological digs, whereas archaeologists have yet to find evidence anyway near as good as those from even the age of dinosaurs. c)In terms of your comments with volume, I like Horatio's quote from ages ago. Flies say cow pats are tasty, so it must be true. More doesn't mean better or more viable or more anything. It just means more. d) Constantine. e) The corruption and adjustments made over the early years. f) So on, so forth.
  12. A collosal gap I think. It really was the death of Doctor Who with those two, or at least enough to warrant closing it down for 20 years or so. It was partly the dreadful characters, and the storylines. Not to mention the companions, as after some really good ones (Sarah Jane, Romana and so on) and sort of breaking the tradition of having a companion who ran down corridors and got captured and then disappeared by falling in love and marrying a bloke they'd just met, they seem to revert to it with Peri and then it just nose dives. Fitness freak Mel and stupid, rubbish badged leather jacket Ace (the personification of bad acting and bad characters). Oh well, maybe it was for the best, as now we have a super cool new series!
  13. Satanism? So now you are rounding up a group of people and placing one label on them? I can't say I've heard Tayino doing any of the exorcist noises or silly things like that and I would know, I see all, except places I can't see. Which I can't. Anyway, I think Tayino will not be pleased that you have just labelled him as a satanist. And anyway, what was wrong with those little groups of Christians, doing nothing wrong and then St.Paul, the bully, comes along and messes it all up for them. And incidentally, Islamic Fundementalism is militant because in the Koran (or is it Quaran or something?) it says that Islam must be dominant over the world, so the fundementalists (who are the same as a Christian Evangealist) takes this to mean that they must clense the earth of all opposition by any means possible. Look at what the 9/11 person on trial has said. Plus, the US Postal Service is infamous for the traditional insane, gun-toting-on-your-lawn-with-an-AK-47 postal worker in blue shorts. Which is why you should all use.... Fed-Ex.... or UPS! *gets a citrus tree catapulted on to head by Horatio* Incidentally, you mistook what I said about the leaders. A leader needs to be strong, decisive and charasmatic. The Church has none of these, and remember your leader represents the whole, it is a delegate with which you represent your country. Now look at ABC, a mad old interfering fool who looks like he's swallowed a pidgeon. ABY however, is slightly better, but not really that effective. Do I care about your church? No. Look, let us finish this Lee Strobel argument. He is not impartial. He does not want to educate. He does not want to enlighten. He wants to sell books. So, his agent tells him to write a book about how Christianity is oh so good, as a large amount of the USA is Christian. Writes it, it gets sold, he makes money. Publishers are happy, he's happy and his agent is happy because they've just sold some books. Does it matter whether any of it is correct? No, because its all theory and if they're taken to court for deception and passing off fiction as fact, they can declare it was meerly a theory and you can't sue for having a theory. FINALLY, there is no passage in the BIble which says preserve the earth for future generations. There is that one about not being materialistic by Jesus, but anyone coming up in front of the Recording Angel or whatever can just say I needed an SUV or whatever and the angels and saints can hardly disput that can they? So long as they can come up with a convincing arguement, they're fine. And, Bobos?
  14. Friday nights, the SciFi channel and lucky you, Sunday nights as well. If you look at the programming for tonight's SciFi channel, you will see the latest show of Dr. Who. Which is absolutely the best show on the Tele! Tune in for Dalek MW and you'll see some of the best... I can't wait!!! You really can't, or you will explode! I will explode! Let's keep you calm by talking about the classic series for a moment. Who was your favourite Doctor out of the 8 that featured 1963-1995? I think my order would go; 1; Tom Baker 2; William Hartnel 3; Patrick Troughten 4; Peter Davidson =4.5; Paul McGann =4.5; Jon Pertwee 7; Sylvester McCoy 8; Colin Baker I have been thinking of my order... reply later on this one. I think that 4,5 and 6 are all very close in terms of their favouriteness, but 7 and 8 are so far away that you'd have to view them with the Hubble Space Telescope from Jon Pertwee's position. That is exactly where I was having a problem. I agree with one to and three and then I would make a tie for four, five and six, then follow as you have with seven and eight. I think I'd change it so that while Peter Davidson is still ahead, McGann and Pertwee share the slot of 4.5. I really could not stand Colin Baker as the doctor, first he tries and strangles his companion (something no doctor should ever do, as they are all anti-violence (in a way...)), then he tries to change the TARDIS' exterior and the storylines were dreadful. And McCoy wasn't much better, there is always one story which sticks in my mind for being symbolic of the death of Doctor Who; The Happiness Patrol. No child in this world is going to be scared by a giant sweetie in clingfilm. The quickest solution would have been to eat it, but no, somehow we get an entrie story out of it. AND there was Sofie Aldred as Ace, whose character was dreadful and the fact they ruined the Daleks image by having it beaten up by a baseball bat. Pathetic... Tom Baker though was brilliant and so were the earliest doctors (abliet Pertwee, it wasn't his fault that they stuck him with the Brigadier every week, gave him a ridiculous "car" and had a sinister story about... MAGGOTS!!! I quite liked him as a doctor, just not the storylines). P.T.'s best moment was the story with the cybermen in it, where he gets chased down the alley, jumping and yelling as the cyberguns blast behind him...
  15. Da Mafia News; Da Triads have been encroachin' on our territroy. Da boss has organised a hit 'n run on da triad leader. I and anudder member will drive a Range Rover on top of a multi-storey car park and shoot da leader with a poison dart supplied by our contact in Venezuala. Dey will be expecting da South American conclave drug squad dropping off a batch of class A, but we will drive up and shoot da leader, before legging it. In addition we will be getting a bonus if we take him out and start a gang war between da Conclave thugs and da Triads. Apparently its good buissness for da armaments trade he does. Any volunteers?
  16. Its quite interesting that, say in theory, that God/Odin/Allah/Zeus etc. is the same person. Puts on an eyepatch and a viking hat and goes off for a quiet weekend at Valhalla fighting Hel, Loki and generally preventing Ragnarok.
  17. That combination looks great! I prefer the combo to the singles. Incidentally, you can find the details of the Tomb Raider: Legends coming to GC, DS and GBA on the Offical Nintendo Magazine's (UK) webbie. I'll check the offical TR site too... Ok, they haven't updated it. But it is on a gaming news website, with the official Eidos announcement. Failing that, go to South London and shout at Eidos until they confirm it. Yes, I like the result of the combo as well, so I'll stick with it. There are also articles confirming the release of TRL on these platforms on other TR-dedicated sites. This is amazing; a TR game has never released on so many platforms before! Let's see... PC PS2 Xbox Xbox360 PSP DS GC GBA That's 8 different versions! Wow. I'll get either the DS or GC verison. Excellent. I'd get the GC version for the graphics, and possibly because I want to make sure that they use the DS' touch screen properly before I buy it.
  18. Friday nights, the SciFi channel and lucky you, Sunday nights as well. If you look at the programming for tonight's SciFi channel, you will see the latest show of Dr. Who. Which is absolutely the best show on the Tele! Tune in for Dalek MW and you'll see some of the best... I can't wait!!! You really can't, or you will explode! I will explode! Let's keep you calm by talking about the classic series for a moment. Who was your favourite Doctor out of the 8 that featured 1963-1995? I think my order would go; 1; Tom Baker 2; William Hartnel 3; Patrick Troughten 4; Peter Davidson 5; Paul McGann 6; Jon Pertwee 7; Sylvester McCoy 8; Colin Baker I have been thinking of my order... reply later on this one. I think that 4,5 and 6 are all very close in terms of their favouriteness, but 7 and 8 are so far away that you'd have to view them with the Hubble Space Telescope from Jon Pertwee's position.
  19. I once was Wiccan. There I learned of healing spells, protective spells, etc. I also learned the ways of the druids where I learned my elemental spells. I have given up on the learnings for a while because with my stress and etc meditation isn't balancing it out. I need to get my priorities straight first. For no reason at well.. excluding I got bored one day... I became a spiritual satanist. Yeah.. I know.. I change a lot. I am not committed to this but if someone comes against me you better believe I will 100% behind my beliefs. However, I was much more at peace with existence when I was wiccan. Therefore I am thinking of changing... again. Yes I know alchemy but the alchemy I use does not require circles. Unless you are enchanting a potion. But even then they are magick circles used in regular spells with a few material enchant symbols. Hm.. perhaps by your circle I am thinking of the ones you would see on Full Metal Alchemist. I am a little confused. Which are you talking about? Just so you know, Taynio, I would say something about your absurd apostasy, but I'm feeling drained from an argument with my future Mother-in-Law, so I'll restrain for my sake. Oi, if you're going to start calling other religons (although technically, what most people refer to as "Magicks", the whole wiccan/witch/wizard etc., is not a religon, it is more a culture, a way of life than a full blown religon, but it doesn't matter!) ridiculous, what does that make Christianity? A 2006 year old religon with declining numbers of believers which follows a creed made up by powerful men intrested in furthering their own power than laying down a religous foundation, based on a bible which isn't accurate, ommits great numbers of details and has a variety of saints which were often bullies who sent letters to isolated bunches of christians who were quite happy before but now have to follow what Paul says or be smote (smitten). A religon whose roots are highly debatable, which is fracturing and becoming more divided each day with no sensible or strong leader in which to make the church viable for the 21st century. Ooh what else...Oh yes, information is only available through your local spin doctor (aka your priest) who will put his own interpretation on things, enforces ridiculous laws which are outdated and no longer relevant. Manipulated by Rome and facing competition from other religons which in this age of heightened social responsibility and such, appeals much better. Those of a ecological mindset or similarly enjoy peace and calm for a few minutes amongst a hectic and busy life are targeted by the Buddhists, those who are of a militant mindset can either go for Islamic fundementalism or the US Postal Service. Anyway, do not call others absurd before you can justifiably discount them with genuine evidence (spirtitual or biblical evidence not accepted, if you are dissatisified with your evidence's verdict, you cannot appeal to a higher authority). And anyway, Tayino's religon offers a much more interesting spirituality to Christianity's AND it is much more about the Earth than the churchs' habits of saying "you're only here for <90 years and then you're off to heaven, so feel free to buy SUVs, "gas-guzzling" Fords and Corvettes and mess up the earth, because hey you're not going to be here to feel the effects!"
  20. Incidentally, due to your comments on signatures, I have updated my siggie. Mainly cos it was old, too long and was getting a bit boring.
  21. The sounds of the sea are not to be regarded as meerly the pointless sounds of corrosion and the screams of the drowned.
  22. Nobody knows why the pickle likes Emily the Strange. That is because She doesn't like to eat bugs. Anyway, the pickle murdered the cucumber. The cucumber's name was Harry Cubby McBubbbub. He decided to ride his unicyle to the Big Evil Supermart. He bought a money bag. However, the money was Moneylovers wife, And ate pie. But poisoned pie. So, Moneylover died, Then died again. After the continuous dying, he stopped eating the penguins. He disliked innards, Like a lot. But that's okay as he was addicted to the smell of the dancing leprechaun on excess cow poo. When he finished sniffing the poo, He drank Cherry-Coke, and then he died.they buried him in Cow poo.So everyone else slept in the cow poo again. So this ended When we all said bye to cow poo... again. Then TBFOF became the richest boy with two noses and five tongues. and he died. The bugs came, ate his arm, and regurgitated them. TBFOF then revived! now he's puke. MW stepped in some cow poo. So she barfed. And TBFOF lived no more, ever.The poor kid needs a bath Or a shower. No, a coffin. Hygeine is good. That's why I'm taking a shower in some poo. So i smelled like moldy gorgonzola. More poo... yup. And then we ran to the boobah home base! The crowds went "TAKE A SHOWER!" Then you went to a store with a bathroom and many watermelons. Mushroomking spazzed out when she saw a vampire pickel that danced and sang like a very rabid squirrel named Skwerlhugger Will. The squirrel then danced like pickles in the rain wearing cowboy boots with a fedora. Then the beast started to dance on people's heads Then got keelingyoudead'ed. With a million the people said. So they ouched and fell down. Suddenly, a giant cheesemonster squished them with cow poo And a Hippo. That had much diamond bracelets with unwanted body hair. The hippo's name was Larry King. but it ate my computer's harddrive while doing a headstand on a Hoops' awesome head. Now she has feeling very, very cow poo-like. oopsie poopsie toes. And also very in cowboy boots and a hat that greatly resembled A big pineapple with fluffernutter ears and puppydog eyes and arachnid limbs. then it fell In Cow poo. Then it died. The fecomaniacal zombie had some pie. A cow pie. And then MW barked up the cherry micicle tree till cow poo fell on her ZEEKY BOOGY DOOG! and the hydrogen bomb blew up. Raining giant cupcakes that resembled big orange slippery potatoes. alas, they were slimey, smelly slugs And cow poo that just died. due to a/an lack of some orange flavored jello with double cheese And some pants in its face. then an explosion of pure Phazon which mutated into a marshmellow of sticky, yummy explosions Of much doom. which caused economic skyrockets in the purple pulsating sky of planet SR388. which has thirty-one hunter-class Metroids And they stunk like moldy brie. But its okay Because Emily the elephant earred octopus isn't a Metroid. And it sucked Horatio's brain out. However, Meta-Ridley swoops like a rock Onto Kraid who decides to sing. Everyone went deaf and danced a silly little jig of fatal doom in a runaway ambulance that was on teh highway heading towards Luigi's half-way existing mansion and Mario's house. when all-of-a-sudden Bowser came and ate Mario's very favorite rabid rabbit pie and Cow poo. Causing the ambulance's red siren to make blatting noises. while blood was turned into Soda. That tasted like EXPLOSIONS OF DOOM. this caused economic backfire across the marshmellow jellied cherries and the moon made of cheese. rotten, smelly cheese that has been in outer space for ten minutes. Then the monkey ate a bananana that was poisned. And then he started running in your general direction. So I headed away, over there into a tube, out of danger hidden underneath a steaming heap of roasted sunflower seeds that someone farted into outer space. by sunflower seeds, Then they exploded. The TARDIS landed That killed everyone. Then the aliens Of the family-Slitheen all died miserable slow, agonizing and very horrible deaths. So we vanquished an entire bowl of cow poo. I then materialised into our digestive systems.And he exploded. Beware the were-rabbit who just might be your next small chicken pie, with mashed potatoes and purple gravy. So do not consider eating the cinesra with toast and pickled marzipan. Rather eat pickled, pickled marzipan? Yum... Marzipan is delectable. Unlike Horatio's sunflower, which is very purple and chunky with edinayc flavoured, whipped cream covered strawberry flavored clams. In other news, someone tried them with Metroid Sprinkles. They were yummy. So they had a close encounter with some poo. Chocolate marshmallow poo. covered with almonds, pecans, walnuts, peanuts, blueberrys, ants and explosive mushrooms of ancient roman origin. We then put sonic, shadow, knuckles in small plastic bags covered in faux aligator skin. Then TBFOF sang Speed of Sound with a bottle filled with delicious yummy cheese wiz. When he finished designing birthday cakes he exploded over then he sold the excellent cakes to Israeli spies to explode them. The Israeli spies with extreme yumminess of great doom causing small hats in the shape of a sword which prods people to spontaneously combust, to lead a band in pressure points. After cleaning ELE's hairy underarms, she scratched her bum causing temproal destruction and itchless bum syndrome. Toilets flew into Horatio, injuring his only pickle. Pickle was buried in Hot Topic. Robot Bob Barker was then shot In Limetid too by Dr.Watson's hat. Emily the strange and Ruby Gloom sat inside a giant cow "pie" driving pea-shaped cars. The cow gravy was part of a very odorous, Horrid Meat Grinder. An exquisite corpse did a funky and revived itself using a Phoenix with music by anyone but Pink-Floyd and lemon-demon. Yogurt was very Stoopid after the crash made newspaper headlines, but nobody cared, because ZZ Top and the Yogurt were in the tabloids with False Accusations. Summarized, everything is Squeaky Guinea Pigs and RootBeer Floats. Flesh-eating bacteria took over, then aliens from Mars and Trent The Brunette disliked being insulted. Twenty thousand weasles saw Totoro's cat-bus arrive because he's crazy and wanted to eat club crackers, ride around town and drink rootbeer with Vera Lynn. Not to mention Bush was there wearing a makeshift lampshade made of Osama-Bin-Laden's hair and Cow poo. He was attacked and went back to the pickle and Spongbob Squarepants. Vanilla Star Hamster fails to appear in this story but writes her a screaming Howler stating that TGHL, the pesky Phoenix, was also Superman dressed in a flying carpet hat and a hairy giant toupee thingy. On his feet were marshmallow candles surrounded by magenta lightsaber weilding ninjas and invisable, massless objects. Made of balloons and filled with arsenic, TGHL's feet scratched a giant mountain made of puos pin tac and big rubber hamster swimming caps. The Mountain was named 'Mt. Whatthe after the question' and had two scraggley craggely peaks with purple cherries and Evil Teachers. Due to malfunctions roaming the landscape Arkcher The UNPIRATE, glad he wasn't a Smily, was a :ninja:. Andy the Emo wrote a song about crying over life, the universe, and everything. Stupid and worthless Preppies decided murder was afoot. "OMG!!!!!!" They said. Then Jackalope Bob, suddenly felt very dead. The Preppies
  23. That combination looks great! I prefer the combo to the singles. Incidentally, you can find the details of the Tomb Raider: Legends coming to GC, DS and GBA on the Offical Nintendo Magazine's (UK) webbie. I'll check the offical TR site too... Ok, they haven't updated it. But it is on a gaming news website, with the official Eidos announcement. Failing that, go to South London and shout at Eidos until they confirm it.
  24. Friday nights, the SciFi channel and lucky you, Sunday nights as well. If you look at the programming for tonight's SciFi channel, you will see the latest show of Dr. Who. Which is absolutely the best show on the Tele! Tune in for Dalek MW and you'll see some of the best... I can't wait!!! You really can't, or you will explode! I will explode! Let's keep you calm by talking about the classic series for a moment. Who was your favourite Doctor out of the 8 that featured 1963-1995? I think my order would go; 1; Tom Baker 2; William Hartnel 3; Patrick Troughten 4; Peter Davidson 5; Paul McGann 6; Jon Pertwee 7; Sylvester McCoy 8; Colin Baker
  25. Friday nights, the SciFi channel and lucky you, Sunday nights as well. If you look at the programming for tonight's SciFi channel, you will see the latest show of Dr. Who. Which is absolutely the best show on the Tele! Tune in for Dalek MW and you'll see some of the best... I can't wait!!! You really can't, or you will explode!
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