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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. that could be interesting, especially if you ran in toasome of those monochromatic drama queens that call themselves "goth" or am I just crazy over the rainbow? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Only those over dramatic people are over the rainbow. I'm not sure what would happen if that happened. Something cool I suppose. Heh. Today. These cheeleaders were doing this cruddy cheer in one of my classes. (Which went something like spelling H-O-R-N-E-T-S. Since that's the school's mascot.) I walked over to their group and said, "Wow. You guys sure do put the 'hor' in 'hornets'." And walked away. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Suprised that didn't get editted out. But just as hilarious.
  2. two things: 1. IM ADDICTED TO TETRIS BUT CANT FIND MY HANDHELD!!!!! 2. by 'humming "empty space" ' do u mean the beginning of the song "incomplete"? (((empty spaces fill me up with hope...distant faces with no place left 2 go...without u, wtihin me, i cant find no rest...where im going is anybodie's guess....I try, to go on like i never knew u, im awake, but my world is 1/2 asleep, i pray, for this heart to be unbroken, 4 without you all im going to be is.....INCOMPLETE!))) and no, i am not a backstreet boys fan...thats like the only song i know and like by them...whenever i hear it, it gets stuck in my head! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I FOUND MY HANDHELD! i was cleaning up tho, so i didnt have time to play...but i put my electronic games in a safe place so i dont keep losing them like i always do! i have tetris, solitaire, yahtzee, and poker, tho i have no idea how to play poker, and i dont know why i have it.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I could teach you.
  3. remember, you havn't been on as long and you didn't take a several month break. True. I respect my elder, Cheesemaster. You calling me old? I am just more experienced. But not as experienced as Horatio. You're older than me. That makes you old. Yeah, Horatio and you do have a lot of experience. *keeps one eye on Hoops* Why? I want to make sure no one dyes my fur blue! And I would do that why? To match all the blue-haired people of Florida. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Umm... blue haired people would be why? o_O
  4. May I make a suggestion? Please do not be angry with my saying something. But I'm asking your permission so that you don't get upset with my comment, as some may view it as somewhat rudely and brutally honest.
  5. 'Sup dog? Er... bad pun. Anyways, it was supposed to be "inconceivable", except Cheesemaster made the mistake of thinking "unconceivable".
  6. But its okay... Because Emily the elephant earred octopus... isn't a Metroid. And it sucked... Horatio's brain out. (does that work better for you? ) However, Meta-Ridley swoops.... (hyphens make it one word) like a rock. o_o Onto Kraid who... decides to sing. Everyone went deaf... and danced a... silly little jig. of fatal doom. (or something.) in a runaway... ambulance that was on teh highway, heading towards Luigi's half-way existing mansion, and Mario's house. when all-of-a-sudden Bowser (do I get away with that?) (I say you can.) came and ate (Pie. ;D ) Mario's very favorite, rabid rabbit pie.
  7. You're brilliant, MW. o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I is intellimagent. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ad when she gets back, tell her from me her siggy is wayyyyyy too long! i know mine in somewhat long, but with all t th the these these t these th these thi these thin these thing these things these thing these thin these thi these th these t these thes the th t it gets really annoying! i understand why DWLS got started! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> um. Your signature isnt much shoter, hate to say. o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, hers still managed to be about half the size, although it was somewhat long. But her new one is better.
  8. But its okay... Because Emily the elephant earred octopus... isn't a Metroid. And it sucked... Horatio's brain out. (does that work better for you? ) However, Meta-Ridley swoops.... (hyphens make it one word) like a rock. o_o Onto Kraid who... decides to sing. Everyone went deaf... and danced a... silly little jig.
  9. You're brilliant, MW. o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I is intellimagent. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ad when she gets back, tell her from me her siggy is wayyyyyy too long! i know mine in somewhat long, but with all t th the these these t these th these thi these thin these thing these things these thing these thin these thi these th these t these thes the th t it gets really annoying! i understand why DWLS got started! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR SHUSH!!!!!! IR ELSE THE CORPSE BRIDE WILL COME GET YOU!!!!!!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I recall that you said your siggy is interesting. Reading t th thi this this p this pa this par this part this part w this part wa this part was this part was n this part was no this part was not this part was not f this part was not fu this part was not fun this part was not fu this part was not f this part was not this part was no this part was n this part was this part wa this part w this part this par this pa this p this thi th t
  10. Hi Lauren. I'm gonna be sooooo bad in high school. Cuz I'm a slacker that gets good grades anyways. So that won't work in high school for me. At least it's good you haven't cut yourself and you're somewhat happier. Just don't stop insulting people. Cuz it's funny.
  11. Yes! God is real! I have seen, heard, and felt His presence! It's awesome, in full meaning of that word! Santa has always been a fairy tale to me, just like the easter bunny! God says He's real, and adults believe it! Everyone but five year olds knows that Santa and EB are fake! In fact, the EB was only created so that non-Christian kids could celebrate w/ their friends! I can give you an infinite amount of reasons, just ask, and I will! You don't believe us when we tell you a simple truth, especially the Truth, and yet you try to disprove it with our own words? Anyone can disprove God by using logic and obviousness, but how many can confirm his existence through the written word? I know three groups of people: Lee Strobel and his interviewees; Moses and them who all wrote the Bible with what God said; and DCTALK W/ DA VOICE OF THE MARTYRS! You need to read some of this stuff before yu go ragging on us and our trusts, kid. You're nothin' special. Well, you are, b/c God made you, but you're nothin' compared to ther Promise He has for yu that you refuse to take! gotta go, it's bedtime. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If that is what you're going to go down in terms of argument, what makes your intamcy with God any different than a child claiming that they felt, have seen or heard the presence of Santa, the tooth fairy or Easter Bunny? If you except feeling a presence proof of existence then that means you must accept everything spiritual as having an existence, be it Ghosts and Gremlins or Khali, the Hindi goddess of death. You cannot be selective in your approach otherwise that just opens up the way for hypocrisy although judging by Christianity its already open and little ants of hypocrisy are marching up and down it, creating a high speed Motorway. Suprisingly we have a literary genre called fiction for books like that, or alternatively heavily opinionated, with solid connection with reality books. Lee Strobel, I know nothing about him, so he could just be trying to pedal books to get more money, he could have turned to religon for emotional reasons trying to find solstice in the much abused words of generations of preachers and peddlars of faith, if he was a true aethiest who was truely "turned" there must be a reason, you don't just wake up and find that overnight your position on God has changed. Often people return to God because they feel let down and need to escape from the real world and devulge in some false hope. You may be upset to hear this, but the saints are dead. And despite all your claims of holy visions, most are induced by a substance and the other half are brought on by their own fevrent belief, coming back to imagination. In that respect the saints are keeping an even lower profile than God in the modern world. Probably stuck in traffic. Sorry, I lost you after that incoherent outburst of DCTALK. Keep in mind that I abhor both rap, hip-hop and most modern music, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Unless of course DCTALK is like MSN Messanger? I can imagine that, God using an IM service to contact his servants. Grim, I love you, and only want the best for you, so I'm going to tell you that you've managed to make yourself sound very egotistical and pessimistic in this topic. One that thing before I leave this topic, never to return again. I really think that very few people in this topic are actually arguing to help somebody else. Most are just arguing because they don't want to be wrong. What is the point of proving to somebody that God doesn't exist? What do they gain? Why try to do it? Paz, I know what you're doing. I know that the Bible says to be fishers of men, and I completely respect and admire how hard you're trying to do that. But they aren't going to change their minds. This is no longer about religion. It's about which side can make the other look like idiots. I think that we should just let this topic die and not bring it up again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, then I have at least conveyed my pessimism, or rather the fact I have accepted that once you are dead that is the end, deal with it. Well, I would like to say that by arguing and trying to proove the opposition's ideal wrong you try and make more people live their lives properly in Paz's case and in mine, you try and make less people's lives be governed by something (which in my opinion) is false and wrong. But really all this topic is is practising ping-pong style debate, sort of like Congress and congressional inquisitions, which isn't really my style, but we can't really have an open debate because of the system, no interruptions or anything. Ah, I still laugh everytime I see George Galloway (someone I usually dislike) attacking the Congressional commiteee over their false accusations that he got money from Saddam, so what if he did? Does it matter? No bribes or anything, just a present for defending Saddam in British Parliament. Where was I? Oh yes, No, all this topic is about now is arguing for the sake of it. But since I like arguing for the sake of it I'm going to point out that Bush is now claiming that God told him to invade Iraq. Dare I say anymore? This is final proof that; a) God is insane OR God doesn't exist AND c) George Bush is insane. Take your pick. Ever since he claimed that, the satirists have been having a field day. If only you could see Rory Bremner's take on Bush and God. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In what way did he say that God told him to invade Iraq? If anything, even though God would know humans well enough to know that they can't just sort things out through talking, God would say not to cause killings. So I'd say George Bush is insane.
  12. Because Emily the elephant earred octopus... isn't a Metroid. And it sucked... Horatio's brain out. (does that work better for you? ) However, Meta-Ridley swoops.... (hyphens make it one word) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> like a rock. o_o <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Onto Kraid who... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> decides to sing.
  13. I have checked with three veterinarians and they all agree the ink on the newspaper will not harm animals or humans. So newspaper is okay. Just not the advert section with the colored inks and shiny paper please. Okay... I'l stop eating the shiny parts of the newspaper. Oh good! Here is a giant-sized box of multicolored micicles to replace the shiny parts of the newspaper. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Steals micicles, is confronted by a horde of angry Vixens and MWs and other people that like micicles* XP <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *swipes all micicles* Cheese... that eats... mice? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, I just stole them so I could sell them on EBAY! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oooh. Cuz otherwise that would be weird.
  14. yeesh, it ish. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 7 of the 10 people have 1 vote. XD
  15. I'm gonna be picky and point out that Buddha was the one who had envisioned and created the Buddhist ideas/religion through pretty much the same source as the ones who created the bible, visions. But y'know. Visions can be misleading so you kind of have to guess who's right and what's the logical thing to believe in. What if God and evolution are real? What if Adam and Eve were bacteria who ate off of the forbidden fungi? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Toto; Notice how you, MW and I all capatalise Buddha. Don't contradict yourself. MW; I love the idea. Does that mean God was a single celled bacteria who divided himself in two and told the other one he created it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, and then God made up all these silly stories about how he created everything and he got a bit carried away. Or perhaps he was a human who did the same thing. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A similar point was made by Philip Pullman in His Dark Materials. For those who shun everything that is criticising God, like the Da Vinci code, it basically says that God was meerly the first angel and tricked all those who came afterwards by claiming he created them. It also shows how God wastes away and becomes senile and mad by the time he is killed by the subtle knife. But don't take my word for it, why not go read it and then burn it like the Archbishop of Canterbury did. AND the Pope. Old pope. The new pope was in the Magestrium (also in book) which is the modern day equivelant of the Spanish Inquisition. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I haven't read the last book. I want to but I can't find it. It's somewhere in my house.
  16. What do you do? Just swim, swim, swim.
  17. I dunno how Thomas is going to come up with that pink shirt Tenten wears, but the rest of it as far as I can tell will turn out okay.
  18. 'Tis a very split up vote at the moment.
  19. I have checked with three veterinarians and they all agree the ink on the newspaper will not harm animals or humans. So newspaper is okay. Just not the advert section with the colored inks and shiny paper please. Okay... I'l stop eating the shiny parts of the newspaper. Oh good! Here is a giant-sized box of multicolored micicles to replace the shiny parts of the newspaper. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Steals micicles, is confronted by a horde of angry Vixens and MWs and other people that like micicles* XP <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *swipes all micicles* Cheese... that eats... mice?
  20. I have checked with three veterinarians and they all agree the ink on the newspaper will not harm animals or humans. So newspaper is okay. Just not the advert section with the colored inks and shiny paper please. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay... I'l stop eating the shiny parts of the newspaper.
  21. You ought to reprimand me, I was trying to sneak her into the next competition!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Er, wait! Thanks to Toto for the reminder and bad Horatio for sneaking!
  22. My friend Thomas has decided he wants to make my costume.
  23. Thank you muchly, Horatio. And for reminding me that Toto won.
  24. I'm gonna be picky and point out that Buddha was the one who had envisioned and created the Buddhist ideas/religion through pretty much the same source as the ones who created the bible, visions. But y'know. Visions can be misleading so you kind of have to guess who's right and what's the logical thing to believe in. What if God and evolution are real? What if Adam and Eve were bacteria who ate off of the forbidden fungi? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Toto; Notice how you, MW and I all capatalise Buddha. Don't contradict yourself. MW; I love the idea. Does that mean God was a single celled bacteria who divided himself in two and told the other one he created it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, and then God made up all these silly stories about how he created everything and he got a bit carried away. Or perhaps he was a human who did the same thing.
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