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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. You actually have just as much patience. You direct your patience in a different direction... your studies. Not that CheetaSpot does not do well in her studies, but you two are on different planes. (Not different airplanes either! ) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The only thing I have patience for is my trumpet, and as for my studies, let's just say I only just keep them up.
  2. Of course! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Chock full of debates and such! One of these days I'm gonna put this data into one book and publish it as, "Debates from the Young Minds". Cashing in on all of you. BEST SELLER! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol You'd have to share the royalties, of course. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't you mean give all profits to me? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'd probably only share profits with people such as Paz, TGHL, and Toto, as they are main debaters and I'd probably only use a few of the mainstream debates. Oh. And I'd share with the website creator and Horatio, perhaps. I'm odd. Thinking up funny stuff like this.
  3. *after landing, starts pushing the sunflower seeds out of my pouches* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> OooH!! *picks up horatio and jumps back through the hole, then uses him like a machine gun* sey 'ello to my Liittle friend. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *ducks behind some idiots on steroids* *gets out hamster from rucksack* *feeds it some chillis from the Louissiana bayou* *jumps up and flamethrowers the gym* Do you like being well done or extra crispy? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *pwns fire with teh Claymore* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Excuse me, Kat, but your magical Claymore has just melted. O_O
  4. Since when do wolves have to worry about clothing? According to my History book. May 16th, 1935. Parents complained about the public nudity. Yes. And since I moved here I shed a lot and my brother deciding that I need a bit of a... trim. A brother with a pair of scissors could result in a bad hair day!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *gives MW a gift certificate to the groomer's* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks! I needed that! (=D
  5. Mega Wolf


    Maybe because this topic is ten months old? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And now requires an iron lung in order to live! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We must save it, doctor!
  6. *blinks* What are they going to do, pull at the california plate and push it away? Wow... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, they are scientifically going to cause the earthquakes! And destroy entire cities! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Imagine the ability to roam about though... "Hmm... I'll just pull away from this here landmass and park next to... where should I park? Australia? How about we have a white Christmas this year and go to Antarctica?" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I mean seriously, what're they going to do, move California onto a moving platform so we can have sunny or snowy weather all year round?
  7. *is horrified* I thought the school taxes your parents paid would cover those fees!!! The fee isn't for the class, it's for the test. The AP tests are run by the same people who do the SAT's, and you have to pay for those too. I didn't have to pay for mine though, I think the city my school is in gets a special break or something. The SAT and AP tests should be paid for by taxes or the lottery or some other source, not the parent(s) having to come up with this money at the time of the test. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think that's why the city where my school is gets a break. Half the people there can't even afford to pay their taxes, so the students get a special break because so many of the people in the city are so poor. If you live in a mostly wealthy suburban town, however, you'll probably have to pay for it yourself. Even then, though, I think there's a way you can have the fee waived if you really can't afford it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The thing is, this is a poorer town than my old one and they're feeing here.
  8. *slaps forehead* Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought you wanted that pic in your 1500th post. ummmmmmmm....no Ummmmmmmm... would you believe....... *voice trails off* Would you believe it was devoured by a rabid bottle of bubbles?! That is a very good excuse! I really like your thinking!!! I thought it was too. Now to see if she believes it... (she doesnt) I seeeeeeeeeeeee. *resorts to Plan B* *whispers to Horatio: What's plan B?* *whispers back to Hoops: I don't know. I am thinking.* *whispers back: Okay. I'll help you think.* The product of the two of you thinking together should be quite interesting. You might be very careful if you would prefer not to be turned into Cheese Whiz! What if I already am? Uuuuummmmmm... *calls - Kat - to borrow her Claymore* Won't do you much good. *puts up protective wax (reinforced with 10 feet of titanium) shell* I have strong teeth... *whispers to Horatio: I'll eat the shell and you hit him with the stolen Claymore.* Note to Cheesie: It's the internet. Anything can happen, you know. Yes, it should be interesting. As long as... um... our brains aren't devoured by a random monster. Yeah. anything can happen, huh. Well, in that case... *grins maniacly* CHEESE NINJA!!!! I now have dual katanas, and supa-ninja skills! *deflects all attempts at claymore pwnage* *traps Horatio on a sealed off running wheel* *Knocks out hoops' teeth* That's okay. I have another set. *pulls open invisible door to get teeth* *chews Horatio out without hurting him* Saved!!! Thank you!!!! *brushes plastic bits off fur* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No problem. *waits for another attack by Cheesie* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Great! Now you can go through the 50-foot thick lead block I put you in! And no, YOu can't dig out, for it is also 50 feet below you! Plus, there are may veins of cinesra going through, so if you do try to gnaw through, you will be fatally poisoned! Muahahahaha! Also, there is an anti - missle system outside, and a small artillary defense sytem outside, all the way around. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's why I teleported. To... the White House. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sorry, the lead disables any magical abilities, or ate least dulls them so much that the strongest magician in the world can only go 3 feet in and everything else they can do is completely nullified. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not unless you have an anti-lead wand.
  9. If I had half the patience as you do, CS, perhaps I would be able to draw a good amount better than I do currently.
  10. Of course! I was thinking, if I could have a pinned topic for each person, perhaps in a different forum, this might be something special for those people who wanted it. For example, if Miss CheetaSpot had her art topic then all her art would be in one place. I don't know... it was just a thought. Perhaps you have some other ideas. I am open to everything. As always, abusing them. *tries to take baseball bat out of Horatio's paws* I was just saying, because I think that these kinds of topics need to stand the test of time. And I was thinking of adding Jesusfreak's My Place to the pinned group!!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Doesn't need to, I know that one can stand the test of time! =D
  11. Since when do wolves have to worry about clothing? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> According to my History book. May 16th, 1935. Parents complained about the public nudity. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. And since I moved here I shed a lot and my brother deciding that I need a bit of a... trim.
  12. Mega Wolf


    I saw this cell phone commercial where this woman at a party was showing off her phone that messaged people based on speech, so she said into it "Thanks mike I had fun last night," and the phone said back to her "Thanks mike I have lip fungus" and after several tries she gets so mad she screams at the phone "I DO NOT HAVE LIP FUNGUS!" and everyone stops and looks at her Ahhh. I never knew the joke either. Very funny commercial! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I giggled to myself when I first saw it.
  13. *blinks* What are they going to do, pull at the california plate and push it away? Wow... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, they are scientifically going to cause the earthquakes! And destroy entire cities!
  14. I do not know.. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ME! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> YOU!
  15. Where'd your cookie topic go? I'd like a cookie about now.
  16. Mine does. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Really? I was asking because the school over in San Mateo, where I used to live, doesn't charge for the tests. Or so my brother said. Maybe it has to do with the fact that the school over there is known as one of the top(was it 10 or 25? Still good either way.) highschools in California. I dunno. Just a hunch. And seeing as the school here doesn't even meet the average expectations...
  17. *is horrified* I thought the school taxes your parents paid would cover those fees!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You'd think that. It's not that my family can't afford it, but what about the poor families? It costs somewhere around $75, I believe.
  18. Females named Bert and Ernie? Roberta and Ernestine. Oh, was that quick thinking!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Perhaps it was. Perhaps it was.
  19. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *realizes this is the second post where Cheesemaster has been silent* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So did I. Do you have a sibling or friend to blame it on, Cheeseman? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, technical difficulties! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's good too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Technical difficulties are always to blame!
  20. Of course! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Chock full of debates and such! One of these days I'm gonna put this data into one book and publish it as, "Debates from the Young Minds". Cashing in on all of you. BEST SELLER!
  21. Grammar... too... horrible... can't breathe! Suffocating in this... uneducatedness... *faints* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *continues to twitch on floor*
  22. Of course! I was thinking, if I could have a pinned topic for each person, perhaps in a different forum, this might be something special for those people who wanted it. For example, if Miss CheetaSpot had her art topic then all her art would be in one place. I don't know... it was just a thought. Perhaps you have some other ideas. I am open to everything. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As always, abusing them. *tries to take baseball bat out of Horatio's paws* I was just saying, because I think that these kinds of topics need to stand the test of time.
  23. The weather has been switching back and forth here so it really is difficult to decide what clothes to wear.
  24. Does anyone else's local highschool give fees for tests for getting into AP classes?
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