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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. *wonders about Social_outcast* I'm guessing SO has the same viewpoint as TBFOF on the subject of MK. Oh, so now your're proud that your're mean to me? and BTW I think that's just another slogan. Well... I personally think when one dislikes someone truly they'll be proud of it.
  2. Mega Wolf


    Sammy! Hey! Life for me has been pretty dramatic, but probably nobody wants to hear it. Of course we do! *grabs Mega Wolf by the tail* Get back here and start talking. Stuff. Lots of stuff. You sure you want to hear what's happened in the past 2 weeks? You know Part I, but not Part II. *perks up ears* I'm all ears! Well. People have been getting together. I'll call people by different names. Weird names. Eve had been going out with Roland. And Theo had been going out with Mia. But Eve and Theo liked each other, even though Eve wouldn't admit to liking Theo. Eve didn't realize she liked Theo until she felt jealous of Mia. So Eve just broke up with Roland, breaking his heart. Realizing that Eve and Theo belonged together, Mia traded Theo to Eve so that they could both be happy, but in the process hurt herself. Mia pretends not to be sad, but it's really obvious that she is. So Mia and Roland both are probably going to stop hanging around me, Joe(being the 'anonymous' name for my boyfriend), just because they aer both heartbroken, although only Roland will admit it. So basically, I'm annoyed at Eve for not realizing that she liked Theo even though everyone else could tell. So in the process of her epiphany, she hurt 2 people.
  3. *wonders about Social_outcast* I'm guessing SO has the same viewpoint as TBFOF on the subject of MK. You are such a smart wolf. Indeed.
  4. *wonders about Social_outcast* I'm guessing SO has the same viewpoint as TBFOF on the subject of MK.
  5. Mega Wolf


    Sammy! Hey! Life for me has been pretty dramatic, but probably nobody wants to hear it. Of course we do! *grabs Mega Wolf by the tail* Get back here and start talking. Stuff. Lots of stuff. You sure you want to hear what's happened in the past 2 weeks? You know Part I, but not Part II.
  6. Mega Wolf


    Sammy! Hey! Life for me has been pretty dramatic, but probably nobody wants to hear it.
  7. Setsuna, harly paying attention, started cooking. After the meal was cooked and the customer had left, she explained the situation to to others. She really needed their help making a decision... [seriously. What do you guys think?] "Ehh, bad at decision making," Naoyo replied, kicking a random person in the shins she decidedly didn't like, just because.
  8. That song confuses me. Are they saying they want to be drugged?
  9. I thought i would get more Replies to this picture. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well. Y'know. It's a wall. With a door. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But I worked hard on it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well. Y'know. It is a wall. And it has a door. Which are facts. Because it's a wall. With a door. Can't someone just say i did good on it? I never said it was bad. I was merely stating that it was a wall with a door.
  10. To rule the world and make yourself unimaginably rich. And KILL the good guys. All wrong so far. I shall give you one last guess before I pwn you all and give you the answer. HaHA! I am UN-PWNABLE! You of all people should know this, Grim. WRONG ANSWER! *Uses de-un-pwnifier beam on Kat* *pwns all* THE CORRECT ANSWER FOR THE ULTIMATE EVIL WORK ETHIC IS; WORK FOR YOURSELF, REMEMBER THAT NO ONE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU, YOU WORK ONLY FOR YOURSELF, YOU WORK ONLY TO GET YOURSELF MORE, YOU ARE SUPREME! *thinks... so now we have a bunch of independent contractors* NB; Contracting out your evil services will be punished by me as head of Euro-ICE TEC (Intelligence, Counter-Intelligence, Espionage, Terrorism, Elimination and Corruption) however, the evil genius is allowed to do consultancy work for Intelligence agencies round the world in regards to shady things they can't carry out and will use you at an extortinate fee to do these for them. But whatever you do, do not do anything for your fellow evil genii. I see nothing against aiding the schemes of another, provided your aims are accomplised in the process. however, you must always be vigiliant for betrayal. (a loose wire causes the walkway to drop into the mutant phiranna tank, the mercenaries find a better offer. anextra set of doomsday machine keys dissapears.) True, but often the evil genii have conflicting aims. How can one evil genius rule the world when the other wants to? For a demonstration I shall summon up my teacher's aide, MW! *wolfie appears in a flash of radioactive pillows going critical* Now then, say MW wants to take over California in a sweeping coup de wolfie. In order to do this, she needs to borrow from me a group of giant mutated space zombies. However, I am also interested in taking California. So what should an evil genius do in this situation? *takes out map of the world* *takes out laser pointer* *points at California* California is there. If you have to show him where California is, you won't have to worry. There is no competition for California. LOL LOL LOL <{POST_SNAPBACK}> California should like. Break off from America and go hang with Hawaii. Oh, and Alaska can come too.
  11. CURSE YOU GOOGLE! Yes, it was the google. Oooo, did you hear about the new thing called Froogle? Sounds like a Cereal. If you are a shopper, then Froogle is for you! GASP! Did Horatio just proclaim that Froogle is perhaps better than Amazon's Marketplace system (I like it) or the dreaded eBay? Nooooooooooo, I did not proclaim any such thing. I only said that Froogle is for shoppers. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And shoppers that are froogle.
  12. I rememberz you! But, of course, I'm probably one of the people you don't remember. I think I was a n00b last time you were here.
  13. LOL LOL LOL You have absolutely outdone yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *finds the most phenomenal award for Mushroom_king* I am presenting you with the Neon Comet Award !!! You stalker, How did you know Neon was my Favorite Element?! I am the all seeing, all knowing Horatio! And the giant celestial Hamster (blonde) did most righteously say; "BRINGETH ON THE SEEDS!" And they did bring gifts of a seedistic nature. And the Hamster did grin and the people feasted upon the small fruity things that hung from trees. They later died as the small fruit things were poisonous. What?!?!?!?!? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hehehe I saw that coming.
  14. To rule the world and make yourself unimaginably rich. And KILL the good guys. All wrong so far. I shall give you one last guess before I pwn you all and give you the answer. HaHA! I am UN-PWNABLE! You of all people should know this, Grim. WRONG ANSWER! *Uses de-un-pwnifier beam on Kat* *pwns all* THE CORRECT ANSWER FOR THE ULTIMATE EVIL WORK ETHIC IS; WORK FOR YOURSELF, REMEMBER THAT NO ONE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU, YOU WORK ONLY FOR YOURSELF, YOU WORK ONLY TO GET YOURSELF MORE, YOU ARE SUPREME! *thinks... so now we have a bunch of independent contractors* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> NB; Contracting out your evil services will be punished by me as head of Euro-ICE TEC (Intelligence, Counter-Intelligence, Espionage, Terrorism, Elimination and Corruption) however, the evil genius is allowed to do consultancy work for Intelligence agencies round the world in regards to shady things they can't carry out and will use you at an extortinate fee to do these for them. But whatever you do, do not do anything for your fellow evil genii. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I see nothing against aiding the schemes of another, provided your aims are accomplised in the process. however, you must always be vigiliant for betrayal. (a loose wire causes the walkway to drop into the mutant phiranna tank, the mercenaries find a better offer. anextra set of doomsday machine keys dissapears.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> True, but often the evil genii have conflicting aims. How can one evil genius rule the world when the other wants to? For a demonstration I shall summon up my teacher's aide, MW! *wolfie appears in a flash of radioactive pillows going critical* Now then, say MW wants to take over California in a sweeping coup de wolfie. In order to do this, she needs to borrow from me a group of giant mutated space zombies. However, I am also interested in taking California. So what should an evil genius do in this situation? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *takes out map of the world* *takes out laser pointer* *points at California* California is there.
  15. Yay, i got a DS for christmas too, along with Nintendogs. Anyone have any tips/cheats for it? People have GOT to give me more reason to buy that game other than you pet a dog with a stylus. I dont want to pay another $40 for a digital version of a pet that I dont like. Although, earlier today, I bought a DS for myself (Similarly to my Gamecube, i blew my 2-3 year savings on the system. I have to buy these things myself. >_< ) but, uh... The pricing was different than I thought. I was $10 shorter than I thought I was, and me buds' discount card was for buying used games only, no systems (big surprise) So, now I have a DS with a charger. no games. I cant find my GBA games, even. I was going to get a case for the system to keep it in good condition, but it... didnt work out so well. Considering that after buying the DS alone I had $2 left. And similarly to MW, the sales tax was like $12. man, darn tax! that stuff is dumb! (every time I say that my teacher/friend/parent/grandparent says "but it pays for school!" I HATE SCHOOL!) It pays for more than school. Currently, we need taxes, we have trillions of dollars in debt. And I mean that not in exaggeration. Wow, you must be a grown up....look how much you know and how you lecture in that adulty way. Mega Wolf is not a grown up, she is just super ultra genius level intelligent! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Heheh. Thanks people. :wink:
  16. I thought i would get more Replies to this picture. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well. Y'know. It's a wall. With a door. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But I worked hard on it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well. Y'know. It is a wall. And it has a door. Which are facts. Because it's a wall. With a door.
  17. Yay, i got a DS for christmas too, along with Nintendogs. Anyone have any tips/cheats for it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> People have GOT to give me more reason to buy that game other than you pet a dog with a stylus. I dont want to pay another $40 for a digital version of a pet that I dont like. Although, earlier today, I bought a DS for myself (Similarly to my Gamecube, i blew my 2-3 year savings on the system. I have to buy these things myself. >_< ) but, uh... The pricing was different than I thought. I was $10 shorter than I thought I was, and me buds' discount card was for buying used games only, no systems (big surprise) So, now I have a DS with a charger. no games. I cant find my GBA games, even. I was going to get a case for the system to keep it in good condition, but it... didnt work out so well. Considering that after buying the DS alone I had $2 left. And similarly to MW, the sales tax was like $12. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> man, darn tax! that stuff is dumb! (every time I say that my teacher/friend/parent/grandparent says "but it pays for school!" I HATE SCHOOL!) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It pays for more than school. Currently, we need taxes, we have trillions of dollars in debt. And I mean that not in exaggeration.
  18. The answer to this question: Sorry, insert another quarter and try again.
  19. CURSE YOU GOOGLE! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, it was the google.
  20. must i repeat myself? (maybe ill threaten to take it away, maybe people will want it more then....) Okay. *grabs award and runs* *trips the running wolf, the bone award flies up into the air, catches award and disappears with the award* Foiled by that meddling hamster. *throws Wolfie a box of cherry micicles* *eats greedily* Am I still a meddling hamster????? *has a second box of micicles behind my cage* Nooo, of course not! *waits for the next box* *hands Wolfie the second box* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I said nothing. *eats*
  21. must i repeat myself? (maybe ill threaten to take it away, maybe people will want it more then....) Okay. *grabs award and runs* *trips the running wolf, the bone award flies up into the air, catches award and disappears with the award* Foiled by that meddling hamster. *throws Wolfie a box of cherry micicles* *eats greedily* Am I still a meddling hamster????? *has a second box of micicles behind my cage* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nooo, of course not! *waits for the next box*
  22. I am so sorry. I know your heart must hurt so much. I would call the pet store and let them know. If it is a reputable store they should GIVE you another one. What kind of hammie was Momo? Tell me as many details as you can so perhaps I can help. Well, Momo was a fancy hamster. And she was from Petco. And she lasted like... 3 weeks. So thats pretty much right past the guarentee. You might still ask them if they would honor the guarantee even though it is past the guarantee. The sometimes have hammies in the back room that need adopting. You might get one with only one eye, but this does not mean they are sick. What this means is that two hamsters were on those awful wire wheels together and one wanted to get off while the other one was still running. When this happens, one hammie gets his little head caught between the bars and out pops his eye. The Petco near me calls me to adopt the one eyes because no one wants them. I can help you if you would like. I am pretty good at analyzing what might be the problem. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nah, annoying salespeople probably wouldn't want to honor the guarentee even though its past. Besides that if they ask for proof of the hamster's death, well... she's kinda buried. And the Petco near me doesn't use wire wheels, only plastic ones, I believe.
  23. must i repeat myself? (maybe ill threaten to take it away, maybe people will want it more then....) Okay. *grabs award and runs* *trips the running wolf, the bone award flies up into the air, catches award and disappears with the award* Foiled by that meddling hamster. *throws Wolfie a box of cherry micicles* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *eats greedily*
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