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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Wow, petting kitties. Reminds me of someone. Who is weird in a negative way. Luckily, you are a good weird. Yay! =D Petting kitties is like... what keeps everyone stable. If kitties werent around to be petted, the fabric of the universe as we know it would implode. like... time-space continuum disruptions and all. Simplified, we wouldnt be able to fry our eggs in the morning for breakfast if it werent for the kitties. Yeah, kitties are cute. I like kitties but I'm allergic. Please do not become the bad weird: future crazy cat man.
  2. Lexxscrapham or TGHL will be much better at explaining the TARDIS then me, so I will let them reply. You will need to watch a couple more episodes to get a better idea. Please do watch. Yeah, I saw something about attacking and such like, but I'm not sure.
  3. *cough, cough* You could always let me see. OH YEAH! Duhr. It's sooo sad.
  4. My angsty vibes tell me no. Heh. I wouldn't mind, but since you live in Australia, that wouldn't be possible. xD Thats quite true, but I could always try... *kisses computer screen* ♥ Lee -points- Lee's making out with her computer!! Which makes Lee a NERD! =o (j/k) Anyways, Tater Toto, shweet story.
  5. Wow, petting kitties. Reminds me of someone. Who is weird in a negative way. Luckily, you are a good weird.
  6. Certain... people.... killing animals. Who were in PETA. Um. Would give you a link to the story but that's not allowed.
  7. I saw a full episode of Dr. Who! It was better than I thought it would be. The guy who is Dr. Who is alright as an actor, but the rest... well... seemed corny as the graphics. But I liked the story. So it's all gewd. Would anyone care to explain TARDIS?
  8. I miss you posting 100 posts daily! Haha, yeah, I can't wait until summer, that'll keep me busy.
  9. What happened to the good ol' days? Post 1 thing you remember that you think should come back. I miss the ability to post 100 posts daily without much spamming involved.
  10. The nominations, in alphabetical order... 1. Cupcakelvr101 2. Dog Lover 3. Hamster Luver 4. Honey 5. Kep 6. Lexxscrapham 7. Moosey368 8. Mushroom_king 9. The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy (TBFOF) 10. Vixen Would you like the poll now Dr. Wolf? Please. Sure! As soon as you watch the entire episode of Dr. Who! ...Fine, I won't procrastinate, I'll do it tonight.
  11. Considering me your friend, might not get you in, but it will get you sunflower seeds!!!!!! It's on now... I hope you are on the SciFi channel. If you miss it, Sunday evening will be a repeat of this evening. AGH! AGAIN! Missed half of it already... I think. I was too busy watching Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. All that bonus shnazzy shtuff.
  12. The nominations, in alphabetical order... 1. Cupcakelvr101 2. Dog Lover 3. Hamster Luver 4. Honey 5. Kep 6. Lexxscrapham 7. Moosey368 8. Mushroom_king 9. The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy (TBFOF) 10. Vixen Would you like the poll now Dr. Wolf? Please.
  13. I was being technical and was only issuing a warning. It's not like I'm about to kick her out for that.
  14. Dang I think I missed it. You better mark your calendar for this weekend. Either Friday or Sunday evening on the SciFi channel. I am guessing it might be around 18H00 Friday and 20H00 Sunday. (Translation: 6 PM Friday and 8 PM Sunday.) Please do check your guide for accuracy of show times. At 22H32-ish on Sunday, I saw a fragment of Dr. Who. However, I got bored since I was too sleepy to listen to exactly what they were saying. I was thinking, what the heck, because there was this random shiney light having to do with knowledge and it going away after the shiney white light went away and some girl was a liar apparently. However, I was pretty much turned off by it since I was sleepy and the graphics were too typical of Sci-Fi Channel... I changed the channel because I felt like watching other shows. However, this fragment was not enough for me to properly analyze Dr. Who.
  15. There is no bold. Teehee. I think I intended to put a bold there whenever it was I wrote it. Well anyway, I don't understand it. Cuz it was from forever ago.
  16. There is no bold. Teehee. I think I intended to put a bold there whenever it was I wrote it.
  17. Hmm... This is an unupdated version of the last rules I found. Okay, details to come, and I found the rules! Usualy it's held in July, but I forgot about it, so it may run right into the autumnal competition. Or did I forget that I already went through the summer competition? I. Competition, Nominees 1. If you have read this like you were supposed to before voting nominees, do NOT vote for yourself. 2. Do NOT use multiple accounts to vote multiple times. 3. Do Not Eat Hamsters. 4. Must not leave the boards during competition with the exception of people who have a reason. 5. Never pet a burning dog. 6. No bribery is permitted 7. Do not get upset over your amount of votes. If you do I may have to pull you out of the competition. II. Competition, Voters 1. Do NOT create multiple accounts to vote multiple times 2. Do NOT tell anybody, Vote For This Person! They can vote on their own. 3. Don't randomly pick someone, think about it first. 4. No evil people can vote. 5. Do not put in your signature who to vote for. But you can 'advertise' this topic. 6. Must know the person you are voting for on the boards. 7. Can't vote unless you are staying. That way I know you're gonna be here for a while. 8. No pity votes. 9. I, Mega Wolf, have the right to pull people out of the competition voting. Please abide by these rules. I do not wish to have to pull anybody out, but I will if I have to. Also, I do not wish to have to pull out votes. I am sorry I didn't have such strict rules before but I now realize that I need more rules. I was too loose before. Rules of Nomination 1. *Changed* Person must have at least 500 posts and have been here 4 months. 2. You must have a background of knowing the person you nominate 3. Don't complain if you are not nominated or else you can be restricted from voting 4. Cannot be someone who has won(you may understand the bold, TBFOF ) before 5. *New* You are allowed to nominate a maximum of 2 people unless Mega Wolf says otherwise. 6. *New* Mega Wolf has the right to reject nominations. Rules are subject to change. The following people have won in the past: Jesse(SSJ6Gohan) Horatio Toto The Grim Hamster Lord MegaWolf Top_Banana Reminder: There are 10 nominees. Last time, the people who came in 2nd place were: Arcker, Kat, and Sheena. Note that they are allowed to be in the competition. Cheesemaster is automatically in due to last time's mistake. Nominees: Cheesemaster
  18. Okay, peopleses here talk about Dr. Who a lot and I have no clue what it is. Please do tell. o_o
  19. laugh away.......JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!!!!! *sniff* jk. k i did. now im over it. so hows ur meaningless life on this fine dandy... nite? I have just overdosed on black jelly beans and feel like I am going to die! Ew, I dun like black jelly beans. Wait, what kind of black jelly bean? Cuz I don't like black licorice. I thought all black jelly beans werre licorice. Is there another flavor for black? Well, root beer is brown that's almost black. Would that count? *thinks how yummy root beer jelly beans would be* Yes. Yes it would. And root beer jelly beans are super yummy. There are root beer jelly beans... for real??????? For realz.
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