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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. *whacks head on wall* I keep forgetting about Dr. Who. But hey, now that Grey's Anatomy has finished the season, I can watch Dr. Who reruns on Sunday nights instead, seeing as I keep on forgetting on Fridays.
  2. OH uhh... lets see... Queen The Beatles Well I'm not into music that much, at least not bands.
  3. in september. thats the point. Ohh, I see. But why the time frame?
  4. LOL Ohhhhhhh, I don't mean to laugh, but that is exactly what would happen to me. lol yeah, it wasn't really either of our faults. The bus driver didn't realize that our school's clocks are slow, some teachers let their kids out early, and that mine doesn't. He showed up at real-world 2:30, saw kids come out, didn't see me, and left. you would think the bus company (that thinks we get out at 2:20) would know better and tell their drivers that. Your solution is too sensible. Why would the bus company want to accomodate the students (customers)? *laughs* Meh, it probably has something to do with costing too much money. Sometimes I wish I was like 10 different people. One would get her doctorate and become the superintendant of schools, one would get a business degree and run the bus company, one would become the president... I would vote for you for president! Yeah, but I'm one of them "crazy Christians" no one would vote for me. I believe you would be pleasantly surprised at all the votes you would have received. lol maybe, but then I would probably be asassinated. NEVER!!! You would make an outstanding US President! BTW, what do you think of Al Gore and his film career. Interesting note, Gore spouts off about the environment and how we need to protect it, but in Tennessee he and his father are the worst offenders of destroying the environment. Currently, in the state of Tennessee, Gore and his father are doing more damage to the environment than all the other businesses combined. nice. We're learning about alcohols and alternative fuels in Chemistry right now. Ethanol is looking better and better. ...wait, isn't ethanol drinking alchohol?
  5. That is the hardest part for me! Yeah, and I'd be REALLY tempted to yell at people who try to rush me!
  6. That sounds like fun. (oh, and sharing scars with druggies sounds like fun too )
  7. Wait, so she's letting you get a guinea pig, but she didn't let you keep a little hamster? o_o
  8. Haha, I'd be bad at being a mod since we're not supposed to have high amounts of opinion stating.
  9. *finishes eating a banana from the tree in the backyard* Would you like one to eat while you are listening to that song? Yes. I would like a banana.
  10. are you bugging out or just 8? whats that supposed to mean? :glare: ...She means that she doesn't like chatspeak, so she's asking if the person is crazy or very immature. Anyways, similar to what Horatio said, you can just ignore what she says sometimes, or at least don't take it personally. :ninja:
  11. I really do think some of the people here need a nap.
  12. Here's what I thought of it. lol. Anyways, I haven't watched another ep. yet, I've been too busy with other stuff.
  13. Unless I have my GMT-EST wrong (which I probably do) it is getting up to the time! Or not, it is 23:33 here, so minus 5 hours... it is 18:33 at Eastern Standard Time. SO not near it then. Well, enjoy the last 3 hours of waiting, I need sleep. I expect a full report, and Horatio dead from the genius of the episode by Sunday at the latest. A full report will be on your desk in the morning, sir. And where perchance is it? Britain has just been taken over by the Cybermen and Bluetooth and all I can care about is where a report is? *gets Cyber-zapped* Ow. I just wanted to watch it a second time! *wondered if he would really check* Of course I would. After watching the return of the cybermen of course. Anyway, did you really love the two parter that much Horatio? How phenomenal! I love the two-parter! What an outstandingly fantastically superb ending! Such a great surprise!!!!!! Aber, wo in die Welt die Wulf ist? (but, where is the world is the wolf?) Come on MW, we need to know what you thought! What I thought of what where?
  14. 78 ????? I'm going to live alone, so I might as well aim high. xD Please don't become the crazy cat lady. O_o
  15. Haha, once again things are starting to heat up in the religion topic. On a Mormon note, I've heard that the creator of the Book of Mormon said o-on his deathbed that he made it up? I wouldn't know, I don't have completely reliable sources, I was just wondering if anyone else had any information on that. I'm not going to state my personal opinions of the Book of Mormon, as no matter what I say(positive or negative) someone is going to get on me about it.
  16. Would you please white it out or block it. You are still recognizable, and very, very pretty!!!!!!!!!! Hmm okay. And thanks You are the only on here who kinda knows what I look like ♥ Lee That's such a cool picture. I can't really manage looking cool in pictures.
  17. Calm down man, nobody here is really fighting, they are true Christians willing to defend their views with their life and it is great they have such zeal to defend it. Oh, no, I don't think it's an argument. I think Topazia just possibly, whether accidentally or not I do not no, may have made a rude remark about Satanists. I'm not sure, I don't care to read entire rants because every time, it's the same thing, just worded differently. Anyways, Kenny Boy, glad to see you're... sorta back. Should hope that you drop by occasionally, rather than just this once. Sheena comes back every now and then. She made a quick stop for a few days a few months ago. I believe she just comes when she can.
  18. Actually having the ability to say "No" is a wonderful trait. When you can say "No", you respect yourself and are asking others to do the same. I think this is outstanding! People will steal more than art. They will steal anything and everything if you do not protect yourself. It is really sad that this is the way society is. Society stinks more than just a little bit at the moment.
  19. Yeah, well, you're nicer than I am, so you're probably taken advantage of more than I am. So basically sometimes when people ask me for stuff, I'm like, "No." So yeah. That stinks, people can be SO stupid and irritating. Stealing artwork isn't cool at all.
  20. I'm here. I liked it, I was just speechless when I read it last.
  21. Just curious... where are you going to keep your piggy? Is your area zoned agricultural????? What are you going to do when your piggy weighs 1000 pounds?!?!? I think she means guinea pig.
  22. We also have Deal or No Deal, but I have never watched it. I love that show! It's awesome, and my dad loves it! If you all recommend it, I will have to take a look! It's dramatic, but seemingly pointless! But its drama makes it cool!
  23. *cough, cough* You could always let me see. OH YEAH! Duhr. It's sooo sad. Very sad! I know! I mean, killing pets because they can't "afford it"? Honestly, what happened to those millions of dollars, are they ALL put into advertising?
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