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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Yesterday I got back from my weekend at a camp for my marching thing. Move-in for spring training is less than a month away. It's exciting and scary, 5 people quit last year because it was "too hard".
  2. Yes, more restaurant gigs. I might also be doing a birthday party in the middle of the month for a friend's little sister. Oh! Another cool thing about this job. It's not a problem at all that I'm leaving for a couple of months.
  3. first solo gig at the end of next week.
  4. The only other band people I can think of are Jesse, who plays clarinet, and Toto, who I think was a flute player(maybe?) and was in drumline(on bass?).
  5. Mega Wolf


    Seriously, though. I look at my registration date, and it was almost 8 years ago. My first appearance on HD was actually in 3rd grade, so that was 10 years ago. I remember there being an anonymous poster that I just realized was the first example of an internet troll that I'd ever seen! And actually, I trolled a bit myself because I thought it was funny(...it really was). So proud, 8-year-old-me was one of the first internet trolls. ...I swear I don't do that anymore. xD
  6. Then you yell, "I SURRENDER!"
  7. d00d I could totally do that. It's funny, because I never had actually seen anyone make balloon animals until I was interested in the job.
  8. Mega Wolf


    That sounds like a hilarious point in the future.
  9. Another H name will be quite difficult for you to come up with, as I know you've had many. Can't wait to see pictures!
  10. Mega Wolf


    Haha, not a problem, wouldn't have worked without you. I feel like this board needs to stay alive if at the very least for the random stuff to look back on.
  11. Haha! Well, the tuba would be a lot of fun. XD
  12. Definitely! Hopefully not going to be too crazy, and hopefully less stressful on my own.
  13. It was interesting! The gig was Logan's Roadhouse, chosen to go on Wednesday for the simple fact that there would be basically nobody there. I was nervous and popped a lot of balloons, but, overall, it didn't go terribly. I made The Little Mermaid, a puppy(which my trainer had to save me from, the puppy turned poppy too many times), and Shamu. Then, for a drunk couple, I made a sword and parrot pirate set and my trainer made a pistol. The woman knocked over her beer with the sword. At the end of the night, we got free food! Great burger. Anyhow, it was a lot of fun and I'm starting going to gigs on my own next week. For the amount of money, it's not too bad to have to drive out to these restaurants.
  14. Mega Wolf


    I was slightly concerned, because if it was just us, I'll be gone for 2 and a half months and that's how long the board would be inactive. lol
  15. Take 2 of MW finally goes to a gig!
  16. It's funny that I mentioned the girl I was involved with, because I went to hang out with a mutual friend on Monday night and another person associated with this girl. Apparently what she told this other person was "we stopped dating" because she "lost interest". She is officially crazy, we were never dating and she was the one who was insistent on that. This randomly surfaced because we were talking about how the other person already knew a bit about me because I happened to be close friends with two of her close friends.
  17. Mega Wolf


    Haha, hello! For a while there, it was only me and Horatio. lol
  18. I see you're online, so either you're posting something right now or lurking.
  19. I think I'll look into it and more extensively when I come back from tour. Definitely a good idea.
  20. Thanks guys! I've been nice and busy. lol
  21. I thought about why I was so hung up over the girl that decided to just drop me from her life. I had a serious romantic interest in her, and I was denying that for a while, but now I'm realizing that I really liked her and it wasn't just being dropped as her supposed best friend that bothered me. Not that it bothers me so much at this point, it's been months, and I think even though it would be nice closure to have her at least say she hates me rather than just ignoring me, things aren't going to change and she's not going to say anything. Also, I've discovered that she's actually seeming to try to forget the summer we met, she's taken to ignoring everyone that she met the summer we marched together. Anyway, she's not on my mind as often anymore, and this is sort of just a little afterthought.
  22. My trainer forgot he had something he had to do for the company today and yesterday he rescheduled for next week. I went to an interview for a movie theater yesterday, though. That went pretty well, they'll call if interested by Friday.
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