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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Okay little late but.. yeah, I'm sure we all have our own weird sides we don't want people HERE to know about at the bery least. Haha lovebomb thats a funny word. Anyway, thats pretty much life. There's usually different sides to people. Like, the online me, the me at school, the me at home. And all that jazz. Huzzah!
  2. Plastic Hand Grenade? That has got to be one of the weirdest names I've heard for a band. And that's not a good thing. I've honestly heard better. :/ It upsets me that they can't think of a better name. They've got this little pretty boy rocker in their group, so everyone's happy. The same guy that everyone and their mom has a crush on. xD My brother's friend, who's the singer has some connections. Well, a connection called Flee the Seen. They lived in the same town for awhile, and they were friends. I wish I had connections. :/ I better go find some. I mean really, even I could think of a better name. Pretty boy rockers always add to fans. Which is really stupid, in some ways. I have connections. Well... actually, no, I have close connections with connections. But not band connections. Still connections, though. =o
  3. Plastic Hand Grenade? That has got to be one of the weirdest names I've heard for a band. And that's not a good thing.
  4. They are wandering about somewhere. They could also be on vacation!
  5. Haha, Horatio, you're SHOCKED that you is cool? As a matter of fact, yes I am! WHOA! That's interesting. *makes note of it, to use to sound cool during an "appointment" for psychotherapy* If you will be the psychotherapist to a hamster, I will be your first patient! Sounds like fun.
  6. Haha, Horatio, you're SHOCKED that you is cool? As a matter of fact, yes I am! WHOA! That's interesting. *makes note of it, to use to sound cool during an "appointment" for psychotherapy*
  7. Use sharpies to COLOR it.
  8. Haha, Horatio, you're SHOCKED that you is cool?
  9. That must really stink! I mean, my friend got REALLY mad when my guy friend and I were pretending to go out... It was fairly funny, at least until she started crying. Then we admitted that we were just kidding and we were sorry to do that. OH how well do you know Tim? I've got a bad habit of going out with guys I think I like, but then I get to know them and I find them repulsive...
  10. Go TBFOF! Go Microsoft Wireless Battery Life Level! *watches as the Energizer Bunny charges across the screen after TBFOF* I wish I had a few bunnies. I keep getting a pop up that my battery is critically low. I suggest throwing that Microsoft product into the garbage and get a REAL computer! My teacher had a Mac Laptop and she was shutting it and for absolutely no reason the whole top part snapped off.
  11. You are only 198 posts away from your second star! You must realize... I have no life! Sure you have a life. It's just on Hampsterdance. *gasp* Whoa, I'm purdy close.
  12. I know, it's like, it feels amazing. Like being a part of something huge. Connects us to the world.
  13. Okay, T has shut up about J. And pretty much I think I'll go with just waiting for J to get over me. I mean, if he's jealous, that's his problem not mine.
  14. OH! Well, THAT makes a lot more sense.
  15. Haha, funny funny. Horatio has FIVE ninja stars now. I'm still working on my 2nd one.
  16. Pretty. ^^ And right now, you're winning. xD Wait a minute. Of course I am, I am the only entree. Dawwwrn. I thought I eat someone. You thought you ATE someone?!
  17. I'm listening to Spinning Wheel. AND, by the way, I FINALLY have a solo in jazz band! (finally something Luke didn't practice that I did)
  18. I am. I hide it, but I am. Don't believe me. It's your prerogative. Yes, I have read the Bible, I'm in church half the week with youth group and other activities, and I try to read every night. Wanna bet i don't know? Try me. And I can tell lies from the truth. I know evolution is false, bc it makes no sense. I know that drugs of any kind ruin the body AND the mind, because I have seen enough of my friends make the stupid mistake, and now they're paying majorly for it. I don't care if it's "natural grown" or not, a drug is a drug, and drugs are Satanic. And I don't mean meds, I mean rec drugs! Okay umm... not trying to start a fight or anything, but evolution can make sense if you think it out. Plus I don't think drugs are satanic.
  19. That could be really annoying. well, if you need to, you could get m to beat up j, that might get the message across. But if J keeps pestering you, tell him no, no matter what he thinks, you don't like him anymore, and tell him to get out of our life. If other people are telling you to go out with him, say that you don't want to , you don't like him anymore, and you are tired of people trying to get the two of you together. Also, there could be a person that keeps telling him that you like him secretly. I've seen a kid do this to another kid, and got him to ask this girl out four times. He also asked for..."phone favors" if you know what I mean. Some people do this to others, but it is quite cruel. Eh, well, I'd get M to beat up J if I were confident that M were stronger than J. Problem is, they're both muscular and I'm not sure which one is stronger. And M is more peaceful anyways. I bet my friend T has been telling J that I like him, seeing as T is the main problem when it comes to bugging me about getting back with J. I do hope tomorrow I will have gotten T to leave me alone. He's bothering me on a messenger at this very moment, I'm going to tell him off.
  20. Yeah, obviously if you don't like it when people complain about their lives, get outta here. And it's about ex-boyfriend problems. Anyways, so I was going out with J., and pretty much I dumped him and he didn't understand why. And then I went out with him. And dumped him a second time. There were a number of reasons and he didn't understand ANY of them since I told them all at different times. And since I told him over a spread amount of time, he assumed they were lies. So for about what, three months? we were on and off arguing. More recently we haven't been arguing. I kinda figured that by NOW he should be over me. Now I'm going out with M., and have been going out with him since Tuesday. I'm perfectly happy that way, and I feel very attached to him. Then I hear all this **** about J. being jealous and wanting me back, and I don't want him back in my life ever. I'm not mad at him, just annoyed. Everyone has this image in their head of me pretending to hate him because I like him. Anywho. I'm just tired of J. liking me, sick of people trying to get J. and I back together, and I just want to be left alone with M. What am I to do to get people to leave me alone about J.?
  21. Aren't you the band geek? Haha yeah. School band, though. In the band. Anyways, I need to be more interested in music. I like music, just not specifics. And not rap. So anywhos.
  22. Why should we not care? It sounds like you had a really great time. I don't think I could do what you did. You would have been yelling at me because I was scared. I would need to be rescued. Just one question... would you like to go back? It sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Was this so you could talk about what is happening in your life? haha. i wouldnt yell at you. i didnt yell at andrea. i'd love to go back. was what so i could talk about what is happening in my life? No, you probably wouldn't yell at me, you would just come up and push me into motion. I hope you get the opportunity to return. Was this poconos weekend for you to talk about what was happening or was it for another reason that you attended this weekend? haha i'd be to scared. i doubt i'll go back. i went for fun.. did you think i went with group or somthing? the funest thing we do in group is talk to old druggies and share scars with them. :] It seemed like you went with a small group of friends. not exactly. i like a few of them tho. some i can stand but one or two of them are murder victims of mine.(in my head) that was a JOKE. muder isnt on my list of things to do. but i really do not like some of those girls. No reply didn't mean I took you seriously. The problem with the boards is when you try to reply twice in the same topic, it combines both quotes and posts into one post. It is soooooooo annoying. Then you get lost in the quoting and posting. I was trying to figure out how you came to go there in the beginning. mm everything is so complicated. Okay. No need for further discussion. are you silenceing me? O.o Never. I was just letting you know you did not have to elaborate if you didn't care to. Of course, I always want to hear what you have to say. hah. actually i got nothing. but i hate when topics die. Somehow when one topic dies, another one springs up in it's place. Or does it? Sometimes there is a loop of death and it takes months for an equal opportunity to post is reborn.
  23. Oh, the other day I learned about the amount of oil actually available. See, there's actually plenty. Shale oil. There's more than twice the amount of shale oil in one place(somewhere in the US) alone than in all of Asia. And as weird as this may sound, an efficient way of turning it into normal oil would be to blow up an atomic bomb way underground where it is. The radiation would barely affect the oil. But I still think that the use of oil at all isn't too good of an idea.
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