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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you? Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders* I think TBFOF's problem is that his urges overcome his rational thinking. *thinks it is better Mega Wolf is in California* LOL Implying something Horatio?
  2. So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you? Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders*
  3. You have an abnormal theatre? Yes. It's strange. Would this be a California thing? Sure, why not. :ninja:
  4. im 5'5 and i will tell you how much i weigh when i loose another 11 pounds. So, why not say your goal weight now. well in 11 pounds i wont be my goal weight. my ultimate goal weight is 99. NO!!!!!!Lauren, that's too little! At 5'5 you shouldn't weigh less than like, 125 or 130, i don't remember what I said! Please! 99 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too small for a girl your height! I'm telling you, you can't lose that much! Nononononono, please don't lose that much, pleasepleaseplease! Way to light for your height! waywaywaywaywaywayWAY too light! *mumbles in shutdown mode for awhile, in shock at such a low number because I"M MORE THAN THAT AND I"M TOO LIGHT!!!!!* i will be 99 if it kills me. i wanna be small.. i will be my goal weights. but relax hun, i have sooo long to get till then, like 2 or 3 months before im even close. and i'll gain during xmas and my birthday, so i probably wont be near 100 till next spring.. ew. maybe not. im not sure. i wanna be thin tho. theres no such thing as "way to light for your height" hey that rhymes! haha The doctor told me I'm slightly underweight. I'm 5'3", I weigh at 105. Shorter=less heavy. If I weighed any less I'd look disgusting. People tell me to eat more all the time because they think I'm anorexic or something. Chances are you're already skinny or average. Just because you can pinch your belly skin doesn't mean you're chubby. Your idea of skinny enough has probably been basically corrupted by the Hollywood image of a healthy body.
  5. This is going to make me sound really stupid, but I want to dump my boyfriend, and I'm not sure when a good time is to tell him this without causing extreme damage to a friendship.
  6. You have an abnormal theatre? Yes. It's strange.
  7. Mega Wolf

    I Need to Vent.

    Crud, 14 is young no matter what. I think 18 is the most reasonable age. Seeing as you're supposed to be an "adult" once you're that age.
  8. I want to see John Tucker Must Die... But they aren't showing it at my normal theatre.
  9. I just realized something. If you are a wurm, not a worm, wouldn't that make you a baby dragon? Wyrm - Baby Dragon Worm - Slimy maggot-like animal. Wurm - Me! Wirm - Erm? I dunno. Non-existant, I think. Warm - Not cold, Not too hot. Just somewhere in-between. I just made my name a little joke as I came up with the name when I was seven (and had no idea how used it was)... And I spelled it wurm instead of worm. I just use u instead of o sometimes. So yeah, wurm = worm. But wurm also = me. It's nice when I find that I can register as Glowurm. I knew there was some kind of "worm" form that meant baby dragon. I'd just forgotten which one it was. XD Yay, you're a glacier!
  10. The REAL beginning of the story is here. That little fragment will be added later. Paragraphs marked by ~'s. Sidenote: The beginning part is corny and geared towards one of my specific friends. -------------- Chapter 1 /\/\/\/\/\/ ~"Let's go out for coffee!" said an energetic man, a crazy handsome dark-haired guy who she hadn't known for five minutes. ~"Okay?" was the response of this woman. Her hair was down to the middle of her back, black and streaked electric blue. Her eyes were much like an attentive cat's. She had been just talking casually with him about travel. But only for about three minutes. She thought, I am going insane. Or I'm just desperate for a date. Basically the same thing. ~The two walked over to the nearby coffee shop, Java Mountain. She hoped not to see her room mate that worked here, she knew what would happen. She just prayed that it was her off day. She guided the guy she was with towards a seat far away, but not before she heard a screeching of, "EVAAA! EVA EVA EVA!!!" ------------- I gotta go for now, but that was basically the real beginning. Sort of an after-preview, eh? Kyle the hobo hasn't appeared yet, but don't you worry, he'll be here soon.
  11. Naoyo did a triple backflip to Horatio and fed him. Horatio was becoming fat. Very fat.
  12. I just realized something. If you are a wurm, not a worm, wouldn't that make you a baby dragon?
  13. Wait, isn't unmeaningful already a word? Or am I just missing a joke here? I was thinking, "Hmm, who is the first random person who pops into my mind to have a problem with certain relationships?" and then I was like, "OH, Toto!" *ninjas away* :ninja:
  14. Oh, on a sidenote. The title does in fact have to do with this story.
  15. Theres nothing stopping me aside from myself; I have standards to maintain, and as I said before, I havent any use for a girlfriend until im about 20/21. So you have fun but regrettable experiences? This is concerning to me... I dont think you're heading in the right direction, relationship-wise. Well, regrettable can mean a lot of things. Example. I regret ever being with the first guy I was with, but at the same time I think it was better for starting to get used to being with someone. I regret it because of the way I handled it. It's in a way my fault he hates me. But this is an experience that pretty much made me learn a lesson: Don't go out with someone more than once, especially if it's a week later and you're only going to dump this person soon after. Anyways, I think dating when you're older would be slightly harder since you won't be used to all the huggy-feely stuff. So what are these standards anywho? You don't really have to change your mind about dating, but yeah, just a few of my opinions. I wont guarantee anything, but There are probably some oddballs around in your school, in the religion of Mormon/LDS... I'm among them. And we tend to keep rather high standards. =D That doesnt really answer your question (but to explain my statement before, More than just a few mormons decided that the standards arent worth keeping. They arent really great examples of anything.) but I dont much want to turn this topic into a religion debate. So, i'll list a few basic standards... Do not date until you are at least sixteen years of age (By then you're physically and mentally and emotionally mature enough to handle a relationship. Statistically, Dating that starts at any younger age than that gets off to bigger things too soon. ... like sexual relation at age 13 and all. That should be avoided, see...) and even then avoid private dates. Group dating is highly encouraged, as it can keep you out of sticky situations. If you wanted, you could just go with saying 'the more, the merrier' but dating alone should happen, if at all, in a fairly active place. Six Flags, for example. A well-lit, very occupied place like that can keep you out of doing something stupid. Primarily why I choose not to take dating seriously at my age is that it its... highly expected of the young men in the church to go on a mission for them. (And I dang well plan on doing this.) At age 18 or 19 or so, you go off for a 24-month mission in a location assigned to you from the big guys in charge. High councel, if you wanna call them. It could be a few states away from your home, it could be in africa, it could be in canada, it could be... across to the other side of your home country, 'Bout anywhere. Within reason. and Yeah, You read right; 24-month. Two years. (Think about it; Its only, what, 3% of your lifespan?) I digress, primarily why I dont take dating seriously at my age is that should I have a girlfriend and I leave her for two years, Somewheres around half way through i'll probably get a Dear John letter and be very upset. I wouldnt want that to happen. I dont think i'd be able to take it. (This also means that in 4-5 years, i'll have another few-year-absence. But with a good excuse.) But, Dating is somewhat encouraged for 16-18 year olds in my church, in the mentality of its practice for serious 'courting' when you're about 20, 21. Its been stated by others than myself; You dont need a girlfriend till you're about 20 years old. I keep high standards. It really does make you stand out. Especially while the standards of the rest of the world are receeding, lowering down to the point of the definition of 'dating' is to see who can have sex in the most admirable fashion, to some. Its sickening. Oooh yeah, that's right, you're mormon. There's a lot of mormons here. What you say makes sense.
  16. Mega Wolf


    When it gets to the point where entire appendages are covered.
  17. Yeah, so basically, this is going to be a comedy. It's going to be a cleaned version of a story I'm going to show my friends. Description: This is a comedy about Kyle Smith, a hobo who's not just some lazy guy who wound up on the streets. There's more to him than, well, anyone can see. The hard-working Eva Worthington invites him inside her apartment where she lives with her best friend, Terra Lee, after she looks out the window thinking he's some kind of dog out in the rain. To her suprise, it's some guy, but he seems so pathetic she lets him sleep on her couch for the night... Preview: "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" "Uuughhh... you didn't have to hit me!" "I thought I told you to get out of here this morning. Why are you still HERE?" "Well... for one thing, I didn't get your name. I already told you my name yesterday. Also, it's so cold outside! You expected me to go out there when it's this cold?" "Look, Mr. Smith..." "Kyle." "Fine, Kyle. My name for one, is Eva Worthington. And yes, I DID expect you to get out!"
  18. Haha, sounds like fun. So, are you going to come back as Arkcher sometime and basically humiliate them all?
  19. Theres nothing stopping me aside from myself; I have standards to maintain, and as I said before, I havent any use for a girlfriend until im about 20/21. So you have fun but regrettable experiences? This is concerning to me... I dont think you're heading in the right direction, relationship-wise. Well, regrettable can mean a lot of things. Example. I regret ever being with the first guy I was with, but at the same time I think it was better for starting to get used to being with someone. I regret it because of the way I handled it. It's in a way my fault he hates me. But this is an experience that pretty much made me learn a lesson: Don't go out with someone more than once, especially if it's a week later and you're only going to dump this person soon after. Anyways, I think dating when you're older would be slightly harder since you won't be used to all the huggy-feely stuff. So what are these standards anywho? You don't really have to change your mind about dating, but yeah, just a few of my opinions.
  20. Makes perfect sense. Happened to me, but I caved after a few months.
  21. That's alright, you'll have a boyfriend eventually. You know you've got something goin' for ya if SOMEONE likes ya. So are you really sure you don't like him like that, or is there a chance that you two might be great together? Well, that's rough. I used to like this guy who was just a friend. And to him that's all I'll ever be. I'm cool with that now. But yeah, pretty much my friends had to blab their big mouths off and ask questions like, "Do you like Jeanette?". I mean, HONESTLY how OBVIOUS could they get? So I think if he didn't get the hint (as most guys don't) someone actually went and TOLD him. He was pretty mad at me for no reason for the next few months, but I THINK he's finally over it. If not, he'll grow up and get over it eventually. But I think Trent will cool off after a while, or you'll move on to another guy. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* I think Trent may like me, though. I walk past him every day after school, and he would get all wuiet and look at the ground when I came around, even if Ice Climber wasn't with me. And when he would talk to me he would look at the ground and kick at pebbles, and he would always compliment me on something when he wasn't with his freinds. Only one of his Freinds, Sunshine Boy, knows I like him. I think Woody Woodpecker may know, Because I talk about him a lot. Yea...All my freinds have nicknames. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~* Oh, then it's all good if he likes you. I love the nicknames!
  22. If the sun comes out, I will take a picture. LOL I can't wait to see.
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