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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. HORATIO LOOKS AT HAMSTER BUTTS! lol *is at a total loss as to what to respond* *looks over at Huette's cage* What, to get a better view? You two are pure evil. You know it.
  2. 1. It is of milk. 2. I believe so, but if I am to be good at rambling, this requires practice. I do this often by debating with my friends and giving them long answers, leaving them shocked and unable to reply. I always win arguments with them, or they tire of arguing with me and say things such as, "Well, we each have our own definitions." One time I was debating with my friend about whether she seemed more democrat-like or republican-like. I won! Although, it was late at night, she was tired, and I was hyper. If I were to debate with an adult, they would say respect your elders once I started winning. Actually, this has happened before. Is there something wrong with losing an argument? No, people just have way too much pride and can't handle losing at anything because they lack enough intelligence to give up before they dig themselves into a deeper whole. This would be gambling. 3. Is that last paragraph not proof enough? Or must I ramble some more? I do not believe I need to ramble anymore, as that last paragraph was quite a bit of proof, don't you agree? Yes, you do. 4. Yes. 5. I believe so.
  3. Mega Wolf

    I Need to Vent.

    We're not saying (or thinking) that your brother has had sex, since we don't know him. The only way your brother wouldn't have wanted or thought about having sex with a female was if he liked males. (And, I'm not saying he does, so don't take that the wrong way.) Your brother can't be perfect to the point where he doesn't lust after something or someone. It's just male-nature. 'Nuff said. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* My brother doesn't think about having sex. Well, he did once, but he's alway thinking about being married and having sex. He isn't going to have sex before he's married, because he knows that he could end up hating them. And if he did, he wouldn't be able to hide it from my mom. And you have no idea what she would do to him. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* *this is not meant offensively here* Yeah, but I'm sure your brother doesn't tell you EVERYTHING on his mind.
  4. ...This topic needs to be bumped cuz it's one of the coolest topics ever.
  5. Oh yeah, I forgot I entered.
  6. *wonders what that random guy would think when he saw the toothy grin and puckered lips of the wolf aiming towards his face* Haha, this would be interesting. Even more so if you had a couple of drools hanging from your jowls! *~*The Grand Illusion*~* LOL *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* Then in your most seductive wolfie voice... "Pucker up my sweet" Alrighty then. o_o
  7. Mega Wolf

    I Need to Vent.

    Haven't you heard the saying "Men have sex on the brain"?
  8. *wonders what that random guy would think when he saw the toothy grin and puckered lips of the wolf aiming towards his face* Haha, this would be interesting.
  9. Wow, I don't think even I could go that long without kissing. I'd sooner go crazy or just grab some random guy and kiss him. I didn't just say that. 'Course not.
  10. haha. yea. well.. now that i think about it.. maybe a little more pg-13. ha. :] that's what I thought but it was still.. on the g rated side. clothes and all. haha. you are so confusing. Of course, I'm naive, so... yeah. ha. just think pg-13 but clothes. :] today, however, was a little more R. but then we went to seaside and a park and it was 100% kidd friendly! yay. haha ha. not THAT r. :] ok ha. are you following? i wish we could actually speak on here, instead of cenorship for 3 year olds. Censorship for 3 year olds? Hardly. yea, HELLLLLLO, im using movie ratings to decribe my dates.. theres a little wake up call, if i do say so myself. I do know you were using movie ratings... but 3 year olds??????? With all of our talking about real problems... I don't think mothers even want their little kids hearing about teenagers talking about their problems with people just wanting sex. XD
  11. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. Maybe.
  12. Yeah, that is sad. There's not really much to say about it, though... it's just sad.
  13. ehh its okay. my parents want to have a talk with him about how im so much younger (aka.. keep it in your pants) which he's gonna laugh at as soon as its over. tomorrow we're going to seaside. even though im stilll a wreck from yesterday. :] *laughs* well, if he's 17+ I can see where they would have a problem, but aka kiyp is funny. Mom and Dad know they don't have to talk to Ich about that. Yet somehow I've convinced Jerry otherwise... what happened yesterday? he's 19. and yea. warped tour. i feel like a giant bruise.. too old. too old for me, way too old for you. That's not too old. Too old is more than 10 years. Too old is... 100!
  14. Wonderful picture! *puts a smile on my face* That was like... from forever ago.
  15. *great thing hamsters don't have to imagine one another in their underwear* Haha... yeah hamsters always go commando!
  16. Crawling Towards The Sun-The Hush Sound. I've been listening to The Hush Sound a lot lately.
  17. So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you? Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders* That I can't get into a relationship that last long. No one I meet wants to have a relationship. It's only "see who can make out with Nick the longest". Oooh. Right, now I know what you mean(NOT from personal experience, Horatio... heh... or do I? j/k). Anyways, well, if you want a relationship to last you have to expect them to help you make it last. There are a few things you can do, some may be a bit difficult. Others, not so much. Okay, so basically what you want is a relationship and the girls won't give it to ya, they'll only make out with you. 1. Don't give 'em a chance to make out with you until you're sure they're attached to you! For example, I make my boyfriends wait at least a month. I avoid kissing at all by inconspicuously turning my head away and looking at something else when they look like they're about to kiss me. Works every time. Oh, and if they dump you for THAT, they really don't care. 2. Try starting a relationship with someone who would actually appreciate it. It sounds to me like you're choosing girls who have a lot of experience. Ones who are actually willing to just make out with any boy they meet. Go for the girls who might have personality(and maybe even good looks, there ARE geeks with those) but haven't had much experience at all in dating because they're not popular. They'll appreciate your company a lot more than some girl that dates a different guy every week. 3. As said before, you CAN just be friends with a girl. But here's the thing. Be friends with them, get to know them really well, see how long their relationships last, and if they don't dump their guy every week then you're good to go. You need lots of patience for this, but it's so worth it. Oh, and this can backfire. As long as you don't start anything though, if it backfires friendships can be fixed. Unless the girl is a real pain in the butt. Then she's just not worth even the time to be friends with. So yeah, this is my basic advice for that kind of problem. Also said previously by other people, maybe it's not YOU but who you are CHOOSING. That's what #2 are for. I've found that people even lower than me on the "social ladder"(easy for you to find, I suppose) can be very good boyfriends, in your case girlfriends, because they don't have super high expectations. 1. A whole month? 2. I don't go for "omg look at me with my short skirts and boobs hanging out of my shirt" girls. I go for, eh, above average girls. But my school is so small that I think there are only 10 acceptable girls, and about 6 of them I've already..er.. been there, done that, let's move on. Like the uber popular ones have all gone all the way and everything, and I don't want a girl that sex is all she wants. So in my school we have, populars that want sex, the few I like, average people that stay with their own little group, and that really it. We really don't have a defined nerd, jock, goth, etc. We have popular preps, average preps, white trash/pot heads, just plain average, and emo-ish people. So the ones I generally get with have kissed and maybe made out, but that's about it. There's one girl in mind, she is the sweetest girl I have ever met. We went to the formal together, but I don't know about her, she's confusing. Her and I had amazing non-kissing or anything like that times together, but shes never showed any interest in a relationship. And I know she has never done anything. She is like, the person I would love to have a relationship with. One where we can just spend time together and not hafta do "stuff" every second. I'm sounding a bit repetative, but I hope you understand what I mean. I do in a way want to meet people from other schools, but I don't know how, and I'm so shy and ah, I don't know. 1. Yes, a whole month. It totally works! Trust this. If they care enough about me as a person they don't dump me. Oh, and believe me, it's pretty hard to find a guy like you who isn't just trying to make out with ya. Ugh, sorry, bad memories of perverts. >.< 2. Mkay, as long as you don't go with the *eep can't say it*s. Wow, your school is so much different from mine. 1000 kids in my junior high(2 grades) and then my high school will have 3000 people(4 grades, teehee I'll have fun being a cute lil freshman). Heh. Ignore the 2nd part of that last parentheses. Try the averages. Heck, try the emos(they can be nice, just find out if they cut first if that totally creeps you out). Oh, and that girl you're talking about sounds like a good person. Find out if she would like to have a relationship and if she does you're good to go. People from other schools are always a good idea. It's easier if they're not super far away. Teehee for me the beach is a pretty good place to meet people. Easier to imagine them in their underwear. (Not in a perverted way! In a make-you-less-nervous way. Seriously. >.<)
  18. So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you? Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders* That I can't get into a relationship that last long. No one I meet wants to have a relationship. It's only "see who can make out with Nick the longest". Oooh. Right, now I know what you mean(NOT from personal experience, Horatio... heh... or do I? j/k). Anyways, well, if you want a relationship to last you have to expect them to help you make it last. There are a few things you can do, some may be a bit difficult. Others, not so much. Okay, so basically what you want is a relationship and the girls won't give it to ya, they'll only make out with you. 1. Don't give 'em a chance to make out with you until you're sure they're attached to you! For example, I make my boyfriends wait at least a month. I avoid kissing at all by inconspicuously turning my head away and looking at something else when they look like they're about to kiss me. Works every time. Oh, and if they dump you for THAT, they really don't care. 2. Try starting a relationship with someone who would actually appreciate it. It sounds to me like you're choosing girls who have a lot of experience. Ones who are actually willing to just make out with any boy they meet. Go for the girls who might have personality(and maybe even good looks, there ARE geeks with those) but haven't had much experience at all in dating because they're not popular. They'll appreciate your company a lot more than some girl that dates a different guy every week. 3. As said before, you CAN just be friends with a girl. But here's the thing. Be friends with them, get to know them really well, see how long their relationships last, and if they don't dump their guy every week then you're good to go. You need lots of patience for this, but it's so worth it. Oh, and this can backfire. As long as you don't start anything though, if it backfires friendships can be fixed. Unless the girl is a real pain in the butt. Then she's just not worth even the time to be friends with. So yeah, this is my basic advice for that kind of problem. Also said previously by other people, maybe it's not YOU but who you are CHOOSING. That's what #2 are for. I've found that people even lower than me on the "social ladder"(easy for you to find, I suppose) can be very good boyfriends, in your case girlfriends, because they don't have super high expectations.
  19. And that would make you a Wiccan, correct? Those are all things my friend October believes in, and she claims to be a Wiccan. No, that wouldn't be a Wiccan. I'm not sure, but I'm fairly suer that would be agnostic if anything at all. But I'm pretty much sure that's not Wiccan belief, since I know of multiple Wiccans(but they're really just rebelious teenagers who want to be different).
  20. So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you? Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders* I think TBFOF's problem is that his urges overcome his rational thinking. *thinks it is better Mega Wolf is in California* LOL Implying something Horatio? LOL You think so?????? LOL LOL Perhaps.
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