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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Is there some kind of explaination to The Pschedelic Luau? I don't really get it, or is this a self-explanatory type thing. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Psychedelic is the weird, LSD-Colourfull`hippie-stuff. Luaus are Hawaiien Parties. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* 'Kay, just making sure that there wasn't some other meaningfulness in it. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Psychedelic Luaus are really just colourful hawaiien parties with all thids music and hippies. But no drugs, 'case we wouldn't want to get arrested. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* ...Are drug references allowed?
  2. you are loved. just your jesusness is icky. like the fat on my tummy. :ppp im bored. my brother is drunk and wont shut up about rob being 19. he thinks were doing it and were not yet!! yeah, well, I think your atheism is icky. Just like the pain in my past. Drunk or not, he's right to be ragging on you. Rob is simply too old for you, whether or not you are sleeping with him. Chill, he's not that much older than her. Nobody conplains about someone 25 married to someone 30.
  3. Mega Wolf

    Band camp

    Marching season is awesome. I'm in the midst of band camp. We don't have our own teacher yet. Our person directing us is basically a music teacher who is the parent of one of the seniors. Our band camp this week was 7 hours(with hour break and mini-water breaks). Next week it's only 4 hours. Because our volunteer teaching person has to teach little kids. So then when school starts band is after school. And we get substitutes until our new teacher(will be ready to teach in a month) can get to this.
  4. You could try spending more time with him (unless you already spend quite a bit of time together). Its a good idea not to treat him too much like a friend, dont get me wrong, you can have fun and stuff but maybe a little more affection is needed? And by affection I don't mean making out for half an hour. XD What you should do is maybe cuddle him a bit more, cuddling is fun and it tells him you feel secure with him. Think about the things you love about him, the things that make you smile. This may help a bit with lack of feelings. For the flirting part... well... theres not much I can do about that ♥ Lee I've tried basically the stuff you've said already. What I also tried was dumping him today but I chickened out. Again. And he just said I love you over messenger. Again. And I just replied I love you too over messenger. Again. Which is a half lie, I suppose since I love him as a friend. *feels very violent at the moment* Oh, thats sad. So you would rather have him as a friend? Because if this is how you feel I think you should tell him, no doubt he will be sad but you really shouldn't keep it to yourself. ♥ Lee Yeah, I guess. Since I dumped the last guy, causing him to totally hate me(and be a drama queen), it's been sort of hard to do anything without rethinking and reconsidering. My confidence has just been thrown off completely.
  5. Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah. I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig* Go japanese! Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to. Aww, heck. Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku. *points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up * Onamae wa? Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language . I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much. *counts to 5 before running off* Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off* Rok, sich, hach, ku, ju! (ehh it's really hard to spell dem numbahs) (1)Ichi, (2)Ni, (3)San, (4)something/Shi, (5)Go, (6)Roku, (7)Sichi/Hachi, (8)Nana, (9)Kuu/Kyuu, (10)Juu. It jogged my memory, thanks. The annoying thing about romaji is that you don't spell it how it sounds, you spell it how it is spelled in japanese. *hopes he gets the accents right* Aú revoir! A bientôt! Odd, with my (miniscule)amount of Japanese knowledge, I've never heard nana, I've always been told hachi is 8. I guess I thought wrong.
  6. you are loved. just your jesusness is icky. like the fat on my tummy. :ppp im bored. my brother is drunk and wont shut up about rob being 19. he thinks were doing it and were not yet!! I'm sorry have to say this. Yet makes that funny. XD
  7. Is there some kind of explaination to The Pschedelic Luau? I don't really get it, or is this a self-explanatory type thing. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Psychedelic is the weird, LSD-Colourfull`hippie-stuff. Luaus are Hawaiien Parties. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* 'Kay, just making sure that there wasn't some other meaningfulness in it.
  8. Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah. I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig* Go japanese! Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to. Aww, heck. Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku. *points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up * Onamae wa? Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language . I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much. *counts to 5 before running off* Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off* Rok, sich, hach, ku, ju! (ehh it's really hard to spell dem numbahs)
  9. *proud of herself for knowing what those times are* :3 XD I meant I know when you mean when you say 19H39, or whatever. No, I live in Kansas. I don't think I really need to worry about high tide. And should the situation ever arise that high tide did reach Kansas, I think I would have other things on my mind. LOL... Good point about the tides in Kansas! You get The Gold Star Award for that response! I am so happy that you know the 24 hour clock. Have some Seikooc Pin Tac! You said pin tac instead of nip tac again. XD
  10. You could try spending more time with him (unless you already spend quite a bit of time together). Its a good idea not to treat him too much like a friend, dont get me wrong, you can have fun and stuff but maybe a little more affection is needed? And by affection I don't mean making out for half an hour. XD What you should do is maybe cuddle him a bit more, cuddling is fun and it tells him you feel secure with him. Think about the things you love about him, the things that make you smile. This may help a bit with lack of feelings. For the flirting part... well... theres not much I can do about that ♥ Lee I've tried basically the stuff you've said already. What I also tried was dumping him today but I chickened out. Again. And he just said I love you over messenger. Again. And I just replied I love you too over messenger. Again. Which is a half lie, I suppose since I love him as a friend. *feels very violent at the moment*
  11. We should all like, do silly edits like that to real pictures of our real selves.
  12. Whatever song that is on the surgery game I have for teh DS.
  13. You need to be here a bit more Lee! LOL We miss you when you disappear for a bit. Sorry, I've been browsing and paying short visits here but I'm a bit busy these days. I still love you Horatio, don't worry! LOL Toto: I understand, I'd be more than happy to buy a book you've written! Oh and I don't think we have Barnes and Noble here but I'm sure our other book stockists would have it. ⦣8482;? Lee Oh good news! *gives Lee a giant hammie bear huggle* Just think, you could be Toto's Australian book agent and make lots of money! You could then sell the book to a studio and reap the profits from the movie. LOL Being a sharp business woman, you could then sell it to all the Asian markets and be pushing Toto to begin writing her next book. LOL Yay for australia! Okay, I just wanted to say that. Carry on being on-topic ...Oh, and if you're seriously going to sell your books in Aus, too, I need to know the title so I can buy it You mean we have two Australians here now? Yay!!! where abouts in Aus? I'm in the state of Victoria, Yeah its cold ♥ Lee How come I was not allowed to say the name of the city I'm in? I've said it before ♥ Lee Then I failed at my duties. HampsterKing said no cities, towns or villages. I thought I did the second best thing by naming the state. I'm sorry. I can tell you one thing, you and Glowurm do NOT live in the same city. Thats okay, I understand. When the first HD boards began we could say our last names, towns and even the schools we went to. I guess thats pretty dangerous. People could have stalked us so easily ♥ Lee Unfortunately you never know who is out there. ... TOTO. ... Yeah, you must remember that one time you saw that one thing that I made on that one day program at Skyline College. You're my personal stalker. XD
  14. Okay, so here's the deal. I definitely don't have feelings for him, he's going to be at go-karting camp for the next week or something. My flirtyness is way out of control in all obviousness. I happen to be sitting next to super cute guys in band(being a trumpet player and all). Umm, boyfriend=totally jealous. I'm pretty much marching band buddies with a REALLY cute guy who I've known since last year(8th grade) from being in the same section as him, but we didn't talk much then. But now since I have been sitting next to him for the past two days, we've become buddies. Yeah, and I can't contain my flirtyness since it just sorta happens, which is in fact inconvenient when there's a cute guy so close by. So flirting with various guys IS in fact, a BAD thing to be doing when you have a boyfriend already. My boyfriend isn't exactly the easiest guy to find things to flirt about so no, I can't take my flirtyness out on him. Basically, main problems=flirting/lack of feelings. >.<
  15. My boyfriend gave me this really cute wristband today right when I was contemplating dumping him. >.<
  16. Being a pillow is pretty cool. Pretty much all of my friends use each other as pillows. I understand what you mean by there being nobody there that appeals to you in particular. Well, in high school I bet somebody WILL appeal to you since there's so many older guys. I do hope you're exaggerating when you say 85. XD
  17. I am happy to hear this! actually, i was that height before, just a bit higher. now im like perfect for my height. too bad my body is oooozing obesity everywhere. its so nasty. wut im supposed to be, was never really considered, its wut LOOKS good. and id say about 35 pounds too nasty. I'll bet you look fine. I'll bet you H$1000 you look just fine! no seriously, i look like a whale. they say that you always see yourself worse but honestly, completely naked, in a full mirror, i stand there and the sight is just pure digust. my brother poked me in the leg with a knife this morning and called me fatty legs. obviously i dont look anything near fine. you're brother's a fat jerk if he did that! tell him off, because that's really hurtful! I wouldn't put up with that from my brother, even if I could stand to lose a few instead of gain! That's so inconsiderate, so mean, how did he get away with that... I hope that wasn't in front of your parents! Apparently you could stand to learn a few things from my recovering anorexic friend. She saw a whale out of a 99lbs 5'8 girl. It was awful! And when her body finally got to the point of failing her, she had to go through years of therapy so she wouldn't stop thinking herself fat. HAHA!! your funny, like my parents can do anything to him anymore. wuts she think of herself now? they could evict him. That remark of his was totally uncalled for, whether or not he was joking with you. Sarah, now that she's back to a healthy 135, thinks she looks okay, but says she feels better about hewrself each day. People compliment her, saying she looks so much better than she did, and it makes her feel good about gaining back. I see her psyche improve everday, becasue she works on her garden in the afternoon, when I com home to talk to her. Sarah's really cool. She said to tell you not to lose that much weight, or you'll end up like her: broken, dying, and desperate, more so than you've ever been in your life, or ever will be afterward. She says at the very most, go to 115, or you'll risk hurting yourself irreparably. Sarah still has nightmares of the emergency room and the wires and then the ward. That, and her boyfriend left her because her bones started to show through her skin, and it wasn't stopping despite his protests of how she looked better with meat on her bones. That, and if you lose too much weight, your . stops. Which means that other functions stop, like female growth. I learned this in health class, but Sarah learned it the hard way. they arnt going to do anything. and its true. i have disgustingly fat legs. im glad to hear shes better. 115 sounds okay for a little while but im still gonna look huge... I've seen your pictures before(pretty sure you know where from). But, yeah. Pretty much it doesn't really show your legs but I can tell you're not fat at all, you seem about my size. Almost everyone's legs seem fatty to them, though. I hear people telling me "my legs are fat" when they're talking about themselves more than anything, personally.
  18. 1. It is of milk. 2. I believe so, but if I am to be good at rambling, this requires practice. I do this often by debating with my friends and giving them long answers, leaving them shocked and unable to reply. I always win arguments with them, or they tire of arguing with me and say things such as, "Well, we each have our own definitions." One time I was debating with my friend about whether she seemed more democrat-like or republican-like. I won! Although, it was late at night, she was tired, and I was hyper. If I were to debate with an adult, they would say respect your elders once I started winning. Actually, this has happened before. Is there something wrong with losing an argument? No, people just have way too much pride and can't handle losing at anything because they lack enough intelligence to give up before they dig themselves into a deeper hole. This would be gambling. 3. Is that last paragraph not proof enough? Or must I ramble some more? I do not believe I need to ramble anymore, as that last paragraph was quite a bit of proof, don't you agree? Yes, you do. 4. Yes. 5. I believe so. lookie up der. ^ I was wondering if someone would catch that. Shh... what mistake are you talking about?
  19. Mega Wolf

    I Need to Vent.

    thats wut YOU think *~*The Grand Illusion*~* All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex. Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?) But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat. yea. ive talked about sex with my brother. but thats just cuz he's different.. and we dont have normal bro/sis convos. yea, mostly, sometimes its the girl though. but most guys want it like 24/7... This makes me think of this stupid *chest* comment that my ex-boyfriend made when talking to two of my best guy friends(they were in a shared hotel room). "I wish Jeanette had a big *chest* like *insert person's name here*'s." Her *chest* isn't even much bigger than mine, even though my *chest* isn't all that big to begin with. Stupid perverted ex. >.< Hahaha. One time I was talking to a girl, and out of the blue she said, "You know, my little sister has a bigger chest than I do." I replied, "Yeah. I bet my brother is bigger than me ..." 16x2+thefirstletterofthealphabet=toto. i feel your pain man. i have baby sized boobs too! : P all my friends have big boobs, theyre like "LOVE YOUR LITTLE BOOBS!" pshh. sometimes i do. Hahaha. It has some benefits, as I can fit into small and extra small shirts, when the people with "big boobs" just look like they're trying too hard to be noticed with those shirts. =] Think of the positive side. Yeah, seriously. I'd rather not have too much attention go to my boobs. I'm the same size as you. I was using *chest* instead of boobs since I wasn't sure if it was going to be censored or not. XD People with bigger boobs look fatter since their shirt generally pokes forward because of the size. I'm wearing Axe right now becuase my friend(a girl) got free Axe from this DVD store for absolutely no reason and so we were goofing off with our other friends in an Axe war. I smell like guy.
  20. HORATIO LOOKS AT HAMSTER BUTTS! LOL *is at a total loss as to what to respond* *looks over at Huette's cage* What, to get a better view? You two are pure evil. You know it. *loves the evil side of Dr. Wolf* Bwahahaaa. I just love evil in general *huggles his ebil plushie* Ebil... So evil, it's mispelled on PURPOSE! Who doesn't love my evil side?
  21. Wow, I don't think even I could go that long without kissing. I'd sooner go crazy or just grab some random guy and kiss him. I didn't just say that. 'Course not. I know what you mean! Kissing is addictive. *wants to kiss someone right now* Parties tonight - maybe I'll be able to get rid of my kissing craving! *goes off to prepare the glowsticks and pretty red shoes she just bought* ♥ Lee Haha, wonderful. W00t! Glowsticks and red shoes! *parties* With only Glowsticks and red shoes, you sure are going to attract the guys! Are you going hamster on me? LOL, that was a good one. XD Didn't see that one coming. Yes, I'm definitely going hamster.
  22. Mega Wolf

    I Need to Vent.

    thats wut YOU think *~*The Grand Illusion*~* All of my brothers girlfreinds wanted him to have sex. If he wanted it, he would of agreed. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* ha oh. ive never met a guy that didnt want sex. Hahaha. Sorry MK, but I think your brother is lying to you. (Besides ... I've never talked about sex with my brother, or asked him if wanted to have sex with anyone ... How do these conversations pop up between you and your brother?) But yeah. I'm agreeing with Lauren on this one. It's a guy thing. If a girl will agree, they'll do it in a heartbeat. yea. ive talked about sex with my brother. but thats just cuz he's different.. and we dont have normal bro/sis convos. yea, mostly, sometimes its the girl though. but most guys want it like 24/7... This makes me think of this stupid *chest* comment that my ex-boyfriend made when talking to two of my best guy friends(they were in a shared hotel room). "I wish Jeanette had a big *chest* like *insert person's name here*'s." Her *chest* isn't even much bigger than mine, even though my *chest* isn't all that big to begin with. Stupid perverted ex. >.<
  23. 1. It is of milk. 2. I believe so, but if I am to be good at rambling, this requires practice. I do this often by debating with my friends and giving them long answers, leaving them shocked and unable to reply. I always win arguments with them, or they tire of arguing with me and say things such as, "Well, we each have our own definitions." One time I was debating with my friend about whether she seemed more democrat-like or republican-like. I won! Although, it was late at night, she was tired, and I was hyper. If I were to debate with an adult, they would say respect your elders once I started winning. Actually, this has happened before. Is there something wrong with losing an argument? No, people just have way too much pride and can't handle losing at anything because they lack enough intelligence to give up before they dig themselves into a deeper whole. This would be gambling. 3. Is that last paragraph not proof enough? Or must I ramble some more? I do not believe I need to ramble anymore, as that last paragraph was quite a bit of proof, don't you agree? Yes, you do. 4. Yes. 5. I believe so. *likes when Mega Wolf rambles* Here... have some ice cream and cake! LOL Yay ice cream! ^.^
  24. Wow, I don't think even I could go that long without kissing. I'd sooner go crazy or just grab some random guy and kiss him. I didn't just say that. 'Course not. I know what you mean! Kissing is addictive. *wants to kiss someone right now* Parties tonight - maybe I'll be able to get rid of my kissing craving! *goes off to prepare the glowsticks and pretty red shoes she just bought* ♥ Lee Haha, wonderful. W00t! Glowsticks and red shoes! *parties*
  25. Is there some kind of explaination to The Pschedelic Luau? I don't really get it, or is this a self-explanatory type thing.
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