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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Do you like art? We have a great art contest going on at the moment. Please wander down to the last forum, Original Art, and look at the Art Competition, Part Deux by Mushroom_king. There is some fantastic art in that topic!!! Please feel free to enter the next competition called Kat's Mafia. sounds intreasting! unfortiontly I cant draw <,>-<,> I just collect "-" in that case (about the lyrics) here are the ones I have: Cognoscenti vs intelligentsia by Cuban Boys HampsterKing asked that we not print those, but I left the title and group name. Thanks for all your efforts in writing them. Horatio Oh, sorry, I missed understood. I thought you just did not want me to give links to other sites No lyrics are okay, but some of the words were not nice. You have to look over the words and make sure there are no bad words in there. If you don't find anything bad, then please post them. We have a topic where you post lyrics to sing stuff so you can feel free to post lyrics there as well. In this case, HampsterKing did not like the use of lyrics that made the Hampsters look bad, so that is why he wanted these particular lyrics deleted. Otherwise you did a great job!!! Haha, you may want to edit that before he reads it. My, my... what sharp eyes you have. But... I didn't see anything wrong. *just loves that edit button* *hands Mega Wolf The Double Gold Star Award* Well, you corrected your actual post properly at least. Bad no? XD Bad no? Zees is ze French way to say eet. But of course! Ze French way.
  2. Do you like art? We have a great art contest going on at the moment. Please wander down to the last forum, Original Art, and look at the Art Competition, Part Deux by Mushroom_king. There is some fantastic art in that topic!!! Please feel free to enter the next competition called Kat's Mafia. sounds intreasting! unfortiontly I cant draw <,>-<,> I just collect "-" in that case (about the lyrics) here are the ones I have: Cognoscenti vs intelligentsia by Cuban Boys HampsterKing asked that we not print those, but I left the title and group name. Thanks for all your efforts in writing them. Horatio Oh, sorry, I missed understood. I thought you just did not want me to give links to other sites No lyrics are okay, but some of the words were not nice. You have to look over the words and make sure there are bad no words in there. If you don't find anything bad, then please post them. We have a topic where you post lyrics to sing stuff so you can feel free to post lyrics there as well. In this case, HampsterKing did not like the use of lyrics that made the Hampsters look bad, so that is why he wanted these particular lyrics deleted. Otherwise you did a great job!!! Haha, you may want to edit that before he reads it. My, my... what sharp eyes you have. But... I didn't see anything wrong. *just loves that edit button* *hands Mega Wolf The Double Gold Star Award* Well, you corrected your actual post properly at least. Bad no? XD
  3. Mega Wolf

    go to itunes!

    Rich losers is just Mr. Moosey368's sense of humor. Ipods, in their various forms, are pretty expensive. Your parents got you a really great birthday present. Do they need a hamster in the family? My birthday is coming up! lol! -thats not about rich losers thingy-and you ppl have odd senses of humors! No, you just don't understand our slightly more mature(as weird as it is) sense of humor. See, you'd get our jokes if you were older.
  4. Do you like art? We have a great art contest going on at the moment. Please wander down to the last forum, Original Art, and look at the Art Competition, Part Deux by Mushroom_king. There is some fantastic art in that topic!!! Please feel free to enter the next competition called Kat's Mafia. sounds intreasting! unfortiontly I cant draw <,>-<,> I just collect "-" in that case (about the lyrics) here are the ones I have: Cognoscenti vs intelligentsia by Cuban Boys HampsterKing asked that we not print those, but I left the title and group name. Thanks for all your efforts in writing them. Horatio Oh, sorry, I missed understood. I thought you just did not want me to give links to other sites No lyrics are okay, but some of the words were not nice. You have to look over the words and make sure there are bad no words in there. If you don't find anything bad, then please post them. We have a topic where you post lyrics to sing stuff so you can feel free to post lyrics there as well. In this case, HampsterKing did not like the use of lyrics that made the Hampsters look bad, so that is why he wanted these particular lyrics deleted. Otherwise you did a great job!!! Haha, you may want to edit that before he reads it.
  5. I'm sorry, but I found that hilarious that you just said looking in that tone of voice.
  6. Alrighty. (yes, I did get my homework done. Mostly because my friend yelled at me not to doodle and nap when we were doing homework together)
  7. Those guys are pretty awesome. You should watch Blast! sometime. 6 of the Blue Devils(#3 in the country this year, rather than #1 as usual) came to my high school to help the band last week. One of our former band directors has a son in BD and that's how they heard about us not having a teacher. XD Oh, and since a couple of them happen to live nearby I think we'll be seeing those guys still. Maybe.
  8. Because some people are stupid, and I have had that problem a lot. Plus some people just want to feel important by creating fictional gossip. Yes, indeed, happens a lot. How else would those gossip papers at the supermarket checkout do so well? Of course! It's always fun to read fake stories abotu real people.
  9. Hey now, come on. MW was just saying that she doesn't know you very well. Once you two talk, I'm sure you'll like her. She's pretty spiffy. Yeah, some people don't understand my bluntness well. Yaaay spiffy! ^.^
  10. Because some people are stupid, and I have had that problem a lot. Plus some people just want to feel important by creating fictional gossip. Yes, indeed, happens a lot.
  11. heh. One reason I think that the previously posted about red-hairded nerd likes me, is that not too long ago (eh, a few months) for reasons I dont feel like recalling to list, I was at a not-so-very-formal dance (You know, everyone is casual and break dances sometimes) and since there wasnt anybody to dance with during a pretty cool song, and sitting down or standing at the wall would be boring, I asked... lets see if i can spell this right, K... kaytline? I dunno, its pronounced the usual Caitlin kind of name. but Kate, i'll call her, got to tell me ALL about some computer nerding things she was doing, editting programs and hacking people on IMs, and all that mess. When the song was over, she excitedly led me off to the side of the room (oh boy.) and we talked for a short minute or two about software comparisons, She then pointed out that one of her friends was over there behind me, and went off that way giggling like an idiot. Maybe two seconds later, I turned around and saw her standing two feet away, staring at me with a very vacant look in her eyes, and that wierd little intoxicated feminine sigh. I think its hilarious. And hope im not acting like an idiot back at her. XD That is pretty funny. Sometimes I get that vacant look, and I hate that. This reminds me, my friend was staring blankly into the distance thinking about some guy, "Hmm... I bet he's gonna come in this direction." Instead, some other guy she knows(who thinks she likes him) walked by in that direction as she was staring blankly and not paying attention to anything.
  12. Because some people are stupid, and I have had that problem a lot.
  13. ... You wouldn't be mad if I laughed really hard at that, right? I'm glad you asked that question. You can go ahead and laugh. I don't care if it's at me or with me. It's with you. *proceeds to do so* Yaaaay! Yeah, he's a drama queen. XD
  14. Wait... this is a problem? Or something weird? Apparently I'm one of those people. Or I'm just imagining all of this. And Horatio, don't you have a lot of friends that know a lot about certain topics? XD
  15. You'll get over that phase. All the newbies do.
  16. ... You wouldn't be mad if I laughed really hard at that, right? I'm glad you asked that question. You can go ahead and laugh. I don't care if it's at me or with me.
  17. Okay, so I'm feeling a bit down. And feeling a bit foolish. Yes, this does actually have something to do with my life. I didn't love him. He was just... there We had good times, We smiled together. We hugged, we kissed, We constantly held hands, But we rarely talked. I decided it was over, I was sick of the awkward silence. Now that we're not us, He finally speaks to me And I speak to him. He now talks to other girls, And I should be happy for him, Yes? Instead, there is jealousy, Of what I had And what I threw away carelessly The body that I cannot hold, The lips I cannot kiss, The hand I cannot hold, And now I question myself... Do I really not love him?
  18. Yeah, topics have been dying fairly quickly lately. XD
  19. Sorry, kiddo. You're only friends with some of the people here, not the whole group.
  20. Yes. I do mean that. XD Lately my thoughts have been mixed up. Horatio, can you fix that for me?
  21. I had to drive a hammie friend's car from Brooklyn, New York to Los Angeles, California!!! Did you see me waving to you from the freeway? Whoa! That's a LONG drive. I think I caught a glimpse of a driving hamster.
  22. Oh, and what brings you on these awesome days to California?
  23. Wow, you aren't very far from me. I'm about two hours drive from there(at most). XD
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