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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. I swear, guys are hilarious when they compete. Yesterday, I was potting plants at school from like 3-5(project). So yeah, I had about 30 plants left of my 64 from the flat to finish when A-guy says when he's done with his plants, he'll help me out cuz I had band soon(like hour soon, so I wouldn't have finished on my own). Once I'm down to around 18, B-guy(the boyfriend) decides to prance on over to the ag department to chill cuz apparently my best friend suggested it and so they came(but bestest buddy was on the phone so she was like 20 feet away). Anywho, so A-guy finishes his plants and prances over to help when I have like 12 left. He does like 2, then B-guy decides to help, too. 'Twas funny, cuz they were definitely competing. I was taking my time(I really wasn't being that slow, personally XD) making sure I was doin' it right, but then they did the ones left in like. 10 minutes or something. Sometimes guys compete too much. XD
  2. Mega Wolf


    As I said in JF's poll, I have no clue what I'm gonna wear. On -er day for school, I was a toaster, so I might do that. Or I'll do something like be a princess so it'd be ironic.
  3. Wow, the right has gotten all 4 votes so far. XD Yeah, I don't have a clue what I'm gonna be this year. Probably something that shows irony.
  4. I have these pins... I (heart) (penguin) Penguin with a heart in the center. The penguin made me do it. The batman symbol Yeah, I know, it's not much. Oh, and basically everyone at school who knows me even a little seems to have realized I'm obsessed with penguins by now... Possibly cuz of my shoes and my pins, but you know...
  5. *waits for more people to notice* Okay... here I sit at the library waiting for someone to arrive. Toto appeared briefly and then disappeared, but at least she posted a few times. So, unless someone shows up rather quickly, it will be quiet night at the HampsterDance Boards. Remember, Max is in the hospital and everything closes early this evening, so I will search and see if any store is open, but the library closes in 20 minutes and they kick us off about five minutes before that. Everyone cross your paws to hope that Max comes home from the hospital soon. HORATIO Yay for 30,000!
  6. answers above. But this is a difficult case. I dunno, sometimes I feel like I shouldn't be in relationships at all. I mean, I like relationships, but then eventually I end up like this where I'm confused and I like the guy, but then I'm also distracted and liking him less. Nobody ever seems to really understand my actions. I mean, if I were to dump two different guys twice, that wouldn't exactly look good for me. I dunno. Maybe I'm just being a stupid emo.
  7. ...Yeah, I'm having my own problems again. 1. I seem to be liking my boyfriend less. 2. That seems to happen to me a lot, seeing as it happened with my last "relationship", look how that turned out.(you know, me dumping again?) 3. I don't want to dump my boyfriend, but keep lookin' at muh problems. 4. It bugs the heck out of me that I'm so much smarter than him. 5. It bugs the heck out of me that he keeps asking me what's wrong when I'm just spacing out(okay, so at times I am thinking about what IS in fact wrong here) and he's totally reading my emotions wrong. 6. If I did dump him again, I would end up missing the whole being in a relationship thing and mistake that for liking him. 7. I've caught myself way too many times flirting with other guys. 8. I've caught myself way too many times thinking about other guys. 9. I've caught myself way too many times actually liking another guy. 10. My friends are sure to not understand if I told them I didn't like him anymore. 11. I am an idiot when it comes to "love", just like everyone else. Just because I have a more than just decent IQ doesn't mean I understand the secrets of the universe. 12. I feel terrible when I think of all of this because for some reason I feel obligated to keep up an act to keep people from hating me or thinking I make the same mistakes and then I also am trying to just go on and pretending so everyone else is happy.
  8. Last night at Homecoming, it was so fun. At first it wasn't raining at all, but right before half-time it rained for like a minute. And after half-time, it suddenly was pouring. This was on and off during 3rd quarter and there was a bit of lightning. All the while, we the band keep playing our pep tunes and as I can't even see the drummajor well since the rain was in my eyes we started playing Wipe Out. So yeah, they were about to cancel the game. But then it stopped raining again. But the band left and I think we lost, we didn't see the 4th quarter. Yeah. And then as usual some random place donated food to us. Next week is free pizza.
  9. It is odd that I dreamt about God telling me he existed and then God telling me it's okay to cuss because I might need comebacks of all things. And then dreaming about cheating on my boyfriend right after, when I hate people who cheat. Right?
  10. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* People keep saying Trent is ugly. It makes me sad. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Dirty secret: I think some of the normally called "hot" guys are ugly. And I think some of the normally "weird-looking" people look good. i.e., ex-boyfriend, he's ugly now, but before he was cute(before his wannabe skater look). Either that or I was insane. One of the two.
  11. Are you sure something's wrong with her? XD I show up to school in different "fashions" all the time. One day, I'll look really nice, then I'll look really really reallly emo the next day. Only thing that doesn't change is my lack of make-up.
  13. Umm... Friday, I think I'm going to the Jr. High to go encourage people to join band. On Saturday, it's our first competition. SCSBOA(Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association or something like that). So there aren't going to be judges directly on the field. But yeah. We're totally not ready. Atmadja has getting into place problems. Ninkou Latora has timing problems. Quidam, well, we haven't worked on it alot but it's our easiest drill. And to Jesse: Well, then yeah. You have the same style marching as me. Like, for football, sometimes I watch it just to see the marching bands. Many don't bend the knees, but a lot of people are familiar with bent knees. I can't think of many bent-knee marchers, but yeah, they exist. XD I'm a gonna look up your show.
  14. These are more self-notes about dreams I had last night than anything. But, if you wish to read you may. Okay, so one was one about God. It was crazy. It was like, there was a paper. I was having a sleepover and it was like, the paper was something that EVERYONE had for no apparent reason. So the paper starts writing on itself. Some mumbo-jumbo about yeah this is God I exist. And then there was this thing where I had to cut out an "I" and then the paper would become full again and I'd have to cut out a new letter or else God would blow up the world and it spelled out "I love you God" and then God was like yeah I exist again but you'll forget all about this by tomorrow. So time goes by and the next night(dreamly speaking) a moon is out and I look towards the sky and I'm like, "Hey God, is it okay to cuss?" and He had an interesting answer. He said, "Yeah, sure you might need it for comebacks." Now, that part of the dream definitely didn't make sense. Then suddenly this alien spaceship comes along and blows up a couple of buildings and I'm like, "God, please do something!" but nothing happened, God or someone was just standing next to me looking bewildered. Umm... and then a "The End" flashed up and all of a sudden I'm in a movie theatre confused. Across the screen, it said, "That's what happens when you stop believing." or something random like that. Then it becomes DVD like, and I'm able to choose to see the next scenes, and all of a sudden theres a park and a shed. I'm back IN the "movie" in the shed that the "camera" moved into. There are stacks of newspapers in this shed, and the titles are about what had happened previously, but it was as though none of it had ever happened. I stood in this shed, trying to think if all of that was real or not, and I'm leaning bakc, talking to someone. I can't remember exactly what happened. And here's dream two. So I'm with my boyfriend, and a few friends. I'll call each friend by different names. So my boyfriend, Mcl, and Lo(girl), and two guy friends, Th, and Ju(year older than all of us). We go to a two story book store. I'm holding hands with Mcl, and the other three are walking with us. Mcl and Lo decide to go upstairs. So I'm in 3rd person point of view currently. I can see me, Th, and Ju, and right above are Mcl and Lo. They're reading books, distracted. Th, Ju, and I are in this one section. Th is looking at a book and all of a sudden Ju and I are kissing. That was totally wrong, yo. And so that ends. Next day, in my mind, I'm like, "I have to break up with Mcl and tell him what happened." So for some odd reason Th, Mcl, and Lo are all sitting in the visitors bleachers of the high school football field. Ju and I walk over, and I say, "Mcl, Ju and I kissed yesterday at the bookstore and I think we should break up." Mcl says all chill, "Okay." And it's crazy because nobody cares and everyone is happy. That dream makes me sound like a terrible person . >.<
  15. Please... wait until Max returns before you begin a posting spree! I wonder how long it'll be until i get as many posts as you. It would require me to be a mod, yes? Yay for being 14 and probably not gonna mod at 15 because of parents and my lack of focus. XD
  16. -sigh- Yeah, I didn't get to see BD and the Cavaliers. Obviously, since they were with you. LOL. It was one of those "tricks" my band director likes to play on us. It was pretty mean, though. :/ I actually think the brass are the best marchers in my band. The trombones, specifically. I'm not sure why. John and Weston are hilarious, and whenever we march during Born to Hand Jive, they high-step really fast. I wish I had those skills. Don't worry though, I totally understand, my pivots are terrible! I'm afraid to see what our score was tomorrow ... EEeee. Good luck though, I'm sure we'll both improve by the end of the season. (: That is pretty mean. Yeah, well, we have a major problem now. Two of our 4 baritones quit and our 1 trombone quit. So yeah. For football games we can't really play The Chicken Dance because we're kinda missing the gliss. We have huge gaps that we need to fix in our drill now, since the 3 of them are in basically the same area. To both Toto and Jesse, yeah I have problems with tripping on myself too. I know I'm not the worst in the band, but still. I gotta do my best to keep high standards. My pivots stink, too. So what style marching do you guys do? We do straight-legged. As for comps, our first one is in two weeks. At this point in time, we're totally not ready. One more thing. What are your shows? Ours is Quidam from Cirque Du Soleil.
  17. Agreed. You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!" it is LEEEERRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSs ssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter* I stand corrected! how can a wurm stand? you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. Which brings me to a very good point... even HampsterDance has wonderful benefits! Your typing is getting your prepared for all that work you will be doing in college. And wurms can stand on their tail. The sad thing is; I can honestly say HD is the main reason I can actually type. likewise. XD Seriously. When I first joined HD I was typing with one finger and had to stare at the keyboard to find the letters. Now I can type at an about average speed. I am the fastest hamster in our group! WOW! HampsterDance has sped up my typing skills immensely!! Im not too sure about that. according to "TypingTest" in google when searching for "typing speed" gave the following results: Test name: Tigris in the Wild Gross Speed: 52 WPM Errors: 3 words Net Speed: 49 WPM Accuracy 94% I'm a bit slow now beacuse I'm tired, but how would y'all do? I scored so low, the test told me not to think of a career using a keyboard. It suggested a chainsaw or jackhammer. I got 60 WPM with 100% accuracy. ^.^
  18. Yesterday was the Practice-a-thon. 9 long hours of practicing with the guys from BD. 3 of them come almost every practice and then some different ones come some days. I watched the one person who came in to teach the color guard, it's so cool watching her with the sabre. She mostly taught our guard captain new stuff. So anyways, with our lack of a teacher we still are apparently further along than we were last year because of the terrible teacher. I don't know much about that since I'm only a freshman. Anyways, moving right along. Every time we make mistakes we have to drop down and do 10 push-ups. It was terrible yesterday. Trumpets haven't been doing so well. And I feel terrible about myself because apparently I'm pretty bad at marching. But they're always confusing us! "Horns are paralell here!" Five minutes later, while working in the same spot, someone else tells us, "Horns are supposed to be up towards the box!" So yeah. And then I'm constantly scolded for not getting things right. I have no clue how many push-ups I did yesterday, but I know it was a lot. One of the guys said to one of the other trumpets and I, "You're capable of doing things right, you're just being lazy," because we did a lot better after he corrected us on something. My timing gets off because of the darned metronome, it's so much harder to focus on the drummajor when theres this loud beeping helping them keep in time when the sound is getting to my ears later. Then I also get blamed for other peoples' mistakes since they're stopping when they shouldn't be and I end up running into them. So yeah, during one long water break I participated in self punishment. 100 sit-ups on my own and then I only had time to do 30 extra push-ups for myself. I really feel that I need to get better. One of my freinds, a clarinet, is always acting like everything is so easy. The brass seems to be the only section with problems. But yesterday was especially bad because two of our baritones ditched. They obviously weren't sick because they are the type of guys to ditch.
  19. I have my own little issues right now but not really. Just two people were mad at me for going out with this guy again. And then some very mean people who said some hilarious stuff that can't be said here. Overall relationships are good. XD
  20. Those guys are pretty awesome. You should watch Blast! sometime. 6 of the Blue Devils(#3 in the country this year, rather than #1 as usual) came to my high school to help the band last week. One of our former band directors has a son in BD and that's how they heard about us not having a teacher. XD Oh, and since a couple of them happen to live nearby I think we'll be seeing those guys still. Maybe. Haha. That's pretty cool. My band director's nephew was a member of the Blue Devils. Once he turned 22, though, he was out of there. xD I'll actually be seeing the the Blue Devils and The Cavaliers next Saturday at a big Missouri marching band competitions. I'm pretty excited, but not really about actually preforming. We're playing an altered version (for street marching purposes) of Greased Lighting, and our marching is horrible. 5th place, here we come! Heh, don't you love it how quickly people age out of BD? Sweet, BD and The Cavaliers! Man, those guys rock.
  21. Why is it that I find it hilarious that you're going to Circuit City to moderate? XD
  22. Even though this isn't the best topic, I know you'll read this so yeah. I always read your siggies. So basically I notice every time it changes. I'm not sure if I quite understand your basic situation, probably because I've been a bit slow today.
  23. Mega Wolf

    go to itunes!

    Rich losers is just Mr. Moosey368's sense of humor. Ipods, in their various forms, are pretty expensive. Your parents got you a really great birthday present. Do they need a hamster in the family? My birthday is coming up! lol! -thats not about rich losers thingy-and you ppl have odd senses of humors! No, you just don't understand our slightly more mature(as weird as it is) sense of humor. See, you'd get our jokes if you were older. Well, it's not so much age. More emotional maturity *nod*. ...You'll probably get this because I've said it quite a few times... But how old do y'all think I am? Yeah, emotional maturity. Well, you're no younger than 10. If you're younger than we think you are, then you're probably 11. Or 12. XD Thank you. I am 12 I feel complimented. As you should, since you really do act older than you are.
  24. Mega Wolf

    go to itunes!

    Rich losers is just Mr. Moosey368's sense of humor. Ipods, in their various forms, are pretty expensive. Your parents got you a really great birthday present. Do they need a hamster in the family? My birthday is coming up! lol! -thats not about rich losers thingy-and you ppl have odd senses of humors! No, you just don't understand our slightly more mature(as weird as it is) sense of humor. See, you'd get our jokes if you were older. Well, it's not so much age. More emotional maturity *nod*. ...You'll probably get this because I've said it quite a few times... But how old do y'all think I am? Yeah, emotional maturity. Well, you're no younger than 10. If you're younger than we think you are, then you're probably 11. Or 12.
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