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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! How fantastic! Your band did great. That must have been tough being beaten by a 9th place band in overall music, but you still came in second!!! A first in individual music is a great achievement! Yeah to you all!!! No, we're the 9th place band. XD We got second, next to the 1st place band. It was pretty awesome. Oops. So I am guilty of reading what I want to read! The second place in over all music, is great and the first place in individual music is superb!!! You still did fantastic as far as I am concerned!!! As for the bands that change their uniforms every year... I agree with you. Matching instruments? I do not believe I would have ever noticed that the instruments didn't match. Yeah, like the band that had changing uniforms had pirate uniforms, and it was really cool but it made me kinda mad that it was only a one-year thing. Like, always changing these uniforms that cost so much? Our uniforms cost around $800, so we can't really afford to replace them. And we're working towards matching instruments, but currently I don't think we have enough money for it. We're going for quality instruments if they match, the only reason to get matching instruments for us is for quality control so that people don't have cheap intruments that sound bad. $800 each or total? Well, $800 each. Actually, it's more like 400-800 a piece, but it depends on the uniform type/company/etc. The schools that replace their uniforms each year are private or Catholic schools. We're getting new uniforms(we're gonna have a selection committee of about 8 people), but that's because our uniforms are fairly old, made of wool, hard to clean, and expensive to clean. So these new uniforms we're going to be able to take home and clean on our own instead of having them spend $1000 on dry-cleaning. I came up with an idea for your school. When it comes to the dry cleaning, why doesn't your school offer a local dry cleaner a deal. Free advertising announced at the game, if the dry cleaner would do your uniforms at either a reduced rate or free. The exchange would be determined by a couple of factors... how many times they were cleaned in a season, how involved it was to press the uniforms (this is where the cost is) and of course, you have already said how many uniforms there are. My suggestion would be to take a uniform to the local dry cleaner, not a chain, but an individual owner/operator, and then try and work out a deal. If the dry cleaner knew you were going to make an announcement at the game that he was the school dry cleaner, thanking him for his services and/or the company was listed in the book they hand out at the games, I do believe it would save you a bunch of money. Well, we spend about $1000 a year on dry-cleaning, and there's a lot of local places that might take us. I think that is a good deal, but I think we're also getting new uniforms because it gets harder each year to clean them. So eventually it'd probably be better to get new uniforms anyways. Wool is really bad for hot competitions anyways. XD
  2. *bangs head on keyboard* We're instant messaging. He can't spell. At all. He spells stuff wrong like poems, uncle, really, Shanghai, dumb, horse, would, and won't. And much more, my friends. And having won my school's spelling bee in 8th grade, I'm one of those people who are really bothered by spelling errors. Oh, and just to let you know I'm talking about my boyfriend. I got advice from this one guy I know that I was discussing life with(lol) not to dump him just yet because it'll make me look like a terrible person, knowing my "relationships record". The fact that we took a "break", the fact that last year I dumped a guy twice, the fact that my boyfriend is a nice guy. He said I should try to work it out because it won't look as bad if I make an effort to save the relationship. For example, with our whole problem with not talking much, he said that I should at least try to let my boyfriend know about the problem and hopefully try to fix it.
  3. Welcome to the hamster-wheel of life. LOL Always better to be the dumper than the dumpee. Seriously, you are intelligent, talented, beautiful and guys find you hard to resist. These qualities are actually a burden as you will have more guys chasing after you than you can imagine. Did you get him a present for Christmas? I hope you do not accept his gift even if you want it. I didn't exactly get him anything special. We exchanged gifts right before vacation, since we figured we wouldn't see each other during vacation. Heh, always better to be the dumper is so true. Meh, not too worried about guys chasing me about. Though I do have a few guys going all weird over me, most guys in high school are more into the preppy type, not the crazy nerdy too-hard-core-for-you's type. lol, all I have to worry about are basically the guys in band and maybe some others in my classes, which is actually a good thing.
  4. Mkay, all of these posting updates are weird. Anyways. I'm dumping the boyfriend I've had for 7 months a week after vacation is over. It would be rather cruel of me to dump him during the holidays. See, he's clingy, easily jealous, always thinks I'm mad at him(even when there's no reason), and we don't have much to talk about. I'm not nearly as attached to him as he is to me. He follows at my heels like a puppy. It's gotten to be more than just somewhat annoying... Plus I'm one of those girls who can't help herself but reply when a guy flirts. Holding in my comments is too hard and besides, I'm kind of flirty myself... Meeehhh so hard when I also like this other guy, prompting me even further to dump my boyfriend because it's not fair to him. >.< Okay. Done being a stupid girl.
  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!! How fantastic! Your band did great. That must have been tough being beaten by a 9th place band in overall music, but you still came in second!!! A first in individual music is a great achievement! Yeah to you all!!! No, we're the 9th place band. XD We got second, next to the 1st place band. It was pretty awesome. Oops. So I am guilty of reading what I want to read! The second place in over all music, is great and the first place in individual music is superb!!! You still did fantastic as far as I am concerned!!! As for the bands that change their uniforms every year... I agree with you. Matching instruments? I do not believe I would have ever noticed that the instruments didn't match. Yeah, like the band that had changing uniforms had pirate uniforms, and it was really cool but it made me kinda mad that it was only a one-year thing. Like, always changing these uniforms that cost so much? Our uniforms cost around $800, so we can't really afford to replace them. And we're working towards matching instruments, but currently I don't think we have enough money for it. We're going for quality instruments if they match, the only reason to get matching instruments for us is for quality control so that people don't have cheap intruments that sound bad. $800 each or total? Well, $800 each. Actually, it's more like 400-800 a piece, but it depends on the uniform type/company/etc. The schools that replace their uniforms each year are private or Catholic schools. We're getting new uniforms(we're gonna have a selection committee of about 8 people), but that's because our uniforms are fairly old, made of wool, hard to clean, and expensive to clean. So these new uniforms we're going to be able to take home and clean on our own instead of having them spend $1000 on dry-cleaning.
  6. Mega Wolf

    Jesse's topic

    Thanks for clarifying it for me. Being a violin player, you never learn about marching band. LOL Hmm...marching violinists! Now there's a thought...could it actually be done?? Probably. I think most instruments you can march with. It's just ones like double bases and violoncellos that you can't o_O Ironically enough, I used to play the piano (can't march with that...) and the cello (nor that...) and I've been thinking of taking up drumming (and how would you march around with a whole kit? o_O) You will get to pick one to hang around your neck. Might I suggest the kettle drum? LOL LOL! You peoples obviously don't watch a lot of marching shows. I think that string instruments are way too fragile. They break too easily. XD And then drumming, wow, haven't you people heard of the movie Drumline? It's not a good portrayal, but it's a movie called Drumline, nonetheless, and points out clearly that you can march snares, bass drums, and the suchlike. XD
  7. CONGRATULATIONS!!! How fantastic! Your band did great. That must have been tough being beaten by a 9th place band in overall music, but you still came in second!!! A first in individual music is a great achievement! Yeah to you all!!! No, we're the 9th place band. XD We got second, next to the 1st place band. It was pretty awesome. Oops. So I am guilty of reading what I want to read! The second place in over all music, is great and the first place in individual music is superb!!! You still did fantastic as far as I am concerned!!! As for the bands that change their uniforms every year... I agree with you. Matching instruments? I do not believe I would have ever noticed that the instruments didn't match. Yeah, like the band that had changing uniforms had pirate uniforms, and it was really cool but it made me kinda mad that it was only a one-year thing. Like, always changing these uniforms that cost so much? Our uniforms cost around $800, so we can't really afford to replace them. And we're working towards matching instruments, but currently I don't think we have enough money for it. We're going for quality instruments if they match, the only reason to get matching instruments for us is for quality control so that people don't have cheap intruments that sound bad.
  8. O RLY? =3 o: *nodnod* Yeah, well... D= Thank you for making me choke on pineapple orange juice. XD
  9. Okay, so I think I have some good advice that's different. What are the circumstances? For now, you need to chill out, lay low, but there really is no rule saying you can never go out with him. Don't immediately tell your friend that you like the guy. Befriend him, make it all chill. Don't say stuff that your friend told you about him. I know similarities in this with a situation my friend had. Only I broke up with my boyfriend, she secretly liked him and he liked her back, but they didn't go out because they thought I'd be pissed. Which I wouldn't have been, but then he started hating me for the stuff she relayed to him about my opinions about him. And yet he liked me at the same time. But I didn't like him. So I didn't really care whether they went out or not before we hated each other. So, lesson here is. You can go out with the guy if your friend doesn't like him, but doesn't hate him. And on condition that he likes you. Cuz nobody wants a guy who doesn't like them. It'll end up goin' dooown. Oh, and please. Wait more than a week, that ended up bad for my other friends.
  10. Mega Wolf


    Wow, Arkcher. You're just like me when it comes to oral hygiene!
  11. Mega Wolf

    Jesse's topic

    Well, my school's band doesn't go to other states. I think only colleges have a national competition, or there's just a national competition I don't know about. That's probably the case, my band is average right now, not good enough for a competition any larger than a state one. But yeah, scoring systems are different all over the place.
  12. I am having one of my random "ZOMG! I'M ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WITH MY BOYFRIEND!" phases rather than a "Okay. I have a boyfriend. So?" phase. For some reason, a day after I ignored one of his calls as usual, I really felt like calling him. And then recently I've just been really clingy weird. I can guess why, but you know. I don't really know. Maybe it's because... 1. Surge of jealousy a couple weeks ago when someone I absolutely hate started flirting with him and I couldn't do anything cuz my mom was nearby.(band trip she was coming along on) 2. A week of vacation meant not seeing him for a short while. 3. It's just really random.
  13. I say MK should buy a button maker.
  14. Wow, my band is only 2-A. I do know the scoring for 2-A is generally around 60-mid80ish. What's 4-A scoring like? I know that 3-A is generally higher scored than 2-A... Anyways, State is Saturday(leave on Friday) and our last comp was kinda bad. Maybe they categorize differently is different states? We have about 100 actual members. Well, 4-A is the largest category in MO. The scoring in normally pretty high, since it's such a large group. Normally the 80s and 90s. 5-A is the highest here, and normally there are only two schools, and they're in the 80s. :/ Well, the biggest I've seen was 6-A. O_o Now THOSE are crazy huge. There's so many large rich schools in California, and there's a band that's so rich it changes uniforms based on their show every year and they have all matching instruments. Somewhat irritating to schools like mine who don't have a lot of money, or at least act like it. XD
  15. CONGRATULATIONS!!! How fantastic! Your band did great. That must have been tough being beaten by a 9th place band in overall music, but you still came in second!!! A first in individual music is a great achievement! Yeah to you all!!! No, we're the 9th place band. XD We got second, next to the 1st place band. It was pretty awesome.
  16. Mega Wolf

    Jesse's topic

    The whole kit-and-kaboodle is something like 170 kids (ie. marching band). The wind ensemble and concert band play separate pieces in the concert except for one or two; wind ensemble has around 30 kids and concert band has the rest (I'm in the wind ensemble). That's huge. o_O Our band is like, 85 people. Including the 15 or so in Color Guard. And then the pit of 6. Sheeez, what classification is that, 6-A? I suppose that explains the scores and why it's like so much higher than a usual 2-A band score. Plus we're scored by WBA(Western Band Association), so I guess our scoring is different too. And bigger bands don't have to worry quite as much about individuals. Eh, our band is just gaining popularity, so I guess it'll start growing.
  17. Yar, Arkcher. Thanks for the concern. Yeah. It's been really hard for me to post. With all this stuff. Yeah. I might have more time. But I might not. After all, marching season is over...
  18. Mega Wolf

    Jesse's topic

    Just wondering, what size is your band?
  19. We scored 76, up 22 points from the start of the season. We got 9th out of 15 2-A bands. Suprisingly, we got 2nd place in overall music and 1st place in individual music. Imagine the faces of people had we gotten 1st place in overall music therefore getting the caption award for it. "We got beat in music by a 9th place band?!" Independence is just too rich for us though. XD
  20. *sweatdrop* That's considered freezing here. ;_; All year round it's at least 80. >.<
  21. Simple solution. =D Group date! Haha, for some reason I found that funny.
  22. Wow, my band is only 2-A. I do know the scoring for 2-A is generally around 60-mid80ish. What's 4-A scoring like? I know that 3-A is generally higher scored than 2-A... Anyways, State is Saturday(leave on Friday) and our last comp was kinda bad.
  23. Mkay, so I know this died, but I still gotta put up band updates. So yeah, last year band didn't even hit the 70 point mark. So yeah. Last saturday we got a 70.1. The one before that was a 64-ish, and the one before was a 63-ish. So yeah, I'm psyched. We may not be the best band, but we sure get excited over 70 points even with the 6th place. This weekend is the comp @ RCC, then we go on to State Finals(where we'll hopefully get past the prelims) at Fresno for a two night thing next Friday. So not only do I have this Friday off, I get to practice during school hours all day and then go to Fresno the next Friday. By the way, our helpers may be good marchers, but they sometimes come to practice with hangovers. XD
  24. Don't be angry. No need to spend your money. Your mother is right. Gifts come later in a relationship. WHOA WHOA WHOA, I think I need to come back more often. MK+Trent=together? I mean I know I'm not on that much anymore, but how long ago did this happen?
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