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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Yeah, except for the fact that different people go to different schools at different times. And then we'll also either be in college or not seeing as it's in like 10 years. XD Man, no matter how you look at it, it'll be uber pricey.
  2. Haha, thought I'd hang this over Arkcher's head. Yeah, I went through and read the first page or two of this the other day (waiting for Horatio to get on D= ) and saw that. XD And I dont think this mess really counts as having a girlfriend. It might. but I dont know. XD Haha. Might end up in it, though.
  3. Haha, thought I'd hang this over Arkcher's head.
  4. Haha, yeah. Hopefully, I don't get stuck in an elementary school when I someday become a music teacher. I do NOT want to teach a bunch of kids who can't play very well because I know it will bother me. XD And wow, I never knew the eyes were attached to the mouth!
  5. ...Wait. If Brianrietta showed up, then think about how many of my posts may show up to my friends, as well. Oh dear. >_<
  6. I am so sick of teenage love. We all know it's just hormones. And by having relationships, we are merely feeding them. And what do I do? I keep feeding it. :\
  7. I've lost track of it all. Did I even have a Summer one? Am I really that far behind? Oh dear...
  8. So, Heart, Why do You have The desire Of confusing Me and others? You pain so much I know you hunger You hunger for a lust Or, perhaps even a love. If I could remove you now, I would, but the thing is, that, My good friend, is true foolishness Because I know once full of this love The one love, the true love, I dare A love that many doubt exist, Your hunger will have left, And thus feelings simply Will make up for it all Because, heart, you are complained of But indeed you're Both a dagger And a really good friend. A friend I know will stay. Even if I tell it to leave. You are both happiness And anger, it's completely True. You are the heart of Many emotions, they are Love, Hate, Anger, Happiness. Well, I'm done being bored with myself, sorry for boring you. XD
  9. Sorry I'm late in replying. Thanks, guys. ^.^
  10. Haha, the Hampsterdance Convention mentioned a while back would ONLY be cool if we were responsible about it. XD Like, for example, bringing a person along. Hah, but even then would be risky, and one can only dream of it. :ninja:
  11. Tea with honey and lemon is always good, and menthol cough drops. What style of music are you going for? (Oh, and always have a back up plan. Please. I don't want you to live in a cardboard box if it doesn't work out. ) Heh, not sure what style I'm going for. And don't worry, I'm not going for a career in that. lol I'm probably going to be a band director or the likes that doesn't get paid well. I am sure you have heard of Warren Buffett, the second richest man in the USA, he has a saying that is the best I have every heard and one he follows, "Do what you love and do it well." If you really loved being a band director, then your life will be a happy one as you are doing what you love. Yeah, I suppose that's what's most important. I mean what's the meaning of an unhappy life? XD
  12. So, MK. What leads you to poking a voodoo doll of Trent?
  13. So relationship-having after 7 months of that has proved to be a hard habit to break. It's almost like a drug, I feel somewhat down simply because I'm not in a relationship. XD And is it wrong of me to feel some irritation towards a certain person who's somewhat of a friend that's all of a sudden hitting on my ex? I mean, I feel kind of possessive. Like for some reason I feel like it's like, right after so it makes it weird. Anyways, there was a whole scene during Spanish class where basically everyone was staring at me and going, "What?!" when they heard we broke up. From many people basically screaming "What? You broke up with him?". Aside from that, guys have been hitting on me throughout the day and I find it hilarious because I'm like. Right. XD
  14. So we finally broke up. He adored me. But he was asking me if I felt the same way and I basically said that I felt more like a friend to him and I didn't like him like that anymore. I felt really bad for a moment(because he was obviously crushed) but then I felt good about myself, knowing I'd told the truth and that it was better that way. Now what's likely gonna happen is I'm going to be in another relationship. XD But at least I'll get to know this person first. lol Haha, stinks that I got in a relationship in 8th grade. Addicted to love, man. Addicted to love.
  15. Tea with honey and lemon is always good, and menthol cough drops. What style of music are you going for? (Oh, and always have a back up plan. Please. I don't want you to live in a cardboard box if it doesn't work out. ) Heh, not sure what style I'm going for. And don't worry, I'm not going for a career in that. lol I'm probably going to be a band director or the likes that doesn't get paid well.
  16. My life is band. :\ I love it. I play trumpet. BD is my favorite corp, probably because I'm exposed to it so much and they just rock.
  17. Please, just Smile for me Just for today If you feel alone Down, depressed Perhaps it would help Even if you just faked it For any smile's a good one A day goes bad if you make it Create a smile, maybe it'll correct Make it all right for yourself, not just me
  18. Yeah, I had that problem. Until I got a boyfriend and later he got a girlfriend. Yeah, that usually seems to work. XD Or, you can just go. Nope. I'd tell you who I really like, but I don't know if I can trust someone who assumes that like someone else.
  19. Someday, I'm gonna sing. Like, make songs. And sing them. But, I can't start that aspiration just yet. I have a sore throat. XD
  20. I hadn't mentioned this before. My brother tried out for BD, but he didn't make it. They said his marching was good. But he messed up on music cuz he was nervous. On a brighter note, I know several people who made it into BD. Had my brother and his friend made it, it would have been super cool, but that's okay. ^.^
  21. Just for the sake of posting in a topic that has not been posted in for over a week, I must say there's one thing that would be cool. A Hampsterdance Convention. Where we're like. Going to gather in one place in the world(say California? lol), bringing real life friends of course for our own protection, and just sorta chill. Probably play video games. XD
  22. CONGRATULATIONS!!! How fantastic! Your band did great. That must have been tough being beaten by a 9th place band in overall music, but you still came in second!!! A first in individual music is a great achievement! Yeah to you all!!! No, we're the 9th place band. XD We got second, next to the 1st place band. It was pretty awesome. Oops. So I am guilty of reading what I want to read! The second place in over all music, is great and the first place in individual music is superb!!! You still did fantastic as far as I am concerned!!! As for the bands that change their uniforms every year... I agree with you. Matching instruments? I do not believe I would have ever noticed that the instruments didn't match. Yeah, like the band that had changing uniforms had pirate uniforms, and it was really cool but it made me kinda mad that it was only a one-year thing. Like, always changing these uniforms that cost so much? Our uniforms cost around $800, so we can't really afford to replace them. And we're working towards matching instruments, but currently I don't think we have enough money for it. We're going for quality instruments if they match, the only reason to get matching instruments for us is for quality control so that people don't have cheap intruments that sound bad. $800 each or total? Well, $800 each. Actually, it's more like 400-800 a piece, but it depends on the uniform type/company/etc. The schools that replace their uniforms each year are private or Catholic schools. We're getting new uniforms(we're gonna have a selection committee of about 8 people), but that's because our uniforms are fairly old, made of wool, hard to clean, and expensive to clean. So these new uniforms we're going to be able to take home and clean on our own instead of having them spend $1000 on dry-cleaning. I came up with an idea for your school. When it comes to the dry cleaning, why doesn't your school offer a local dry cleaner a deal. Free advertising announced at the game, if the dry cleaner would do your uniforms at either a reduced rate or free. The exchange would be determined by a couple of factors... how many times they were cleaned in a season, how involved it was to press the uniforms (this is where the cost is) and of course, you have already said how many uniforms there are. My suggestion would be to take a uniform to the local dry cleaner, not a chain, but an individual owner/operator, and then try and work out a deal. If the dry cleaner knew you were going to make an announcement at the game that he was the school dry cleaner, thanking him for his services and/or the company was listed in the book they hand out at the games, I do believe it would save you a bunch of money. Well, we spend about $1000 a year on dry-cleaning, and there's a lot of local places that might take us. I think that is a good deal, but I think we're also getting new uniforms because it gets harder each year to clean them. So eventually it'd probably be better to get new uniforms anyways. Wool is really bad for hot competitions anyways. XD Wool can be very light and a more breathable material than polyester, rayon or the like. Can be, but we have really thick wool. o_o
  23. Oh, my. Totally forgot about this. XD And again, lmao. Wow, I'm terrible about these things.
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