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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Mega Wolf

    Jesse's topic

    I get the page cannot be displayed, but then I hit "go" again and it works. XD
  2. Haha. My friend is funny when it comes to facial hair. "I hate facial hair! Have you EVER kissed a guy with facial hair? You get rope burn!" XD I was like... no, I have not. I'm actually quite curious about that. 1st boyfriend: I didn't kiss and he's incapable of facial hair. Not only that, he is forever shorter than me. I was like, an inch taller than him last year, but I had a growth spurt and he didn't. XD And now he looks weird to me. 2nd boyfriend: Well, he had stubble occasionally. But it wasn't really rough hair or something. About my height, a little taller. This guy I like that I'm not going out with: Totally capable of facial hair, and has in fact grown it. I'm not sure if we're in a relationship or not, so we haven't kissed. XD Oh, and height. He's 6 feet tall, I'm 5'4". XD
  3. Wow, so she got tired of you? That was fast. XD Well, knowing teen relationships even if Brianrietta IS taken, she probably won't be taken for very long unless she's actually one of those more mature peoples who actually try to care. And um, it's probably going to be over between whoever the heck her boyfriend is and her by the time you can date either way. XD
  4. Right now, I don't know if I have a boyfriend or not. XD It's been 3 days of a long 4 day weekend, and he's been telling me he misses me and we both know for a fact that we like each other, we even have plans for dates. So, it's a bit confusing at the moment. XD And I have to wait until Tuesday for everything to be cleared up, and I'm not even sure if it'll be clear then. So basically, I think we're dating but not together? Really confused, but I don't mind too much. XD
  5. Now that I think about it, I think that it was in fact a pretty brilliant thing for Cheesey to send an apology, because the chances of things backfiring on him are lowered by doing so. ^.^
  6. How about whole wheat pasta? Whole wheat pasta is better for you because it's got the fiberness and stuff. ^.^
  7. Chill, yo. I don't think "Okay. Bye." was taken seriously because it was so brief. Besides, it kind of implies, I'm gonna sign off for now, or I'll be back sometime soon. So um. Chill, people did notice. It's not like you were gone more than two months, yet people did notice and even mentioned it.
  8. Watch out for certain pastas, though. Some of these are not really that good because the nutrients are like. Not there.
  9. He sent me a message. Saying that basically he really likes me and he was scared of my reaction. XD Though, he did ask me to the movies in person before he even wrote this cheesey message. XD So it's all good and funny. Basically, I'm replying now, trying to think up what to say. And I opened it last night at like 11 but the internet died soon after I read it. And my friend was reading over my shoulder cuz she was sleeping over and it was funny because I was being all girly and she was all like "Awwww." On a sidenote, on the back of an organic coughdrop packet it said only to have them one every 1-2 hours, and to have 8 in a day, but my friend didn't see that and ate like 15 in the course of two hours. XD So for a little while we weren't sure if she was gonna die or something. But later we found out it was okay. So she isn't dead.
  10. *looks over at Mega Wolf* Now? No, but sometime. Replace your rediculous pastries and such with something more healthy! And eat stuff healthier. You like eggs? Use a form of cutter to make a hole in the center, put a LITTLE butter on the grill, and stick egg in the center. And hence you have a treat that isn't too unhealthy. If you don't put too much butter. XD Give up my pastries and cut away the best part of the bread? You can still eat it. It's just that you'll be eating eggs in a fun way too. XD
  11. *looks over at Mega Wolf* Now? No, but sometime. Replace your rediculous pastries and such with something more healthy! And eat stuff healthier. You like eggs? Use a form of cutter to make a hole in the center, put a LITTLE butter on the grill, and stick egg in the center. And hence you have a treat that isn't too unhealthy. If you don't put too much butter. XD
  12. Um, Horatio. Eat wheat bread! *throws loaf at him* XD
  13. Oh, man. Tomorrow is Valentines day. Well, I suppose I could always sulk if admitting I like him leads to being turned down, after all. XD I could just sit there eating chocolate and ice cream, and it's not like it would be bad for someone like me to gain a few pounds. XD *sigh* Now to try to bring up the guts. Oh, and Cheesey, Arkcher, MK. He was the last person to leave a comment on this day and his name starts with a "J". So yeah. If you want to see who he is, go ahead. lol And nobody else understands that. Eh. And um. Yay ice cream. Valentines day is to be interesting this year, perhaps. XD Oh, jeez. Here I go again. Turning into a giggly smitten girly girl. <.< By the way. Danny Bonaduce looks like Chuck Norris for some reason. XD
  14. Having lengthy conversations on cholesterol, sugar and fat. And you? Oh, I'm still just as usual when it comes to health, other than mental health. XD So, have you been running and eating right?
  15. *wonders where this conversation is heading... LOL* *ponders this as well* XD
  16. So. How have you people been doing as far as healthyness? XD
  17. Quote from his blog: There's someone right now, who is very special to me making a huge impact. I don't even think she realizes it either. The most I can do right now is hope he's talking about me. Obviously if he is talking about me he's oblivious to the fact that I'm completely smitten[haha I just used the word smitten...]. I'll be careful to hope for the best, expect the worst. Oh, and then in the blog he also talks about how his life is, but then he also talks about how he's never had a girlfriend and that he's "inexperienced". Anyways, just thought I'd note that.
  18. So, people continue to try to make me uncomfortable. XD In a funny way, though. I swear, those guys... 1: So, you two going out yet? Me: No. 2: (passing by):Wait, Jeanette is dating who? OH wait, I know who you're talking about. She was sitting there stroking his hair on Friday. Haha. [note: well... his hair IS soft. o_o] 1: Tsk, Tsk. Me: OMG [shut up. I know I talk preppy. <.<]...*walks away trying to get to next class* 2: (as I'm opening the door) So you guys are dating? [1 & 2 go on and on about me and the guy dating] Me: I'm not dating anyone! [accidentally ended up with girly high pitched voice XD] *goes out door*
  19. My guess is that you are overthinking. Yeah, probably was. Chocolate made me feel better about it. ^.^ Didya know that chocolate helps depression, because it boosts hormones that you're missing when depressed? Will you be considering Chocolate Therapy when you open your practice? *gets in line to be Dr. Wolf's first patient* Chocolate therapy only for those who won't abuse it. XD
  20. My guess is that you are overthinking. Yeah, probably was. Chocolate made me feel better about it. ^.^ Didya know that chocolate helps depression, because it boosts hormones that you're missing when depressed?
  21. Good stuff to know, JF. And another tip... Icing=sugary and bad. XD
  22. This whole thing with me and him is kinda getting me down. :closedeyes: It's like, well, my hopes are up, but maybe they're too high up. Maybe his actions are just messing with my head and it doesn't mean a thing to him. Or maybe I'm just overthinking it, but it's driving me [more] insane.
  23. So he's talking to this one girl and I am about to walk right past and just say hi because I was getting my trumpet, but then he pulls me over in a hug and he talks to both of us. So I'm just sitting there, wondering what to do, because it was one of those weird hugs that are mainly seen in animes where he grabs me and pulls me over from a short distance away and I just sorta was pulled over without my feet touching the ground between standing and ending up under his hug. XD He's done that to me like, twice, and I end up just sitting there not sure if I should walk away. XD And then the person we were talking to goes, "Are you guys together?" XD
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