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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. My parents probably think I'm too lazy to learn. Which is probably mostly true. XD
  2. Now, imagine having a career where you have fun when you go to work. I think I'll learn to fly and then consider if it's a good career for me. When do you think I could start learning? =O What I suggest is to take what is called "an introductory flight". This is where you go up with an instructor and see if you actually like being at the controls. As for when to begin, you can take lessons at any age, but I suggest starting when you are able to solo, which is age 16. Solo is when you kick the instructor out of the airplane and take it by yourself. The private pilot license requires a minimum of 35 to 40 hours, depending on what type of flight school you attend, and you can solo very soon after starting your lessons. If you like flying, there are lots of universities and colleges that offer an aviation degree and many in your state. That sounds so cool. Haha. First I should work on getting that drivers liscense and THEN try to convince my parents to get me lessons. XD Why? I learned how to fly before I ever drove. Haha, yeah, but I already don't think my parents would trust me to keep a car on the road, let alone a plane in the sky. XD
  3. Help Me! D= Reject Beardo. Act freaked out when he hugs you. And look at him weird and walk away when he flirts. Um. JR and Ice Climber and just stupid. It'll all be over. I know people just like them. Call Trent when you have the confidence to. I know what it's like to be freaked out by calling a guy. Or, if you have given him YOUR number, have him call you. Do the little, "I get bored easily. Call me sometime." And no, it's not wrong of you to put "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend". XD
  4. Maturity... that's something that might not happen for him until he is out of college. LOL As for being #2, you will have to train him. Part of it is not always being available for him when it is convenient for him. For example, if he says he will meet you at a particular time. Give him 10 or 15 minutes, then go off and do whatever it is you plan to do. But do not be available. What this is all about is respecting yourself. When he shows up, you will be gone. It may take some training, but he will realize that if he makes plans with you, that you will not sit around and wait until it is convenient for him to show up. For example, when he takes off to be with his bud, don't be waiting for him when he decides to return to you. Do something else. Respect yourself and your time and other people will learn to do the same. Yeah, I think most of those were just temporary resolvable things. XD I think I'm just not used to the guy actually having a desire to hang out with friends other than just mine. XD And I thought about "training" him and I tried it today. Seems to be working already, though one thing in particular changed a lot in his view on how important I am. =D Well. Basically all of lunch my friend and I were arguing with him about politics. Because, well, basically he's got really odd opinions that we really didn't like. XD He says he doesn't think that teens should be worrying about politics. And we were like, no, be prepared for when you need an opinion. And then about my friend's opinion of making bomb shelters and being prepared for nuclear weapons, he was like, we shouldn't be so paranoid and stuff. And we're like. No, it's called being prepared for stuff so you don't worry. And finally what was really important to this and got my friend and I fired up was his opinion on how females should not be president. And we basically had a lot of argument to that, and it ended up in me being really mad at him and refusing to even hug him before he left for woodshop after lunch. So after school I end up meeting up with him to hang out as I usually do and so he's like. Yeah. Let's not let this get in the way of our relationship, blah blah blah. And basically he was begging me to forgive him, and even though I was like, well. He's got a rediculous opinion. I just hugged him in the middle of his talking, before he made a further fool of his self and kissed him on the cheek to shut him up. And because he was just being so danged cute. XD Even though he's taller and muscular. He was being the cute one. And so like. It ended up hilarious. And then as we were just standing there all cute-like, we kissed. =D And it wasn't like. That brief kiss that was a total freaked out accident. It was a really nice one. And I was happy. =D Sounds like you really know how to stop a guy in his tracks. I still cannot understand how a young person does not think politics are important. What does he expect when he is old enough to vote? That all the information will just come to him in a totally comprehensive manner? But on the other hand, if he doesn't think women should be president, then perhaps we don't want him voting. Well, I plan on teaching him a thing or two about life. XD Who knows what he thinks. Haha. But yeah. I kind of appreciate him more after today. Mind you, this story is going to sound kinda weird. There was a band carwash. I called him about 11:30 and I woke him up. He didn't complain, in fact he was glad I didn't let him sleep in. So then he ends up coming maybe around 1:45 and he stayed until maybe 3:30(basically when the car wash ended and the few left were cleaning up). So during that time, not much happened. Except that he basically barely talked to me. And he barely helped with the car wash, and that's all I got him to do with a cute look and going, "Plleeeeeaaaassssse?". Basically, he washed his car, and helped Girl P(as we'll call her) wash HER car. And basically he was talking to Girl P the whole time she was there at the same time as him. She acts really nice to me, but basically she thinks it's okay to flirt with every guy she feels like it, regardless of whether or not their taken. So I don't like her for that. Well. So I was feeling extremely jealous, and I was sort of muttering to myself and glaring at her. And so I complained a little and I was sympathized with, because I'm not the only one who doesn't like Girl P. And I was really obviously pissed. REALLY obviously. Seriously. I even asked to be sprayed with water a couple of times to regain sense and so I wouldn't feel like crying. Once she's gone, he comes up to me as I'm scrubbing the rims of a tire. Him:Why don't you take a break? Me(coldly)(and with face hidden):I'm fine. Him:C'mon. Take a break. Me:No, I'm still helping. Him:Are you okay? *no response* Him(seemingly confused):...I'm gonna take that as a yes. *awkwardly walks away* And so I was obviously annoyed. But I was like. Well. I didn't reply, and he's not really good at these things. I forgave him for that. Basically I ended up buying myself some chocolate and feeling better after eating it. And then I continued washing cars. Go me. =D But then I realized. Hey. You can't possibly feel this way when he's talking to another girl and not really care about him. And you know what? A friend was the true comfort to me. She said, "You know he really cares about you, and you're the most important person to him." And, well. It's true... And my life is filled with cheesey lines right now. o_o
  5. Now, imagine having a career where you have fun when you go to work. I think I'll learn to fly and then consider if it's a good career for me. When do you think I could start learning? =O What I suggest is to take what is called "an introductory flight". This is where you go up with an instructor and see if you actually like being at the controls. As for when to begin, you can take lessons at any age, but I suggest starting when you are able to solo, which is age 16. Solo is when you kick the instructor out of the airplane and take it by yourself. The private pilot license requires a minimum of 35 to 40 hours, depending on what type of flight school you attend, and you can solo very soon after starting your lessons. If you like flying, there are lots of universities and colleges that offer an aviation degree and many in your state. That sounds so cool. Haha. First I should work on getting that drivers liscense and THEN try to convince my parents to get me lessons. XD
  6. Maturity... that's something that might not happen for him until he is out of college. LOL As for being #2, you will have to train him. Part of it is not always being available for him when it is convenient for him. For example, if he says he will meet you at a particular time. Give him 10 or 15 minutes, then go off and do whatever it is you plan to do. But do not be available. What this is all about is respecting yourself. When he shows up, you will be gone. It may take some training, but he will realize that if he makes plans with you, that you will not sit around and wait until it is convenient for him to show up. For example, when he takes off to be with his bud, don't be waiting for him when he decides to return to you. Do something else. Respect yourself and your time and other people will learn to do the same. Yeah, I think most of those were just temporary resolvable things. XD I think I'm just not used to the guy actually having a desire to hang out with friends other than just mine. XD And I thought about "training" him and I tried it today. Seems to be working already, though one thing in particular changed a lot in his view on how important I am. =D Well. Basically all of lunch my friend and I were arguing with him about politics. Because, well, basically he's got really odd opinions that we really didn't like. XD He says he doesn't think that teens should be worrying about politics. And we were like, no, be prepared for when you need an opinion. And then about my friend's opinion of making bomb shelters and being prepared for nuclear weapons, he was like, we shouldn't be so paranoid and stuff. And we're like. No, it's called being prepared for stuff so you don't worry. And finally what was really important to this and got my friend and I fired up was his opinion on how females should not be president. And we basically had a lot of argument to that, and it ended up in me being really mad at him and refusing to even hug him before he left for woodshop after lunch. So after school I end up meeting up with him to hang out as I usually do and so he's like. Yeah. Let's not let this get in the way of our relationship, blah blah blah. And basically he was begging me to forgive him, and even though I was like, well. He's got a rediculous opinion. I just hugged him in the middle of his talking, before he made a further fool of his self and kissed him on the cheek to shut him up. And because he was just being so danged cute. XD Even though he's taller and muscular. He was being the cute one. And so like. It ended up hilarious. And then as we were just standing there all cute-like, we kissed. =D And it wasn't like. That brief kiss that was a total freaked out accident. It was a really nice one. And I was happy. =D
  7. Name: Jeanette Why: I was bored and feeling really artistic with the negative mode of the digital camera. And it made me very happy that it came out so well. =D
  8. Arkcher, you expect too fast of a response. XD Anywho. Personally, I'm incapable of making sprites. Go me. =D
  9. Now, imagine having a career where you have fun when you go to work. I think I'll learn to fly and then consider if it's a good career for me. When do you think I could start learning? =O
  10. Okay, so I'm having "problems" already. But yeah. Half of them are cuz I'm his first girlfriend and he doesn't "get" stuff quite as fast. 1. Dude. He keeps kinda ditching me. And not just for his car. For the ONE guy he hangs out with. 2. We don't talk a whole lot. It's like now that he's got me secured, he doesn't seem to do much more than hug me as he's talking to his friend. And so I end up talking to my friends. 3. Haha, I'm #2. Some of you will get this. But I don't want to act all stupid, like, being dramatic over that. 4. He seriously needs to stop talking to me like I'm five. 5. ...He's not very mature. 6. He needs to start treating me more like he did before we were going out. 7. Okay, little minor thing that I can fix easily, we haven't kissed yet. o_o
  11. Are you talking signature or post? If you are talking post, you can do it via the Choose File on the bottom right. I was talking about the siggy. D=
  12. Venture out Cheesie... ...go to the bottom of the forums page, look at the overall top 20 posters and find that you are number 8. None of us non mods are special enough to view it. Maybe you should show us, oh great one! I could do that. I hope you can read it. Whoa. Looking at all those names makes me think of all the members who haven't been here in like, forever.
  13. When you are ready, I have all the best arguments in your defense. You will definitely win this one!!! "We can host a Japanese foreign exchange student. It's the next best thing!"-What my parents said. XD Oh, well. I think I'd rather stick around my high school friends as long as possible, anyways. Traveling to foreign lands can wait until after high school, or at least only last during the summer. XD Actually, this is the best time to go. Well, my parents. They probably want to keep me here as long as possible without me being an adult. Seeing as I'm the youngest and their most spoilt. Glad to hear your parents want you to enjoy your youth. It disappears far too fast. And you do not show any signs of being spoilt. What I was trying to convey is that now (being high school and college) are the times to go. After that, life just seems to get in the way. Actually, when I said this is the best time to go, I mean, high Haha. High. You stopped there. XD Anyways. Oh, I can be quite the brat at times. But I do my best not to be. ^.^ But, I'm going to do a "13th year" in Latvia, apparently. According to my friend, seeing as that's where she's going for art school, which I kinda want to do as well. But yeah, I have time in life for world travel. =D *wonders what happened to the rest of my post * Actually I am happy to hear that you will be going to Latvia. *tries again* What I was attempting to express was that you have time for world travel until you start a job, get married, have kids, etc. As a youth, time is on your side, with not too many responsibilities. When you get old, there is always something keeping you from wandering around the world. Aye, this is true. Unless you're like me and planning to have like. A super flexible life not full of material things. =D LOL. The not full of material things is a fantastic way to live your life. As for the rest... do you mind if I copy this post and save it for when you are older? If you have a practice, such as your Psychiatry or Psychology, then you will not be as super flexible as you think. Yes, for a week or two a year. And if you work for someone, then you will have to enter a contract with your boss before you get the job. On the other hand, you might want to consider a career as an airline pilot. Super flexible, lots of days off and you get to travel all over the place. Copying and saving sounds fine to me. =D I don't think I'm going for the psychology route, seeing as that's something I'd likely get bored with. Um. Say I want a teacher job. As a music teacher. I have all summer, depending on whoever I so decide to marry's job, and the income. XD Airline pilot actually sounds pretty cool. I'll consider that one.
  14. xD I'm guessing is car is old and decrepit? My words of advice... Never make fun of a guy's car. Well, it's not THAT bad, but it definitely could use improvement. XD And it's noisy.
  15. It won't lemme do the IMG tag anymore. D=
  16. I am Jeanette. It was taken yesterday, in my back yard. I thought I'd mess with the camera, play with the negative option. This was the favorite of the pictures I took, I thought it was quite beautiful and made me think about beaty and what it means to me. It sounds strange, but, I am after all a strange person of strange thought, which helps this picture represent me in many ways.
  17. Um. My guess would be Sheena. As TBFOF mentioned.
  18. When you are ready, I have all the best arguments in your defense. You will definitely win this one!!! "We can host a Japanese foreign exchange student. It's the next best thing!"-What my parents said. XD Oh, well. I think I'd rather stick around my high school friends as long as possible, anyways. Traveling to foreign lands can wait until after high school, or at least only last during the summer. XD Actually, this is the best time to go. Well, my parents. They probably want to keep me here as long as possible without me being an adult. Seeing as I'm the youngest and their most spoilt. Glad to hear your parents want you to enjoy your youth. It disappears far too fast. And you do not show any signs of being spoilt. What I was trying to convey is that now (being high school and college) are the times to go. After that, life just seems to get in the way. Actually, when I said this is the best time to go, I mean, high Haha. High. You stopped there. XD Anyways. Oh, I can be quite the brat at times. But I do my best not to be. ^.^ But, I'm going to do a "13th year" in Latvia, apparently. According to my friend, seeing as that's where she's going for art school, which I kinda want to do as well. But yeah, I have time in life for world travel. =D *wonders what happened to the rest of my post * Actually I am happy to hear that you will be going to Latvia. *tries again* What I was attempting to express was that you have time for world travel until you start a job, get married, have kids, etc. As a youth, time is on your side, with not too many responsibilities. When you get old, there is always something keeping you from wandering around the world. Aye, this is true. Unless you're like me and planning to have like. A super flexible life not full of material things. =D
  19. OH, OH, RANDOM STORY! =D Well. Earlier, we were walking along on a short walk like I do with friends usually, only this was a really small group. Of three people, including me and him. So we go to the bleachers, me and the other person were hopping around and decided to stop and go back because the boyfriend dude was like. No. I'm not doin' that. And we're like. "Party poooperrr!" and he's like, "No I'm not! You've never seen me party with my friends!" and we're like. "No. But you're still a party pooper." Then it went on to me arguing with him about something really random. =D And he's like, "Okay. I don't wanna argue with you anymore. I can never be mad at you," and I was like, "...But I like arguing." And then later, he's like, "I'm gonna get my car," this being when my brother said he was going to call the mother in 10 minutes and that we had about 20 minutes. Gist of the conversation. Me: Can't you just get your car after I'm gone? Him: It won't take that long! Me: Yes it will. Him: It'll take five minutes. Me: Just wait 'til I'm gone. Him: I'm gonna get my car, okay? *walks off* Me(yelling amongst about 15 people hanging out by the band room after school): *name* LOVES HIS CAR MORE THAN HE LOVES ME! Him: No! That's not true! ;_; I'll be right back! *goes off anyways* *comes back like 8 minutes later* Me(to friends around me, seeing his car for the first time): ...He ditched me for THAT thing? C-girl person: Haha, yeah. He loves that car. Did he tell you it takes two keys, one to lock the doors and one to start the car? *he walks over* Me: Yeah, THIS GUY ditched me for his car. =p And so yeah. That was fun stuff.
  20. I are teh artist of negatives.
  21. Haha, I have a tendency to get sidetracked, too. Which is why I'm no longer releasing stories until I can get a finished one. =D
  22. Thunderkiss... the type of kiss Mega Wolf received the other day. LOL Haha. Sure. XD And what song I'm listening to is whatever song is on the game my brother is playing. And by the way, my friend Hannah says she has Dee Dee Ramone style hair. Thought MK would like to know that information. XD *~*The Grand Illusion*~*(The Final Cuit*!* She does? Hmm...show me a picture of her, eyes censored, and I will evaluate her supposed Dee Dee haircut... Ocean Avenue-Yellowcard *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Sadly, I gots no recent pictures of her. D=
  23. So what's the post count at? =O
  24. Mega Wolf

    Jesse's topic

    Where is the Jesse? =O
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