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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. And he said the reason was... ??? Actually Livvie told. He asked her permission so she wouldn't kill him...... so anyways his reason was cause we never see each other which ok is definately his fault cause i asked him to hangout lots of times and he just said no and my mom said she had no problem with me hanging out with my guy "friends" (seeing as she had no clue as to what was really going on) but ya it's his fault so I had nothing to do with it ALL HIM!! Would it be wrong to talk to him about it?!?!?? How about you just shut up about him and forget about it. Junior high relationships last about .0001% of the time and high school maybe 5%. If he decided he didn't see you enough, that's his problem. Don't bother talking about it, neither of you seem mature enough for relationships.
  2. *blames the dropping post numbers on Julian* Yeah. It is his fault. XD And I'm busy with band now.
  3. So I think I'll add Horatio sometime. Cuz I think I know the name used now. XD And so. Julian and I fight quite a bit. But it's always funny by the end. XD
  4. ;_; Love Stoned by Justin Timberlake WHY MUST THAT BE ON VH1?! ;_;
  5. I haven't hotten the Harry Potter book yet. ;_; My mom didn't get it. She was like uh maybe later. XD
  6. How about Hotel Rwanda? Haven't seen it. Seeing that movie is a must. It is on the Tele now. I'll try to remember to watch it sometime.
  7. Now I has time! =D Marching season. Get fit. Be more responsible. Food, as usual. Seasons 1-3 of Grey's Anatomy. Once again, shut up. XD A new backpack. A computer. Any Sims 2 expansions I'm missing. More clothes(haha not like I need them.) Not be sick. More pajamas! Be a band director(that'll be a while XD) Travel. Be drum major[conduct band](haha but I can't conduct for beans so not gonna happen. XD) VW Bus(despite Julian's protests) Permit, then liscense(might be useful for that bus) My own camera. Take pictures. To be trumpet section leader and/or brass captain. Learn to sing. Win state finals. Roll around in the band room.
  8. Oh yeah!!!!!!! She's in LOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!! I gathered. I was just wondering if there was some specific event. She will have to answer that one. Right now he's sleeping on my couch so I'm sneaking on. XD We've just been hanging out a lot. It's hilarious, I'm high up on Arkcher's *top friends* on a *certain website* and Julian was like um who's this guy. XD Anyways, I've just decided that I'm content and happy. More content than ever in this kind of situation and not looking any further for something better. Because I don't think it's possible for anything to be better. ^.^ I don't see the name Horatio anywhere on your *top friends* list. *wonders* well, last time I checked, 'Raishey, you didn't have maispais. You just didn't know what to check under. well, mayhap thou couldst giveth me a hint? *thinks about giving away my identity* Okay... I made it really easy for you. kindanotreally. Think... Hard. ...Wow, that's tough. I just spent a while seeing if I could find you. You all are making this so much harder than it is. Go for the blonde H name. It would not allow me to put down my actual age, as it did not think I could type at 3 1/2. Of course I do not have any kind of statement, just my picture, well, actually it is Huette's face, which is a dead giveaway. You don't even have to read the description, just look at the pictures. LOL I think I'm the only one who knows your full name. XD
  9. I wantL Marching season. To be healthy. Responsibility! Food. Grey's Anatomy. Shut up. XD A new backpack. More stuff to come.
  10. Emo pictures and unusually bad spelling? *sigh*
  11. Oh yeah!!!!!!! She's in LOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!! I gathered. I was just wondering if there was some specific event. She will have to answer that one. Right now he's sleeping on my couch so I'm sneaking on. XD We've just been hanging out a lot. It's hilarious, I'm high up on Arkcher's *top friends* on a *certain website* and Julian was like um who's this guy. XD Anyways, I've just decided that I'm content and happy. More content than ever in this kind of situation and not looking any further for something better. Because I don't think it's possible for anything to be better. ^.^
  12. Dude, I haven't posted here in 3 days and my post is still the last one here? XD
  13. I'm waiting for my mom to come home with the Harry Potter book. Or something. I'm just bored.
  14. Yeah for cheesey songs!!! Cheesy songs are what get the fan girls to be payin' the $$$. >=D I'm surprised that you are not listening to the LiveEarth concert. If you went to Giants Stadium you would be payin' very big $$$ for earthy songs. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The final Cut*~* I REALLY WANTED TO GO TO LIVE EARTH. -sob- *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* It was on three different channels. You should have watched it. I failed at that. XD Or perhaps Julian distracted you? Yeah. Probably.XD
  15. I'm pretty much 75% sure that Julian and I are at least going to last through high school. As lame and probably immature of a thought as that sounds. I mean that 25% leaves room for whatever might happen. So I suppose it's a good estimate. But how crazy we are about each other says that we have a good chance. =D All those previous doubts have been quite erased in the past few weeks.
  16. I do agree. Parents are an interesting group. Perhaps it is because they remember how they were when they were younger. Oddly, Julian has been hanging out until like 9:30 after school every day and my parents have no problem with it. XD My guess is the real reason they have no problem is because they trust you. Funny thing, actually. He was hanging out late this weekend, too. XD They actually think that it's okay because he's polite and nice. XD
  17. Anyone else see 1408? Interesting movie. A thinker movie. You can only do justice to short stories in movies.
  18. Mega Wolf


    You are smart about a tattoo being hidden. I knew this girl who was trying to get hired as a flight attendant. She had a tattoo around her wrist and one around her ankle. The company kept turning her down, but would not say why. I suggested she cover up her tattoos with make-up and see how she did. This time she got the job. She then went through the painful process of having them removed. OUCH!!!! So Julian thinks tattoos are tacky but if okay with belly button rings. Yeah. He was like, "NO! NO TATTOOS! RAWR. But belly button rings are okay." And that follows with a poke to the belly button. He has a really shallow belly button so he wouldn't be able to get one. XD
  19. Did Julian's mom serve it? Exactly! wait, horatio gave it to MW. and julians mom served it. so, does julian's mom = horatio? No. Julian's mom served the coffee to Horatio. And Horatio gave it to me. XD
  20. Yeah for cheesey songs!!! Cheesy songs are what get the fan girls to be payin' the $$$. >=D I'm surprised that you are not listening to the LiveEarth concert. If you went to Giants Stadium you would be payin' very big $$$ for earthy songs. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The final Cut*~* I REALLY WANTED TO GO TO LIVE EARTH. -sob- *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* It was on three different channels. You should have watched it. I failed at that. XD
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