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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. I love the bottom picture of Juliet and Iggy. *looks at the way Juliet has her paw over Iggy as if a hug* I would never want to hear about how delicious she tasted. At least she had a better life than she would have had without being purchased. ^.^ I consider pigs purchased by students lucky, due to the fact that either way they were born for that purpose because the farmer bred the pigs. So when the farmer sells to students, the students actually give the pig a better life with attention and love. However, not all people are like me and they don't care about their pigs but they're still fed better. And the animals bought by students actually have a slight chance at living beyond six months. XD Iggy and Juliet were best buddies and at least they had each other for the time they lived. =D It's better than hearing that she tasted good because that means I treated her well enough so that her meat didn't taste bad. Actually, it's a great reflection of how well I excercised her. ^.^ Here's a pic of an adorable goat.
  2. Ask a buddy of his that you can trust, or ask a buddy of yours to hang out with him and figure the truth. That's a great idea Hamster_Girl. Also remember, he needs to change for himself, not for you. His saying he will do this just for you is not a good thing. Just like if you meet a guy and you see things you don't really like, don't ever think you will change him. Never happen. And in the end, you will not really be happy. I think you ought to find a different guy. Something gives me the feeling this is not a good situation. ahh! ive been gone WAYYY to long! lol a little old but good news none the less: I havent seen kelton in a good month or so now, aannnnnnnnndddd there is a really reallllyyy hot guy who i like, and hes super nice, annndd he has abs, aaanndd he is single! yay! so, yupp..... I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but even the guys who seem super nice can be jerks who fake nice so they can be players. All too familiar for my friends. Unfortunately, both guys and girls who seem super nice can be jerks who fake nice, not only to be players, but to get the other person to marry them. Then after the ring is on their finger, they turn into the partner from the underworld. Seriously, happens too often. Of course, there are the very very few that actually really are nice. *cough, Julian, cough cough* XD Well, seriously, though, I thought he was a jerk at first and we hated each other for half the time we've known each other. He was only being rude and mean because I was mean to him. I tend to do that to people. XD But, after you got past the initial fears, you both have a really terrific relationship. Yeah, I've pretty much accepted that relationships are going to have difficulties no matter what. I mean, I have no problem with arguing, I love that. XD And any of the flaws I find bug me and I can pinpoint... well, I do that to literally everyone. So it's like, well, if I argue and I judge my own best friend, then why should it be any different for him? Nothing can ever be perfect, just really really excellent. Which is what I've got. ^.^ I applaud you!!! It sounds like you have really come to understand something many people will never figure out. People work hard at their jobs, play hard at sports, concentrate on becoming the best at hobbies, but when it comes to the most important relationship in their life, they don't work at making their relationship better, they just break-up or get a divorce and look for the next perfect relationship. You have great insight into people. I suppose for most teenagers and many adults it's difficult to accept that perfect is real but not, and truthfully life would be boring without imperfection. So basically, imperfection IS perfection. I mean really, who wants to live a life with no flaws? A lot of people do but they don't realize how stupid supposed and boring "perfect life" is. ^.^ The dings in life accentuate what is truly great.
  3. My classes are too easy. There's a stupid freshman guy who hasn't marched more than a month and he shouldn't be correcting people who have BEEN through marching band before. Then the freshman girl who is stuck in band and has to just show up that pisses me off because she's like, OMG I FEEL LIKE A NERD, OMG! All we've learned about in vet science is how to give a pig ear notches/the meaning of the ear notches, how to castrate, and what's going on in the football world... GAH THE GUY I SIT NEXT TO IN VET SCIENCE IS SUCH A CREEP. <.< I tried out to be a newscaster for the morning announcements but to find out if I made it I have to wait until Wednesday. And I tried out last week. <.<
  4. *pokes* Yeah, just a few pictures from Fair. Just to let you know, that's Juliet(my piggy) and the pinker one is Iggy(my friend's pig). Another note, they're both food by now and I've heard Juliet was delicious. Juliet and Iggy were best friends. XD
  5. This is basically, as the topic says, the topic you use to get things out there. Like, you know. Venting. I think there've been topics like this before. Anyway, you can get out anything. Good, bad, whatever. Like, OMG I GOT A HIGH SCORE LAWL. Stuff like that. Or, DUDE OMG I REALLY HATE THAT GUY, HE'S A STUPID LIAR. And such like. =D
  6. Ask a buddy of his that you can trust, or ask a buddy of yours to hang out with him and figure the truth. That's a great idea Hamster_Girl. Also remember, he needs to change for himself, not for you. His saying he will do this just for you is not a good thing. Just like if you meet a guy and you see things you don't really like, don't ever think you will change him. Never happen. And in the end, you will not really be happy. I think you ought to find a different guy. Something gives me the feeling this is not a good situation. ahh! ive been gone WAYYY to long! lol a little old but good news none the less: I havent seen kelton in a good month or so now, aannnnnnnnndddd there is a really reallllyyy hot guy who i like, and hes super nice, annndd he has abs, aaanndd he is single! yay! so, yupp..... I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but even the guys who seem super nice can be jerks who fake nice so they can be players. All too familiar for my friends. Unfortunately, both guys and girls who seem super nice can be jerks who fake nice, not only to be players, but to get the other person to marry them. Then after the ring is on their finger, they turn into the partner from the underworld. Seriously, happens too often. Of course, there are the very very few that actually really are nice. *cough, Julian, cough cough* XD Well, seriously, though, I thought he was a jerk at first and we hated each other for half the time we've known each other. He was only being rude and mean because I was mean to him. I tend to do that to people. XD But, after you got past the initial fears, you both have a really terrific relationship. Yeah, I've pretty much accepted that relationships are going to have difficulties no matter what. I mean, I have no problem with arguing, I love that. XD And any of the flaws I find bug me and I can pinpoint... well, I do that to literally everyone. So it's like, well, if I argue and I judge my own best friend, then why should it be any different for him? Nothing can ever be perfect, just really really excellent. Which is what I've got. ^.^
  7. Ask a buddy of his that you can trust, or ask a buddy of yours to hang out with him and figure the truth. That's a great idea Hamster_Girl. Also remember, he needs to change for himself, not for you. His saying he will do this just for you is not a good thing. Just like if you meet a guy and you see things you don't really like, don't ever think you will change him. Never happen. And in the end, you will not really be happy. I think you ought to find a different guy. Something gives me the feeling this is not a good situation. ahh! ive been gone WAYYY to long! lol a little old but good news none the less: I havent seen kelton in a good month or so now, aannnnnnnnndddd there is a really reallllyyy hot guy who i like, and hes super nice, annndd he has abs, aaanndd he is single! yay! so, yupp..... I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but even the guys who seem super nice can be jerks who fake nice so they can be players. All too familiar for my friends. Unfortunately, both guys and girls who seem super nice can be jerks who fake nice, not only to be players, but to get the other person to marry them. Then after the ring is on their finger, they turn into the partner from the underworld. Seriously, happens too often. Of course, there are the very very few that actually really are nice. *cough, Julian, cough cough* XD Well, seriously, though, I thought he was a jerk at first and we hated each other for half the time we've known each other. He was only being rude and mean because I was mean to him. I tend to do that to people. XD
  8. Ask a buddy of his that you can trust, or ask a buddy of yours to hang out with him and figure the truth. That's a great idea Hamster_Girl. Also remember, he needs to change for himself, not for you. His saying he will do this just for you is not a good thing. Just like if you meet a guy and you see things you don't really like, don't ever think you will change him. Never happen. And in the end, you will not really be happy. I think you ought to find a different guy. Something gives me the feeling this is not a good situation. ahh! ive been gone WAYYY to long! lol a little old but good news none the less: I havent seen kelton in a good month or so now, aannnnnnnnndddd there is a really reallllyyy hot guy who i like, and hes super nice, annndd he has abs, aaanndd he is single! yay! so, yupp..... I run in to SUPER DUPER HOT GUYS every day at my school. one extremely cute guy ran into me today and he hit me pretty hard *those darn cute football players* anyways, I have a lot of classes in the same buildings as him so every time I was near him he was always like: "I'm really really really..... sorry for running into you this morning" I just said "dude it's ok, you're forgiven, no hard feelings" * ~in head~ EXCEPT FOR THE FACT I LOVE YOU!!! that's pretty strong* he held the door for me and always had this apologetic shy smile *angels sing* it was the cutest smile in the world!!!! his smile is like, i don't even know, but it's dang gorgeous mezmorizing!!!! BUT I'M SO MAD 'CAUSE I DON'T KNOW HIS NAME!!! This sounds exactly like a guy I know that tries to charm every girl in sight. o_o
  9. Ask a buddy of his that you can trust, or ask a buddy of yours to hang out with him and figure the truth. That's a great idea Hamster_Girl. Also remember, he needs to change for himself, not for you. His saying he will do this just for you is not a good thing. Just like if you meet a guy and you see things you don't really like, don't ever think you will change him. Never happen. And in the end, you will not really be happy. I think you ought to find a different guy. Something gives me the feeling this is not a good situation. ahh! ive been gone WAYYY to long! lol a little old but good news none the less: I havent seen kelton in a good month or so now, aannnnnnnnndddd there is a really reallllyyy hot guy who i like, and hes super nice, annndd he has abs, aaanndd he is single! yay! so, yupp..... I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but even the guys who seem super nice can be jerks who fake nice so they can be players. All too familiar for my friends.
  10. Mega Wolf

    Jesse's topic

    Seems like things are going great for you! Good luck to you of course! ^.^
  11. * huge gasp* how can you not want to sleep it's like all i do. and all i want to do. I agree, though. I have REALLY strange/creepy/scary/disturbing dreams. Just last night I had a dream I was ripping the heads off of smal animals and trying to do surgury to put back their spines (And the heads i just ripped off. And I think some organs too. That is COMPLICATED stuff, there, you don't even wanna know.) i have dreams about stalkers, haunted houses, killing things, scary video games where my hands go really slow and I can't quite push the pause button in time before the monster gets me, just-creepy-in-general dreams, and those strange half-dreams that you think you're awake, but you're not. Strange storylines, too. I could write a whole book about it. But maybe not. Things I want: =Naruto manga, box sets, and soundtracks =Same goes for Bleach =Become a ninja (I'm in training right now. Don't tell anyone.) =For that voice in my head that says "You're gonna DIE!!!" every time right before I fall asleep to go away (the voice just said "NEVER!!!" I am insane.) =For this year not to totally stink (all the other ones did) =To find a new friend to watch after me (almost no friends in my classes next year) =To finally know who I really am =To stop feeling the sorrow from the past =To not be afraid to kill something when it is suffering and ready to die (crickets. don't ask.*shivers*) =To finally find happiness/love ... I'm sorry, was that too gloomy? People tell me I'm gloomy... Not gloomy. Ignore what those people say. Right. I always tell them to go away. They don't. So do the voices. They don't go away. *whacks head with hand furiously* Besides, gloomy is poetic! =D
  12. GAH. I'm just barely able to stand this one person. She's such a pain! I don't know how we're friends. <.< Hates my best friend, depsises Julian because we fight and she's afraid he's going to beat me up or something, crushes every guy she's with, and on top of that I think she's found another target who is another friend of mine and he was dumped but now his ex wants him back because she realized how stupid her reason was(and he won't take her back). Believe me, it was a mistake that she made that anyone could. Anyways, so now total drama chaos may be amuck sometime in the near future.
  13. I think its a bit of overreacting and the misconception that guys are actually smart enough to mean something in the first place. It sounds to me like hes being straightforward already and just pointing out that you're both in a lot of classes. and getting used to seeing you so much during the day, I would think just means that he foresees some awkward situations, if he knows that you used to like him. If not, then I would bet he doesnt really mean anything by this. I agree with you. GUYS can be confusing sometimes. But still you dudes, no matter who you are, ARE a little confusing sometimes. I guess IT'S BEcause you don't speak "girl". but i don't really spEAk "girl" i speak more "guy" well for speaking Guy pretty good, I didnt understand hardly any of that post. XD Hey what you want from me I am a girl. There I fixed it. Is it any better? or do I need to re-read "dude speak for dummies"? Do stay calm. but I do think its safe to say that for both sides, it seems, the opposite gender is a perpetual enigma. or plain old mystery. If guys are so stupid, then why are you using "perpetual enigma" in your sentance??? and I am calm I'm in the best mood I've been in for the past 3 weeks. Different kinds of stupid. How many stupid's are there? A lot, actually.
  14. You wouldn't want me to sing! mehbbe I would! It would be more of a for-kicks thing than a lookit-me-talent thing. Trust me on this one... if you like your ear drums, singing is not my forte. I'm not to great myself. xD You are much better than I could ever dream of. It is not that I am "not too great" I am really, really bad. The only saving grace is that I have perfect pitch. Lot of good that does if the voice is awful. LOL I don't like my ear drums. You definitely do not want to hear me sing. LOL Says you. Says anyone who has ever accidentally heard me. And who might have accidentally heard you? =D
  15. That happens. What are they doing? Or should I ask, what are they not allowing you to do? I was just being a teenager and pouting because my parents were making a bad weekend worse by having no good reason not to let me invite Julian over. Except that I "copped an attitude" which totally didn't happen. Er. Kinda. XD Actually, I did kinda, but not badly and it was because I've been having just a terrible weekend and it's just not been going well. It'll all be better by tomorrow. *sneaks over to Mega Wolf's house to keep her company* Oh... those things happen. The weekend is almost over. Yeah, it's all good. More school. Yay.
  16. That happens. What are they doing? Or should I ask, what are they not allowing you to do? I was just being a teenager and pouting because my parents were making a bad weekend worse by having no good reason not to let me invite Julian over. Except that I "copped an attitude" which totally didn't happen. Er. Kinda. XD Actually, I did kinda, but not badly and it was because I've been having just a terrible weekend and it's just not been going well. It'll all be better by tomorrow.
  17. My music teacher shared a hilarious experience. She told us one time some director told the band she was in to make it have more orange, less blue. Or something along those lines. XD
  18. Black Yard Unfortunate Fortune Offended By You Don't Like Your Life Hate Your Maturity
  19. *barfs all over the place* There are two factors in that. Main one being that this one guy likes me and he's really weird and annoying. I have a knack for attracting freaks...
  20. Ah. The possessive boyfriend... need to fix that... Yeah. So. Julian is really possessive, but not in a terrible, "BLAH I'M GONNA YELL AND SCREAM BECAUSE YOU'RE TALKING TO OTHER PEOPLE!" More in the, "I'm gonna act all emo just because you're talking to your friends..." kind of way. But at least he recognizes that it's a problem.
  21. *blames the dropping post numbers on Julian* Yeah. It is his fault. XD And I'm busy with band now. Post while you are talking on the phone. Usually I don't have the attention span. Yeah right! And band camp has been making me sleepy. I'm on right now for some reason when I should be sleeping. XD
  22. Left is Right Stolen Moment Lost Hand Canned Man Tip Tow Cool Etches Rock Tab Mailed Litter Old Beans Heart Injection
  23. *blames the dropping post numbers on Julian* Yeah. It is his fault. XD And I'm busy with band now. Post while you are talking on the phone. Usually I don't have the attention span.
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