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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Unfortunately the HampsterDance game went away with the last board update. But there is one game on the home page and there should be some more coming. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*teh final Cut*~* Will it ever return? It sounds fun. *~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~* I will have to ask HampsterKing. Good question! Thank you for reminding me. Awfully old topic, but... that Hampsterdance Game rocked. It was a great incentive to post.
  2. Less Tragic Unwind The String Cold Elbows Back Bad Toes of Fury
  3. Actually I have been learning an enormous amount. I will post a nutshell version if you would like. Please do! Hamsters need things to do. So, I would be asking how many things there are in her cage. Does she have lots and lots of things to entertain her? How does he feed her? For example, my hammie friends have corn cobbies, lava triangles, apple wood sticks, popcorn sticks, loofah chews, and a bunch of other food things to keep them entertained. Of the ones mentioned, they each have at least two of each item. Then there are lots of other things for them to do and I rotate the items. I have lots and lots of tubes, a maze, various areas to hide-out, a sleeping triangle, a paper climbing thingy, stuff in the cage to play with such as wheel, other climby things and many chew items. Every night, all the hammies get out and run in the ball with all the other hammies. When they get back into their cage, they have a healthy treat placed on top of their always full food bowl. Raw peanuts and sunflower seeds, are treats that they have to work at to get to the good stuff. I always try and keep them interested and entertained. Of course these hammies rule and the second I put them back into their cage, they head straight for their bowls. Another reason for the hammie to gain weight. As a female, she is storing food to prepare herself for when she has babies. In the wild, this is the action she would be taking prior to having babies. I would actually have to see a picture to know exactly how obese she really is. For example, I had a female who was over 200 grams. She was really big, but this was in the prime of her hammie bearing life. As she gets older, she is losing weight. I see. I wonder if Arkcher forgot about this. XD
  4. PERFECTLY LEGITIMATE EXCUCES HAVE NO PLACE HERE D:< Course not! Never! I don't know what you were thinking... My sanities must have been taken for me to think such a thing.
  5. Actually I have been learning an enormous amount. I will post a nutshell version if you would like. Please do!
  7. So Horatio, did you find anything out about this obese blob hamster?
  8. I would give credit for the thinning to the main posters getting older. High school isn't that busy, but a lot of us are active in high school. On top of this, many of us have gotten "blogging" websites. And the college students have a way low amount of time, with actual lives and mucho homework.
  9. Mega Wolf, please reply to this. You are so good at this. Well, I'm not sure exactly what I'm supposed to say, but I'll cover as many bases as I can. My advice would not to pursue this due to the fact that she has a crush. If you are amazing friends and you remain so for a while, everything will work out to the end. If she and her crush like each other, they will go out. The relationship may go on for quite a while, but keep faith and wait. Just remain a really good friend and be there for her without flirting or pursuing her during the relationship. This will hurt(a lot), but it's all you can do at the moment. If you like her a lot, you must be patient. The longer you wait and the better friends you become, the longer and better this relationship will likely have potential for. So just stick to it, Cheesey. You're doing great for yourself. In the long run, waiting will be the best decision you make. As long as you don't wait too long. As soon as she's once again available, charm her. I can give you advice for charming that always works. >=D Um. But in the meantime. Wait. And once she's single, grab her hand and start making out with her. (that last sentence was a joke, by the way. XD)
  10. Okay, so in my unreplied to post I shall continue this. Spending time away from seeing Mike and the chick because of the fire should be good for me. So as said already I still like Julian, so the fire is both a pro and a con. Why? Well, it's a con obviously because my home town is on fire. It's a pro because I don't see Mike at all but I stayed at Julian's house for 3 days. Which was good fun times. Though, his youngest older sibling is 20. But his sister was fine with actually talking to me. His brothers there were too busy talking to their friends, but I was fine chillin' with Julian forever and ever. We didn't really fight(haha except for our usual bickering about random stupidness). Hopefully, come Monday, I'm over Mike completely and I'm in love with Julian. Hopefully. XD
  11. Just to let you know, I'm around. Just seriously lacking the time for HD with rugby, band, and a needy boyfriend.
  12. Oh, and now my own problems. I still like Julian, but yeah he's just been difficult thinking I don't spend enough time with him. Buuuut, here's the thing. Apparently, my Mike who I used to go out with but then I dumped, weellll I kind of apparently like two guys at once which totally STINKS. Because that is never good. Especially when one is current boyfriend and the other is ex boyfriend who is going out with a chick whose boyfriend you stole by accident way back in 8th grade and you think she secretly still harvests some form of hatred towards you. So, the realizations of the time being... -A year ago I treated the people I supposedly "cared" about the most terribly(as in, ex boyfriend and the best friend ever girl). -I seriously regret my stupidity. -Current boyfriend has some serious problems that he needs help with or else he will seriously shoot his self(and no matter what he is still my friend). -Everything I did that was so terrible last year is coming back to me like a bladed boomerang. -I see with said girl person dating Mike she isn't being much better to him than I was. Which really stings because it reminds me of the former "us" that no longer is because I treated him in that exact same way only ending up dumping him. -Except she still does treat him slightly better. Which makes me BURN with jealousy of her being more mature than I was. -Jealousy is bad. Especially towards friend and ex. -My life rocks. Except my social life is currently a steaming pile of dung.
  13. I define a date as a mutual agreement to go somewhere paired in a dating fashion. If a boyfriend and girlfriend go somewhere together, just the two of them or with other couples, it is a date. It is no longer a date if there is somebody single present, it is merely a group activity. Date: Dude asks girl to go on a DATE to the movies. She is okay with it. Alright. They go to the movies and have fun times and whatnot. NOT a date: Dude asks FRIEND(no matter the gender) to go to the movies. They do it to chill. They just chill. As soon as you do something somewhat like dating, such as hugging that is not usual or holding hands(which is most of the time an indication of a date) or an offering to pay(but not purely out of generosity), it becomes a date. If I were to chill with my friend Thomas at the movies, it wouldn't be a date. If I were to chill with Julian, who is my boyfriend, at the movies, it would become a date.
  14. MK, don't worry about not having a boyfriend. Totally doesn't matter until after high school and I totally have some friends who are extremely awesome but they've never had a relationship. Boyfriend/girlfriend stuff is somewhat overrated anyways. Except during it. Er. Anyways. Yeah, so don't worry about it, chill. And I think that telling people you french kissed is pretty much gross. It's like. Um. Totally didn't need to hear that. It's more of a keep to yourself thing. So Ghost and Turtle obviously aren't mature enough for a "relationship" if they had tell you that. Kind of weird. In fact, the person I know who tells the most about her relationship is kind of in the middle of a pregnancy scare. Those who openly just tell even without people asking are generally those who want more. o_o
  15. Well, the funny thing about Julian is that he's pretty much bipolar. So we're like, the bipolar couple... without meds. But I seriously do care about him, and the fact that I worry about what he might do to his self is just a side note. So as you may notice in this post, I'm having a momentarily good attitude in this bipolar relationship. Generally I'm on the good side of bipolar. XD But on occasion(as seen above), I go all bipolar and weird and so does he. XD Conversations of this week pre-homecoming... "I think homecoming is going to be it for us." Less than 15 minutes later... "I love you." XD
  16. So I'm kind of blah. Cuz Julian is kind of obsessed with me and he doesn't think there's anything wrong with being obsessed. He is, in fact, getting better about it, but yeah. I might literally need to dump him if it keeps up, but he has a shotgun in his room and I'm afraid what he might do to his self. And I honestly do care about him a lot, it's just that he's got clingyness/bipolarness issues. :closedeyes:
  17. So there's this mini wildlife preserve right behind my house, it's not too big. However, you can get beautiful pictures from it. Technically not supposed to go back there. ^.^ And I'm not the only one. There are hobo chairs back there. Haha.
  18. Typo or not, I had to re-read that a few times until I figured out that you kept your clothes on. XD xD That is what you get for being totally ignorant of the spanish language. I thought Un was french? Un is both spanish and French. Yes, and I did mean it in terms of Spanish. xD
  19. I've got mostly A's, one B right now, but I don't know about my Vet Science grade. I didn't turn one thing in.
  20. Yeah, so I can go to homecoming. And I'm getting un dress today! =D However, Julian still needs to work on his jealousy problems. And I'm a flirt, too, not deliberately. But I am. So is my best friend Camielle. But it's like, we sound like we're flirting because we're being sarcastic. Example. "Oh, you know you like it." "Oh yes. Totally."
  21. I love the bottom picture of Juliet and Iggy. *looks at the way Juliet has her paw over Iggy as if a hug* I would never want to hear about how delicious she tasted. At least she had a better life than she would have had without being purchased. ^.^ I consider pigs purchased by students lucky, due to the fact that either way they were born for that purpose because the farmer bred the pigs. So when the farmer sells to students, the students actually give the pig a better life with attention and love. However, not all people are like me and they don't care about their pigs but they're still fed better. And the animals bought by students actually have a slight chance at living beyond six months. XD Iggy and Juliet were best buddies and at least they had each other for the time they lived. =D It's better than hearing that she tasted good because that means I treated her well enough so that her meat didn't taste bad. Actually, it's a great reflection of how well I excercised her. ^.^ Here's a pic of an adorable goat. The goat's so cute!!! I love those spots. I didn't know that the taste of the meat had to do with the level of exercise. Interesting. Well, it depends on how much fat and the muscle on the pig. I guess I excercised it so it had enough fat but not a gross amount. xD
  22. Woo I have decent grades. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'll have all A's this semester. That'd make me happy. Even if I just don't get any C's I'll be happy. I'm making the effort this year.
  23. So... I kind of might not be allowed to go to homecoming. My mom has this rediculous idea in her head that I should wait until my Senior Prom to go to a dance at all. <.< And it's like. Dude. You let my brother go to morP his sophomore year and he doesn't even like social events. <.<
  24. Ask a buddy of his that you can trust, or ask a buddy of yours to hang out with him and figure the truth. That's a great idea Hamster_Girl. Also remember, he needs to change for himself, not for you. His saying he will do this just for you is not a good thing. Just like if you meet a guy and you see things you don't really like, don't ever think you will change him. Never happen. And in the end, you will not really be happy. I think you ought to find a different guy. Something gives me the feeling this is not a good situation. ahh! ive been gone WAYYY to long! lol a little old but good news none the less: I havent seen kelton in a good month or so now, aannnnnnnnndddd there is a really reallllyyy hot guy who i like, and hes super nice, annndd he has abs, aaanndd he is single! yay! so, yupp..... I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but even the guys who seem super nice can be jerks who fake nice so they can be players. All too familiar for my friends. Unfortunately, both guys and girls who seem super nice can be jerks who fake nice, not only to be players, but to get the other person to marry them. Then after the ring is on their finger, they turn into the partner from the underworld. Seriously, happens too often. Of course, there are the very very few that actually really are nice. *cough, Julian, cough cough* XD Well, seriously, though, I thought he was a jerk at first and we hated each other for half the time we've known each other. He was only being rude and mean because I was mean to him. I tend to do that to people. XD But, after you got past the initial fears, you both have a really terrific relationship. Yeah, I've pretty much accepted that relationships are going to have difficulties no matter what. I mean, I have no problem with arguing, I love that. XD And any of the flaws I find bug me and I can pinpoint... well, I do that to literally everyone. So it's like, well, if I argue and I judge my own best friend, then why should it be any different for him? Nothing can ever be perfect, just really really excellent. Which is what I've got. ^.^ I applaud you!!! It sounds like you have really come to understand something many people will never figure out. People work hard at their jobs, play hard at sports, concentrate on becoming the best at hobbies, but when it comes to the most important relationship in their life, they don't work at making their relationship better, they just break-up or get a divorce and look for the next perfect relationship. You have great insight into people. I suppose for most teenagers and many adults it's difficult to accept that perfect is real but not, and truthfully life would be boring without imperfection. So basically, imperfection IS perfection. I mean really, who wants to live a life with no flaws? A lot of people do but they don't realize how stupid supposed and boring "perfect life" is. ^.^ The dings in life accentuate what is truly great. "Perfectly" stated. As perfect as it gets. XD
  25. Gah. Somebody not only keyed Julian's car all along the side and on his hood and his trunk down to the metal(when his paint is irreplaceable due to the fact that his car is a Mercedes-Benz so it's German maroon paint that hasn't been made in a while), but they DENTED his car a little bit too. So someone really hates Julian, really hates me, or REALLY likes me and is just extremely jealous of Julian. I can't think of anyone who would hate Julian due to the fact that he is nice and polite at all times. It might have been a random act, but it looked like it took some time...
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