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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Thanksgiving dinner? I would love to hear the explanation.
  2. You know, it's funny, I felt a little bit annoyed at myself with how low my score was compared to my group's prior to learning that my group was the top 4 scores. I did just as well on the multiple choice, but I didn't do as well as I would have liked on the fill-in. The funny part of this is the fact that we've studied the fact that sometimes people use the "wrong reference groups" to evaluate themselves through comparison. Looks like I used the wrong reference group for grades.
  3. She still hasn't graded it- but I think I did fine. Turns out, I'm doing pretty well in my class. For the "midterm" of sorts, I got one of the highest scores, which landed me in a special group for the top 4 scores. The class is divided into groups because we do small group work every day.
  4. I bet fog makes things a bit less exciting. Sounds like quite an adventure, stopping just about everywhere.
  5. Oh gosh. I really need to stop procrastinating. I stayed up all night for a paper due Tuesday morning and last night I slept 12 hours. That was not ideal.
  6. I need to take better care of my self, I've been catching colds left and right.
  7. Here comes 6 weeks of stress- winter session of school! Taking two of these shortened classes.
  8. Here we are, in another year! Where were you for the New Year? I stayed at my apartment and partied with my brother and his friends.
  9. I've been at my parents' house for the past couple of weeks, going crazy, not being in school is doing too little for me.
  10. It would be a pretty cool trip. Airfare alone, however, even when it's low, would probably be above our budgets.
  11. ...We can "like" each others posts? Haha, weird! Since I'm not marching this summer, my friend and I are probably going to travel somewhere. We still can't make a decision as to where, though, because of cost considerations. I'd like to head off to Japan, but that would probably be on the more expensive side.
  12. Yes, it does. Unfortunately, while I'm great with simple math, I still have too short of an attention span for more advanced math.
  13. It helps being a music major and really understanding the natural flow of music a little more deeply. I think dance will be really helpful in understanding music more as well.
  14. Haha, even better point. But maybe it depends on the method of crowding? As in, choice vs. necessity? In Japan, there's not as much room to move away from it, but in China and New York City, it's more of a push to get into a particular spot.
  15. Well, I ended up selecting a song, changing my mind a million times, and wound up choosing a song before class, thinking of choreography while others were presenting, and basically winging it and still doing fine.
  16. America is generally full of rude people, unfortunately. Everyone is just willing to push and shove for things they want. Also, on a slightly random note, Americans need to respect their elders much better. All people ever do is poke fun at what they're not capable of instead of honoring what wisdom they have to contribute.
  17. If I missed fewer than 7 questions of the 65, I got a B in that class. haha. Not unlikely, but not terribly likely, but I know I at least passed that class, so that's nice. I'm a little anxious about the final from math that I had last week on Wednesday and Thursday, because that was a matter of a C or D in that class. Ballet should be fine, I just need to choreograph something in the next five hours because I'm busy this evening and the final is tomorrow morning.
  18. Sounds awesome! I can't imagine how anyone could remember so many people- I can barely remember the people I interact with on a regular basis.
  19. Good luck on returning to a regular sleep schedule! Thanksgiving sounds like it was interesting. Coffee and naps sound pretty great in my life. Actually, I always have a 5 Hour Energy just in case I have a particularly crazy day.
  20. I'll be sure to keep an update, I've got a good feeling about this and probably it has to do with the fact that this is all in clear thought and not just some crazy, out of nowhere romance.
  21. Yeah. I'm not going to entirely ignore him, but, it's important that I have my priorities straight. I have things I want to get done and he's not a priority in my life.
  22. So, Arizona guy, well, he just seems... dense and uninteresting. I'm going to close that chapter. haha Hometown ex, well. It's an interesting situation, really. We're actually quite perfect for each other, just the right amount of common interests, not the exact same career path/major, really comfortable telling each other anything, love and hang out with each others families. I'm actually the terrible one, I broke up with him when I was 15 because I "got bored" and at that time we didn't know each other quite as well, and then at 17 when I was being unforgiving about him wanting to talk to me basically at all when I was going through a really childish phase where I was absorbed in being something that I wasn't. He actually wants to work it out regardless of distance, regardless of what his friends think of it, and basically regardless of the fact that I'm clearly a difficult person(something I declared). And while I'm not rushing into this, I think this is something that is a serious consideration. By no means do I believe there is only one person you could possibly be happy with in your life, nor do I think I will be miserable without him. But I do believe that this is someone I could be seriously happy about spending the rest of my life with. I actually even reviewed journal entries from times I "wasn't happy" to be sure there wasn't anything really unsatisfactory besides me deliberately pushing his buttons to find excuses to explore the world and myself a little more.
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