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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. 'Ey, Nutzky. That whole cookie deal sounds nice. Here's a picture.
  2. What be this Maximum Ride thing? And also, I'm watching whatever techno remixes I can. xD Maximum Ride is a book series. We made movies for one of our friend's classes. I'm not a specific character, but in one of them I'm an Eraser. XD (and by Eraser, I don't mean the thing that erases pencil marks, etc.) Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment, Part I Perhaps? Haha, yeah. I don't appear until the third book, though. But the rest is pretty amusing.
  3. A comment you probably won't want to hear... ...you have to give attention to get attention. But of course, you knew that. Oh and... don't do that... Adam almost had a shower of butter rum coffee when I read your first line! The end result was that I almost choked to death! (slight exaggeration and theatrics for effect) Yeah, I knew that. XD El boyfriend was just pretty much barely acknowledging me when I was paying attention to him though. Gave up after a few "yeah"s. XD Haha, I tricked youuuuuuuu. XD And then today, for the billionth time, Boyfriend and I broke up for a few hours. But now we're okay. XD And then it's his last chance. For real this time. XD Before, in the beginning of the relationship, we didn't fight. Then he went through his emo/depression several month stage, so those fights don't count. Then there are the few times we've argued since then. Probably 2 or 3 major fights. Basically, this is his real last chance(well, for the next few months). So we're good right now. The fight started last night as a minor fight, about the fact that I was going to do a silence challenge day. But then I ended up not doing it, yet at the same time he was like, "zomg sorryz i'z stoopid". So then today, I mentioned that I'm probably doing drum corps with Impulse. Drum corps takes up a lot of time, mind you. Anyhow, he was like, "zomg oh noes ur gonna ruinz my summah!" and then I was like, "itz muh lyf, yo". Then I was like "we'z overz yo, i dun fightin". So then for the next few hours we were mad. And then he went home, angry and such. So we were over for a few hours. Then he talked to his dad. His dad was like, "u b an idiot fer naggin". And now we're fine because I called to make sure we were friends. But we're together again. XD
  4. So, today I started a relationship with.... Rock Band! XD Faked you all out. Hahahah. Anyhow. Yeah. That was fun. But there is a note on that. It was my birthday party and I had invited a few people I hang out with. So, included were ex boyfriend, his friend, boyfriend, his friend, and another friend of mine(we were the two girls). The girl person brought DDR, and the ex boyfriend and his friend brought Rock Band. Boyfriend and his friend talked about cars the entire time. Boyfriend doesn't like videogames. <.< But ex boyfriend does. So part of the time girly friend and I played DDR. Then we played Rock Band, uber skilled ex boyfriend on drums, his friend on guitar, girly friend and I switching off on vocals. ^-^ 'Course, we switched back and forth at times. I'v concluded I'm okay at drums, fairly good at guitar, and pretty much better than those on vocals. Ex boyfriend commends me on vocals after I'm like, "zomg i stinkz at thees". Whilst boyfriend continues to talk to his friend about cars. Overall, my brithday was nice, but I would've liked a bit more attention from my boyfriend.
  5. Humans are such silly creatures. xD So, on another note. There was this couple. They dated for a total of... *drumroll* TWO WEEKS! Which, was kinda good in a way. The guy is a junior who doesn't like our band director, so he's one of the idiots who are screwing up the band. This reassures me that his mind won't be changed about quitting band. And the girl he was going out with is a nice freshman, who could've become corrupted if she dated him any longer. This guy is really immature. He tries to corrupt everyone. She called him yesterday and they talked for about two minutes. Hence, they are officially over. After two weeks. XD
  6. You never text me. D= xD But yeah, making guy friends isn't flirting. Julian shouldn't be so worried! Oh well. Guys can be stupid. (almost made that a typo. xD) That's not true, I texted you that one time when it was heinously late. XD Haha, I'll text you more the, Cheese-o. And yeah. Julian is a dummy. But, he's my dummy. XD OH and then suspicous flirtitude from said ex boyfriend who I am not all flirtitude with. I wore my W00T wristband. He mentioned that he found his. I had mine first, but then to be all cute and couple-like, there was the decision made whilst at the mall over a year ago that he would buy a matching one. o_o Then he also mentioned his 8th grade yearbook. And said that someone had drawn all over Jordan, stupid ex boyfriend the first. I dunno, to get why it seemed flirtatious was one of those "you had to be there" things. All the while, Julian is oblivious to the wrong things. XD Wolfie... you never text me. D= As to Julian... good thing he is oblivious to some things, wouldn't you say? I'm sorry. D= And yeah, it is good, otherwise he'd go all flippy annoying on me. XD And it's completely ironic how he thinks I'm flirting when I'm not, and if I really am flirting he doesn't notice.
  7. What be this Maximum Ride thing? And also, I'm watching whatever techno remixes I can. xD Maximum Ride is a book series. We made movies for one of our friend's classes. I'm not a specific character, but in one of them I'm an Eraser. XD (and by Eraser, I don't mean the thing that erases pencil marks, etc.)
  8. You never text me. D= xD But yeah, making guy friends isn't flirting. Julian shouldn't be so worried! Oh well. Guys can be stupid. (almost made that a typo. xD) That's not true, I texted you that one time when it was heinously late. XD Haha, I'll text you more the, Cheese-o. And yeah. Julian is a dummy. But, he's my dummy. XD OH and then suspicous flirtitude from said ex boyfriend who I am not all flirtitude with. I wore my W00T wristband. He mentioned that he found his. I had mine first, but then to be all cute and couple-like, there was the decision made whilst at the mall over a year ago that he would buy a matching one. o_o Then he also mentioned his 8th grade yearbook. And said that someone had drawn all over Jordan, stupid ex boyfriend the first. I dunno, to get why it seemed flirtatious was one of those "you had to be there" things. All the while, Julian is oblivious to the wrong things. XD
  9. Well.... I sure missed a lot. I need to stop spacing out whilst on the internet and get over here. XD Meanwhile in Jeanette's life... Julian and I caught us up a couple of tadpoles. Their names are Philbert and Zorro. I've had them for about two weeks. They're gonna be tree frogs! Uhhh, Julian thinks I'm all flirtylike with other guys. More like overprotective boyfriend, much? This is sprouted from my joking around with other dudes. Honestly, I've always had a lot of guy friends. Anyhow, part of this joking was in heheh... pretending to kick guys in the sensitiveness. XD It's quite hilarious, really. They never fail to flinch if they know the pain from previous experience. By the way, I don't even get near to actually kicking them. I'm generally a few feet away. Anyhow, this goes back to the INFAMOUS EX BOYFRIEND WHO IS INCESSANTLY MENTIONED. Mr. Julian thinks I'm flirty-like with this dude and as such is suspicious that I'll end up hanging out with said incessantly mentioned friend who is ex boyfriend and be all flirty like as such. Pffft, I'm chillin' with Maggie. Is there really a problem with me joking with dudes? Is making guys laugh so flirtatious? I said that it's no different than making my girly friends laugh, but he believes that it is not so and that I am much flirty-like with the dudes. Oh, and he seemingly gets jealous much of Arkcher if I text him. XD
  10. Chris Crocker videos... and not just "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!" XD Seriously, he's actually acting in his other videos. But that video is serious. XD And my friends' Maximum Ride videos...
  11. OH. Sorry for leaving so quickly, Horatio. XD And MK... GHOST=THE DUMB.
  12. I've concluded a few things. -I'm going to continue to simply have the, "Everything sorts itself out eventually," outlook on life. -I'm indifferent as to whether or not Julian dumps me. See outlook. -If Julian does dump me, my rule is no official boyfriend for three months. Haha. (not a particularly difficult goal) -I'm SO not going to have any boyfriends I don't know that well anymore. Haha, subtle flirting boosts self esteem, and that's about it. I was on a date with el boyfriend at a buffet and this bus boy was flirting with me and it wasn't even notable enough for Julian to pick up on it. XD And believe me, Julian gets jealous easily. So it was harmless. =D And then my friend's older brother kinda seemed to be flirting with me today(I'd arrived for a filming a movie, but my friend had gone to pick up another firend and everyone else was 20+ minutes late), but he's a spaz so I can't be completely sure. XD Anyhow, let's move on to a less hilarious note(well, depends on how you look at it). One of my other friends is making out with guys "for fun". This is not harmless, she can seriously get hurt. Example, she knew one guy for a total of a week and started making out with him. And then recently he tried to... do something more. He pretty much tried to #### her, but before anything could happen, she called over his friend from the other room and the friend threw him off of her. And then she exchanged numbers with this random guy she met at the grocery story. They either went or are going to the movies and the way she described his personality just totally makes me think that she really is just an idiot and she's just setting herself up.
  13. There is a big problem overlooking HD. The forums are dying. I know we're getting busier in our personal lives. But we seriously need to do work to keep HD alive. Rather than a dull little place with about 10 active topics, we need to fix it up and make it lively and buzzing once again. I know I'm one of those people who doesn't post often. But there is not way we can just let it die. HD holds too many memories. And I won't let the memories die, but we can't just let the entire message board die. It was once a buzzing, active place where I could post 100 times, no problem. But now I can post maybe 5 times when I get here because there isn't much to talk about. Let's fix this place up, shall we?
  14. Well, let's see. I've been going out with Julian for a year now. Which, I suppose is quite the accomplishment, especially considering how much we've gone through in terms of arguing. I must say that Julian is very important to me. He's a great boyfriend, and I wouldn't mind sticking with him. But my problem is the problem of multiple feelings of attachment. Despite the fact that I obviously was the one to dump my ex boyfriend over a year ago, I still have feelings for him. Which is pretty much rediculous. Why should I feel attached to two guys at once? I'm quite content with Julian at the moment. So I basically don't see any logical reasoning for it.
  15. Problem with it involving me is the boyfriend. XD
  16. Yup, you are. I was a lurker for a couple years before I joined. Just think, if I had joined earlier, I would have a zillion posts by now. You already have a zillion posts. XD
  17. So true, Horatio. So true. XD Well, one involves me.
  18. Haha, so true. When I have a boyfriend, there are usually few creepy guys who like me anyway... wait, no, nevermind, that's true even when I'm not going out with anyone. In other news. Top friends on a certain networking website indicates when someone likes you. And that seems to be true in a few recent cases, not all involving me.
  19. Funky Sassy Ponies Forever, Us Get-Go Gaga Twitching Circles Walrus Sign
  20. That must have really been a terrible thing to find out.
  21. I didnt, she IMed me. and is kind of hard to ignore. and its happened in the past that she'll call my phone to point out im not responding to her IMs. Can't you respond and say you are busy and then show yourself offline or invisible? And if she telephones you, answer and say you can't talk, or just don't answer her call at all. I'm really confused. Heh, that would be in the "mean" zone because it's so easy to pick up on. ^.^ The point of short answers is to detach and speak less frequently. Oh, and Arkcher, try to kill the conversations as soon as possible. Say something that isn't funny or discussable. You probably have been doing that already, though. And your short answers need to be shorter. i.e., instead of "yeah, i guess so. my parents probably arent going to do anything awesome this time." you should say stuff like, "not really" or "yeah" or "yeah sure" or "yeah i guess". These answers are less conversable. =D
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