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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. Perhaps Horatio is planning on printing extra money for personal reasons, yeah? XD
  2. New scroll on screen: *Would you like to nickname your pokemon?*
  3. I'm not sure if I like him like that. I'm having all kinds of things go on at once in my mind, and I really just don't know. My problem has not been so much that I absolutely am sure I don't like him, it's more that I can't decide if I do because of my completely bipolar moments. Like, we've been totally great together. But we've had some really rough times. Then, at the exact same time, there's the ex-boyfriend, who is a friend, that I'm trying to get out of my mind in order to make this relationship with my boyfriend to work out. I probably seem pretty terrible with these last few posts, but honestly I've been having a rough time with life in general. I don't have much to complain about, but the few things that are going on with me at the moment are all combining into this psychotically cheerful make light of everything in order to maintain sanity side. It's almost like I'm watching my life from the sidelines. I'm trying to find humor in something that really shouldn't be funny to me. I'm not sure what's going on right now. All I know is that I need to try to find a way to make it work out with my boyfriend while maintaining friendship with the other guy, as he is honestly just a nice guy and it's all just regret from last year crashing down on me over and over. But I put myself in this situation and I need to get myself out of it in the least destructive way possible. By that, I mean I'm trying to minimalize possibility of hurting others. Honestly, I can deal with feeling a bit down for a while in order to make this work. I'm going to talk to him about it, when the time is right, but also within the week. At the same time, the events began unfolding on Monday, so I'm doing my best not to jump to conclusions about my personal feelings as I have in the past. With all of this, I conclude that right now is not the time to break up with him, as there's still a chance that I'm being my slightly bipolar self and not remembering how much I actually care, since that's happened before. Waiting for a little bit seems my best option at the moment and I didn't realize that I ended up making this so long until right about this sentence.
  4. Mega Wolf


    I don't know where to start as to where I should go to college. I simply want to become a band director, so really not much is required of me. Obviously I will stay in California, as going out of state would be more expensive and I'd like to pay at least some mind financially. There's a lot of opportunities to go to good schools in California, though. I don't know, I've got another year before I really should make final decisions, but I'd like to figure this out soon. Obviously, Southern California narrows it down, but not completely.
  5. Wow, this system has really increased the post count.
  6. From yesterpage(+ amendments): H$ Useful Information 1.First Proposed Rules (proposed by LSC, approved) a.All participants must establish some form of income before spending. b.Credit is to be available solely at the discretion of individual shopkeepers. c.Shopkeepers must obtain Committee consent to utilize the H$ system. 2.Proposed H$ Post Rate (proposed by MW, approved) a.H$10 per post. b.Minimum wage for a job's business post? 3.Money Collection Proposition (proposed by TBFOF, approved) a.Shop owners keep track of employee wages. b.Shop owners report each Friday the pay. c.Employee cannot collect wages until shop owner posts wage. d.Shop inspections to check for fair paydays. 4.Horatio Post Numbers (proposed by Horatio, approved) a.Horatio posts post numbers of each person in system each week. b.This list used to update changes in normal post wages. 5.Exchange Rates* (proposed by MW, approved) a.H$10=1 USD b.H$10=1.73 GBP c.H$10=0.86 CAD d.H$10=1.19 EUR e.H$10=0.73 AUD 6.Warehouse Proposition (proposed by MW, approved) a.Warehouse charges for buying things. b.This drains money out. 7.Paychecks (proposed by MW, approved) a.Employees get paid based on their work. b.Employees get paychecks. c.Marketing gimmicks. d.Employees must at least check in weekly. 8.General Rules 2 (proposed by LSC, approved) a.H$ is only available from committee-approved business. b.No carte blanche. c.No deficit spending. 9.Business Code of Conduct (proposed by LSC, approved) a.Deal only with reputable suppliers. b.Keep business records current. c.Extend credit only when necessary. d.Pay employees a fair wage. 10.Added Business Rules (proposed by TGHL, approved) a.All businesses can be suspended, abolished, or placed under review by committee. b.A committee appointed inspector would be responsible for inspecting business and responding to complaint. c.Reasons for any dismissals must be given to the inspector. 11.System Complexity (proposed by LSC, approved) a.Basic stuff for free b.If you want to upgrade, it costs money. 12. Character Creations (proposed by MW, worked by team, WORK IN PROGRESS) a. Avatar-type of character just for the game. b. Person needs food. c. Anyone who has a non-standard torso must pay more. *Exchange rates have likely changed over the past year ~New Business~ Artist needed for character creations. Exchange rates Further discussion on system and its launch
  7. I think this topic has many interesting stories and hilarious tales. XD And let's see... today Boyfriend was peristent on "joking around" with me. Throughout the day he was saying that I don't seem to like him anymore. Seeing as it would be madly depressing to tell him that I totally don't like him like that, I didn't say so. At the same time, I want to do something about it. I'm thinking he's catching on, but won't directly say so.
  8. I managed to finish the essay. The actual writing of the essay took about four hours, but the research had been extensive. I got about half an hour of sleep last night only because I fell asleep by accident. My neck hurt after that. XD
  9. And what I meant by further stories of love and whatnot was meaning far more interesting and serious than these. XD I'm obviously not all that serious when I'm all pining and sad, simply being a teenager and doing what we the teenagers do best. XD
  10. Haha, yes, Jeanette's silly high school "love" stories are rather silly. The hilariousness of the ex-with-friend situation? She already dumped him because she "doesn't need a boyfriend right now". She doesn't know what she's missing. XD My jealousy still didn't keep me from wanting the best for him. And yes... college will be interesting enough in a few years. I'll likely have further stories of love, and whatnot. Also, I have this ever-wise guy friend, who was actually my brother's friend first (they're pretty good friends), that always knows how to make me feel better. It's a friend thing, not a crush thing. I was talking to him on the internet last night as I was working on my endless research paper and I vented my feelings to him. Basically, I came up with conclusions such as I'm just going to keep attempting to make things work to Julian, that the relationship based on fighting was unstable and now that we aren't fighting we need to find a new basis, and just to keep going and hopefully get over stuff.
  11. The sound of my thoughts in which most of it involves the fact that it's about 1 in the morning and I have a five page essay due today.
  12. Ah, yes... H$ Committee... the thing that has yet to have an actual system launched after three years... we'll get it done...
  13. This pic is even better! *hands Wolfie The Double Blue Moon Award* Oh... I love this one!!! Great contrast, clarity and lighting! Hooray for 8 MP Kodak camera with a nice lense but isn't professional nor expensive in comparison!
  14. *pokeball twitches* Oh jeez, I just got Ultra Ball'd.
  15. OH, and things have changed a lot. The boyfriend I once pined for has changed. And I've changed, as usual.
  16. Continued... Okay, so back to the angsty one here. I'm sitting here knowing that I was hit pretty hard yesterday about the fact that my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend. Rather, they are what I would normally call freaking adorable if I wasn't so jealous. WHY am I jealous? Well, obviously with other relationships he's gotten into I've gotten jealous. So this isn't just a new problem. HOWEVER I couldn't focus at all yesterday during class and I have been recovering from that today. But the fact that I'm constantly jealous and the fact that I hang out with Mr. Ex-Boyfriend makes it all the more difficult, seeing as I see her hanging on him and I'm like "zomg" and makes me feel extremely guilty, seeing as Mr. Boyfriend is sitting there and I honestly don't care quite so much. I'm going to look back on this and pretty much call myself an idiot and I know it, seeing as I even look towards the beginning of this topic and call myself an idiot. The main thing with Ex and why I am not with him now is because of "stupid freshman status". I was bored, for crying out loud. I was being a spaz and a freshman, I needed something new. Since then I've had my "crazy for boyfriend" moments, but those are just moments. Those moments compared to the angstyness of my bleeding heart (that phrase was simply added for the fun of the dramaticness of it), or rather just my teenager sillyness, are nothing. I was so determined last year to just not like Mr. Ex Boyfriend. And then it hit me later how determined I was to not like him because I was bored with him. Of course I can live without him. But what is love? I'd call what I have with Mr. Boyfriend "lust", almost, with a connotation less aggressive than that, for lack of a better word. It's just... different. Bored freshman, that's what I call the relationship end. 1st Dumping Story about Ex of Mega Wolf ...I dumped him. But he took it well. Still thought I was super nice. 2nd One I ended up going out with him again two weeks later and stayed that way for three months. I had problems with being "smarter" than him, but rather, I just didn't know how to talk to him. It was more me than him. If you'll just refer to page 23 for the October section of the drama. But note page 37 in which I'm in love with him, yet I just needed a break and someone else flirted with him. Now compare this with my break from current boyfriend, and that still didn't work to make me crazy about him. THEN I had a crush on current boyfriend and that totally made me think of ex boyfriend as a friend. Probably because current boyfriend looks quite studly and hasn't got much going for him other than that. I tried to get to know ex boyfriend, but did I really? No, just thought I did. Refer to page 48 to see my dumping and instant jealousy when a friend flirted with the ex, hence this reoccuring problem. Refer to page 52 for two weeks later pursuing the guy I'm dating. Refer to page 60 for embarrassing moments. Refer to page 62 for the beginning of the relationship with boyfriend. Refer to page 66 to see how things started out great. Refer to page 70 for my first argument and how it made me happy, because of the manner of it. (March 2007) Refer to page 75 for when it started going bad. (April 2007) Refer to page 84 for the ex boyfriend reference and when it would have been a year with him. Refer to page 86 for the me just sorta chillin'. Refer to page 88 for liking boyfriend. Refer to page 91/92 for his first crying on the phone. Refer to page 101 for MW in Love. Refer to page 103 for MW laughing about fights. Refer to page 109 to a reference on boyfriend's bipolarness. Refer to page 113 to laughter of irony. "I'm going to hold you accountable for..." Refer to page 115 for more "zomg i miss him lawl". Refer to page 118 for recent comment of liking ex. Refer to this page, 119, for total pining. And yes. I totally just looked through this topic. And I totally just proved to myself how crazy I am about ex boyfriend and how totally just whatevs I am with current boyfriend.
  17. HOLY FUDGEBUCKET. MY EX BOYFRIEND HAS A NEW GIRLFRIEND... for the billionth time. 'Cept this time, it's not a friendly rival, it's not a random person, it's a pretty much acquaintance almost friend who is a freshman and wouldn't know about the relationship that occurred over a year ago between ex-boyfriend and me. Just when I THOUGHT I was finally done pining and regretting my stupidity. Okay, I'm thinking that this is more than a little problem for my sanity. Or multitude of sanities. They might just end up dissolving. Now, I sit here moping because I'm an angsty teenager. In review of this topic, I've noted a few things about this dilemma. Obviously, I've had my moments in which I'm crazy about Julian. But then at the same time, I've noted more angry times than happy times. Yet I don't know how I feel about him. I don't know how I feel about anything, angstangstangst. I'll continue later.
  18. Nobody should be rare. We should all just get here.
  19. I quite agree with this. There is no reason to take away rights, at all. I'm not going to force anyone to believe what I believe. This makes multiple great points.
  20. Sweet. XD I actually took that picture a couple weeks ago. Here's one from today.
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