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Mega Wolf

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Everything posted by Mega Wolf

  1. How Moosetastic! Hello, Mr. Moosey!
  2. So, at Relay for Life the other day, there were mucho fun times. Friend who is my ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend and I were talking for long periods of times. XD She dumped him twice in the period of two weeks, mostly because she still liked her ex-boyfriend. And now she likes the guy that we both dated again. Hahah. So I thought that was pretty funny. She was trying to resist calling him, so I took her phone and hit the call button for her. XD When I handed her the phone, she freaked out and hung up, only to be called back by his mom. She was like, "Uh, sorry, dialed the wrong number." *freaks out and hangs up again* I thought that was pretty funny. So yeah. Other friend conversation... Me: So... how's your new relationship? Person: Um... it's good? He's kinda been in Alaska for the past two weeks and he asked me out like a week before. Me: Why? Person: He has relatives there, apparently. Me: Someday, you'll have eskimo-in-laws! Person: Yes, Jeanette, because that is of course a real title.
  3. Alright, I'll be looking. Though, soon I'm going to be leaving for a date with Julian. xD Haha, oh, and I have more relationship stuff to talk about.
  4. The only problem with Obama not picking Clinton would be the publicity of the so-called "dream team" idea. That has apparently become favored. Anyways, the primary fight was rediculous and really should have ended many months ago when it was deemed nearly impossible for Clinton to win. Hooray for wasted money, yes? And the gay marriage thing. People can be really closed-minded. It's rediculous. The argument of the "sanctity" of marriage is just stupid. The arguments, of course, often come from sanctimonious people. What, are they going to police every marriage to make sure it remains holy, keep people from divorcing five times a year? If they are going to try to "preserve" this "sanctity", then they ought to talk about being nosy and doing things to make sure that people are marrying up to their standards. Besides, who made it anyone else's business whether or not gays marry? Who is it hurting? And it's not corrupting children, it's been proven that people don't just choose to be homosexuals. So pretty much I have no problems with it. Morons need to keep to their own lives.
  5. I started watching the 2006 Kanon... it was definitely easier to understand than the 2002 version. The 2002 version was just trippy and weird. xD But that was a while ago, I haven't watched all of the "newer" Kanon episodes. Uuugguuuu~! XD
  6. I'm super sorry guys, I've been really busy. Or rather, lazy. My days have had a considerable amount of sleep.
  7. Well, this is one of the least crowded areas. XD
  8. Ahahah, my fatal flaw with my relationships has been the lack of friendship, MK. Let's see... my love life has gone "boring", or rather, relaxed. xD Other than our little mini-bickering, it's been good. 'Cept for our obvious lack of multiple things in common. But that's okay, right? Heh. Well, friendships? How about that? I have more close guy friends than close friends who are girls. Eh, it's mostly because the girls have been annoying. The guys don't flip out as much as girls do. Though, Julian, being the jealous boyfriend that he is, sometimes gets fussy. XD Not as frequently, though. A friend of mine was having a bum time with his love life. He was torn between two girls, who were both torn between him and their said other guy, and so one told him to choose and he chose the other girl. But he realized that was the wrong answer and ended up paying in the fact that she chose the other guy and now they're not really friends. The other girl is not getting back to him on it. Basically I talked to him 'cuz he needed someone to talk to, as he's always helping me with my bummed out times. Hah, sorry I haven't been posting as much, by the way.
  9. Tornadoes/tornado warnings. XD Yeah, I thought it was weird. So Disneyland was crowded yesterday... I was hanging out with four seniors, seeing as they were some of the few non-idiots that were there. You know how you have to take a tram from the parking lot to the actual park area? Even if you don't, that doesn't matter, that's what happens. So anyways, some of the freshmen decided to run right in front of us and take the seats in the rudest way possible. So we decided to go for harmless revenge, which will later be described. So we were walking around and whatnot, and it was quite fun. We went on a few rides, ate some good food, and shopped for a little bit. It was, well, usual Disneyland. So... harmless revenge. We basically bought a couple of disappearing ink squirters. That was pretty funny. They were like, WHAT?! And then they got over it, seeing as it disappeared fast. Hmm... fun stuff.
  10. as long as ya don't have a puppy named Miles.. Actually, I have a dog named Miles. XD (but after Miles Davis)
  11. Alright... two days until Disney Land. Um. Heh. Let's see. Today there was jazz band... we didn't have a lot of people come today. So we just sorta goofed off. It was pretty fun. Next week we're having a jazz band party. XD The last half hour I talked to my friend Thomas. Um. After jazz band, our band teacher asked Thomas and I which pictures she should send in for her drum corps profile information since she's going to be an instructor. She does way too much. o.o Then, she showed a few of us who were left her engagement pictures. XD I stayed the longest and saw all of them, so that was pretty funny since I saw some that she didn't intend for any of the students to see. And no, they weren't THAT bad. XD That was pretty amusing and then she just sorta had to go home since for some reason there had been a tornado at a place near where she lives. o.O I was like, what? Tornadoes? *tilts head* XD Then I walked my pigs.
  12. Update: -Relationship is still shaky/somewhat okay, just sorta going with it. -Said ex-boyfriend and his girlfriend broke up today... again.
  13. Today... I got my permit. That's pretty cool. Umm. Dunno. I'm freaked out by grades at the moment. Beyond that... nothing much new. Just waiting for Disneyland.
  14. So, here's an update. -I told him on Thursday about the fact that I'm not sure if I like him that way. -As expected, he flipped out on me. But now he's okay. -So far we're okay right now, and we're still together. -Ex boyfriend is already going out with that same girl again, as I supposed would happen.
  15. Jeanette is sleepy, yo. XD We pretty much checked out all of those innuendo deals. As far as the priest thing... that's so totally not a knee. I don't think people have knees that move that way. The SFX thing... well... who knows, it may just be a cover up. XD
  16. This weekend in the life of MW: Yesterday was pretty interesting. I had shown my pig, Emilia, in the show ring for the showmanship portion of competition. I was doing this, confident in getting second place. It Tara had been penned as one person to stay in for the next round. Next, I was chosen... following suit were three more people, and in addition the novice winner(who had basically gotten lucky since few of the novices had any clue as to what to do, hence they were all looking pretty rediculous) ended up in the ring with us. So six of us were in the second round of advanced showmanship, which is basically just all people who have shown at least once, and it was pretty weird. First, we were taken out of the pens one by one. Tara made a key mistake by using the show stick between the shoulder blades, which can potentially bruise the meat and that's considered really bad. So then eventually we were all out and he totally surprised us by taking our show sticks away and having us use our hands as show sticks to see how well we would adapt. Then, we had to switch pigs with people. Tara and I had a pig switch and her pig is way bigger than mine and apparently usually a biter. But I did really well. In fact, I got into master showmanship since I ended up being first place. It was out of abou 15 people, I guess. I don't know for sure. It was pretty funny, since my friend who is full of advice about pigs didn't place at all and she was so annoyed and blamed it on her pig. Whatever. So anyhow, I was stuck in uniform all day and had to show a lamb, goat, and steer(bull that has had his reproductive ability taken away). I was awful at all of them, and there were four people in our master showmanship section. So I got fourth out of four, but that's okay, seeing as most people don't get a chance to anyways. The goat was being stubborn, the lamb bounded away from me, and the steer is 5x larger than I am and I had a hard time getting it to move. Then three of my friends came to swim and sleep over. So we swam around 7:30, as it was a really hot day, and then ended up chatting in the jacuzzi. After that, we went into the guest house and watched Disney movies to search for innuendo. And then today I hung out with friends and helped Julian with math.
  17. The Wii has so many options. I can't wait.
  18. Well, here is where you'll find the daily going-ons of MW's life that are completely irrelevant to other topics. I figured since so many people have their own topics, I might as well make one. Besides, the Hado area was looking rather lonely. Today in the life of MW? Today, well, was alright. I wore a dress to school, which is something I've never done before, so that was interesting. It was interesting in the fact that everyone was telling me about how nice it made me look and whatnot. My friend, who is getting his hair cut this weekend, came to school with sorta liberty spike things. Like, he literally looked as though he was getting a Statue of Liberty costume prepared because it was only one row all to the front and he made it green. So all he needed to do was get a torch and a book, possibly put on a green gown. A certain teacher was nagging me to get my pigs' faces clipped, and she remarked that they looked like cotton balls, which was a total exaggeration, but I found that to be amusing. Ah. And then in sixth period, I fell asleep during the test for about twenty minutes, but it's not exactly the most intense class ever. In other words, I'll just be continuing my test on Monday. After school, I had to stay at the ag department, as weigh in for Youth Fair was today at five. Along with that, we had to clean our own pens today and lay down new shavings. That was pretty amusing. Since it was hot today, I sprayed my pigs down with water like three times. Humm... I had to go dump a wheelbarrow out and I was pretty near fainting, so I had to take my time. I've been near fainting like three times this year, so I need to start drinking more water. So, later on I ended up having to clip my pigs faces, of course, but it made it really difficult because they were being way too affectionate. That's all the news for today.
  19. >Yes SCOOTS MCGOO SCOOTS MCGOO has been sent to Bill's PC! *SCOOTS MCGOO is technically trapped in a computer...*
  20. So, I might be getting a Wii on Sunday, but we're not sure yet.
  21. That's pretty great. XD So did you write that or did you find that somewheres?
  22. I do like this topic, it's quite informative.
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